p90x Support Group



  • jackelyn14
    jackelyn14 Posts: 59
    I just finished Core Synergistics, and am amazed that I can already feel improvements from last week doing it. I felt stronger at the superman/banana's - last week I could barely get my legs and arms off the ground for the banana's.

    I had a bad weekend of eating junk, but have my fridge full of healthy groceries and feel excited for this week.
  • yursza
    yursza Posts: 5

    It's a fantastic home workout series. I've had several friends purchase the videos used through Craigslist and other online sites and they saved a lot of money. There are other investments you might have to make (e.g., a few light dumbbells or fitness bands) and possibly a pull-up bar. The initial investment can be a little pricey, but the program is meant to replace a gym membership. This is not to say that some folks don't keep their gym memberships while doing P90X and combine the two, but you end up saving money in the end if you don't pay for monthly gym fees.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Cleaned up the spare room and hit play. P90x Day 1 done! And I'm really proud of how hard I pushed. I decided to start out on my knees for this round. I really want to focus on going deep with push-ups before I worry about being on my toes. Ready to kick Plyo's butt tomorrow!!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Those of you who are farther along give me hope. :)

    I just finished KenpoX and week 1 is done. I am sore everywhere but my abs (I couldn't do Ab Ripper X this week - waiting on an injury to heal). I saw Jill's comment that the first work is usually the worst with the soreness. I hope that's true for me. Rest day tomorrow, and I'm looking forward to it. :)

    You know the soreness did get better, but Chest and Back always gets me. I think it is because it is one of my favs so I push myself. Congrats on finishing up the first week! If you are still on board, I do believe you are doing better than most!

    Haven't worked out today yet, I want to fit in Chest and Back, but not sure if I will be able. The grass needs cut, and us Ohioans haven't really been getting very many breaks in the rain to do it!!!

    Thanks for the optimism - I am gearing up to tackle it again tomorrow. I must say, I enjoyed the rest day. Was tempted to try and go for a run but realized that I really want to make it through another week so will follow the schedule as it is set. :) Hope you get some sunshine too!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Cleaned up the spare room and hit play. P90x Day 1 done! And I'm really proud of how hard I pushed. I decided to start out on my knees for this round. I really want to focus on going deep with push-ups before I worry about being on my toes. Ready to kick Plyo's butt tomorrow!!

    I think I'm going to follow your lead and do knee push ups too. I did them on my toes the first time around, hence "iffy" form. I agree with you - going deep is a good way to start and build from there. Will report in. Have fun with plyo! Hope you kick it and not the other way around. :wink:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Until starting this round of P90x, I never paid much attention to my Protein/Carb/Fat ratios. I focused on calories and that was about it.

    After looking at the X's suggested ratio for the first phase, of 50/30/20, I figured I'd take a look at my diary and see where I've been. Over the last 2 weeks, I've averaged a 14/51/36!!!!! That's crazy low protein....there were some days I didn't even hit 10% for protein!!! (Guess that's what happens when you're broke and live off potatoes for a week...)

    So my goal is to focus on getting more protein and at least get a 30/40/30, which I accomplished yesterday and will have about a 37/36/27 today.

  • Just finished day 5 yesterday, I couldn't squeeze ab ripperX inbetween work, dinner, and softball so I'm doing it tonight. It's not like my abs didn't get a workout at the game. I did the legs and back before the game so I was stretched out, but sore. Surprised I could still run as fast as I did, and still managed to pitch a 2nd straight shutout!
  • AmyQwith2
    AmyQwith2 Posts: 59 Member
    finally finished week 1 - only took me 9 days :) But I now have all the DVD's and can't wait to do Chest & Back again tonight! For those of you that do the resistance bands for pull ups, what weight do you use? I did 15lbs last week and it didn't leave me sore...but I am pretty sure I don't have back muscles - would I be killing myself to really up it this week? I'm thinking 25lbs? Or should I do 20lbs and see?

    Also - I have the toughest time with AbRipper - it hurts sooo badly! I do skip some of it since I have separated ab muscles from having my last baby (he was HUGE!) and was told to avoid anything sit up like, but I can't get anywhere near finishing the rest of it either!
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    Regarding the bands, if one of them isn't enough weight, you don't necessarily need to move to a different band. Just back up a little bit so there is more tension. Or if you can figure it out, put a loop in the band as well.
  • Hi everyone! Just jumping in - finishing up Power 90 next week, then rest week, then P90X on June 1. Trying to figure out how to get in the 50% protein. Any suggestions?
  • Bditbobcat
    Bditbobcat Posts: 171 Member
    Hi everyone! Just jumping in - finishing up Power 90 next week, then rest week, then P90X on June 1. Trying to figure out how to get in the 50% protein. Any suggestions?

    It is REALLY hard. At least it was for me. I would drink 2 protein shakes a day (one post-workout and one after dinner for dessert), and then have what felt like a ton of either chicken breast or tuna for lunch. Just so you know, I don't think I ever actually reached my required amount even when I was trying really hard to! Good luck!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,004 Member
    Cardio X done. Two awesome things about this workout: (1) it's short, and (2) no run lunges in the warmups! :bigsmile:

    I'm looking forward to Shoulders & Arms and even ARX tomorrow. I'm going to attempt to do ALL of the reps in ARX. Wish me luck! :tongue:
  • JennyLynn30
    JennyLynn30 Posts: 12
    I was doing so GREAT last week!!!! Then I got extremely sick Friday evening. Could not swallow a thing until Sunday afternoon, and the fever is finally gone. I'm gonna wait till tomorrow to work out, but should I start with Chest and Back? Or do Wednesdays workout? I was so excited and motivated, but now I'll be a week behind... I don't want to wait too long to get back to it and then just loose all motivation.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Hey all.
    Smiles - Don't worry - I still start off with pushups on my toes. Until I can't go anymore, and then go to knee pushups. In a couple of weeks, you will see the number of knee pushups increase, as well as your chest muscles getting stronger. In time, you can then go back and do pushups on your toes - You will get there.

    Frogman - what kind of softball do you play? ie you a fast ball pitcher? Great work

    AmyQ - It's hard to keep up with all the exercises in AbX - I've always did my best to get to 25, and then did the remainder with ab crunches - Some exercises I can't do any, so I end up doing 25 more ab crunches, sometimes with legs up. If you work those muscles slowly, they will get stronger.

    Jill - good luck with completing all exercises in AbX - I've already told myself that maybe Round 2 I'll be able to do them all.

    Seashells - Extra Protein - I'm actually going to try this again this week. My previous round I didn't stay up at that ratio very long, but that was last year. Try to get protein in each meal, breakfast, lunch dinner, and snacks.

    I get protein from chicken, turkey, Ham, beef, bacon, egg whites, eggs, beans, protein shakes, protein bars, jerky, hard boiled eggs, cottage cheese, milk, soy milk and i'm sure few others.
    Sometimes instead of having a 2oz piece of chicken, have a 5 oz piece.
    Add 1 1/2 scoop of protein powder in protein shake instead of 1.
    Have 2-3 servings of egg whites instead of 1.

    I'm off to do Plyo today - Everyone have a great day.

    JennyLynn - If it were me, I'd start over on chest and back. I like to keep the same workouts on same day of week - ie Kenpo on saturdays :smile:
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Peter - I like being a day behind you... you did great with Plyo today! Tearing it up. :) What[s your favorite part of that workout?

    JennyLynn - don't worry about missing, just start back up. Sometimes I worry too much about sticking to schedule and that stress just burns me out. What matters more is that you give what you've got and rest when you need to. (In my humble opinion). ;) Hope you are feeling better soon!

    I did chest/back and Ab Ripper X today. Enjoyed it more than the first time. Even stuck with those stupid dive bombers even though I don't have the strength to hold up all the way through. I just crash down onto my chest and quickly rise back up. It's even a little fun, dare I say it, to dive and crash. Fun if you're slightly demented, that is.

    Deciding if I'm going to Turbo Kick class tomorrow night, in addition to tomorrow's plyo.

  • Frogman - what kind of softball do you play? ie you a fast ball pitcher? Great work

    Its a slowpitch coed league. I play for my the restaurant I work at. The last 2 years I've only played a total of 8 games at SS, so this is my first time pitching, I guess I'm good! Everytime we hold an opponent to 3 runs or less, we get free beer!

    Today I have Kenpo + ab ripper since I skipped the abs last night in a rush to get to the game. My hamstrings are very sore, so we'll see how well I can do the workout. The scale in the morning has been going up the last few days... so hopefully I'm actually gaining! After the first phase I'm going to measure myself to check if my muscles are getting bigger or if its just water weight.
  • Can I join? I started p90x on the 27th, but just now getting back on MFP. I'm loving the workouts and feeling really healthy and strong. It's nice to see how much more of the workouts I can do since I started.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Glad to see everyone pushing play and doing so well...and hi to the newbies!

    Back & Biceps done today...felt pretty strong, and I'm confident that I can increase weight on some of the exercises. :happy: It got pretty late, so I opted to skip abs tonight- plan to get them in tomorrow morning, though. Day 31 done...really proud of myself for sticking it out to this point!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Plyo done...even though I feel 'sick' coming on. Sore throat and cough are starting. But it's done and I'm heading to bed!
  • VickieMW
    VickieMW Posts: 285 Member
    Chest, Shoulders and Ab Ripper X! Bring it! =)

    Do most of you do the diet or your own thing??
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