The Things No One Tells You About Weight Loss



  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    That detox is the key
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    ncboiler89 wrote: »
    That detox is the key

    This is supposed to be things that no one tells you about weight loss. Duh.

  • kimberlydgarcia
    kimberlydgarcia Posts: 78 Member
    That my stretch marks look uglier the thiner I am :(
  • adamitri
    adamitri Posts: 614 Member
    That your mind takes a while to catch up with your body.
  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    Other people are never happy with your weight or what you're eating. Thin and eating salad? That's all you want really are you anorexic is that all you're eating you don't need to lose weight!! Thin and eating ice cream? Are you going to eat all of that really are you sure you're going to put weight on!! Heavier and eating ice cream? Are you really sure you want all of that like really you know how many calories this has????? Sigh.
  • Pootler74
    Pootler74 Posts: 223 Member
    edited April 2015
    That you go through clothing sizes faster and faster as you shrink. You're either going to have to spend a lot of money, OR, regularly visit second hand shops, OR not care about walking around in public with a baggy bum and the off-the-shoulder look.

    Oh, and nobody told me about the off-the-shoulder thing! Tops don't just get too big around the waist and chest - your shoulders and neck will lose weight too, so that the neckline on your t-shirts is all wrong, and you'll look like a child wearing mummy's clothes.
  • NoIdea101NoIdea
    NoIdea101NoIdea Posts: 659 Member
    It is much easier to lose weight when you're younger.

    Exercise doesn't have to be boring.

    Heavy lifting is incredible-i had only ever considered cardio as being good for weight loss but after seeing advice here and trying it for myself, i am in love with heavy lifting!

    You don't have to eat like a rabbit.

    Healthy food can actually taste pretty damn good if you experiment with preparing it.

    Protein will fill you up more than carbs.

    It will take longer than you think (or wish) to lose the weight.

    Go by your measurements, not just the number on the scale.

    One huge binge really can take your progress back an entire week. It isn't worth it.

    Weight loss pills and fad diets are essentially just other, structured ways of ensuring you stick to CICO.

    Not everyone will be happy or support you in your decision to make a positive change in your life and lose weight.

    Drinking more water genuinely does aid in weight loss, but i think most of that is from having to get up and move to go to the loo so often :p
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    Pootler74 wrote: »
    Oh, and nobody told me about the off-the-shoulder thing! Tops don't just get too big around the waist and chest - your shoulders and neck will lose weight too, so that the neckline on your t-shirts is all wrong, and you'll look like a child wearing mummy's clothes.

    I am currently sporting an off the shoulder look. Until reading this I was telling myself that they were stretched out and old (basically I was imagining the size change), but I feel a bit better reading this and being able to see at least a little difference in sizes.
  • NikkiShells81
    NikkiShells81 Posts: 24 Member
    That even though the scale says you have lost 61 lbs, you won't see it on most days. Especially if you still have a long way to go like I do.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    That my stretch marks look uglier the thiner I am :(

    They get lighter after a few years. I had bad ones, now I can hardly see them. And I haven't lost all I want to yet either.
  • clark59j_99
    clark59j_99 Posts: 21 Member
    Once it becomes noticeable that you're losing weight, everyone starts telling you about all of the fad diets that you should be on. "Oh, I lost 20 lbs on the grapefruit enema diet 2 years ago." What they forget to tell you is that they gained 60 of that back in the year after.
  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 843 Member
    You start chafing in different places as your clothes are fit you different. Your clothes can start to look even worse than when you were heavier, because of where the weight is coming off and you are still too big for the next size down.
  • Tabbitha1968
    Tabbitha1968 Posts: 41 Member
    * The process is emotional, you will feel vulnerable.
    * Reaching that numerical goal doesn't always equal contentment.
    * It all mental, if you can combat your thoughts you will be sucessful.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,724 Member
    Once it becomes noticeable that you're losing weight, everyone starts telling you about all of the fad diets that you should be on. "Oh, I lost 20 lbs on the grapefruit enema diet 2 years ago." What they forget to tell you is that they gained 60 of that back in the year after.

    Yep I experienced this recently. In my case though, it seemed that by losing the weight they could tell I was into nutrition, weight loss etc and that perhaps we had a common topic to talk about :)
  • helenbenzie75
    helenbenzie75 Posts: 95 Member
    Mav3rick54 wrote: »
    That reaching my goal weight is not the end of the's the beginning of the marathon.....and it is going to be a whole lot easier to run without all the extra weight. :smile:

    Love this saying!!
  • Mauthos
    Mauthos Posts: 128 Member
    That I would gain stretch marks around my chest and biceps as I went from losing fat to gaining muscle. Still wouldn't change though.
  • knt217
    knt217 Posts: 115 Member
    That if you've had multiple kids and you do high intensity workouts, you'll probably pee yourself. It sucks, but it just happens. Go to your OB and get a pessary device, and drive on.
  • SallyinIL
    SallyinIL Posts: 85 Member
    edited April 2015
    It's easier when you're over 50.

    It's easier when you're emotionally "whole", so get plenty of rest and deal with problems appropriately.

    It's easier with a few pieces of good equipment: high-speed blender, food scale, cookware, etc.
  • jj_steele
    jj_steele Posts: 71 Member
    edited April 2015
    SallyinIL wrote: »
    It's easier when you're over 50.

    It's easier when you're emotionally "whole", so get plenty of rest and deal with problems appropriately.

    It's easier with a few pieces of good equipment: high-speed blender, food scale, cookware, etc.

    So true! Thanks!

    Still hard, but easier. Certainly worth the effort!

  • jbgibso3
    jbgibso3 Posts: 40 Member
    No one told me I would still hate my body. After a 90 pound loss I have hanging, saggy yuk all over. I am looking at having a body lift and boob lift next year. I thought I would be "finished" when I lost the weight. I'm never "finished"......

    I'm right there with you. You don't think about how your body/skin will look after the weight is gone. Being obese for half of my life completely changed the elasticity in my skin. That being said, I will never give up. Feeling more energetic and knowing that I'm healthier is good enough for me. Good luck with your ongoing journey!
  • lyrical_melody
    lyrical_melody Posts: 242 Member
    Quasita wrote: »

    You may have a periods of time where your skin is like a teenager's, breaking out and such, as your body cleans itself.


    This is my face RIGHT NOW!!!!! I cant believe how many breakouts I have on my skin now since I started going back to the gym. WOW...glad to know its most likely work out/healthy eating related.

  • shannonstube
    shannonstube Posts: 64 Member
    I've grown so weary of people asking how I lost weight that I make up harmless crap like "Eat less, Move More" which while won't hurt, is certainly the most unhelpful load of junk ever written.

    Only someone I truly care about gets a straight answer, and that's going to be at least a 15 minute long conversation.

    There was no simple easy trick (actually there was, but even mentioning the P word will get heads rolling around here), there was a long list of "tricks" I worked up to at the time I was personally ready to take each step.

    And yes, people will be completely jealous to the point that it upsets them if you even mention anything weight loss related.

    Weight is a very, very emotional issue, and women have a tendency to compare themselves to other women.

    I'm sorry, what's the P word?

    Made it to the end of this thread and I'm sad that this was never answered.
  • bigd66218
    bigd66218 Posts: 376 Member
    I'm hungry all the time!!
  • hezemakiah
    hezemakiah Posts: 157 Member
    I don't see a woman who is 17 lbs lighter in the mirror. I see the same person I looked at in the mirror when I started whose clothes just happen to be getting bigger....
  • Roeygal
    Roeygal Posts: 26
    Well, personally:
    • The first and last few days towards a goal are hard-going but rewarding.
    • 50% of the challenge is in your mindset. Positive thinking + Hard work = Good outcome.
    • You don't have to compensate any of your favourite foods if you're tactful.
    • Even though you know you won't see immediate results, you spend 90% of the time wishing you would.
    • Stretching and warming up IS important. It took me too long to figure this out.
    • While the scale is helpful, it's not the only, nor the most accurate, way to monitor your progress.
    • Be prepared for more laundry.
    • Shopping for your new body is an EXCELLENT feeling.

    Just off the top of my head. :blush:
  • Holmesfamily26037
    Holmesfamily26037 Posts: 18 Member
    hyg99 wrote: »
    That nothing beats knowing you can do it.

    That losing weight is actual quite a basic equation, calories in calories out.

    That people see you differently when you are thinner, I am no different, I just weigh less
    I totally agree with this! People do start treating u different..better..looking at u different..I am still the same person I was inside..
  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    I feel like it is all just a dream. I feel like I haven't lost any weight (I've lost 22.3kg). I feel even bigger. So bizarre!
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,491 Member
    That food isn't evil and it's fuel for your body.

    That measuring yourself def helps when the scale doesn't want to move.

    That everyone has a tip, trick, or gimmick to help loose weight. But most of it doesn't work and what does is hard work and planning.

    It's perfectly okay to have an off day but it's just day. Don't let it derail everything, just move on.

    You will realize how strong you really are, inside and out.
  • Diana_GettingFit
    Diana_GettingFit Posts: 458 Member
    What a great thread!

    That it's amazing how angry you can get when you see an add promoted by a major news outlet that 7 Eleven are having a day when you bring your own cup any size and you get a slurpee for $1.49. I hate to think the size some of those cups people are going to bring. And people wonder why there's such a problem with obesity. Even if I wasn't overweight, diabetic and working hard to get that under control I would still think what a stupid idea that is. And some of the comments on Facebook under the article are downright scary. The size of the cups some of those people are going to bring..
  • elansc
    elansc Posts: 24 Member
    I second that -- amazing and inspiring thread. For me it was that people were suddenly nicer to me and that my feet were smaller - that still amazes me :)