30 Day Shred - Start: May 9th



  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Great job, Everyone!

    D4, L1: finished!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Day 6 Level 1
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    matwood74... Nice going!

    skinnylizzy5... Not doing it with modifications in L2 can be SO TOUGH! That's my goal this round too.
    Hey guys, I'm on Day 7 of level 1! Do you mind if I join you all??

    I have one question - I can keep up fine with all of the exercises - even the "hard" versions of them, but I can't do the pushups!! I can do maybe 10 full pushups the first time, then I have to go into the cheat ones. The second round I can only get two or three full pushups. Were you guys able to do the pushups for the full amount of time before you switched to level 2??
    swinginchandra... Totally JOIN!! :drinker: I can barely do 10 push ups, so just plopping down to your knees for the second circuit is just fine! (Or sooner, in my case!) And 2 your last question - I couldn't do ONE full push up until after I had completed the entire Shred. :bigsmile:

    CricketKate... Sweet work! :drinker:

    jellyfishjen... I feel like you are so far ahead of me. :laugh:
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    Day 5 on level 1 is done...had a great time tonight. my best friend workout with me tonight. it was so cute her 2 yr old daughter was trying to do the moves. still sore and look like i have been riding a horse for a couple days when i first get up to walk. but the level 1 is getting easier to do.

    watched level 2 today , actually looking forward to trying it out.
  • froglegjack
    froglegjack Posts: 388 Member
    Got day 3 of lev 1 done today. The first circuit is the hardest for me. I really have to push myself to get through it and the reward is the other two circuits :)
    I took my measurements but want to see what they are at 10 days then I will post a comparison. and at 20 days and at 30 days.
    I hope there is a change :)
    Over all it does seem to be getting a tad easier .
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Jen, DITR stands for Diamonds in the Rough. It's another challenge that I'm apart of. I got my trophy for being the biggest loser on my team for the first week. Unfortunately, I didn't lose anything the second week so I will be losing my trophy soon.:sad:
  • MoonMyst3
    MoonMyst3 Posts: 423 Member
    Day 5, Level 1... done!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    froglegjack... I'm the same I find the first circuit the toughest. I think its the jumping jacks and then jump rope. My knees don't like it nor all the flab bouncing up and down.

    steph... I have no doubt you will catch me and pass. Sooner maybe rather than later. My hamstring has been twanging (thats an australian medical term :laugh: ) all day, have been for a massage which had me leaping off the bed, but has helped a bit, now using heat pack, I won't do my C25K tonight :cry: Hoping I can at least do 30DS tomorrow. I was really getting into this exercising stuff. Maybe over did it for my fitness level at the moment.

    kate ... thanks for the DITR explanation and congrats on winning it in week 1. Hope it doesn't stay off your page for too long.
  • smessom32
    smessom32 Posts: 126 Member
    Day 6 level 1 done.
    No more sleep ins at weekends well at least until o have done 30 days of shred..
  • smtraxx
    smtraxx Posts: 60 Member
    Day 6 Level 1 Done

    I will probably be having the day off as it's my husbands birthday. We'll see.

    Keep it up everyone sounds like you are all doing fantastic !!!!
  • smtraxx
    smtraxx Posts: 60 Member
    Oh and my very first NSV !!!!

    I was handing my husband his uniform last night (domestic goddess that I am) and he said "oh my god what is that on the back of your arm" I jumped thinking it was a bug or a spider (hate hate hate them) he aluaghed and said "no no it's a good thing have a look".

    What do you think I saw???

    DEFINITION !!!!!!!!!!!!! On the backs of my upper arms. ME !!!!!!

    I have the start of muscles on MY arms ... me ..... can you believe it.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Got day 3 of lev 1 done today. The first circuit is the hardest for me. I really have to push myself to get through it and the reward is the other two circuits :)
    froglegjack... I feel the same way about the first circuit. Especially the cardio (like Jen said)! But after that the rest of the DVD seems to fly by!

    Kate... Way to go! It's a pretty trophy! Gold star!
    steph... I have no doubt you will catch me and pass. Sooner maybe rather than later.
    Jen... Oh, I'm not so sure... I'm gonna be missing a total of 7 days coming up. :sick: This round is gonna take me longer than the 37 days it took me the first time!! :cry:
    My hamstring has been twanging (thats an australian medical term :laugh: ) all day, have been for a massage which had me leaping off the bed, but has helped a bit, now using heat pack, I won't do my C25K tonight :cry: Hoping I can at least do 30DS tomorrow. I was really getting into this exercising stuff. Maybe over did it for my fitness level at the moment.
    Jen... I don't mean to laugh at your medical terms, but that sounds an awful lot like "jonesing" to me. :laugh: Sorry to hear about your hamstring though. Mine have been a little tight. Especially after taking yesterday off to rest. Don't worry about the running. You'll get back with it soon. Keep that heat on it! That sounds wonderful. Was it the Shred and/or running that hurt it? Maybe you are pushing too far too fast with the running. That's what I did... :frown:
    Day 6 Level 1 Done

    I will probably be having the day off as it's my husbands birthday. We'll see.
    smtraxx... Sounds find to me! Making it 6 days in a row is a real accomplishment! I made it to 6 and then took a rest in my first round. :bigsmile:
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Oh and my very first NSV !!!!

    I was handing my husband his uniform last night (domestic goddess that I am) and he said "oh my god what is that on the back of your arm" I jumped thinking it was a bug or a spider (hate hate hate them) he aluaghed and said "no no it's a good thing have a look".

    What do you think I saw???

    DEFINITION !!!!!!!!!!!!! On the backs of my upper arms. ME !!!!!!

    I have the start of muscles on MY arms ... me ..... can you believe it.
    smtraxx... That is SO exciting!!! :drinker: :bigsmile: :laugh: You are gonna LOVE all the definition that the Shred is gonna give you!
  • Macmommac
    Macmommac Posts: 14
    Day 5, Level 1 done. Starting to get easier for me! Congrats to everyone pushing through it!
  • Macmommac
    Macmommac Posts: 14
    Well, I'm not going to be able to work out tonight so I went ahead and did day 6, level 1 this afternoon! Whew, I'm bushed...
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Well, I'm not going to be able to work out tonight so I went ahead and did day 6, level 1 this afternoon! Whew, I'm bushed...


    I got D5,L1 finished. I want to go do my dreadmill, but my quads and shins are really hurting. It doesn't feel like it did the last time, so I don't know if my legs hurt from the dreadmilling that I have been doing:ohwell:
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    D5 L1 complete! 10 push ups in a row! :love: I really can't believe it.
    I got D5,L1 finished. I want to go do my dreadmill, but my quads and shins are really hurting. It doesn't feel like it did the last time, so I don't know if my legs hurt from the dreadmilling that I have been doing:ohwell:
    Take a break! Like I said before, my calves have been in pain, and I didn't get that the first time, so just take it easy, and maybe do some stretching, or take some calcium to relax your muscles more.
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    Day 6 of 30 is done ,,did level 1. my thighs are starting to feel better. my left calf is tight ,but going to get that rubbed out tonight. My friend worked out with me again tonight. i also started my second round of p90x today.
  • Reald
    Reald Posts: 7
    Hi! I'm new here and I want to do the 30 day shred, I guess I will have to catch up with all of you.
    You know I have never been able to do more than five push-ups that would be a great proof if at the end of this I can actually do them.
  • Reald
    Reald Posts: 7
    It's great to see a guy doing this! I hope my husband will want to start to. Maybe after he sees some good results by me, it will motivate him as well!
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