Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant!



  • AidaR
    AidaR Posts: 28 Member
    Hey ladies how do I add a baby ticker on the site I can't figure it out for the heck of me LOL??

    Heather I started laughing when i saw your bb's comment i did the same thing yesterday when i did my jog my friend didnt want to run next to me she said i look silly holding my bb's but it hurts LOL and it seems like its only gonna get worse LOL...

    I've been having somewhat weird cravings I crave cold fruits LOL i put all of our fruits in the fridge and as soon as i walk in start cutting different things. Not sure if that means I’m lacking some vitamins or what not but I've been taking my prenatal and prior to getting prego i use to take regular vits... Also noticed i cant stand the smell of raw meats so my hubby has to brown up things for me before i start cooking LOL.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Aida you add the code to your Signature which is at the top of the message board page. You get the code from another site like babybump or baby center. :)

    I crave fruit too. Lots of pregnant women I know do. I wouldn't worry about it. It is an easily digestible carb, so that is most likely why we crave it. And the aversion to raw meat is pretty common too. It never bothered me, but I know several who it has.

    Where are all my fit and fabulous friends this week? lol! I miss you ladies! Hope all is well with everyone!

    I'm going on a hike and doing an hour of toning today. The weather has been beautiful so any chance to get outside and not be stuck inside the gym on a machine is heaven to me. I truly miss all the cardio classes I used to do but Zumba on Saturday mornings seems to be the only one I make. Mostly because all the classes are at like 7pm and after 1pm if it hasn't happened, it isn't going to but also because I workout with my friend and she has a child so we do child friendly workouts like take her in the stroller and go to the gym in the "mommy room". She is due to have her baby any day now really. So I know things will change once she has the baby and I am back to working out on my own for a while.

    Question for the mommies that are further along than me or the ones that have had babies before....when did you stop doing ab workouts on the floor? I know you can do them on a workout ball until you deliver or standing abs.

    Also, you ladies wanna do some kind of Monday goals? Let me know what keeps you motivated and what kind of goals we should do!
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    Happy friday ladies !
    Well after selling our house while building a new one, we have been living with my parents for 3 months. Today we finally get the new place and its easy to say I am soo excited to be outta here lol. Living with your parents is hard, when you are used to being at your own place, but living with them in your 1st trimester! worst idea ever ! My workouts started off great this week, until tuesday I had this lunges competition at my gym , where I set the record in most lunges, but still can't walk today lol... bad idea. So I'll jump back on that horse tomorrow. I finally feel like I can start being the healthy me again, my parents keep so much junk and tempting things here, I have struggled with my eating the last few months. Quite the test. As for the baby- I feel amazing, tons of energy, like my usual self , however started to see the "bump" , which I was hoping would wait 2 more weeks, as I am doing a bikini fashion show then. I certainly hope they announce I am 4 months along, so I dont' feel like a fit girl with a gut lol.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    This week most of my energy came back so I decided to walk/jog on my treadmill again and it felt great. Out of habit I still weigh in on Friday mornings and when I felt yucky and couldn't go on my treadmill I was slowly gaining some weight (not a big deal) but this week I lost weight and that wasn't my goal. I am now under my pre pregnancy weight again. If I up my calories more I feel like I am eating every second of the day.

    We are having company on Saturday and I found out she is making an apple pie. I am going to enjoy a slice of that for sure. It would be rude to refuse a slice anyway right?

    I have been doing tons better with my water intake now and doing my best to control my sodium. I haven't been over this week yet.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Happy Friday to my fit, fabulous and pregnant friends!

    Wishing everyone a great couple of weeks ahead. I will be off line for the next couple of weeks so I hope everyone keeps up with their healthy eating and exercising goals.

    Kaymd - glad to hear you are getting some energy back for the workouts. The first trimester is tough. Enjoy that piece of pie!
    Atynk - yeah! back to your own place :-) I always seem to crave fruit....I like the sweetness.
    Lexi - I think your husband gets home soon. If he's anything like my husband, he will be excited to feel that little baby moving inside you. Enjoy. Don't beat yourself up about the runs either. I have slowed a lot in my runs and cut my mileage by at least half and it seems to be getting harder again....
    Heather - you will meet up with your husband soon too. Enjoy the sun and pampering of the Ritz in Tucson. I didn't really do any research on ab workouts, but I stopped around 16 weeks....just seemed like the right time to get off the floor.
    Nichole, Melissa, AidaR and 911 girl - hope you all are feeling good. 911girl, I keep thinking of you and your return to work - I pray it's going well.

    Best wishes! I will look forward to catching up with everyone when I return.
  • AidaR
    AidaR Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks Heather I feel much better now :) Where do you hike? Is it trails or like wooded area? I like to do my hikes on the weekend also but I keep on thinking if I go in the area with big rocks and stuff that I might fall even thou I never did before LOL so I’m thinking about changing my routs which means less challenge now.

    Atynk - WOW you look great 4 months and doing bikini comps that amazing, ladies here are beyond inspirational

    I'm thinking to take it easy today since I'm doing 5K Dress for success power walk in San Francisco with few of my girlfriends, this year Jillian from Biggest Loser will be there so I'm excited and hope I don’t freeze LOL it gets cold in the city early mornings... So wish me luck ladies LOL...

    Hope you all have a great weekend
  • blessdmomof4
    blessdmomof4 Posts: 125
    Hello Everyone!!

    Happy Mother's day to you all!!!! :flowerforyou:

    I got in a delightful hike this morning with hubby and the kids. Add Satruday morning cleaning for 2 hours before the hike and it was a pretty good burn for the day! My 7yo son has his first Rookie League baseball game tonight. It's under the lights at the nicest field in the city. He is so excited! Last night they had a practiced and played kids against parents. I opted out for fear of getting hit w/ a ball. In retrospect though, I probably could have played. Chances are I couldn't get hit hard enough to do any damage. What do you ladies think? Baseball or no baseball?

    Aida- I was just realizing as I was hiking this morning that slippery leaves and rocks are not a good combination for a preggo lady if she falls. I need some better shoes I think and I'll have to be careful.

    My mother's day gift from my husband is that he is installing me a dishwasher!!!!!! I haven't had one since I moved into this house 3 1/2 years ago and I have missed having one sooooooooooo much. So today he took out the cupboards. We have to get a plumber and electrician in to do some work and then I will have my dishwasher! Yay!!:happy: In the mean time. Hubby promised to do the dishes until its installed! You just have no idea how much this means to me! I am not a very "gifty" person. I appreciate it much more when people do things for the DISHES!!! I'm also a big fan of spending quality time together over presents.

    Anyone have any special mother's day plans? I'm going out to a super yummy dinner with by bff and I can't wait!!! I hope your mother's day is a blessing!!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    atynk I too lived with my parents after my divorce from my first husband. I moved back home at 25 and it was horrible. I was going to college and I had just recently lost 70lbs and my parents filled their house with all the junk that I couldn't resist. So with everything going on it was near impossible not to gain back some weight. That is awesome that you are able to have your own space and fill it with all the yummy, healthy food that is good for you! Also, I'm super impressed with your lunges competition and your fitness bikini competition! You go girl!

    kaymd glad you are feeling better enough to get in a good workout! Also, definitely have a slice of only live once and one slice of pie isn't going to kill ya! :)

    Smilegirl hope all is well and everything is okay. We will miss you!

    Aida I hike/walk around the back roads where I live. I live in Missouri and it is really hilly and so I walk on the back roads but I don't log it as "walking" cause typically for a normal hour walk you don't burn as much calories as you do when you are climbing hills! I do love hiking on trails and wooded areas but it is easier to walk around where I live then to drive to hike. My husband has been hiking the mountains in AZ and fell recently so he had been saying we could go when I come, but now since he fell he is afraid I will fall and hurt myself or the baby. Good luck on the walk!!! That is awesome!

    Nothing new with me. Just getting excited to go see Al (my husband) on Thursday! I got in over an hour and a half workout today so I'm feeling pretty good. Got some new shoes which are a size bigger. Evidently not only is my butt, boobs, and belly growing at epic are my feet! Go figure. Well I hope you all have a great weekend!
  • __flexylexi
    __flexylexi Posts: 154 Member
    Hi belly buddies!!!!

    My husband has been in the states (hence my decreased online time) but I don't get to see him till this friday because he is doing reintegration in Tennessee. I start Maymester today. I didn't end up with my 4.0 but I did end up on the deans list. All these people with A's in pediatrics ended up getting Cs and Ds on the final (Which proves that the final was structured like crap) and so many people with B's ended up failing!!! So the dean really couldn't "curve" up grades but decided to offer the class in the summer. I feel bad for all these people that failed. I was glad I had an A so I had a big cushion to pass. I ended up with an 86.. But I made a 68 on the final.. like, WTH??? a person that has consistently made 90s on exams all of a sudden made a 68? I wasn't alone though, and I am happy with the dean's list :)

    I would like to report to you all that the belly support band is AMAZING!!! I researched runner forums and found out a lot of people started using them when their weight or belly size went up and apparently, I am crazy for not getting it earlier. So last friday, It took a LOT of effort to run a mile (which is the most I have done in the past 2 weeks) and today, I ran 1.5 miles straight and semi fast compared to my pregnant pace. I did it in 15 mins... It is amazing. I think if I got it earlier I would still be doing long runs right now. The problem I have is my added weight. The only reason I stopped was because my ankles were hurting, probably because they aren't used to supporting 10 more lbs while running at a semi fast speed. I am hoping to at least keep up running a mile until 30 weeks and if not, I have been on the elliptical. :)

    Heather I suppose we will barely hear from you thursday onwards :) That will be the case with me on friday, since we will be busy driving back and forth from here to San Antonio on the weekends :) Thank goodness my hubby works out a LOT too, so squeezing in gym time wouldn't be an issue!!

    Smilegirl, I really try hard not to beat myself up, but I see all these preggo people at 30+ weeks still doing long runs and I think if I wasn't on exercise restriction for so long I would be that way too, but I guess that ship has sailed and I am pretty content on my little one and two milers LOL. I plan on bouncing back and running a half marathon 4 months after this baby comes out though so hopefully that plan pulls through :)

    Hope you ladies have a wonderful week :) Lots of love, lexi
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Oh man I hate when I accidentally hit "backspace" and delete everything I just wrong!! AAARGGH!

    Anyways, Lexi I'm so very excited for you that your hubby is coming back and you get to see him on Friday!!! That is soooo exciting! And congrats on making the Dean's List! You rock! I got my first C in a class for the first time in my life in Nursing I feel your pain! But once you make it through, you can get a job ANYWHERE no matter what grade you got in Ped's! lol! What brand of belly support band did you get? I'm leaving on Thursday afternoon and will be back Tuesday very late evening. I'm super excited and can't wait to just lay next to him and be in his arms....that is what I truly miss the most.

    So yesterday was the first REALLY hot day we've had this season. It had rained the night before so it was pretty humid as well. Of course it was the day I decided I needed to mow the lawn. Wowzers was that a chore! I had to take 4 breaks and come inside in the AC and drink an entire bottle of water! But almost 2 hours, 4 breaks, and 900 calories burned...the lawn was mowed. Unless it cools off, I don't think I'm going to be able to mow the lawn much longer myself. I'm the type of person who will do what I can do without asking for help...but I also know my limitations. My lawn sure does look good though! :) I'm going on a hike this morning with my friend who is due to have her baby any day now. She has been having having contractions off and on for the past couple of days so we better not be having to call 911 while out on our hike this morning! What a story that would be!

    I bought some new workout gear. It has really helped me. I bought a few cute shorts and tops and two new pair of shoes. I had to get a size bigger cause evidently sometimes when you are pregnant your feet get bigger....who knew?! Good thing is that they go back down evidently. I got an amazing deal on a pair of Muzuno Wave Creations running shoes. They usually retail for over $140 and this past years models they needed to get rid of so they were on sale for $49!!!! Talk about a steal! Seem to be extremely comfortable and I really like them! I also feel even more motivated now that I have cute workout clothes that fit (they are a little too big right now but I wanna be able to grow into them). So if you are suffering from a lack of motivation...I highly recommend going out and buying a few new outfits to fit your new curves my belly friends! :)

    My weight has finally hit a plateau and that makes me happy! By 10wks I had gained 10lbs!!! I am 14wks today and I am still at that 10lb gain. Hoping I can hold onto it for at least 3 more weeks or so. I think by 17 or 18wks 10lbs isn't so bad...10wks...oh man I was freaking out. But stopping the Progesterone seems to have made me halfway normal again. This makes me happy.

    Well I hope you ladies have a wonderful day! I hope you all are doing well.
  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    I hope everyone's Mother's day was great! My son, 10, made me pancakes ALL by himself and he did a FANTASTIC job! He was even proud that he used the griddle and flipped them by himself! They weren't over or under done. Maybe I have a cook on my hands.

    I had my ultra sound yesterday and it went well. My daughter, 3, was able to come with me and she was fascinated!! She liked hearing the heartbeat too. I felt bad that my husband couldn't be there. He told me he will take off of work for the one at 20 weeks that reveals the sex. We are also going to look in to getting a 3D/4D ultra sound too.

    Well, I have a busy day ahead of me today because my oldest was up half the night with a sore ear and sick stomach. Thinking ear infection. He hasn't had one of those in FOREVER!

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  • anna441
    anna441 Posts: 253 Member
    I would like to join too..

    I did home pregnancy test and it turned out to be positive, me and my husband are very excited with the news (But I am very scare) ...waiting for a appointment with the doc for tomorrow May 11th....
  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    I would like to join too..

    I did home pregnancy test and it turned out to be positive, me and my husband are very excited with the news (But I am very scare) ...waiting for a appointment with the doc for tomorrow May 11th....

    Congrats!!!! Good luck with your appointment tomorrow! It's okay to be scared. If you have any questions or concerns your doctor will be there to answer them. Your MFP community is here for you too.:flowerforyou:
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    Happy thursday all,
    15 weeks now, just got back from my appt with my naturopath- she weighs me in and goes over my food. Got in trouble for eating so bad lately, but with the move its been hard. I should probably clear up, that I am not doing a bikini competition, its a fashion show for breast cancer, so no judging lol... At the weigh in I found out I weigh the exact same as I did 2 months ago, except lost 3 lbs of muscle - prob since I haven't had time to work out as hard. Still doing it daily though. Its starting to get warm here so I've got my bike, running shoes, and rollerblades ready to go ! Yesterday I forgot to take my banana before i went to the gym in the am, so i was on an empty stomach, then after i ate breakfast, had my first taste of morning sickness, barely made it to the toilet. My own fault though for not eating first.
    Anyhoo, everyone stay strong and try to get your workouts in, and a nap lol !
  • essbe
    essbe Posts: 65 Member
    Hello, do you guys mind me jumping in?? I got a surprise 2nd line tonight and I am freaking the heck out lol, as this year was supposed to be all about me and getting my body under my control and now... hmm!! I have two boys 7 & 5yo, and was pregnant last year, lost at 14 weeks. So I'm not counting my chickens but if this pregnancy does continue then I really really want to still keep on track with weight loss!

    Has anyone lost a lot of weight while pregnant!? Can you even do that? Argh! Hopefully there's people on here that are living proof it's possible :D;)

    All three previous pregnancies my first trimester has had me wanting to do nothing but SLEEP, so around the kids and working and the very very necessities, that's all I ever managed to do. I don't want the exercise to become a not very very necessity, but I'm afraid of that happening...
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    *Waves to Heather* Looking good hun! Can't believe how far along you are now!

    I'm keeping up with my walking 5 days a week so I can keep fit. Waiting for the MS to ease off a bit more before getting back into my Zumba although at a lower level than before.
  • I am so glad I have found this forum group. I have so far lost 19lbs on MFP since January. But my impetus changed last tuesday when I found out I am approximately 4 weeks pregnant. I now want to keep a healthy pregnancy weight rather than lose weight and still want to continue my new found level of activity. Who would have thought I get a buzz from the gym???
    It will be good for support throughout my pregnancy as this is my first very scared!
    I am also a bit confused as to how I can change my settings to accomodate my new status.
    Look forward to hearing from you all and I hope I will have chance to be an avid poster!
  • Hell yes I freaked out too!!! Didn't think I would catch so quickly.
    Yes I am only approximately four weeks but I am soooo tired, it really is difficult to maintain the exercise but yes in the past month I lost a scary 9lbs where as before I thought I had reached a plateau. So yes I think it is possible to lose weight but just don't go too crazy!
    Congrats and I don't know how you juggle, work kids and exercise.
  • essbe
    essbe Posts: 65 Member
    Hey Zoe, yay a reply! :bigsmile: We are pretty close - I was 5 weeks today, look forward to sharing the journey with you :flowerforyou:
    As for changing your settings, I think calorie needs are pretty much the same as normal in the first trimester, and about 300 cal more in 2nd trimester.
    When you want to adjust your cals up you just go into My home, Goals, and you can edit your cals up in there :smile:
    Good job on your loss so far! Hopefully we can avoid gaining too much back over the next 9 months :ohwell:
  • angieralkey
    angieralkey Posts: 31 Member
    So after 3+ years of TTC and 3 miscarriages I am expecting AGAIN!! We haven't been pregnant in 2 yrs. I have severe PCOS and nothing was helping. That is when I joined MFP in January. Since December I have lost 64lbs and then miraculously got pregnant! I am worried sick about EVERYTHING but we couldn't be more excited! Is anyone else due on January 14th?? Feel free to add me!!
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