Postnatal-May 2011



  • jamielangner
    jamielangner Posts: 165
    Thanks so much for the support, I can't tell you how much I have come to love coming on this website to catch up with you all :) I'm planning a trip to my parent's house over the holiday weekend so I'll just have to hang on until then!

    Ok so last night was another night of FUSSY FUSSY FUSSY! She's fine ALL day and then when it starts getting bed times it's like she knows! We walk her, rock her, lay with her, put her by herself, nothing works. just cry cry cry until finally she'll fall asleep, 2 or 3 hours after we attempt it the first time. During the day we can lay her down in her bed and she will go to sleep just fine, but not at night. Any other fussy night babies out there? I know she's not hungry because I will have just nursed her. By the time she's finally falling asleep its time to eat again, lol.

    Lil miss has been awful at bedtime and even during the day the last couple of days. Hubby has been sick all week, I am now so I wonder if she is not feeling well. I hope to get some relief before work Monday :cry:
    Must be some sort of fussy newborn thing going around because Hayley has also been EXTRA fussy all week which I'm sure has added to my frustrations this week. Not just during the night but during the day also! The only thing i can count on with her is that she will sleep 6am-10am. At 6am this morning right before she passed out, she had maybe her biggest spit up ever all over me, all over herself, and all over my bed :( Luckily the spit up never seems to bother her as much as it bothers me!
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone!

    I finally pushed myself a little bit and got my butt on the treadmill. Ankle isn't "right," but it wasn't unbearable. So I walked for 2 miles and burned only 198 calories (according to the treadmill). My HRM isn't working right :grumble: It won't register my HR for some reason.

    Question for you all. Is there a way to add nursing calories to my 1200 on this site? I am assuming you just have to do it yourself because I am not seeing it anywhere.

    Hope you all have a nice weekend and those fussy babies give their mommies a break.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone!

    I finally pushed myself a little bit and got my butt on the treadmill. Ankle isn't "right," but it wasn't unbearable. So I walked for 2 miles and burned only 198 calories (according to the treadmill). My HRM isn't working right :grumble: It won't register my HR for some reason.

    Question for you all. Is there a way to add nursing calories to my 1200 on this site? I am assuming you just have to do it yourself because I am not seeing it anywhere.

    Hope you all have a nice weekend and those fussy babies give their mommies a break.
    put it in your food diary, it comes out as a negative and adds those cals to you intake, I have myself set at 1lb per week loss
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone!

    I finally pushed myself a little bit and got my butt on the treadmill. Ankle isn't "right," but it wasn't unbearable. So I walked for 2 miles and burned only 198 calories (according to the treadmill). My HRM isn't working right :grumble: It won't register my HR for some reason.

    Question for you all. Is there a way to add nursing calories to my 1200 on this site? I am assuming you just have to do it yourself because I am not seeing it anywhere.

    Hope you all have a nice weekend and those fussy babies give their mommies a break.
    put it in your food diary, it comes out as a negative and adds those cals to you intake, I have myself set at 1lb per week loss

    Thanks Sheri!

    Hope you had a wonderful day at the zoo!
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    still really sick and have to start back at work tomorrow. Feeling really bad about leaving the baby :sad:
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    still really sick and have to start back at work tomorrow. Feeling really bad about leaving the baby :sad:

    You're sick, right...?? Call in sick... LOL j/k :laugh: I hope you feel better...that would make the day even crummier for me!
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    @ Sheri - *hugs* I wish all mom's were paid to stay home like in Switzerland. (i think)
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Haha, I would love to call in sick permanently, I guess I should just be thankful that we are blessed enough for hubby to stay home and so I know my baby will be in good hands. Somehow it does not make it any easier but hopefully it will be as busy at work as it usually is, especially since the last time I visited my office was a wreck and the time will fly by.
  • jlove567
    jlove567 Posts: 3
    Hi! My baby was due last Friday and I am getting myself mentally prepared for losing the baby weight. So glad to join you ladies!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    Hey ladies: Question. How long were your LO's in newborn clothes? Trying to decide how many newborn size outfits I need.
  • htuzzi324
    htuzzi324 Posts: 20 Member
    Hey ladies: Question. How long were your LO's in newborn clothes? Trying to decide how many newborn size outfits I need.
    DS is 5 weeks, weighs almost 10 lbs, and is still in his newborn clothes.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Hey ladies: Question. How long were your LO's in newborn clothes? Trying to decide how many newborn size outfits I need.

    Brooklynn outgrew them in 2 weeks and I struggled to get her in all of them once. Many were hand me downs though, I would get on for each day and wash
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Hi! My baby was due last Friday and I am getting myself mentally prepared for losing the baby weight. So glad to join you ladies!

  • crystalslight
    crystalslight Posts: 322 Member
    Hi, I'd like to join. Had my baby Jan. 2011. She is my 5th. I've been watching what I eat and running. I'm BFing and have had a hard time losing weight. Hoping I'll lose a bit while BFing and the rest will fall off once I quit.
    I was 192 on delivery day. 169 day coming home from hospital. 174 at first dr visit after baby. Current weight bouncing between 168-170. Pre-pregnancy 148. I was 138 but gained 10 while trying to concieve. Goal weight 130-135 :)
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Hey ladies: Question. How long were your LO's in newborn clothes? Trying to decide how many newborn size outfits I need.

    Annabelle weighed 8 lbs 5 oz when she was born and was in newborn clothes for about a week and a half...We didn't have very many of them (we thought they'd be too small anyway) so for that week and a half she wore the same things over and over, but I"m glad because she would not have been able to wear anything more than once if we had more (some of ours were hand me downs, too). She is in 3 month clothing now and some of them are getting small :laugh: I want her to wear all her clothes but when all we do is stay home all day I find it hard to dress her up in something frilly and cute, instead I just put a onesie on her (which is still

    Welcome ladies!:flowerforyou: Crystal, you and I have about the same goals. I was 192 when I delivered, 164 now (1 month after delivery), 154 pre-pregnancy, and my ultimate goal is 130-140. Hopefully we can motivate each other!

    Annabelle has had the best two nights so far the past two nights! She's been down in her bed around 10:30-11 both nights and has gone right to sleep or either just lays there until she falls asleep. It's been WONDERFUL! And, she sleeps all the way until 5 am! YAY!!! 5 am is her usual waking time, but she doesn't fall asleep that early usually so I thought she'd wake up a few hours earlier.

    DH gave her a bottle for the first time last night to try and get her use to it. I have to admit, it was a bit emotional for me!...teared up a I couldn't wait for 5 am so I could nurse her again! :laugh: She took to it just fine though and seemed happy and full afterward...DH put her down a few minutes later and it was sleepy town! :tongue:

    I wish my DH could stay home with her (or me, which I would love, but since I'm a teacher we had great benefits that we wouldn't otherwise have) but financially we just can't afford it right now. You're right, you are so blessed to know she's in good hands while you're at work! I hope you have a great day tomorrow and it goes by SUPER fast!!
  • crystalslight
    crystalslight Posts: 322 Member
    mwilson1018- It's great to have someone who has the same goal and so close to the same weight. Your already motivating me by how quickly your losing weight. Great job! :)
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Hey ladies: Question. How long were your LO's in newborn clothes? Trying to decide how many newborn size outfits I need.

    I had a few newborn outfits and Wade is already too long for them. He was almost 21 inches when he was born. He was able to wear them for about 3 weeks. He turned 4 weeks yesterday and I could fit him newborn size if I squeezed him in. He is growing too fast :sad: )
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Hi, I'd like to join. Had my baby Jan. 2011. She is my 5th. I've been watching what I eat and running. I'm BFing and have had a hard time losing weight. Hoping I'll lose a bit while BFing and the rest will fall off once I quit.
    I was 192 on delivery day. 169 day coming home from hospital. 174 at first dr visit after baby. Current weight bouncing between 168-170. Pre-pregnancy 148. I was 138 but gained 10 while trying to concieve. Goal weight 130-135 :)

    Welcome! I was 143 pre--pregnancy and gained 30 lbs. Currently I am 156 and have the same goal weight as you.
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Hi, I'd like to join. Had my baby Jan. 2011. She is my 5th. I've been watching what I eat and running. I'm BFing and have had a hard time losing weight. Hoping I'll lose a bit while BFing and the rest will fall off once I quit.
    I was 192 on delivery day. 169 day coming home from hospital. 174 at first dr visit after baby. Current weight bouncing between 168-170. Pre-pregnancy 148. I was 138 but gained 10 while trying to concieve. Goal weight 130-135 :)

    Welcome! I was 143 pre--pregnancy and gained 30 lbs. Currently I am 156 and have the same goal weight as you.

    Me too! :wink:

    Bethe - Wasn't Wade born a week before Annabelle? So wouldn't yesterday be 5 weeks?...because Annabelle was one month (4 weeks, 2 days) yesterday. I know what you mean about them growing so fast!! She was 21 inches when she was born too...22 at 2 weeks, idk what she is now. My LO won't be little for long! Ahhh...!:sad:
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Hi, I'd like to join. Had my baby Jan. 2011. She is my 5th. I've been watching what I eat and running. I'm BFing and have had a hard time losing weight. Hoping I'll lose a bit while BFing and the rest will fall off once I quit.
    I was 192 on delivery day. 169 day coming home from hospital. 174 at first dr visit after baby. Current weight bouncing between 168-170. Pre-pregnancy 148. I was 138 but gained 10 while trying to concieve. Goal weight 130-135 :)

    Welcome! I was 143 pre--pregnancy and gained 30 lbs. Currently I am 156 and have the same goal weight as you.

    Me too! :wink:

    Bethe - Wasn't Wade born a week before Annabelle? So wouldn't yesterday be 5 weeks?...because Annabelle was one month (4 weeks, 2 days) yesterday. I know what you mean about them growing so fast!! She was 21 inches when she was born too...22 at 2 weeks, idk what she is now. My LO won't be little for long! Ahhh...!:sad:

    What the heck did I write!? Yep, Wade turned 5 weeks yesterday not 4. Where is the time going? Thanks Megan! It is like my head isn't screwed on straight. :blushing: