

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Good morning ladies

    How are you all on this sunny Sunday morning, all well I hope :flowerforyou:

    Welcome to all the new members, welcome aboard.

    :flowerforyou: Thanks for all the advice on the hot flushes (flashes) I already drink soya milk, only time I drink cows milk now is when I'm away from home and drink tea/coffee. I take soya to work with me. I'll have to check and see if there's any pattern or food triggers. Typical though, yesterday it was very windy on our dog walk and I was freezing, did I have a hot flush, no of course not! :grumble: They come at the most inconvenient times.

    :smile: Mary I hope the weather is good for your picnic, but I'm sure you'll have a great time whatever.

    :ohwell: I did want to say a lot more, but time is against me (again) I need to get on, the place is in a bit of a state, we are doing a bit of decorating/diy and need to get some sort of order in the kitchen so I can cook the dinner. Where does all the washing come from too?

    Bye for now
    Viv x
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning Ladies.

    I'm a little shaken at present. On Friday night DH and I were driving over to visit his mum at the nursing home. Now, this is in a lovely area, and you would think there would be no problems at all. Anyway, we got to a set of traffic lights and the driver door was yanked open by a huge guy - stereotypical thug type - who snatched the keys out of the ignition and told DH to get out of the car. I'm not sure what his actual plan was. Fortunately there were some people passing by who shouted at him and started to run towards him and he ran off - throwing our car keys away as he went.

    I was absolutely terrified that he was going to hurt my DH and I haven't been able to calm down properly since, in fact I keep bursting into tears.

    Not sure what the guy intended, he appeared to be out of his head, probably on drugs, but I can't swear to that. There isn't really anything that the police can do about it, although they have been patrolling the area since then.

    The blessing is that nobody was hurt, but it was still a horrible incident.

    It actually makes me feel better to have written it down. Sorry to unburden myself - but I know that you lovely ladies won't mind.

    I hope everyone is having a good weekend and being healthy and healthful!

    Amanda x
  • wehavethestars

    Mary, have a great time today.

    Amanda, what a terrible thing to have happen. Thank heaven you and DH are alright. Do you keep the car doors unlocked? Or is there some way these creeps open the door? You don't have to apologize, glad writing here helped a bit. Take care.

    I would love to hear from anyone who tries waiting for up to 15 minutes when cravings strike. You need to know that at the time you have eaten your regular meals and snacks for the day and still want something more. If it works for you , suggest it here to
    help others try it. Seems the more people you have on board the better the chance of someone "lost" giving it a go. Many times
    a person will tell us what works for them and we tend to say "that won't work for me".

    Thunder storm woke me this morning. While I am an early bird, 4am is pushing it. Now I will be tired later today. I never nap.
    I meditate for ten minutes. Naps turn me into a grouch.


    Have a wonderful day.

  • BarbieCat1
    BarbieCat1 Posts: 82
    I lost another pound on the 17DD... I think adding in a bit more food on Cycle2 of the 17DD as one does, did the trick. Gotta keep the old metabolic fires stoked.

    We got out for our usual 14 [28 RT] mile bike ride to the beach and enjoyed breakfast with our biking buddies at our favorite cafe. I think eating out with supportive friends is important... as long as they're not going to try and sabotage our efforts to eat right.

    Also important when eating out... find places that serve healthy food... no greasy burger and fries joint is going to have fresh veggies, fruit, skinless chicken breasts or whole grain choices available. Many cafes and restaurants will try to customize your selections and that's where we should eat. For example, our Sat. morning cafe even says on it's menu that all patrons need to do is ask for food prepared to our needs. So DH and I ordered 1 veggie egg white omelet, split between us [they're too big for our diet] with small sides of oatmeal and fruit. How great is that? I think we should patronize only places that have our welfare at heart.

    Kackle... sorry you didn't get any rain. Here in South Florida we're enduring a terrible drought. All the ponds and lakes are way, way down. But, yesterday afternoon, the skies opened up!! I could have done without the thunder and lightening, but we got 2 inches of rain in an hour. The banks on our lake out back are still showing, but it's a start in the right direction. Hope you get some relief too.

    Amanda... how scary !!! So glad you and DH weren't hurt. There's a lesson for us all... keep our car doors locked at all times, even when we're in it!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Amanda - How awful! Sending calming thoughts across the sea to you!
    Star - I never nap either. The last nap I took was in 1984 and I woke up to the sound of the smoke alarm. All turned out well, but I gave up napping. If I have time, I will tell you the story later.
    BarbieCat1 - We are also desparate for rain here in western Kansas.

    I've got to run to get to church for the bell choir that I direct. We perform today. Want to hear our last performance?
    http://www.1stcc.org/music.html Click on "Holy Holy Holy" Chancel Bells

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    GOOD morning, dear Ladies! I hope everyone is well.

    Teresa: Welcome to this wonderful group. You have done so, so well! Glad to have you with us. (Paddy/Patty too!)

    lovediets & jberberian: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Sorry if we missed you on your special day.

    Cherub: WTG on 30 day shred. I will say that it gets easier after the 3rd time, so keep it up. I couldn't do them every day, but aimed for 3x week. I have started adding them back in every few days again as I KNOW they helped firm up some areas really well. Let me know what you think!

    Alice: Good to hear from you today. You really do work hard. You also have a great attitude about it all too!:drinker:

    Star: Emotional Eating...I think we can ALL relate. And I like all of your thoughts. I think that is the key...THINK before you eat that extra thing. Or go find 17 pens....or ANYthing to distract yourself. I like to hear what works for others too!

    Amanda: YIKES! :noway: That is so scary!!! :angry: :angry: I am so glad that those people walked by when they did. I am sure you were terrified. Thank goodness all turned out ok!

    Mary: I hope your weather is nice there today for your picnic! Have fun!

    Barbie1: I heard something last night and HOPED it was thunder. Nothing came of it. Not a drop......Your bike ride sounds so nice!

    My scale has been up and down a half pound for over a week now. It could often be more than that, so that's not unusual, but I have been wanting to "claim" the whole pound down for a while now. I am doing it today and hoping the half pound will stay gone and find some friends to go along with it! I am going to get my heart rate up today with some walk/run and probably 30 Day Shred too, now that I am finally feeling like myself. I cannot drop weight just by cutting food. My body requires sweat and tears!:grumble: :grumble:

    I go tomorrow to a friend's beach house with 2 other friends for a "Bridge/Beach walk" couple of days. I don't know this friend all that well but it was nice of her to include me and it will be fun to have a little get-away. They are all 3 very active, fit ladies, so I don't think there will be much junk food or temptation. I am bringing a large bowl of fresh fruit and I know we are walking to a near-by restaurant for dinner, so I can pick something healthy. I know we will get some nice walks in so that should help. Look forward to it! DH is away on fishing trip so it's a good time to go.

    Have a lovely day, everyone!:heart: Kackie
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!

    What does DH stand for ( Dear Husband?) :bigsmile:

    I Love my naps , 1 hour is perfect :wink:

    All you ladies doing the 30 day shred..... Go LADIES, You all Rock!!! I think I'll take it slow. To hard on my knee's & my boob's don't like all that bouncing :laugh:

    BARBIE....Congrat on the 1 pound loss.:drinker: I also live in south Florida. Didn't you enjoy the rain's yesterday. We sure needed it. I usually take my walks to the Pompano Beach or Pompano Park. Hope to meet you one day :flowerforyou:

    Mary..... Enjoy your picnic today & also your friends coming in on Monday. Have a Blast!!

    Viv ...... Is Soya milk different from Soy milk?

    Amanda.... I'm glad everything turned out okay. Same thing happened to me ( long ago) when I was getting out of my car to hang a garage sale sign, But I screamed So Loud & threw my keys so he couldn't grab them & Then he ran off. I was also very shakened up.

    Kackie.... Enjoy your Beach Walk with your friends. Darn It!!! and I thought I could really slow down on my exercises, But I guess that's not realistic :sad:

    It's forecast to rain most of the day today, But I'm so bored walking on the treadmill 1 hour. I'd like to get out door's. I might try and force myself out the door. UGH!!! Just feeling Blah today.

    Happy Sunday EveryOne!!! & Happy belated Birthday to everyone that just had a birthday recently :drinker:

    :heart: Terry
  • BarbieCat1
    BarbieCat1 Posts: 82
    Hasn't our weather been turning fickle the past few years? Not much doubt that global climate change is a reality, whatever may be causing it. I'll let the scientists and politicians argue about what can be done, as they do, but we have to live and cope the best we can with the consequences.

    The floods along the Mississippi are scary and horrible... yet there's drought in areas that should be getting rain. To all facing weather challenges, my heart goes out to everyone affected.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Good Morning, everyone!

    This is the first time in at least a week I have had time to post--finally caught up on reading yesterday and will try to keep up from now on but I cannot promise anything!

    Amanda--I am so sorry that happened! I, too, tend to not lock my door while in the car--I guess that will change!

    Mary (msh0530)--Loved the music! Years ago I was in a bell choir--such fun! I remember we did the Star Wars Theme for our church's high school graduate's procession one year. It was a hit! I especially enjoyed doing the Christmas music on the bells.

    Star--I am going to try your suggestion of waiting 15 minutes. I've been having such a problem with cravings lately!

    Yesterday was beautiful and my DD and I went out with the baby to run some errands. The weather changed last night--thunder and lightening and now it has been raining ever since. It will be a good day to get my room and craft supplies organized.

    I know I've missed a lot of people who have posted--Welcome Teresa! And all other newbies!! (I also know Teresa from another thread.)

    Good thoughts, prayers and wishes going out to all of you!
  • Jeanne3651
    Jeanne3651 Posts: 84 Member
    Good Morning everyone.

    Star, thanks for the pep talk and advice. I figure I can do anything for fifteen minutes so I'll give that a try. I think I will quilt or read for 15 minutes when I get a craving. I've also gone back to measuring my food because I found myself creeping in larger portions. I have to eat five times a day due to my diabetis so I really need to control my portions.

    Sunday mornings are my hardest time because DH and I are in charge of coffee and treats at church as well as setting up and cleaning up the kitchen. We have helpers but being with sweet treats staring me in the face for two hours is really hard. I didn't have to do it this morning because there's a big dinner at church after the service so others are doing all the prep, serving and cleaning up. DH and I went out to our favorite cafe for breakfast. They always fix my food the way I need to have it so I can stay on my food plan.

    Thanks for the support everyone. Have a great Sunday and stay safe and on target.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: OK, I won't start by whining about the rain........I woke up with a great plan that included a long walk with the poodles in the neighborhood with a long visit to the dog park later and it hasn't stopped raining :brokenheart: so here I sit at the computer reading about all of you who are hoping for rain in your dry areas.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: More reflections on "The Thin Commandments"

    "Strategy deals with how to make weight control easy" :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: if you have been reading on this thread for awhile you have met many great "strategists" :bigsmile: some good examples are Michelle who seems to have meals out all the time with people who try to emotionally blackmail everybody into eating the wrong stuff and Michelle processes her strategies with us and asks for help..........Natalie who said she checked ahead about the food at a restaurant and then decided to bring a bit of her own veggies with her..........and the great writing from Star yesterday about how to deal with cravings and emotional eating......I know a lot of the rest of you have great strategies but these are the ones that jumped to mind.:bigsmile: having a strategy keeps you from being a victim of what someone else puts on the table.....learning how to ask for what you want at a restaurant is another good strategy.

    "you should not be concerned about the norm---that's the preoccupation of the insecure----but about what brings you the success you deserve":bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: just because "everybody else" eats a certain way, doesn't mean that you have to do the same thing if it doesn't work for you.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: stay open-minded to new ideas but discard anything that doesn't work for you.

    :bigsmile: we went to a memorial service yesterday at a location that required driving 100 miles each way plus a 30 minute ferry ride........I took the dogs to the dog park for over an hour before we left so I got some exercise and they got tired so they wouldn't mind being home alone all day (except for the neighbor who walked and fed them)
    the great things about traveling by ferry is being able to walk while waiting for the ferry and then walking in the passenger cabin during the ride while watching out the window at the beautiful scenery ( water, boats, the Olympic Mountains, Mount Baker ). We had lunch at Subway ( mostly healthy but more bread and sodium than I usually have). We left right after the service and didn't stay for the potluck but I grabbed two bananas for us as we left (we brought bananas and oranges as our contribution to the potluck). Even so we didn't get home until almost 8:30.
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Happy Sunday to everyone..........
    More "Newbies" to say welcome to ............the groups growing every day!!

    :noway: Amanda ........ What a scare for you. It happened to a friend driving in Liverpool but i wouldn't of thought it would happen near you. I'm going to try and remember to lock the doors whilst driving I think. Glad you were not hurt ...methinks you've had enough on your plate!

    :smile: The Baby shower went well yesterday. That is becoming a more popular American Import over here! I can say...hand on my heart ....I was good and didn't eat all the lovely cupcakes and pastries laid out. My DIL had prepared plates of fruit and veg sticks too. I did ,however, have one small slice of fresh cream sponge.....to be polite you understand!!!

    :ohwell: We said cheerio to #2 son & co. and will see them next week when we drive down South....ready for our few days at Center Parcs, Longleat. #2 GDS ( 20 mnths) has had a load of activities booked for him. Nana may be a little more relaxed I think!! Maybe an art class and a massage! We will take our walking shoes as we must, must get fitter for walking in Alaska in Sept. I will try and swim too as I have been a bit braver when in water lately.I think I have finally realised I can float!! As we're self catering it will hopefully be easier to stick to a good eating regime .........hopefully. As DIL won't be drinking (pregant ....yeah!!!) the wine will not be flowing so much.

    :smile: We plan to see a friend of very long standing who lives in Somerset.. DH and I worked with her back in 1969 in the Channel Isles. We've kept in touch with the usual xmas cards etc and have met only a few times over the years. It will be an interesting and very "Chatty" evening I think!!

    :smile: I'm shelling out sponsor £'s to DGD who walked up our local mountain ...Moel Fammau ....today. She's raised £50 towards her dance school funds.
    I know..........I should've gone with her ......but #1 son accompanied her. I've only climbed up once and that was years ago when the boys were small. I really didn't want to hold them up.

    Anyway .....off to cook our chicken roast now.
    I hope you've all enjoyed your weekend without any trials and tribulations!!

    :heart: Jackie
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hi again

    Just to let you know, our cars have an automatic locking system as soon as you put the key in the ignition, so we have no idea why the car door was able to be opened.

    I don't know if it's reaction, but for the first time in over a year, I feel like really 'chowing down'. I actually thought I had emotional eating under control, but sometimes it just comes back on bites you on the behind!

    I think I'll go to bed and forget about the rest of the day - hopefully I'll wake up tomorrow with a more positive attitude.

    Love to you all.

    Amanda x
  • Janeta58
    Janeta58 Posts: 59 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,
    It's socked in here this morning and I am sick of the rain! What a damp cold winter and spring!!

    Amanda: what a scary thing to happen! You and your hubby are safe and that's the important thing.

    I joined MFP about a month ago ... the weight is coming off very slowly. I have about 15 pounds to lose to get to normal range where I want to be and where my doctor would like to see my weight at. Hard going! I also am having an issue with constipation for the past few weeks. The only changes that I can think of are cutting out dairy in my diet. I have an auto immune skin condition and there's some suggestion that taking dairy out of my diet might improve the condition. So.. I haven't been eating cheese, milk or yogurt and have substituted rice and almond milk. Yuck! is all I can say....I sure miss that little bit of creamer in my morning coffee .
    I have been following this dairy free plan for about a month and I don't see any changes in the skin condition. In fact, I have had a couple of flares.

    OK. There you have it. That's my morning crankiness! Any suggestions with my 'problem' would be greatly appreciated! I am drinking lots of water, eating more fiber, etc.
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Well, I am sad, I have not lost anything on C2 of the 17 day diet.. perhaps gained a pound, I am so resistant to losing weight, been riding bike outside, drinking 8 glasses of water a day, doing the diet almost exactly... gag on the lemon water, taking green tea extract pills instead of drinking the tea...(yuk), but other than that, doing it exactly the way.... I don't want to give up, but it sure is frustrating, since March 7 I have lost 7 lbs... that is sad! Biking 30 mintues a day outside... wow, what does a person have to do to make the scale move, I have bad knees, so I can't zumba, walk, do the 30 day shred thing, all of you that have lost 30 and 40 lbs, how do you do it?, Man, it's sad.... I want to lose 20 more, it will never happen.... I really am at my wits end, I won't quit, I wil go on to c3, which add even more carbs... and then start c1 over, which I may do early... thanks for listening to me complain!
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Amanda – What a terrible scare! That vulnerable feeling is quite awful; I've been there as well. I'm much more alert now wherever I am and have made changes that help keep us safer. I see you thought your doors were locked, so that was a doubly shocking experience.

    BarbieCat1 – Glad you got two inches of rain; we got one. Apparently this entire state is a tinder box. We live in the far NE corner of the state – that little part that looks like it should belong to GA. We have been dealing with the Honey Prairie fire in the Okefenokee now for what seems like forever.

    Yes our weather has been changing lately and I too wish people would quit trying to use it for their own desires – financial, political and social. :angry: Change happens. Greenland used to be green after all and there are glaciers that are growing as well as shrinking.

    I recall reading that there seems to be a correlation between weather patterns and sunspots and as a result the slightly rising or falling ocean temps influence the el nino and la nina which influence where precipitation falls. Also, compared to the climate change a volcanic eruption can cause, anything we may or may not do is insignificant. I think we naturally as humans think we are way more in control of, and responsible for, every little thing than we actually are – but that's just me. :flowerforyou:

    Mary – I'm listening to the music link you posted as I write this. Lovely music! Please send the link when another is online.

    Sorry you are dry as well. It just doesn't seem right does it? Spring is supposed to bring rain and renewal. Then there are those on here near the Mississippi that are being flooded out. Ugh. The weather seems so capricious. Well, at least rain probably won't interfere with your outdoor get together today. Could be wind, dust, heat, cold or bugs but not rain! :happy:

    I think I will spend the afternoon on my woodworking project. I was thinking the stain DGS picked out was too reddish but it looks good.

    I've got my water bottle in hand. :drinker:

    Faye (oops fixed a glaring typo)
  • iojoi
    iojoi Posts: 378 Member
    Here is my most current birthday list. If you aren't on here and want to me, let me know when your birthday is. Did I say May is my favorite birthday month??

    50+ thread Birthdays
    6 – barmbord
    13 - Qpeace
    17 – grabbit97
    25 – zuback55

    15 - anotheryearolder
    ? - SuzyQ

    1 – auntiebk
    3 - arborsong
    4 - heartrw
    7 - DebKRN
    8 – pmjsmom
    12 – glendaaus
    15 – joylaut
    20 - spaniel60
    25 – barbiecat
    30 – BirdieM
    31 – wizzywig

    4 – Lyn54
    4 - frogmama
    8 – grandee47
    11 – smelliott
    14 - ildi59
    22 – sceck

    4 – chicletgirl21
    6 - smwert
    13 – lovediets
    20 – mimi7grands
    25 – jam0525
    25 - wehavethestars
    26 – vickim26
    27 - rjadams
    30 – msh0530

    4 - Caminogirl
    4 - Shirley61
    12 – Ldspill
    13- tiarapants
    27 - Donna56

    7 – Lindaj07
    ? - mynyddisamrs

    7 - MacMadame
    18 – bkrbabe57
    24 - cherubcrnp

    2 – Laura80111
    14 - ItsTerriC

    3 – shiddelson
    8 - djdreger
    15 – Jolandolfo
    21 - peepocheck
    23 – rjnandjosh

    11 – kackie
    30 - SallyCC

    6 – cucoyannie
    24 – frogmama
    30 – caharleygirl

    hi i will be 50 on july 3rd
  • metco89
    metco89 Posts: 578 Member
    This is the first time i saw this 50+ post and couldn't get fast enough LOL!!! I have struggled with my weight all my life and now at the time when it is "supposedly" the hardest time to get it off here i am. Thats me ever the procrastinator. No more at 49.5 yrs of age, i am reinventing myself all the way around. I am moving from Illinois to Nevada, I am exercising and eating more healthy, one day at a time and considering going back to college. Its never to late right? I am so happy to see others my age doing positive things, you are all an inspiration to me. Wishing you a super wonderful serene and successful day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Janeta58
    Janeta58 Posts: 59 Member
    grabitt57 ... have you had our thyroid function test done?
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    grabitt57 ... have you had our thyroid function test done?

    I am on thyroid meds...

    I have bad knees, can't exercise more than I have been, only exercise I can do is the bike, either outside or inside, I ride 4 miles a day outside, and do 4 miles a day inside when I can't outside... I really am frustrated, but will continue on to cycle 3, maybe not do it all, and go back to c1 early, depends on what the scale says tomorrow, but looking at what I weighed this morning, I actually put back on a pound... altho, it could be water retention from what I ate last night, fajitas (beef) .. I brought my own celery to dunk in the salsa, didn't eat the taco chips... ate the veggies with the fajitas, and had lettuce and tomato instead of the sour cream and rice and beans.. who knows, it is so goofy!