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Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited March 2015
    I would like to be in this group. I've needed to lose 100 pounds for a long time and need the motivation and community support.

    I missed you in my previous post ... so wanted to say hello and welcome. Keep posting and ask questions if you have any, share how you are doing ... we all benefit from what we read and what we write.
    i just started to loose weight, i want to keep my self motivated through out , anyone willing to help me please :(

    Welcome mhani .. ditto ... we all help by posting to support one another. Keep posting and we'll get to know one another.
    Tricia8008 wrote: »
    Hi Everyone,
    It's nice to see everyone supporting each other on here.

    Nice to see you on here also. Welcome. I've been at that needing to lose more than 100 pounds for years as well. Started using MFP back in 2008 and have made very slow and unstable progress. However, every time I put effort into it, I get good results ... so I keep at it and slowly my new highs end up being previous lows ... you can do it too.
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    @tlh0407 - I have the same groove issues with my teeth! I am the queen of cavities in my house as well. I think our kids are better off because I take them more frequently for cleanings and check ups than my parents could afford to do for me. (Yay for dental insurance!) Also, they do that sealant for those first molars, which they never had for us. And even brushing and flossing tools have come a long way over the years. I think about how silver my dad's mouth is compared to mine. My mom doesn't even have her own teeth anymore and she's not that old. I have all my own teeth and half as many fillings as my dad, and I think it has a lot to do with more dental visits and fluoride in our water. Now my kids will hopefully have none if they keep up with the cleaning and flossing and frequent cleanings!

    @Morgori - I'll be making eggs for dinner tonight....a fowl day indeed. :)
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited March 2015
    @Tracy~I think French fries taste like the grease they were fried in, so I've never been a big fan. A lot of places over-salt them too. I like potato wedges that have been oven roasted though. In general I’m kind of a picky eater. I didn't have any cavities until I was in my 20s, my grandfather died with all of his teeth and never had a cavity—he attributed it to the milk he drank every night. I have generally healthy teeth, few cavities over the years and little to no plaque so my dentist appointments are pretty easy—maybe heredity?

    Something you could do for the kids, maybe get them electric toothbrushes--I use one and it vibrates when its time to move to a different quadrant to brush, that would give them more brushing time and tell them when they're done (mine even displays a :smiley: when I'm finished :lol:).
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. Today is off to a good start. Yesterday was a bad day as the chronic pain in my side decided to flare up. Dr's have never found a cause and it is a lot less frequent with the way I eat and exercise now but can still put me on my butt at times. As you all know My main form of exercising is walking my dogs. Well I have been trying to incorporate a little more in to our walks. I am trying to focus on my posture and keeping my core engaged. All I can say is it is harder then I would have thought. I let my mind just kind of wander on my walks and as soon as I stop focusing I will suddenly realize I am no longer doing it. I figure I just keep going until body wants to do it automatically. All of your guys fitbit talks started having me second guessing my daily totals but then I shook it off. I have been getting nice results since I started using it so it must be doing its job. I just have the zip but I clip it on the inside of my jeans pocket in the morning and there it stays until I go to bed. My Thursday truth is I am pretty proud of myself right now. I seem to have found that groove that was working so well when I first started this again. I know I am going to break the 300 mark this time and keep going. I adjusted my calories today for the weight I have lost the last few weeks. It made me sad to see them go but realistically they are pretty close to what I have been eating most days now and I always have my workout cals for when I am hangry :)

    @Tom it is great to see your smiling face again. That pizza sounds amazing. We have one somewhat similar served at one of our local brewerys. Might have to hit sil up for lunch date this weekend so we can split one.
    @cblue315 it is so good to see you and your hubby putting in the hard work it sometimes takes to save a marriage. So many people in todays world just quit when it gets hard. I hope your son is able to find the direction he needs to kick that awful addiction in treatment. Most of the men in my family have battled addiction and it is hard to watch our loved ones go through it. Upside was they made great non positive role models for my kids. I always hammered that addiction is genetic and they don't have the right genes to mess around with stuff.

    Well I was supposed to start planting some of the earlier plants in the garden today but looks like mother nature is going to make a liar out of the weather people. The rain was supposed to go north of us but no such luck. Oh well there is always this weekend and at least I got my walk in before it hit. Guess I will just have to play some video games, lol. Have a great day everyone :):):)

  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Amanda and Kelley...yes, I'm so happy that my company has wonderful dental insurance at such a low cost. I think I pay $24 a month for family dental and that includes 50% orthodontics and 80% fillings and 100% free cleanings/x-rays/checkups. My parents never had dental insurance but always got us kids to the dentist at least once a year (and with 5 kids that got spendy). My mom had crooked teeth and always paid for us to get braces because she hated her teeth. She was lucky enough with my brother to find an orthodontist that froze his price for the rest of the kids. Back when he got braces they were $1400 and over the years he stuck with his promise. Now I had to pay more than that just for my half of Jacob's. :neutral_face: My dad had a lot of silver in his mouth -- I'm ahead of that. :smiley: Thanks. I've never thought of that before and now I feel better.

    Jacob and I each have an electric toothbrush. Emma's not quite responsible enough yet so she's still on a manual brush. I keep saying next year she'll be better, but...
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    Kah68 Thanks for the info -exactly what I wanted. :)
  • 2ledbetter
    2ledbetter Posts: 199 Member
    Hi all,

    Thursday Truth: I'm trying to get to the mind set that 1200 calories is just my normal way of life. I get wrapped up in how much weight I've lost and how much more I still have to go. I want to have my focus be on how much stronger I'm getting, being able to walk fast, not be out of breath and climb a flight of stair easily.

    @cblue315‌ glad to hear y'alls work on your marriage is going well.
    @jtconst‌ I agree it's so hard to remember to walk with good form. Good job on trying.
    @Morgori‌ lol. Love the chicken post
    @mhanispeedy‌ please feel free to friend me I would be glad to help encourage you.
  • EvilShenanigansTX
    EvilShenanigansTX Posts: 143 Member
    Hi everyone. New to this thread.

    Thrusday Truth: A lie on your diary doesn't make the calories you ate go away. I spent the last 6 months gaining 20 pounds of the weight I lost back because I would lie to myself and not log all the food I ate.

    I am done with that now. I just had shoulder surgery and when they weighed me at check-in I had a harsh reality check. I am back to logging everything and I am down 1.1 pounds.
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    Welcome, newbies! It's nice to see you here. :smile:

    @Morgori‌ - welcome back! I missed your daily informational posts.

    @cblue315 - so good to hear that the hard work you and hubby are putting in on your marriage is starting to pay off. Keep it up!

    Thursday Truth: I think the "click" finally happened and I'm ready to overhaul my eating habits. Today I cleaned out my 'fridge and freezer (er...ground beef frozen back in September 2012 is no good, right? :wink:), wrote up a list of meals & snacks, picked several for the next week, and went grocery shopping. As soon as I got home, I split snacks into individual servings and put them in the pantry, then made up several smoothie packs in baggies and put those in the freezer. I still need to decide what to make for the kiddos on Saturday, but I'm all set for myself for about a week.

    Tomorrow I'm taking my youngest niece on a birthday shopping trip to Topeka (she turned 3 yesterday). My 4 1/2 year old niece and my Mom are coming with us; should be fun. I plan to eat a good breakfast and bring along some of my snacks, so lunch is the only variable. The current plan is to stop by Hyvee and choose things from the deli, then go to the park for a picnic.
  • 2ledbetter
    2ledbetter Posts: 199 Member
    @EvilShenanigansTX. Those are some true words.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @melissa--sounds like you're off to a great week.

    @EvilShenanigansTX‌ --Yes, it makes no sense to lie in the diary b/c the truth always shows up on the scale. :wink:

    @2ledbetter‌ --don't forget to eat back your exercise calories from that walking you're doing! :smile:

    @kelley--I also am not a fan of french fries--or white potatoes in general. I do really like sweet potato fries though.

    @tammy--I've also been working on posture lately--it's part of my PT for my shoulder, but I'm trying to apply it to my running form. I agree with you--it's harder than you think it would be.

    @tom--nice to see you back! I'm not much of a pizza fan, but that one sounds good. My husband made corned beef and cabbage on Tuesday, so it was leftovers tonight--no poultry for me today.

    @amanda--I also need to go to bed at a reasonable hour tonight. I think what I'm most looking forward to over spring break is getting a decent amount of sleep.

    @browneyed--I didn't yet read the article kelley (kah) shared, but what you described sounds a lot like me a few years ago. I would wait until my husband went to bed and then secretly eat. I would pick at the snacks at work when no one else was in the office. I would do what niki described with the fast food. I don't really think I had a food addiction, but I was definitely ashamed to eat junky foods in front of others. Logging here on MFP totally cured me of that. Not that I don't ever eat crappy stuff, but I'm no longer ashamed--I own it when I indulge in a doughnut or chips and then I go to the gym and burn it off. It's very liberating to no longer be afraid to eat in front of others.

    @angelika--wow, so much news in your life! I'm sorry about the jerky neighbors but glad it got you into an even better place. Am I recalling that you used to have problems with someone always smoking outside your windows at the condo? No more worry about that in your own house. And fostering and now adopting--that's so great. I'm sorry to hear about your dog passing. Is your profile pic of the old dog or your new one?

    @lori--it took me a full day to recall what relay you are referring to, but my brain finally worked an realize you are talking about the Ragnar Relay. Yeah, with the emergency days we took for weather there's no way we can do it now. :( Perhaps next year. I do have an 8k coming up in May, and some friends and I are still doing that 5k trail run in Lake Geneva in June.

    @barb--what book is your club reading?

    @susan--after giving you my 2 cents about weighing regularly, I realized I had't weighed myself in about a week. Yikes! I was afraid to get on the scale b/c it's been another not so perfect week. Fortunately, the scale is still being kind to me, but I feel I should stop pushing my luck. I also plan to really kick it up a notch now that spring break is here.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Sorry I didn't get to everyone in my previous post. I will catch up with the rest of you this weekend.

    I do want to give a hearty welcome to all of the newlings! :smile:

    Thursday Truth:
    Just limping along here figuratively and literally. That's right. For no apparent reason my plantar fasciitis started acting up yesterday. I wore my cute Coach sneakers 2 days in a row (with my orthotics, of course) so I fear this means they are no longer wearable. :( Today I wore my brand new Asics runners and my foot is a thousand times better. I'm hoping I will be able to run on Sunday.

    In addition to the foot pain, I seem to have contracted whatever virus has been roaming the halls and classrooms at the HS. Lots of chest congestion and a bit of the sniffles. As of right now, it seems to be a mild case, but I canceled PT this afternoon so I could just have a day off (after work). One more day of work and then I'm off for a full week. Hooray!!

    March Challenge:
    At or under calories 5/7 days every week and at or under as a weekly average.
    Week 1: At/under calories 4/7 (but one day I was only over by 7 calories) UNDER FOR WK
    Week 2: At/under calories 5/7 OVER FOR WK

    All-in strength challenge=core work 3 x/week; PT 1-2 x/week; run 3 x/week:
    Week 1: 1/3 core; PT DONE; 1/3 runs (sick most of week though)
    Week 2: 1/3 core; PT DONE; 1/3 runs
    Week 3: x/3 core; PT; x/3 runs
    Week 4: x/3 core; PT; x/3 runs
    8k at end of month (not sure what day) in 55 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47, 1/25 = 55:41; 2/28=55:15)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 64/64 AP essays DONE
    2. x/16 AP analysis activities
    3. x/12 America Poem analyses
    4. 16/60 Gatsby tests
    5. x/64 Wuthering Heights journals

    Exercise Goals: (week 3)
    Sun--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--PT DONE + walk gunner NOT DONE
    Thurs--PT NOT DONE + walk gunner DONE
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner

    2015 Mantra = Just 15 minutes
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Well, I feel like I have been gone for a week. Things are moving so fast here again.

    @brown_eyed_frog‌ I too must admit to eating in secret. I came across this about 8 months ago and have held it close to me since.

    "What you eat in private, eventually you wear in public"

    @Tricia8008‌ - Welcome to the thread. Hope to get to know you soon.

    @skinnyjeanzbound‌ - Sad about the relay. I hope your other events go really well for you.

    Thursday Truth - My food was not good today. Not truly bad but not good.
    Reality is setting in HARD for my husband. Looks like we will be re-financing the house to pay all these bills. Son will have to pay it back but it will be slow and if the worst happens he may be serving 3 years. Oh the things we do when we are not mindful of our choices. Not only to ourselves but to those around us.
    I have always believed in God, that he has a plan. Our life lessons are to be learned one way or another and that these events happen to teach us about life, ourselves and how to live our lives.
    Strangely I am much calmer today. There is a lot of work ahead of me, but I have never been afraid of a large job. I am not letting this derail my life. Even with all of this I know in my heart I have much to be thankful for.
    With that said. I will be back to plan tomorrow, food, fitness and water.

    To all the newbies. When I started it was suggested to me to make a list. Things I am willing to do, things I am not willing to do, things I may try later. Doing this helped me a great deal to make a plan I could stick to. Good luck to all of you. You will find great friendship and camaraderie here. Check in often, ask questions and post when you feel you are able. We welcome everyone here.

    Love to all,
    Lori <3
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Hi Tom, Sorry to hear what you have been battling both health and work wise. It is good to see you back. I can understand about work keeping you busy since I have been right there with you. Work and after work meetings are keeping me busy right now and I hope it slows down soon. The pizza sounds great so glad you enjoyed it.

    Susan, Kelley, Robin, Tom, Karen and other runners/ walkers who are interested- The 9/11 Run for Hero's is September 12 in Chicago sponsored by the Travis Manion foundation. Karen are you in town that weekend, let me know and we can plan accordingly? Atlanta also has a run around that weekend as well.

    Angelika-Your story is amazing, glad you are back. Congratulations on the adaptation.

    Once again I have been extremely busy and trying to get things done. Last night, I did swim early in the evening. Tonight, I took the day off from exercise and it was very nice to stay home.

    Wish is for all those struggling, may you find your way back and the determination to stay the course.

    Truth- We all get tired along this journey and our bodies adapt. However, it is important that we find new things to challenge ourselves and to push ourselves to new limits. My challenge right now is finding the desire to complete the triathlon in April and determine the true reason as to why I am doing it. The first reason that pops into my head is not good enough for me to do this. It makes me sad- the reason is that I want to try something my trainer has done. That is not the personal motivation I need and every time I think about training or get some tips I start getting freaked out. This is not good. Plus, the weather here is not cooperating for outdoor bike riding and running. I hope that changes soon so I can get back on the bike before April.

    Hope everyone has a terrific Friday.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--Well, I will be in town, but September 12th is my Godson's wedding, so I won't be able to join you guys for the run :( I'll probably also be busy the days leading up to and following the wedding (rehearsal dinner, Sunday brunch, etc.) so I doubt I would even be able to see you guys much, if at all. However, I certainly don't expect you to plan around me. Given the time commitment and expenses associated with the wedding, I really can't plan any racecations around that time even if you chose a different race on another weekend.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    @Tom glad to see you back.
    I'm afraid today has ended up being an incomplete log. This evening was the celebration of the 173rd birthday of the Women's organization for our church. We had a wonderful time, and the food was great. The rest of the day was good, and the meal was okay, too, but it fell apart when I went to the dessert pot luck table. Unfortunately, there are a lot of amazing cooks on our group. I didn't feel like I was over indulging, but even 1 tablespoon adds up when you try several different ones. I have no idea how to log it.
    This afternoon we went to the doctor to have DH's stitches removed. It's an hour away and we made a quick Costco run so it took all afternoon. I will have to pedal for exercise tonight.
    Welcome to all of the newcomers. Looking forward to getting to know you.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • sineanbroc
    sineanbroc Posts: 25 Member
    @kah68 That sounds super interesting! Radiology is a really fantastic resource!

    Friday fitness: Today is going to be a long day in the lab, so whenever I can I'm going to aim to do a set of bench push-ups, dips, squats or lunges, it's not much but better than nothing! Hope everyone has an awesome Friday!
  • 2ledbetter
    2ledbetter Posts: 199 Member
    @grandmakaye44‌ Those church dinners are hard to maneuver through at my church also. Our church is having one soon so I'm glad you said something as Ii can now be thinking of a plan.

    @sineanbroc‌ Just like Kaye's tablespoons at the dessert table can add up so can the "small bites" of exercise.

    Friday Fitness: We are going to the remodel job today. Lots of lifting and carting boards, tubs, hot water heater, etc. putting up at least 3 walls. I'm going to walk at least 1/2 mile before I leave this morning.

    Have a beautiful day today. You are loved beyond measure.

  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    TGIF....I did not get all my housework done yesterday, so I'll be doing that tonight. :\

    Another terrible day for logging yesterday. It's been an unfortunate fortnight for emotional eating. I was able to get plenty of water in and a full night's sleep, so that's something. I feel like I'm starting from scratch again...and when we went and weighed in at the shoe store, it appears I am back up to my January 1st weight again. :(

    Just label me Ms. Fluctuation Frustration as I do this to myself yet again...sigh.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    edited March 2015
    Good morning, instead of a Friday fitness post, I’m going to do a question that I hope you all can help me with. My BMR is 1894 (I’m now using age 42 since I’m only a couple weeks away). My TDEE (used little to no exercise because I add exercise calories) is 2267. I’ve done the TDEE – 20% and set my calorie goal at 1820 (I know that math is a bit off but pretty close to the 20%). Over the past month I’ve been pretty darn close to that with my net calories most days. Except this week, I’ve been pretty good about my water intake as well – for sure getting in 50 oz but usually 75 oz. My exercise, except this week, has been a mixture of cardio and weight training. When I do cardio, while I do not run, I put my full effort into it. My weight in the same 30 days has only gone down 1.8 pounds. SIGH. What would a recommendation be? GRRR.

    @Kelley…jealous of your spring as we went back down to seasonal weather and will see the 30s-50s this week.
    @Tom…I did get some poultry in yesterday to celebrate – chicken cordon bleu. Yumm!
    @Mel…great job on being prepared for the upcoming week. I told my husband we needed to get going on that and start using up what we have instead of buying more. Although the main reason is I was just able to secure 40 lbs of ribs (my husband’s favorite thing in the world) and 40 lbs of hamburger ($4.49 for 93/7% which beats our prices here by a couple of bucks) that will need freezer space in April and May. Even if it’s the higher end in calories, homemade is always better, I’m just too lazy sometimes to not use the processed stuff – I’m working on that.
    @Lori…What a hard lesson your son is learning, but hopefully this time he learns it well and appreciates his parents’ sacrifices. I agree that God has a plan (not always easy to remember when going through trials but…).
    @Laurie…that Run for Heros sounds wonderful and while Chicago isn’t all that far away, after two trips this year (and my son going to DC through the school) I don’t think I’ll be making it. I hope all that can make it have a wonderful time. I hope you can find some internal motivation for this triatholon. I know it’s something you can do.
    @ledbetter…today should be a great workout for you.
    @Ms Fluctuation Frustration...you can do this! :smiley:

    AFM…more cake to finish up today. I have the decorations done and I got them all baked and crumb coated yesterday. I wasn’t sure I was going to get that done since I used a suggestion from some of my fellow bakers. They suggested using water under the cakes to help them rise evenly. I was so concentrated on that that I somehow forgot to turn the temp on my oven to 325 instead of the 350 it defaults to…cracked cakes on the first two…UGH. Luckily, I had enough batter to make some extra and it ultimately turned out. I will be taking the extra cake to somewhere as a donation (my family is about caked out).

    I appreciate any advice you all can give me. Have a great day and here’s to a weekend that we all can stay on track.