Pet Peeves @ Gym l v



  • britishbeau
    britishbeau Posts: 60 Member
    Biggest pet peeve is when people put their stuff in gym lockers but dont lock it, and theres no other available lockers. I dumped that *kitten* stuff on the side and used it myself. Also when people dont put stuff back and when people stand around chatting on machines or in the pool.

    how people work out doesnt bother me. I just think its great that theyre there and good for them for trying to better themselves
  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,817 Member
    people that *kitten* around. This guy come in, spends a couple of minutes on the treadmill, chats to his buddy for 5 minutes then twiddles of to the weights section. There he goes from machine to machine, doing 1 set of a few reps. Why frikkin bother. Stay at home and read the paper.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Biggest pet peeve is when people put their stuff in gym lockers but dont lock it, and theres no other available lockers. I dumped that *kitten* stuff on the side and used it myself. Also when people dont put stuff back and when people stand around chatting on machines or in the pool.

    how people work out doesnt bother me. I just think its great that theyre there and good for them for trying to better themselves

    WHAT! Like 90% of the lockers at my gym aren't locked, we just don't leave any valuables in our gym bag while we exercise. Are you people for real?
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    I'm really, REALLY beginning to appreciate my local Y! There are a few strange birds there, such as the guy who loudly humms while he meditates in the middle of one of the exercise rooms (not in anyone's way), a lady who thinks one of the treadmills belongs to HER at the particular time she goes there, etc., but nothing like what all of you have expressed! The Y is a bit pricey as compared to most gyms (I just looked up Planet Fitness - $10.00 a month??? Really???) and I don't have any of the problems that most of you do. And yes, it does bug me when someone holds onto the treadmill. Health problems? Doing that is actually bad for your health as it causes you to lean forward unnaturally. What are you holding onto while you are walking somewhere other than on a treadmill?
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    Nope, because it's not my business what other people choose to do. They are in charge of their health, not me.

    The only time i get mad is when people "hold" equipment that others are waiting to use and they aren't actually using it.
    I.E. they set their bag on the machine and walked away, they aren't performing any exercise and are chatting, they are texting/surfing the web on their phone. In these scenarios i just kindly ask them if i can jump in really quick.

    Some people on their phones are resting between sets on weight machines. It's okay to ask to work in, though. They might or might not let you depending on how long their rest period is.

    I agree that holding a treadmill is rude.

    Holding a treadmill is rude? To whom? The treadmill?

    It was build to handle it, I assure you. Does it actually offend you that someone who many not be as strong or as fit needs to lean on the handles for a while? That's kind of sad.

    No! I meant saving it with putting a duffel bag on it! Not holding onto it.

    Why? If I get a treadmill I have to go to the bathroom, I'll put my bag on the treadmill and go. There is nothing wrong with that at all.

    Now, if they don't come back for ten minutes or more, then it's fair to just remove their stuff, or tell a staff member they left their stuff and have not come back, and then just use the treadmill.

    I meant a long term save. There were people at my old gym who used to do that because they had favorite treadmills. They'd put stuff on them and go work with weights.

  • britishbeau
    britishbeau Posts: 60 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    Biggest pet peeve is when people put their stuff in gym lockers but dont lock it, and theres no other available lockers. I dumped that *kitten* stuff on the side and used it myself. Also when people dont put stuff back and when people stand around chatting on machines or in the pool.

    how people work out doesnt bother me. I just think its great that theyre there and good for them for trying to better themselves

    WHAT! Like 90% of the lockers at my gym aren't locked, we just don't leave any valuables in our gym bag while we exercise. Are you people for real?

    Almost everyone at my gym locks the lockers, just a few leave their stuff in there. and i had my designer bag, bvlgari sunglasses, car keys and purse so i wasnt gonne leave it unattended, ever. dont hate the player hate the game
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    My pet peeves at the gym are people who ask me if I'm using a bench or spot I stopped using like 5-10 minutes ago even though they clearly saw me move to a new spot (though they probably might be thinking I'm doing interval training), people who try to talk to me when I'm on the treadmill, people who try to talk to me for unnecessary long periods of time (unless they're a friend or someone I find interesting, that's rare though), people who get in my way of me looking at the mirror to see if I'm doing a particular exercise right and people who try to take my spot even when there is my bottle AND a towel on the machine or bench to indicate to people that I'm still using it.

    Other than that, I don't really give a damn what other people do in the gym or what they wear....I'm more worried about myself. And no I'm not really antisocial, an introvert or shy; I'm actually an ambivert, I'm just really concentrated in my workout and don't have time to worry about petty things.

    You shouldn't be saving the spot to begin with. If you aren't using it, it is not yours.

    LOL people do it all the time and I don't you're telling me if I gotta use the bathroom and I'll be back in two minutes and I'm still not done with my exercise, I should relinquish my spot over to someone?.....LOL gtfo. That would be fine if I was just texting and someone wanted to get in on a workout with me but if I gotta use the bathroom and I'm not done with my exercise....nope.

    Yes, I am telling you that. Other people need to finish their workouts too. Some of us are in a hurry. Your time is not any more valuable than someone else's.

    Thanks for making the rest of us pick up your dirty towel when we need to use the space that you are hold up. If you were in my gym, you would come back to find your water bottle and towel in the garbage. I'd probably turn you in to the front desk too as any kind of supersetting is against the rules if anyone is waiting.

    What kind of gym to you go to?

  • Larissa_NY
    Larissa_NY Posts: 495 Member
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    Had a guy ask how long I was gonna be in the squat rack today. I had just finished my last set so I told him I was done.
    He then drags the flat bench over and starts bench pressing off the safety rack. The bench press is right next to the squat rack. No idea why he was doing this.

    Does your bench press setup have safeties? He might have been doing max-effort lifts. Everyone at my gym benches in the power racks because the bench press setup doesn't have safeties so you can't safely bench close to your 1RM without a spotter.

    I judge people who get to the good C2 rower before I do and leave me with the crappy one where you have to stop rowing every two minutes to tighten the foot straps. I judge those people hard. I'm pretty sure they're judging me right back when I get to the good machine first.

  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    Biggest pet peeve is when people put their stuff in gym lockers but dont lock it, and theres no other available lockers. I dumped that *kitten* stuff on the side and used it myself. Also when people dont put stuff back and when people stand around chatting on machines or in the pool.

    how people work out doesnt bother me. I just think its great that theyre there and good for them for trying to better themselves

    You touched someone else's stuff? And just dumped it?

    Aren't you nice.

  • Larissa_NY
    Larissa_NY Posts: 495 Member
    My pet peeves at the gym are people who ask me if I'm using a bench or spot I stopped using like 5-10 minutes ago even though they clearly saw me move to a new spot (though they probably might be thinking I'm doing interval training), people who try to talk to me when I'm on the treadmill, people who try to talk to me for unnecessary long periods of time (unless they're a friend or someone I find interesting, that's rare though), people who get in my way of me looking at the mirror to see if I'm doing a particular exercise right and people who try to take my spot even when there is my bottle AND a towel on the machine or bench to indicate to people that I'm still using it.

    Other than that, I don't really give a damn what other people do in the gym or what they wear....I'm more worried about myself. And no I'm not really antisocial, an introvert or shy; I'm actually an ambivert, I'm just really concentrated in my workout and don't have time to worry about petty things.

    You shouldn't be saving the spot to begin with. If you aren't using it, it is not yours.

    LOL people do it all the time and I don't you're telling me if I gotta use the bathroom and I'll be back in two minutes and I'm still not done with my exercise, I should relinquish my spot over to someone?.....LOL gtfo. That would be fine if I was just texting and someone wanted to get in on a workout with me but if I gotta use the bathroom and I'm not done with my exercise....nope.

    Yes, I am telling you that. Other people need to finish their workouts too. Some of us are in a hurry. Your time is not any more valuable than someone else's.

    Thanks for making the rest of us pick up your dirty towel when we need to use the space that you are hold up. If you were in my gym, you would come back to find your water bottle and towel in the garbage. I'd probably turn you in to the front desk too as any kind of supersetting is against the rules if anyone is waiting.

    What kind of gym to you go to?

    One with a lot of Nautilus-type circuit-training machines and no free weights, is my guess. What she's saying makes sense if you're talking about, say, the crunch machine, but not much sense if you're talking about a loaded leg press or a weight bench.

  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    ZoeLifts wrote: »
    yesimpson wrote: »
    lngrunert wrote: »
    yesimpson wrote: »
    lngrunert wrote: »
    Wow , some people should just read the post and move along. OP was just asking a simple question, you have no answer that pertains, move along. We all judge, observe, criticize and just plain have thoughts of others that may not be the most positive so don't pretend you don't.

    At the gym I am way too focused on myself and my goals to even notice what other people are doing. The only time I ever watch other people is when I want to use something that they're using, like the squat rack, and I'm just keeping an eye out as to when they're done.

    Okay, there was that one time when a guy failed with a heavily loaded bar while doing bench presses, but that's because he made this terrible man-scream and like four other guys came running yelling YOU OKAY BRO I GOT YOU BRO and helped him out. It was kind of hard not to notice.

    I feel like a bad person because that made me snort with laughter.

    Really, when people on here tell you that some of the nicest and most helpful folks in the gym are the big dudes in the free weights area, they're not kidding. I've had a couple of them help me get a bar down from the squat rack when the last person left it way over my head (I'm only 5'2") or raising or lowering a bench with a stuck pin. Even if they do call me "ma'am" when they do it, I still appreciate it. :)

    Agreed. The kettlebells and the floor mats etc. are in the same area of my gym as the squat rack and free weights, and more than once I've managed to entirely tip myself backwards squatting too low with a kettlebell which was too heavy for me, like a tipped-up tortoise. Every time at least one man will come over and ask if I'm alright, and crack a joke so I stop feeling so silly. I think because the potential to hurt yourself doing certain lifts with heavy weights makes people a bit more aware of one another and supportive if it goes a bit skew-iff. Very easy to keep yourself to yourself entirely during cardio, but nobody wants to see anyone get hurt or to feel it's likely to be ignored if they need help.

    Ummm, I gotta know how heavy that kettlebell was and how you were squatting it to tip over.

    To be honest, not that heavy. I'm a klutz and a weakling :)
  • AmazonMayan
    AmazonMayan Posts: 1,168 Member
    edited March 2015
    Health problems? Doing that is actually bad for your health as it causes you to lean forward unnaturally. What are you holding onto while you are walking somewhere other than on a treadmill?

    I'm not using a treadmill now just because for whatever reason, it hurts me more. I sold the really nice one I owned a few months ago. I held on at times, but didn't lean forward. That will be different for each person that does have to hold on.

    As far as my regular walking/hiking outside, I use a large stick and am looking to get some hiking poles. I figure it looks better than the cane and walker my doctors want me to use. I was first prescribed an old lady walker in my 30s and refused and I still don't want to use one in my 40s.

    I have nerve damage at L4, L5 that makes one or both legs sometimes just suddenly no longer work. There is no warning. It sucks to fall. Sucks bad. So, I hold on.

    eta: I use the stick for long walks and not walking around doing normal things - yes I still fall occasionally.
  • Sugarbeat
    Sugarbeat Posts: 824 Member
    edited March 2015
    Never mind.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    Biggest pet peeve is when people put their stuff in gym lockers but dont lock it, and theres no other available lockers. I dumped that *kitten* stuff on the side and used it myself. Also when people dont put stuff back and when people stand around chatting on machines or in the pool.

    how people work out doesnt bother me. I just think its great that theyre there and good for them for trying to better themselves

    WHAT! Like 90% of the lockers at my gym aren't locked, we just don't leave any valuables in our gym bag while we exercise. Are you people for real?

    Almost everyone at my gym locks the lockers, just a few leave their stuff in there. and i had my designer bag, bvlgari sunglasses, car keys and purse so i wasnt gonne leave it unattended, ever. dont hate the player hate the game

    At least you know you were the aggressor here. You always have a choice. Take your valuables with you to the exercise area, come back at a time when the place isn't so busy, etc. You don't have to violate somebody and their belongings like that. You can do better
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    Health problems? Doing that is actually bad for your health as it causes you to lean forward unnaturally. What are you holding onto while you are walking somewhere other than on a treadmill?

    I'm not using a treadmill now just because for whatever reason, it hurts me more. I sold the really nice one I owned a few months ago. I held on at times, but didn't lean forward. That will be different for each person that does have to hold on.

    As far as my regular walking/hiking outside, I use a large stick and am looking to get some hiking poles. I figure it looks better than the cane and walker my doctors want me to use. I was first prescribed an old lady walker in my 30s and refused and I still don't want to use one in my 40s.

    I have nerve damage at L4, L5 that makes one or both legs sometimes just suddenly no longer work. There is no warning. It sucks to fall. Sucks bad. So, I hold on.

    eta: I use the stick for long walks and not walking around doing normal things - yes I still fall occasionally.

    So therefore, you don't use a treadmill. I wasn't talking about people who have health issues who can't use a treadmill. I was talking about people who can walk perfectly fine by themselves who still, on a treadmill, hold onto it instead of walking as they normally do.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Health problems? Doing that is actually bad for your health as it causes you to lean forward unnaturally. What are you holding onto while you are walking somewhere other than on a treadmill?

    I'm not using a treadmill now just because for whatever reason, it hurts me more. I sold the really nice one I owned a few months ago. I held on at times, but didn't lean forward. That will be different for each person that does have to hold on.

    As far as my regular walking/hiking outside, I use a large stick and am looking to get some hiking poles. I figure it looks better than the cane and walker my doctors want me to use. I was first prescribed an old lady walker in my 30s and refused and I still don't want to use one in my 40s.

    I have nerve damage at L4, L5 that makes one or both legs sometimes just suddenly no longer work. There is no warning. It sucks to fall. Sucks bad. So, I hold on.

    eta: I use the stick for long walks and not walking around doing normal things - yes I still fall occasionally.

    So therefore, you don't use a treadmill. I wasn't talking about people who have health issues who can't use a treadmill. I was talking about people who can walk perfectly fine by themselves who still, on a treadmill, hold onto it instead of walking as they normally do.

    How do you know they can walk perfectly fine for 30, 45 minutes or one hour just by looking at them?
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    Health problems? Doing that is actually bad for your health as it causes you to lean forward unnaturally. What are you holding onto while you are walking somewhere other than on a treadmill?

    I'm not using a treadmill now just because for whatever reason, it hurts me more. I sold the really nice one I owned a few months ago. I held on at times, but didn't lean forward. That will be different for each person that does have to hold on.

    As far as my regular walking/hiking outside, I use a large stick and am looking to get some hiking poles. I figure it looks better than the cane and walker my doctors want me to use. I was first prescribed an old lady walker in my 30s and refused and I still don't want to use one in my 40s.

    I have nerve damage at L4, L5 that makes one or both legs sometimes just suddenly no longer work. There is no warning. It sucks to fall. Sucks bad. So, I hold on.

    eta: I use the stick for long walks and not walking around doing normal things - yes I still fall occasionally.

    So therefore, you don't use a treadmill. I wasn't talking about people who have health issues who can't use a treadmill. I was talking about people who can walk perfectly fine by themselves who still, on a treadmill, hold onto it instead of walking as they normally do.

    You don't know if the motion of it causes them balance issues either. It's really not your business.

  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    edited March 2015
    Health problems? Doing that is actually bad for your health as it causes you to lean forward unnaturally. What are you holding onto while you are walking somewhere other than on a treadmill?

    I'm not using a treadmill now just because for whatever reason, it hurts me more. I sold the really nice one I owned a few months ago. I held on at times, but didn't lean forward. That will be different for each person that does have to hold on.

    As far as my regular walking/hiking outside, I use a large stick and am looking to get some hiking poles. I figure it looks better than the cane and walker my doctors want me to use. I was first prescribed an old lady walker in my 30s and refused and I still don't want to use one in my 40s.

    I have nerve damage at L4, L5 that makes one or both legs sometimes just suddenly no longer work. There is no warning. It sucks to fall. Sucks bad. So, I hold on.

    eta: I use the stick for long walks and not walking around doing normal things - yes I still fall occasionally.

    So therefore, you don't use a treadmill. I wasn't talking about people who have health issues who can't use a treadmill. I was talking about people who can walk perfectly fine by themselves who still, on a treadmill, hold onto it instead of walking as they normally do.

    You don't know if the motion of it causes them balance issues either. It's really not your business.

    You are absolutely right. It's not my business. It annoys me, but I don't go up to people who do so, shake my finger in their face, and tell them that if they have to hold onto the treadmill, that they need to get off of it. Sheesh!
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    Health problems? Doing that is actually bad for your health as it causes you to lean forward unnaturally. What are you holding onto while you are walking somewhere other than on a treadmill?

    I'm not using a treadmill now just because for whatever reason, it hurts me more. I sold the really nice one I owned a few months ago. I held on at times, but didn't lean forward. That will be different for each person that does have to hold on.

    As far as my regular walking/hiking outside, I use a large stick and am looking to get some hiking poles. I figure it looks better than the cane and walker my doctors want me to use. I was first prescribed an old lady walker in my 30s and refused and I still don't want to use one in my 40s.

    I have nerve damage at L4, L5 that makes one or both legs sometimes just suddenly no longer work. There is no warning. It sucks to fall. Sucks bad. So, I hold on.

    eta: I use the stick for long walks and not walking around doing normal things - yes I still fall occasionally.

    So therefore, you don't use a treadmill. I wasn't talking about people who have health issues who can't use a treadmill. I was talking about people who can walk perfectly fine by themselves who still, on a treadmill, hold onto it instead of walking as they normally do.

    You don't know if the motion of it causes them balance issues either. It's really not your business.

    You are absolutely right. It's not my business. It annoys me, but I don't go up to people who do so, shake my finger in their face, and tell them that if they have to hold onto the treadmill, that they need to get off of it. Sheesh!

    I don't know why you allow other people to have the power to annoy you that way, especially since you have no way of knowing WHY they are holding on.

  • 50452
    50452 Posts: 170 Member
    I know that this has been beaten to death, but...I have a balance disorder and held onto rails for safety.

    Other pet peeves:

    People who sound like they are having a painful bowel movement when lifting.
    People who don't put weights back.
    Too much cologne.
    The weird club-type music they play that is so loud I cannot hear through my headphones.
    People who get on the stairmaster that looks like an escalator and sweat a pool on it, and then don't clean it up. I wipe down cardio equipment before and after, but a pool of sweat may as well be a pool of urine as far as I'm concerned.

    ^ Almost none of this happens at women-only gyms.

    I don't go to the gym anymore, but would like to eventually. If I could find a nice small one, that might be a better option.