
  • LizPlus
    LizPlus Posts: 117 Member
    Happy April 1st All :) ,
    It is April..I know they said that spring is here but when I look outside i see... Snow....lots of Snow...the weather is starting to rise but God help us when it all melts..
    Working emotionally to get my mind set on losing....not gaining...before I was eating whenever I felt hungry..and not the good things...trying to eat more vegetables...
    and less foods with sugar...sweets...*I love sweets** :'(... so losing is a real battle...but I am trying again...My daughter is getting married in 4wks...her second..his too...
    just a small amount of people...and she is making a lot of decorations herself...I pray it works out for her and my grandbaby boys...***Jan*** I will keep you on my mind Friday and
    keep praying it all comes out fine....

    My April Goal
    *** To watch more closely to what I eat
    *** Try not to snack as much or not at all :s
    *** Try to come here more often
    *** To lose... at least 5 lbs..

    Take Care XX
    Liz from Halifax Canada

    1488634kbqvd6hqvc.gif 1232563gh718dfgtx.gif

  • naiomi2015
    naiomi2015 Posts: 95 Member
    Good Evening All,

    Pipcd34Thanks for the encouragement. I do have a goal of loosing 1lb. Per-week and staying below my calorie goal. That is about as far as My confidence will also.

    Mikesmon1983 I'm south of Boston near the RI boarder. How about you?

    Did 60 min. On the elliptical while watching a lecture from YouTube on the TV. One of my favorite speakers so I was able to keep going until he finished. ( I find this better than listening to music.)

    Found out my yogurt needed more time. :) Now to strain out some of the whey. Read that drinking a cup of whey is very nutritious. The suggestion was to try it w/a tbs of cocoa and a little something to sweeten it.

    DH just called asked if I wanted to go for a ride to our (summer) cottage. It's all of 12 miles away so it will make a nice evening's ride. I need to get out of my exercise clothes and put in my jeans & sneakers.

    Naiomi2015 43F in sunny Massachusetts
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Thursday here
    "Lesley - how do you determine your calorie burn. Do you have an instrument that you wear?" I have a FitBit Charge HR, I take note of readings before and after training - keeps me honest
    Food today is 2075 cals, OK with that
    Training: Before breakfast = Wii Gold's Gym boxing; after breakfast = JJ's Bikini boot-camp II and Circuit B.
    Hairdressers this afternoon.

    Is raining and high winds today so Stan decided to stay in bed and NOT go fly fishing.

    Train 6 days a week
    Walk 7 days a week
    Keep food calories nearer to 17000 cal mark
    Drink 8 cups water
    Work out spread sheets for Tom's challenge starting in May
    Find time for fun and laughter
    Go to shelter to find right doggy for us
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: I’m so jealous that your taxes are done and filed! WTG!

    Sylvia: Add DH and me to the list of people who only give our dog treats away from the table in the dog dish, or from our hands out on a walk. We only have one dog, so there wouldn’t be squabbles anyway. We do it this way because we don’t want him begging from the table. I love your goals this month, especially the first one!

    Cynthia: Thanks for much for the newborn foal pictures.

    Carol: Congratulations on the weight loss. I hope you get over what ever has taken your immune system to the point that you keep catching sicknesses.

    Heather: I like your goals.

    Dr. Katie: I’m sorry about your printer woes. How frustrating!

    Janet: I love “life is like a camera."

    Terri in Milwaukee: I’m not having the same problems you are with MFP. Perhaps it is in your home system.

    Sassy: Awesome job with your goals. I love the quotation about consciously forming good habits.

    Yanniejannie: I will be thinking about you on Friday, too.

    Mynyddisamrs: Losing posts was a common problem for me in the beginning. Then I started typing my posts on a separate word document and copying and pasting the word document into MFP. It has saved me a LOT of aggravation.

    Rori: I like your goals for the month. They seem well thought out and achievable.

    Liz from Halifax: It is nice to see your post!

    I had an unpleasant surprise at the gym this morning. My core and abs classes on Wednesdays and Fridays have been dropped. I will stop going in so early and focus on yoga for now. Thank goodness yoga has not been cut! They’re remodeling an area of the building for yoga and possible dance classes. I look forward to being able to take yoga in a room that isn’t too cold.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    April Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.


  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Bump and happy April 1! Meg
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    the elimination diet:
    "Remove anger, regret, resentment, guilt, blame, and worry.
    Then watch your health, and life, improve."

    Dr. Charles, CoachMD

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif We don't feed our dogs from the table. Jake used to make popcorn and share it with the dogs in the living room...what a mess. Now the closest we get is to occasionally add a few bites of turkey to their regular food when we have it.

    smiley-happy110.gif A few words of history about setting goals on this thread. When I first started posting on women ages 50+ in February 2009 the women on the thread were setting a weight loss goal for the month. I didn't like the idea of setting a weight loss goal so I set other goals (drinking water and step count were the first). From that the idea has grown into many creative goals about habits and attitudes and finishing projects that have nothing to do with weight loss. Some women set no goals, some set many, and some keep the same basic ones every month. Whatever works for you is the best idea.

    smiley-cool05.gif I lowered my step count goal this month because I've found myself obsessed with steps and have neglected other things (strength training, time with my hubby, getting to bed on time, household chores). I am looking for more balance and this might be the beginning.

    smiley-sad010.gif My line dance class this morning was cancelled because the instructor thought there was something seriously wrong with her eyes (detached retina, maybe) and scheduled an appointment with the eye doctor immediately. I used the time to dance at home and ride my exercise bike and watch figure skating. Later she called me to say that her eyes were fine. The symptoms she noticed were not unusual for someone her age and she'll be back dancing again tomorrow.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif smiley-happy093.gif

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Happy April and Easter Week. I've been working many, many hours in my garden (flower and veggies) and haven't done much else this week. We had company last week for four days and my DGD's are coming Friday. The weather has been nice so I wanted to get everything in order so I can do other things.
    My April goals are to raise my steps to 5,000. ( it is amazing how when you raise your goal somehow you get there),
    Drink 6 glasses of water a day. It is hot and humid so I need to stay hydrated.
    Don't eat mindlessly. Be aware of everything I put in my mouth.

    I've missed a lot but tried to catch up with some of the March posts.
    Take care of you!
    SueBDew in TX
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's joke of the day:


    One day an employee came in to work with both of his ears bandaged.

    When his boss asked him what happened, he explained:

    "Yesterday I was ironing a shirt when the phone rang and I accidentally answered the iron instead of the phone!"

    "Well," the boss said, "that explains one ear, but what about the other?"

    "They called back!"

  • olebear1
    olebear1 Posts: 1 Member
    count me in. Truly hope I can keep up!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 10.17min, 17.1mph 3mi = 99c
    Spin- 45min, 90ar, 99aw, 11-14g, 20mi = 366c
    ride gym 2 dome- 7.23min, 11.8amph, 1.5mi = 104c
    ride dome 2 hm- 17.38min, 8.9amph, 2.6mi = 241c
    total cal 810
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good evening, all. A sunny but cool day here.

    All forms of support for Friday: good thoughts, prayers, and everything else are welcome and very much appreciated. This thread and the people here have become an important part of my life. Thank you all.

    We had taxes done today then went out to lunch (Cracker Barrel, in a hurry) as a family, something we haven't done for ages. DH went off to work and DD and I took Gemma to the dog park until she had to go to work. Gemma played with a long haired German Shepherd and two standard poodles; she really has no idea how small she is.

    Joyce......From what I understand at this point, while the specimen is in the lab,, they put on a pressure bandage and you go to a special room with the others being "done" that day. I don't know how often they will repeat the local........but no way could I stay still for five hrs. They said to bring a book and food and make no other plans for the day.

    Cynthia.........Sweet pics and great prank!!! How's your horse; are you still rinsing his mouth?

    Heather.....Good luck with your 64 pages. Your cake looks delicious.

    drKatie......DD does laundry like your DH

    Sassy.........8 pounds!!!!!! WTG!!!

    Cary........Laughed at your son's toliet seat joke!!

    Janet..........4 1/2 pounds is great!!

    Chris.......I do the oil pulling first thing in the am. I had DH run it by his dentist, whose opinion is "that it does no harm" and "there might be something to it".......not exactly an endorsement, oh, well......all I know is my teeth feel fabulous.

    Beth........The important thing is that you started!!!

    Rori......I'm going to borrow your goal to meditate daily; it's an excellent goal.

    On goals, Jan. was a great month, the last two, not so great.......


  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,207 Member
    Heather YUM!

    Today looked at my mom's pictures from her River boat cruise in Russia. She went from St. Petersberg to Moscow. She was quite the world traveler. She was born in India in 1918 to missionary parents who were in India from 1900-1930. Traveling must have gotten into her blood early. We are picking a couple pictures from every trip to put up in her room. One was of her posing with her friend with an actor portraying Peter the Great. Some of the Palaces are quite spectacular. The onion domes on some of the churches are distinctive. I did the same two mile walk again to get some exercise.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,477 Member
    Vicki - so sorry about your mom. Please keep us updated.

    Now I have to scroll across to read someone's entire post. What a pain!

    Got the cortisone shot this afternoon. My thumb is numb, but not nearly as numb as it was last time. What we've decided to do is get one more shot, give it about 4 weeks, then I'll go see the doc again. If it still isn't healed, then there is a procedure they can do. It's on an outpatient basis. Basically, they cut part of the skin and then snip the tendon. He said there is a 98% chance that it'll never come back with the surgery

    OK, just went to page 3 and now I don't have to scroll across the page. Wonder what's up with that?

    naomi - that whey and cocoa sound yummy

    Agree with a lot that other's are saying, just don't want to type too much

    katla - isn't it a pain when a class you like is dropped? I used to go to a yoga class on Sat. a.m. The powers that be in their infinite wisdom cancelled the class --- didn't even tell the instructor.

    barbie - glad your instructor is fine. A possible detached retina is nothing to sneeze at

    yanniejannie - you'll be in my thoughts Friday. Sending good vibes your way

    After exercise tomorrow I'll have a more formal breakfast then go volunteer at the Green Room, then go to ceramics and put the first two coats of paint on the head and the last coat on the shoulders. Then to go pick up the lamb for Easter. Then I'll stop at Food Lion, they said they have the Carvel ice cream cakes so I thought I'd get one for our Easter dinner.

    Michele in NC
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Pip, just so you know, you crack me up, too. Good non-goals. Go girl.

    Cheryl, great picture!

    New Toni, Welcome. We are glad to have you with us and hope you come often.

    Chris, you should feel proud of yourself. Keep up the good work!

    Carol, I went to TGIF today for lunch and I didn't even want to think about logging it, but always do even when I embarrass the hell out of myself. I did order wisely but ate everything on my plate except the slimy mushrooms that I just don’t care for. At least I didn’t order the French Dip that I really, really, really wanted.

    Michele, for months I was satisfied to have just a little bite of something yummy, to satisfy my want. All of a sudden, if I have that nibble, I want another one..then another…then another. So sometimes just try to stay away from it. It’s really strange, because I can get two potato chips out of the bag and be okay with that?? Just weird.

    Sylvia, are you putting me in the same category with that crazy Pip? Gosh, golly, gee, thank you..I feel honored. Tee hee hee The pie sounds like a good plan. Hope you savor every bite.

    Vicki, sending good thoughts for your Mom.

    Liz, we are all with you in this journey. Trust me, no one ever said it’s easy all the time. I do find some days easier than others and lots of days harder than others. If you have the commitment and take it one day at a time, you can do this. Try planning what you will eat and give yourself snacks to stave off hunger. I know you can, can , can!!!

    Naiomi, wowzer, I think 60 mins on the elliptical is fantastic. You go girl!! And keep it up.

    Katla, glad the yoga wasn’t cut for you.

    Barbie, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about your obsession with walking. (Not really. Lol) I do think you are wise to step down so as to concentrate on other things. That is a good lesson for all of us. To be well rounded, we can’t let one thing take up all our time, even if it is more fun or gratifying than other things we need to do. I’m glad your dance instructor is okay.

    Sylvia, good joke as always. Thanks for the giggle.

    Olebear, welcome. Please tell us a little about yourself so we can get to know you. Join right in and come often.

    Yannie, I feel the same way about the ladies here, including you. You have all become an important part of my life journey. <3 Hope Friday is a big Piece of Cake. (the non-calorie kind.)

    Margaret, how wonderful that you have those pictures from your Mom’s travels.

    Michele, wasn’t it wonderful to get to page 3. If it kept up being that wide, I was even going to suggest that we all go back to March. That was a pain in the patooti.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I had a good day. The weather was beautiful and had a nice visit with friend over lunch then shopping. Steinmart has some great clothes, but many of them are more expensive than I want to pay. Especially since I am still changing sizes. My friend has a spare bedroom that has been made into a closet in addition to her large walk in closet in her bedroom. They are both full of clothes. I am almost down to her size so I told her I was going to come shopping in her closets. :*

    Have a successful month, ladies.

    My word #1 is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    #2 is opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Janet, that is ONE big closet. I have enough clothes I need only about a closet the size you would find in an old, old home. That was so sweet what your DH said about your legs, well and the fact that he is so supportive. If I went off my diet my husband wouldn't say a thing.

    Cynthia, beautiful pictures of the horses. Isn't it totally amazing that a horse can have a foal that big. Good joke on your man!

    Sylvia, I love that first goal. Wonderful goal to have! When I was young, living at home, we had a wonderful cat named Penny. This was the most intelligent cat I have ever seen. She could open doorways with the knob, she would walk a couple of feet, clean her paws and then walk another couple of feet and repeat. Anyway, I loved what she did to teach her kittens how to catch their prey. When she had kittens we kept her in our attached garage. But bugs still get into a garage. So she would catch a bug, take one leg off and set it loose for her babies. It meant they had to work at catching it but it did give them the advantage. I didn't know your son had been married before. Guess I just didn't think since he has children. But i had never heard you talk about her. OK, shut up Joyce.

    Dr.Katie, I have no idea what you said about the printer!!! But that's OK. I just solve it by shutting the computer down and turning it back on. If it's something I need printed right away I do ti then. If not I jsut wait until the next day and it magically prints.

    Cheryl, you rock in those red boots. Love your smile

    Michele I thought you said neutered instead of retired. I was wondering why some one would ask if you 'had been fixed'.

    Yannie, thanks so much for the explanation. I guess it would be better except that you are sitting in holding waiting on that biopsy. I think when I was working it was called frozen section. It meant send to pathology for quick analysis.

    One thing I was so glad to get done with the taxes was that I didn't know how the Obama care was going to affect the ease of the taxes. I have done our taxes for years. My brother in law is a CPA and he does many peoples taxes but I feel looking at all our financial stuff is personal in nature and I don't want him to see it. There is nothing in there that is embarassing for him to see I just don't want to. Plus like I have said before our method of organizing is to just throw it in a box, everything goes in the box! It's a big sigh of relief every year when I get it done. When we were much younger and we would get a refund I would do it early. But when you know you are going to pay dearly every year, I want to keep my money in my banking account as long as I can.

    Going early morning to help oldest daughter move. It's supposed to be raining, no storming during the move so I hope it all goes well. She posted a picture tonight of the sunset right outside her living room window. Beautiful that she can see this every night. Ellie had already cased the neighborhood out for future playmates. So far just looks like teenage boys playing basketball. Bad news for a Mom and Grandma worrying about a lovely 13 year old young lady. Nitey night

    Joyce, Indiana
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,697 Member
    Cynthia – love the pictures… if horses stayed that size I would like them better.

    Heather – I love kumquats, and had a tree die in my yard and am thinking about replacing it with a kumquat tree. The cake is gorgous!

    Barbie – thanks for starting up our thread this month!

    Pip – I had to look up Mendota, I thought I knew CA pretty well (I am well traveled in the state) but this is a new one, 126 miles from me…

    Toni – desda – welcome, I am just south of you in the east bay area

    Sylvia – great idea for Austin!

    Margaret – I love hearing about you working with pictures with your mom… great for both of you.

    Yanniejannie – interesting way that they do this….

    Those of you into muscles, lifting and body building please don’t take the following wrong, this is just about how I feel about me… I support what works for you, I just feel different about my body than some.

    My exercise is 3 things, walking the dog (3 miles a day), hiking 1 day a week (4-5 miles) and gardening 3-10 hours a week. My dog pulls quite a bit and the gardening is pretty heavy on digging so I get upper body work as well as breaking a sweat. It is warming up here and I am wearing shorts and short sleeved shirts – a friend mentioned that I am showing some muscle definition; for me this is NOT an nsv - I don’t like the look, I like the smooth lines, not in and out of the definition – so what can I do about this? I have never done any lifting and am not planning on it, but want to keep off the weight I have lost and lose 20+ more, I am a bit afraid that if I lose more the lumps of muscle will show…. I thought I would like how I looked as I lost weight, but am not that happy. I know this is pretty weird… all I can think of is to wear long sleeves and long pants…or break all the mirrors LOL….

    New CA challenges – cutting 25% of our water use… I am not sure how they will implement this but having already cut a ton, I don’t think I can cut 25% - one of the news commentators recommended stopping brushing our teeth… I hope that was a joke.

    March goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday
    Eat slower
    Plan and do a fun thing every week

    Kim from N. California
  • Gilly139
    Gilly139 Posts: 67 Member
    :( not feeling so good this morning, big belly seems to be complaining about all the fruit and veg it has been receiving lately. I have just told it to get used to it as it is what it will keep getting for a long while!!!
  • sweetnsassyfied
    sweetnsassyfied Posts: 110 Member
    edited April 2015
    Good morning Everyone! :flowerforyou:

    Welcome to all the new ladies! You will love this thread! !
    Yannie You know each of us here will be waiting with bated breath come Friday until we hear from you. Holding you up until your able to hold your own.

    This goes to any and all who are struggling, or going through a hardship. Holding you up until you can hold your own.

    To everyone who has met their March goals and/or exceeded them ... YaY Us!! :smiley:

    OMGoodness the pony is to cute!! I do hope we will get to see him grow up. Maybe he will win one of those national derby's and we can all say;" N'awwwwwwwww I knew him when!"

    I have a small yet quaint list of friends that I adore! Four I know from real life and the rest I have acquired from this thread. Nine of which are such active encouragers. I would not be as happy as I am on this journey without you rooting for and allowing me the pleasure to root back. Thank you Thank you Thank you!! :flowerforyou: I may get behind in this thread but in the feed and on your pages, I will always be right there for you!! :smiley:

    Janit you asked me some pretty pertinent questions the other day. I saved them so I wouldn't forget but this could wordy. So some of you may want to scroll on through now. lol
    I do have a question about when you regained the weight. I know you were immobile but did your diet change? I hate to think that we would gain that much just from burning fewer calories. And how long did it take you to gain it back? Inquiring minds want to know.

    Back story so you know how I became a Maintainer in the first place. ;)

    I was always at a healthy weight until I was hit by a truck from the side while riding my motorcycle . Thank god the truck was not going fast. It was a 2 lane highway (freeway ??) and the truck saw a break in traffic and decided to go for it. What he didn't see was me. Remembering back it was like it was slow motion. The last thing I remember was putting my hand on the front of his truck trying to stop him/it. I woke in the middle of the highway surrounded by angels. There must of been 20-30 people all holding hands encircling me, angels each and every one of them. ( I still get teary eyed thinking about it ) I remember looking up and seeing a man who looked just like Santa Claus in a wife beater tee. While someone said to me; "Don't move I am an off duty paramedic." I knew right then I was going to be okay.

    Next thing I knew I woke in the hospital and could hear my babies crying (6,4,2). I needed to calm them. So in a voice that didn't even sound like my own I rasped; "Who has the bestest babies in the world??" Instant squeals as they all turned to me and cried back; "You do!" You know how as parents you have this "thing" with your children. That was our thing. I would call out who has the bestest babies in the world and they would answer you do. then I would call out who has the bestest funniest smartest prettiest greatest mommy in the world and they always replied we do. lol Ego boost every time. ;) Anyway a year's worth of therapy to learn to walk again and 65 pounds later... I was the bestest funniest smartest prettiest greatest fluffiest mommy in the world. Until I lost it 2008. ;)

    So in 2010 I started getting these weird pains in my feet. Weird as in explicable because I wasn't doing anything different. So I really didn't take any heed because they were few and far between. In 2012 it got to the point I couldn't ignore it any more. Doctors are conservative over here so we took the slow route. Inserts, physio massages, and pain pills to cope.

    By 2013 I couldn't walk for 15 minutes without being in excruciating pain. This was when the insidious 10 appeared. Being 5'8" I always carried my weight well, so I truly didn't notice it. By this time I was too busy getting X-rays and seeing specialists all over the country from neurologists to orthopedics. It wasn't until I drank the kool-aid for an MRI that they'd seen tiny hairline fractures all over the tops of my feet. Caused they surmised by the bones rubbing against each other, which in turn allowed fluid to get inside the bone causing them to swell leading to bigger fractures.

    In April of 2013 I spent a week in the hospital for marrow transfusions. I was hooked up 9 hours out of the day where they were flushing out the bad replacing with the good. ( Best I can do in translation. My German isn't that good to know all the terms and terminology. ) I left the hospital with a good 25-30 extra pounds. It was horrible! Worst week of my life. It helped for all of 2 months. Finally with no other alternative we were left with having the bones fused together.

    My right foot was done in August of 2013. Metal out in July 2014. Left foot done Sept. 2014. ( Metal out hopefully June 2015 ) You know the rest 5 weeks restricted to bed. Then forearm crutches for 4 months gradually upping the weight i could put on it. along with physio, until now... Free at last! But between Aug 2013 and Dec 2014 I gained the rest.

    Other then the bone marrow transfusions the reason I gained was because I never changed the way I ate. I continued to eat like a runner, a weight lifter, an active busy woman who walked 10-20 kilometers a day. By the time I wised up it was to late and I really didn't care. The damage was done. But I knew... I knew that when I was able to kick those crutches to the curb this time, there was nothing that was going to stop me from getting my fit fine self back. Because I am a Determined Loser! :smiley:

    I would like it noted that I never once blamed anyone but myself for this weight gain. To all those who loved me enough to bring me copious amounts of cake during the recovery processes, my family and friends... Thank you for most of it. ;) I have a t-shirt that I used to wear that reads; I run for Cake! And I did too. lol

    "If you do not consciously form good habits, you will unconsciously form bad ones."
    Sassy aus Austria
    • If you want it, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse.

    • Being Fat is Hard.
    Losing Weight is Hard.
    Maintenance is Hard.

    Choose Your Hard.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,618 Member
    Wow Sassy - that is some story! I just know you will get back the old you - you have a great attitude. :flowerforyou:

    Kim - sorry to hear about your water problems. What a drag! Here's hoping for rain soon!
    With regard to the "looking muscular" issue, I hope you will learn to celebrate your beautiful, slim, defined body. I certainly love my muscle definition - when I look in the mirror I don't see an old lady, but the outline of an athlete. ( can't say the same for my baggy, lumpy skin! :laugh: ) That pleases me soooooo much. I am thrilled! Do you think because of the way your mother criticised you you are not able to just love your body whatever it looks like. Very few of us have ideal bodies and even those that do find fault with them. Some work on celebrating your new shape might be in order. It sounds like people are trying to compliment you and you are not listening. Big hug for you ((((×♥♡×))))

    Going to read my 64 pages today, or at least some of it. :laugh: This pm I have to cook tomorrow's main course - a pork, leek and cider stew. Also go out to buy veg accompaniments. My DB says he "should" be able to make it. :sad: They still haven't told me if they are staying the night or what time they are arriving. Don't you just love family! ! ! ! ! ! Friends would never treat you that way!

    Must get on - reading to do!

    Heather in dull Hampshire UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,005 Member
    Sassy. that is quite a story.. so glad you are on the road to recovery..
    busy busy day for me today, going to get my hair cut, stop at walmart and lowes , then come home and do laundry and get the dogs outside ,my DB I am taking over for an intake interview for outpatient rehab.. praise the lord.. hope this works for him. also have to make a grocery list and go do that.
    tomorrow getting rhe bathroom ripped up and out and the electrician coming,putting in outlets and lighting..