Turbo Fire - i need some buddies!



  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    Hi all!! I just started Turbo Fire on Sunday. I love it! I love the intensity and it seems to fly by as I'm doing it, of course I've only done it two days. I want to read through some of the posts before I ask any questions so I don't ask any that have been asked. Feel free to friend me if we aren't friends already :smile: I've been loving the motivation and enthusiasm from my tf friends.
  • lucky828
    lucky828 Posts: 6
    I too just received my DVDs yesterday, I started today and I am having trouble catching on to the moves (especially the jabs). She goes so fast, even in the New to Class section. I keep pausing and rewinding it so I can catch on. My 30 min workout may end up being 3 hrs when it is all said and done but hey! I need it otherwise I would not have ordered the dvds!! :smile:

    Hang in there...I am new too and perhaps we can do these 90 days together!! Add me as a friend!
  • MsHeard13
    MsHeard13 Posts: 5
    my lack of coordination is really driving me nuts ! I get so lost in the steps .. but I am sticking to it !
    Today I did HIIT20 and felt like I needed something more, so I did INSANITY Max Cardio Conditioning (45min) also..
    The Insanity workouts are crazy, but so much easier for me..
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    Today was HIIT 20...I missed yesterdays workout so tomorrow (my off day) I am going to do Fire 60.
  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member
    Hi All,

    I just started last night on the prep schedule. I can't believe how much I burned going through the Fire 30 with the new to class option... I can see I am going to like it even more when my coordination and stamina is back up to snuff :laugh: I find some of it awkward as I have another kickbox dvd that has a similar routine, but in a slightly different order so I keep defaulting to that.

    Going on to the stretch 40 tonight.
  • No worries gals! Trust me, I looked and felt ridiculous when I started (I probably still do) But eventually it gets better and feels more natural! You end up doing the moves without even thinking about it. Everybody will tell you the same thing...it is true!!
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    Haha - I can get some of them, but I totally just jump around and punch randomly at times. Hey, at least I'm still moving when I can't do what she's doing. I have to say though that today my butt is sore!! It's the top of my butt which was never really sore when doing Jillian's shred. I'm definately using different muscles!
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    Today was HIIT 20...I missed yesterdays workout so tomorrow (my off day) I am going to do Fire 60.

    Also did Core 20 today
  • myroots
    myroots Posts: 120 Member
    Did Fire 45 EZ for the first time today- crazy fast, good burn, fun songs, NOT EZ!
  • Did Fire 45 EZ for the first time today- crazy fast, good burn, fun songs, NOT EZ!

    I love it! Definitely not EZ. I think it's tougher than 55!
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Completed Turbo Fire 60 , burned 637 cals, tomorrow is HIT 30 And Lower 20, hope u guys are having a wonderful day :flowerforyou:
  • lucky828
    lucky828 Posts: 6
    Hi Ladies,

    Thanks for all the confidence to continue TurboFire despite my lack of coordination...tomorrow morning I am doing the DVD again until I am comfortable with the moves. I may just do the same DVD until Monday and start the Scheduled Classes then.

    This is quite the challenge for me....P90X was a much slower pace and that bored me!!

    -Shelly :smile:
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    Hi Ladies,

    Thanks for all the confidence to continue TurboFire despite my lack of coordination...tomorrow morning I am doing the DVD again until I am comfortable with the moves. I may just do the same DVD until Monday and start the Scheduled Classes then.

    This is quite the challenge for me....P90X was a much slower pace and that bored me!!

    -Shelly :smile:

    It took me a few weeks to get the hang of it.I just kept moving even if I didn't know the moves LOL
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    Okay so I have come to the conclusion that I HATE Fire 30. I'm sure it's all of the skis and fire throws but I seriously detest it. You would think that because it's so short I would be like WOOHOO! Um, NO and it's 2 times a week for weeks 5-8...sucks. Guess I will just have to put on my big girl panties and suck it up.
    Anyways, today was Fire 30 and Sculpt 30 for a total of 483 calories burned. Less than last week but it was obviously due to the lack of enthusiasm over this class.
    Anybody looking to kick it up a notch, the weighted gloves really kick my a** and I highly recommend them.
    I also noticed that I haven't seen coach on here in a few!
    Hey Coach where did ya go?!
  • Okay so I have come to the conclusion that I HATE Fire 30. I'm sure it's all of the skis and fire throws but I seriously detest it. You would think that because it's so short I would be like WOOHOO! Um, NO and it's 2 times a week for weeks 5-8...sucks. Guess I will just have to put on my big girl panties and suck it up.
    Anyways, today was Fire 30 and Sculpt 30 for a total of 483 calories burned. Less than last week but it was obviously due to the lack of enthusiasm over this class.
    Anybody looking to kick it up a notch, the weighted gloves really kick my a** and I highly recommend them.
    I also noticed that I haven't seen coach on here in a few!
    Hey Coach where did ya go?!

    Haha...it's hard to do a workout when you hate it. I did the same workout today and thought the same thing...while I don't hate fire 30...it is my least favourite...It's monotonous and awkward for some reason. Best thing about it is it is short lol
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    Fire 45 & Stretch 10 done.

    Wore the weighted gloves again and got my *kitten* kicked. Around 20min left on the timer, I had to peel them off (yes, peel, cuz they were completely soaked with sweat) and clearly my pleas to just blackout and wake up with it all over, were not going to be answered. I think this was the most intense Fire workout to date. I will say that I really enjoyed the finale on this one. For once I got the choreography down pretty well (not perfect) making it possible for me to really pay attention to my form and intensity.
  • daniedee81
    daniedee81 Posts: 155
    Hi everyone!

    Hope it's less rainy where you are! I seriously want be on an island with sunshine, blue skies and white sand!

    Today was a massive challenge. I had a dr appt that zapped out all the energy I had and left me feeling dizzy. After a long nap and internal debate about whether I should work out today, I ended up biting the bullet and doing HIIT 25/Stretch 10. If I'm being honest, I gave it about 90% but I was still huffing and puffing. Woohoo - I'm happy I got through it and can check it off the schedule! Those HIIT workouts fly by!!!! It did not feel like 25 mins at all. I kept thinking the clock was jumping time!

    For all the newbies starting with the program - I agree with everyone - Don't Worry! Keep at it - you will get the hang of it. I'm still learning so there are parts where I literally just jump around or do a "made-up" punch combo! It does get easier so hang in there!

    I actually don't mind the fire 30 because it goes by so fast - I don't like 45 EZ but that's probably because I like Fire 45 so much! Who knows!

    To all the regs, honestly YOU GUYS ARE DOING A FANTASTIC JOB! (and I think y'all are amazing!) keep up the great work! We're all gonna look supa-fly :)

  • Choirgirl37
    Choirgirl37 Posts: 255
    Okay so I have come to the conclusion that I HATE Fire 30. I'm sure it's all of the skis and fire throws but I seriously detest it. You would think that because it's so short I would be like WOOHOO! Um, NO and it's 2 times a week for weeks 5-8...sucks. Guess I will just have to put on my big girl panties and suck it up.

    THIS is really funny. :laugh: I know how you feel and I love the way you write!

    Daniedee & Muffintop and the rest of ya'll who gave instructions and incouragement, I really appreciate. After all the money I spent on this program, I will learn it even if it takes me forever. Your advise is invaluable and helpful. Thanks again.

    Shamrock and Lucky -It looks like you two and are to completely new to Turbo Fire -so, I'm sending you friend requests (we need the extra support)

    Anybody else new to it -don't hesitate, friend me!!

    Serenitytoo- Girl!!! I want those shoes!!!!

    Sass -I love the way you write. The name says it all :-)
  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member
    I just finished the stretch 40 and I have to say I am quite pleased with myself. I am not as tight as I thought I was. I haven't fit a yoga workout into my schedule for a long time now, but I realize now how much I missed it. :bigsmile:

    Choirgirl - aren't they great?? Naughty Monkeys :tongue:

    I am glad I found this thread, you all are so supportive, I think that is really going to help me push through it! :flowerforyou:
  • Choirgirl37
    Choirgirl37 Posts: 255
    Ladies! Thank you all, my performance has improved.

    Instead of following the schedule this week, I went back to the Fire 30 (new to class) segment where Chalean talks newer people through the moves. Still a great workout -just more instruction going on.

    Make it a great day!
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