40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • AHatFullOfSky
    AHatFullOfSky Posts: 83 Member
    Vacation time has hit us. Early Easter off duty from work and kindergarten. Looove it :smiley: Today has been incredibly lazy all round. But we have all enjoyed staying inside in this louzy weather. Can´t believe how louzy it is at the moment. Anyhoo. TOmorrow we are hitting the indoor community pool for some fun, and I´ll have a good solid walk at the cemetary no matter what.
    TOM is in da house so that means serious bloating but still the weight said 0.4 kg. yay and a few cm decided to jump the ship too. Happy happy. Food choices could be better but I manage to at least keep the calories close to home.

    Nell: I am dane through and throug :smile: Seems like your family live close by. Roskilde I really love, especially the surrounding nature. Do you still visit family here? You should definitely go down south and experience Møn and Stevns Klint.

    Alf: Amazing pictures. Can´t wait to see more. Have a wonderful trip!

    Allen: Hope you feel better soon!

    Sdereski: OMG those pictures are hilarious! Love them. Seems like you guys had great fun. The dancing pole.. LMAO

    Jackie: I use Endomondo for tracking my walks and bike rides. I quite like it. Very userfriendly and consistent in quality.

    Caramelgyrik: I hope you are allright and nothing is damaged?

    Larro: I will hit Google Maps after I hit the reply button and have a look :smile: I wouldn´t mind one bit to hang out in that lodge a few days. Not only due to the warm weather ;)
    Nice picture of Bad Word.

    Kelly: He looks so adorable and totally into flying that plane!

    3furballs: Keep up the good work, your determination will give you the results you aim for.

    Have a great day everyone.

    Pheew; I guess I need to check in this group to keep up with all the replies.

  • JackieUnlimited
    JackieUnlimited Posts: 93 Member
    Larro & Furballs thanks....all the power walking is to keep up with the dog and to get geared up for running.

    Larro nice looking cat. Just want to snuggle that little one.

    Furballs wish I could do the workouts you do.

    Ruby thanks! Haven't started running outside just yet. Temperatures look favourable this week to get rid of all the ice. I figured I would set my goal higher than I have other years in order to push myself.

    AHatFullOfSky thanks I will check that one out.

    Caramel I hope you got checked out and everything is okay!
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    Thanks for the good wishes. I finally have a diagnosis. Basically I have a severe form of food poisoning. It usually lasts 5 to 7 days. I've been fighting it for 11 days. The symptoms are gone now but I'm really weak. At least knowing eases my mind.
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Allenpriest - I am so sorry to hear that, that is horrible. Where do you think you got it from? I hope you get your strength back soon :'(
  • Lartharie
    40 plus I want to lose fat build muscle and fit on an amusement park ride :)
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    ruby70 wrote: »
    Allenpriest - I am so sorry to hear that, that is horrible. Where do you think you got it from? I hope you get your strength back soon :'(

    The bug frequently contaminates chicken but I have no idea how I got it.
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Morning Kids,

    Hope all of you are well and in good spirits.

    Needless to say I sprained my knee and had to have it wrapped and an immobolizer placed on my right knee. The doc did agree had I not stopped myself midfall, my leg most likely would have been broken. Good news is I can still work out and need to use discretion of course.

    AllenPriest--I totally feel for you. 20 years or so ago, I had food poisoning that required the Health Dept to visit the place where I dined and the bacteria I had was a result of an employee defecating and not washing their hands and started handling the beef again. I was told then to drink plenty of fluid to avoid being dehydrated. I wish you a speedy recovery.

    Ahatfullofsky--UGH I hate TOM. Besides that I hope you enjoy your time off.

    Beeps and Ruby-I know you have been trying different things to lose weight and I know how frustrating it is because I am going through it too. Just think about what you were doing 6months to a year ago and what were your results? You may have strayed the course a bit, but you are still fighting. We can fight to stay healthy and have less health problems or we can say forget it and incur weight related health problems, meds, fatigue, etc. Both courses are hard, you just have to chose your hard. There were so many times I said I am done, but I went back and looked at those 337 pound pics of myself (look at my pictures in my gallery) and I remembered those aches and pains and all of those pill bottles (high blood pressure, diabetes, acid reflux, asthmatic drugs, etc) and told myself NEVER EVER AGAIN. It takes all I have to not want to see the scale and then when I do I am ready to break down over it. Now I REFUSE because I am stronger, have more stamina/endurance. I been on both sides and I like the gym and my freedom of movement without being winded much better than not being able to fit in seats and buying clothes with a bunch of X's in it. I adore you both and do not want you to beat yourself up. This journey comes with highs and lows, yet know you are not alone. I am rooting for all of us.

    KellySue---The pics of Jake (sp?)....there is nothing like the life of a kid and the joy they bring.

    3furballs--I agree your workouts are awesome and you keep it interesting. I love to eat chocolate and try to keep workouts in so I can have it

    Larro---You know I love the pic of the cat who keeps you in line (lol)

    Kate--Where are you?

    CG--I do not remember seeing anything from you. I await some adventure of yours

    Alf--Hope you are having a great time

    SDERESKI--Once again, loved the pics

    I think I got everyone, if not forgive me. I am now going back to take a pill for my throbbing leg.

    Have a great day kids.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good morning Cool Kids. No Jake today. My poor boy got sick Sunday night. :( His day care buddies have all been sick too- like his Mommy said- They are all good sharers! Hopefully he will be feeling better soon!

    I too struggle with no loss or sometimes gains. With everything that has happened in my life over the last several months I am struggling with a 15lb gain. I try to keep up with the workout schedule, but it's the eating- probably more out of boredom since I am by myself so much- that I really have an issue with. I went shopping last night and only bought healthy stuff. NO MUNCHIE FOOD!! We'll see how it goes.

    Kickboxing tonight! I am tired, but hopefully I will have a second, or maybe third, wind by that time!

    Have a good day!
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,454 Member
    Good morning cool kids! Last weekend was fun but a bit taxing on my eating. I like my beer a little too much! Looking forward to this weekend. I have a girls weekend going antiquing and get to see the wildflowers blooming in Texas. Hope to have some great pics for you all later.

    Caramel- good to hear you saved yourself from a broken leg! I hope you are back up to speed soon.

    Kelly- looks like you are enjoying your Jake as often as possible. The little ones keep us young. You have a place you can come to with that struggle over gains and all. That is what your Cool Kids are for.

    I know it will take some time to get to know everyone here! I know I have missed alot. Have a great day everyone!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,977 Member
    allenpriest - sounds awful

    caramel - you are soooooooooo wise. You always are!

    KellySue - the "upwards" movement is what is currently scaring ME! I want it to stop - and then reduce back down.

    I do think "living at my lowest point" is likely a pipe-dream....but, living 5 lbs above "lowest" sure as heck beats living at 10 lbs above!!
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Thanks Caramel for the wise words, that really does put it into perspective.

    Question for you all, how do you deal with a negative person in your life? I am doing all I can to try to stay above it but I absorb energy from those around me. Being able to feel so much for those I am around me can be a blessing or a nightmare depending on the situation. This has me so down right now, I wake up really happy and positive and by the end of the day I am just drained. Any words of wisdom?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,977 Member
    Is this negative person actually a toxic person? I eliminate toxic people from my life. And, I diminish, greatly, any time spent with "negative" people.
  • DM01234
    DM01234 Posts: 317 Member
    March is a "wrap" for me for putting time in.

    33.25 hours spent exercising (rowing/walking/running). 112 miles rowed / 52.25 miles ran / 40 miles walked.

    Let's hope April can be the same or more....
  • JackieUnlimited
    JackieUnlimited Posts: 93 Member
    Ruby I agree with Beeps 100%! Limit time with negativity. If they don't build you up and support you why take that into yourself? Do something to get away from that during the day. Go for a walk or a run, listen to music something to change the day for you.
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    edited April 2015
    Beeps & Jackie - Thank you. I need to find a way to distance myself as much as I can. We have a gym that opened back up in town and I used to go there at lunch, I was thinking about joining it again now that it reopened. It used to really help to go pound out some weights doing my lunch to release the stress. That may be the best solution.
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    Caramel-take care of the leg. Glad it wasn't worse.
    Getting a bit stronger. Still working from home but at least I'm able to work. Have to- it is tax season.
  • Justygirl77
    Justygirl77 Posts: 385 Member
    46 and counting...
  • JackieUnlimited
    JackieUnlimited Posts: 93 Member
    Hey Ruby even try taking 10 minutes and walk up and down the stairs. I've done that a couple of times in the past. By the time I was done my legs felt like rubber and I was so tired I couldn't remember what I was upset about. Until I went back to my desk. :'( But then I didn't really care.
  • JackieUnlimited
    JackieUnlimited Posts: 93 Member
    Hey Ruby even try taking 10 minutes and walk up and down the stairs. I've done that a couple of times in the past. By the time I was done my legs felt like rubber and I was so tired I couldn't remember what I was upset about. Until I went back to my desk. :'( But then I didn't really care.
  • lifeisajourney8
    lifeisajourney8 Posts: 1 Member
    I would love to join this group. I'm 49 and have had a constant battle with my weight but the past 3 years have been particularly horrific...I've gained almost 20#. I'm miserable!!!!
    Today I decided....before I eat it....I must log it!!!! That's my 1st step.