
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy thus.missed a couple days and pages to catch up
    Daughter got ok to go back to school after the gall bladder surgery
    Spending time with Violet.playing school,dolls and whatever.Talked to my 2 year old GD and she was upset because I had a sleepover with Violet and pleaded with me to have 1 at her house,so cute.so gotta work on that after the move.
    hugs jane
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member
    wow.... venting feels good sometimes
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    I am way behind so hopefully I can catch up this morning…. I thought I would be able to check in lots but my little granddaughter kept me busy busy busy… and when she went for a nap I went and used the treadmill and tried out the elliptical trainer…..need to get those 10,000 steps in….

    Rory – congrats on the check-up. I only remember seeing Sheri Lewis on the Ed Sullivan show. Loved her there. You are going to feed us teasers of your time with her aren’t you 

    Margaret – awesome flower show makes me want to head out to a garden show.

    Sharon in AB – my son and his friend dressed in costume when they went to one of the Lord of the Rings movies and they got in for free. And I was told I have the shortest eyelashes ever, maybe I should get some added. I don’t wear mascara because it feels like I have a constant wind blowing on me… I wear contact lenses. I feel for you and your relationship with DH. My DH likes to use the word “whatever” and some days I reply “I don’t see whatever in the fridge and I couldn’t find it in the store either so can you make dinner please” he usually snorts something as I head out the door for a walk…. I know also it is hard to bring up things…hopefully you can do it with a cool head and soft voice. I try hard to reply with his retorts and harsh tone with a calm voice…sometimes it takes a few seconds for my inner self to hold back the screech!!

    YannieJannie – ((((hugs))))

    Heather – Glad to hear your trip was a fun.

    Allison – don’t you just want to strangle those two faced b….. at work. I know I sure want to some days!!! And oh yes – I remember The Golden Girls. And now we have Hot in Cleveland.

    Mary in MN – have fun with the grand fur babies….

    Carey in Edmonton – I love your quotes – keep them coming. I also notice that doctors are using the inflammation word a lot now, my doctor just told me to eat clean and take an anti-inflammatory- nope – I am not taking pills….…. Also I found that when I stay away from sugar my joints don’t hurt. I see a Naturopath that is trained in Iridology, and a medical doctor who doesn’t believe in either.

    Janet – Congrats on the new size…. I have that larger unmoveable midsection also. I hope it isn’t the mass on my adrenal gland growing or the fibroids growing… but CT Scan next week….so I will find out then. Love your positive quote.

    Vickie (((hugs)))) and prayers for you and your family.

    Pip – You GO girl….. some people just have that knack of remembering EVERYTHING!!! Good thing we have you.

    Sue in SD – Thank you for the inflammation website…

    Chris in MA – Take care and one day at a time. Going for a walk helps to clear the mind and you will make the right decision. Hopefully you don’t have to make a hasty move. Behind the new door may be something very exciting.

    Sylvia – congrats on the awesome party Grandma!!!

    Wow – caught up…. I am sure I have missed something – welcome to all the newbies Hugs and prayers to all
    Now I have to peel through the shower and get to my mom’s – she has Dr. appointment in 2 hours… and I need ½ hour to get there and ½ hour to get her in and out of the car…

    Have a great day everyone
    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Michele - I agree with everything you said. All of that is true for me too. If I eat at night (even if I only had 1200 calories a day) I will gain. If I'm not getting enough sleep, I gain. And also if I don't exercise it doesn't matter if I eat 1000 calories a day I won't lose.

    That being said, I was perfect a few months ago for over a month and only lost 3 pounds (and that's starting at a way higher weight than I've ever been. Usually the higher my weight, the faster the first 10 fall off.)

    If I am going to lose ounces a week, it will take an eternity. I hope when I am riding every day if will get easier.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    Only a quick check in…. I am at page 39, so sorry if these comments are dated.

    Janet – under god was added in 1955 as part of the propaganda to get/keep us afraid of communist Russia.

    Joyce – you just started and I just finished and turned in the tax stuff… it is such a burden! I was glad to get it to the tax gal…

    March goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday
    Eat slower
    Plan and do a fun thing every week

    Kim from N. California
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lesley: I’m so glad you had a good chat with your neighbor and felt better afterward.

    Rori: Thanks for sharing the memories of Shari Lewis. Bob’s Red Mill makes excellent products and we also have them. They’re located in Milwaukie OR, adjacent to Portland. They have a cafeteria and I’ve always wanted to eat there, but haven’t made it yet.

    Chris in MA: Good luck with your career choices.

    Janet in Myrtle Beach SC: I love the quote of the day. Thanks for sharing. I love the doctor joke, too.

    Michele: Thanks for your idea about sinus related headaches. DH has a headache, too, and we think it is a lingering symptom of the bug we caught in CO.

    I have missed responding to many of you this morning, but I’m on a deadline. I have breakfast out with some very dear friends, and it will take me nearly and hour to get there. I haven’t seen many of these women in a couple of years and I’m really excited to see them. We all worked together for many years.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    March Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Thursday ! ! ! !

    Chris in MA - Congrats on the NSV. It is so much easier to stress eat than to stress exercise, and you made a wise choice. You should be proud !

    Sharon - I saw Creedance Clearwater Revisited several years ago in Lake Tahoe, and it was wonderful. I had forgotten how many of their songs I know and love. I think I sang through the entire concert. If you choose to go, I'm sure you will have a wonderful time (I'd go with you, but I'm out of vacation time from work). :) Please continue to take care of yourself, and the rest will happen . . . .

    Carey - I love the glow worm poem. I already sent it to my DD and Dad, and look forward to posting it in my facebook profile.

    As far as TV game shows from childhood, my favorite was and still is Name That Tune. When DD was about 6 y.o. I bought the board game, and we played it several times a week.

    For the Anti-inflammatory diet - I try to stay away from white wheat, corn, and potato because those tend to be my trigger foods for inflammation of my RA. I try to eat unprocessed meats, fresh fruits and vegetables, and at least a little fresh red pepper (or whatever pepper I can find and afford) every day. I also try to get cinnamon and/or honey every day. My GP wants me to try to eat from the Glycemic Index charts, but told me not to obsess over any of them, just use as a guideline at this time. Giving up coffee is just not an option for me (I wish it was, but whenever I try I get terrible headaches).

    I was able to start my day with extra exercise, which makes me happy since we have meetings during lunch today. DS had a 6:00am Physical Therapy appt for what ended up being a rotator cuff strain from pitching camp, basketball game, and bowling tournaments all on the sames days this past weekend. The appt. took almost an hour, so I spent most of that time on the hand bike and the stationary bike, in addition to getting a little work done.

    The new kitchen floor tile has arrived, so Dad and DH will bring it home tomorrow. I went with a beige, because it decreased the ugly green color of the kitchen walls. The old will start getting torn up next Friday by the brother of a co-worker of mine. We will plug the refrigerator into the livingroom.

    Time to get ready for the meeting and fire drill.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • dia_nruf
    dia_nruf Posts: 112 Member
    Good afternoon ladies.

    It's the first day in almost three weeks I don't feel like I want to die from feeling sick. I hope this means I'm finally on the mend.

    I have been reading all the post but do not have the strength to comment, I'm sorry, you're all in my thoughts.

    Beth in Kennebunk maine
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Thank you Naiomi for you kind words.
    I hope things go well for you today at work, it is always so difficult when people and feelings are involved.

    Carey, great poem!!

    Chris in MA
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited March 2015
    SSC1958 wrote: »
    Anyone remember Quick Draw McGraw and Snagglepuss? Heavens to Murgatroyd!!

    My younger brother had bed sheets with them on it!

    Rori .... how cool to have been Shari Lewis's assistant ... I am not a fan of puppets and dolls just because of their eyes!

    Janet ... funny thing about the Easter Bunny ... why he hides his candy in my house is beyond me!

    Vicki ... lifting your mom up in prayer ...

    Sylvia ... it is ok to tell your son you're busy ... regardless of health issues or circumstances, we are not at their beck and call ... but I also know how hard it is to say no.

    Back from migraine son's Botox injections ... oh my ... they're brutal ... but he did well this go around.
    Didn't realize iphone has a step tracker ... interesting...

    Beth in WNY
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good afternoon everyone!

    Rori, how cool that you were Shari Lewis’s PA!

    Sylvia, congrats on the fun party! Glad you got a good night’s sleep.

    Margaret: those glass things in the garden look familiar. Do you know who made them? Ah…I see you mentioned Chihuly; that was exactly who I was thinking of!

    Leslie: great that you could talk to your doctor about Mildred.

    Alison: so glad you slept well! You really need your rest these days.

    Heather: good luck with the dentist. And post a picture of the cottage!

    ((hugs)) to Yanniejannie and Vicki (and whoever else needs them!).

    Did some actual work at the new job today; it will be looked over today or tomorrow. Hope it’s OK.

    The horse seems to be mending well after her oral surgery last week. The huge hole where the tooth was is getting a bit smaller. She still resents it being rinsed out every day. We’ll be doing it for a few more days.

    Not a whole lot of news here. I’m being taken care of by my wonderful guy, who really does his best to make this whole job transition thing easier (he cooks more often, takes the trash out, takes the dog out if I’m gone for a while, etc.).

    Oh yes: I got a surprise package from my mom, with two pairs of earrings, a tote bag and a scarf. Had no idea why I was getting presents. When I called her, she said, it’s in honor of the new job! I was thrilled; she’s not really a Big Gesture kind of mom (though I know she loves me), so this was a real treat.

    Hope we all have a good day.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:


  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    afternoon ladies,
    just having a cup of tea... went to see DFIL and he ate wonderful for me, the last week or so has been great for him.. know we have to be happy with what we get, because I know it wont always be that way.
    then went and picked up my dad and went to a living trust seminar, very informative and hopefully I can talk DH into setting this up ..
    now waiting on the repair man and have a load of laundry in, raining all day, will sweep the floors but ,will wait and wash them in the morning...
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good afternoon! I stayed well within calorie goal and got in over 11,000 steps yesterday, so feeling good about that today. However, I am so tired and sleepy! I really just want to go home and go to bed.

    Spot has begun pooping not in her litter box a few times. The litter box was clean when it happened. I think she's spoiled with her new bed that I got for her that has been living downstairs where she can look out the back door. I think she gets comfy and delays getting up to go potty in time. I moved the bed upstairs last night (if looks could kill!!) so I'll see if there are any accidents this time. Not at all happy with cat poop on my carpet!

    I hope to get enough walking in during the day today so that I can have a shorter walk tonight because I MUST get my taxes done. The boy child needs them for his financial aid! I hate to even get started with them...

    Dang it! I can't remember the name of the lady who is attempting to get her husband to go to counseling with her. In any case, I really wish you luck, not only that he will go but that he will actually listen and do what is needed. My ex went to counseling, but he only talked the game as long as he was in the office and never changed at home. After the divorce, I happened to see one of the counselors that we had talked with. When I told him that we had separated, his immediate response was, "What took you so long?!!" He was of the opinion that I should have kicked my ex out years earlier.

    I am going to go visit my parents tomorrow. My daughter is going with me and we'll come back home Saturday evening. I really need to check the situation up there and figure out if there are any things that can be done to make my mother more mobile. We are taking food for two meals with us because I don't want my mother to try to cook. Since she is telling me that she hasn't left the house in about a month because she is having such difficulty walking, the last thing I want her to do is attempt to stand in the kitchen and cook! I also want to see my grandnieces!

    Michele - I'm pretty sure that Hodgson's is the brand of oat bran cereal that I bought. If so, I hope to have time to try out the muffins tonight.

    Well, I'm off to wash up my yogurt and strawberries bowl before I get ready to head to job #2. Blargh! (Yes, I'm channeling Charlie Brown.)

    I hope everyone has a good day!

    Carol in NC

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Beth, my Samsung S5 has a step tracker too, and it surprised me how close the count is to my fitbit. It's an app called S Health. It also monitors my exercise, weight and food and can check my heart rate. I have another app called Real Blood Pressure, but I'm not convinced that is very accurate. You put one finger on the camera on the back of the phone and one finger on the front of the phone. It's amazing all the stuff these phones can do.
  • ellefenton
    ellefenton Posts: 12 Member
    Well; best wishes to all! I'm on a 4 day streak tracking food and approaching the goals. Thought I'd include my favourite recent joke, although it's very frustrating on my phone:
    When I was at the checkout and ready to pay for my groceries the cashier said to me; "Strip down, facing me."
    Making a mental note so I could complain to my local MP about this security rubbish, I did just as she had instructed.
    After the shrieking & hysterical remarks finally subsided, I found out that she was referring to how I should position my credit card.
    Nonetheless, I was asked to shop elsewhere in the future.
    I hate this getting older stuff.
    ...and with that, I need to shake myself & go ride that *";"? bike!
  • ellefenton
    ellefenton Posts: 12 Member
    Oops.- Elle, Ontario
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Carol: I had two boxes for one cat. Worked great. You might want to try that.

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi to my lovely friends. I have spent the last 2 days in bed ( and in the bathroom) with the worst GI bug ever! OMG I can’t remember the last time I had anything like this go on. I finally ate something this afternoon, but it’s not sitting very well. Ugh!

    Vicki: sorry I missed what’s happened with your mom but I’ll send prayers too!

    Dreamwriter: great costumes!

    Alison: I am sending you peaceful thoughts for when you have to deal with the troll. I too get overwhelmed when I get home and all I want to do is watch the news and everyone is yakking!

    Beth; Easter candy is no problem here IF I buy only chocolate..I don’t really like it although every once in a while I get a craving.

    Terri: sometimes you have to put your foot down. Good for you

    Katla: did your headache go away?

    Janet: congrats on the smaller pants!

    Wessecg: have you had a physical lately? I too am stumped by what causes us to gain and lose. It’s way more than just calories in and calories out, as someone just said

    Sylvia: sometimes you have to take care of YOUR list first. Don’t feel guilty

    Carol: I am sorry that mom shouldn’t spend the night but I have seen so many times this situation causes great distress on the older person when she has to go back to the nursing home. Sending you hugs

    Sue: can you explain more about the anti-inflammation diet?

    Rori: you really should write a book!

    Chris: what an excellent nsv!!!! Sorry for the news, but you handled it so well. I’m proud of you!

    Margaret: what beautiful pictures!

    Sharon: I hate those days when I eat something I don’t even like. The other day at work I got the nachos and cheese….why I don’t know because I don’t even like them…I ate about ½ then threw the rest away. Hey maybe I can blame being sick on them!

    Heather: peaceful thoughts for your dentist visit!

    Beth: hope you continue to feel better!!!

    Cynthia: what a great treat indeed!!! My mom wasn’t big on things like that either, but she
    always wanted to give me gas money. If I didn’t take it she’d get mad, so I always did. Even if I just ran her down the street….here’s $20!

    Elle: I have to admit that was funny!

    OK ladies, time to go back to bed. UGH. Take care all. Meg from Omaha
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    edited March 2015
    Done the dentist! :drinker: She did a VERY conservative repair and it's already feeling better! Didn't cost much. Hoooraaaay!

    My DDIL texted me twice this evening - once to say they met Michele Roux Jr and had a great meal and again to say how funny it was that she and DS#2 had the same idea for a birthday present! He is treating her to a night in Paris in September and she is treating him to a night in the New Forest in May! ! ! ! ! Both times we are babysitting. :love: She said I was Supergran! <3 Of course we are absolutely delighted to be enabling them to have quality time together while we enjoy our darlings. Wish I had had someone to do that for me at that stage! I truly think it is great that they prioritise their relationship. So many young parents don't.

    Feeling much happier tonight now I've got the dentist over. :D

    Heather UK
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good afternoon,
    Good day so far. Tried a zumba class with a friend at a new gym giving "free samples" of their classes, made it through the warm up and over half of the class, then left for a drink of water, put the weights on the floor and finished w/o them......fun, but I'd need to work up to being able to finish a session.....and I won't do any of the jumping with my osteoporosis. Would go back. Just what DH needs to hear; yet another gym, fortunately this one is connected to one I already have membership with. Afterward we went to a gorgeous tea room for a light lunch....had a lovely almond scone with lemon curd and clotted cream (thinking of Heather!!!), broccoli and cheese soup, and a very, very small shepherds pie. Then my friend, who very fortunately (for me) is in training to be a massage therapist "practiced" on me at her home. I drifted home sooooooo relaxed. Of course, the dog's frantic greeting kind of ended my bliss!

    Thanks again for all the hugs and kind thoughts; they are deeply appreciated. I see the surgeon Tuesday and have a list of questions for him.

    I didn't make a list so I'll probably forget a lot of notes to you all, but I have read everything.

    Margaret.........Beautiful pics. Overnight, our Bradford pears are blooming, late, usually by March 10, but I know it's Spring when I see them. However, we are to hit record lows this week end.

    Vicki........Good healing thoughts to your mom.

    Joyce.........Hope for a smooth move for your daughter and many happy years in the new home.

    Sylvia......I knew the party would be great!!! DD still loves those confetti cakes.

    Sharon.......Loved both costumes. My friend who has a daughter with Down Syndrome told me if I went with them to see Cinderella, they would both be in costume......I had already gone with DD. Go to CCR, you won't be sorry. I saw Bruce Springsteen last summer and spent three hours on my feet dancing and singing, something I'll never forget.

    Cheryl.........Have you had a thyroid check recently, just a thought.

    Cynthia.......Glad your horse is healing. Sounds like your mom knows what you need!!!

    Meg.......Article in our paper today........norovirus is quite bad here; could that be what you have?

    Heather..........You have a fabulous memory!!! I finally looked up Gunslinger, which I dimly remember........It only ran from Feb. 9, 1961 to June 3, 1961 and only 12 episodes!!! The main star was very handsome Tony Young as Undercover Agent Cord who died in 2002 of lung cancer at 64. The show had some pretty famous guest stars: George Kennedy, Buddy Ebsen, Jack Elam, Jay Silverheels. I think you could probably view the episodes online again if you want to.

    Best to everyone,