Postnatal-May 2011



  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Hi, I'd like to join. Had my baby Jan. 2011. She is my 5th. I've been watching what I eat and running. I'm BFing and have had a hard time losing weight. Hoping I'll lose a bit while BFing and the rest will fall off once I quit.
    I was 192 on delivery day. 169 day coming home from hospital. 174 at first dr visit after baby. Current weight bouncing between 168-170. Pre-pregnancy 148. I was 138 but gained 10 while trying to concieve. Goal weight 130-135 :)

    Welcome! I was 143 pre--pregnancy and gained 30 lbs. Currently I am 156 and have the same goal weight as you.

    Me too! :wink:

    Bethe - Wasn't Wade born a week before Annabelle? So wouldn't yesterday be 5 weeks?...because Annabelle was one month (4 weeks, 2 days) yesterday. I know what you mean about them growing so fast!! She was 21 inches when she was born too...22 at 2 weeks, idk what she is now. My LO won't be little for long! Ahhh...!:sad:

    What the heck did I write!? Yep, Wade turned 5 weeks yesterday not 4. Where is the time going? Thanks Megan! It is like my head isn't screwed on straight. :blushing:

    LOL I know the feeling! The only thing I can keep straight these days are feedings and diapers!!! :laugh:

    Small victory - Annabelle was down in bed at 9 pm tonight!!! Earliest this far!!! Wonder what time she will wake up though...
  • jamielangner
    jamielangner Posts: 165
    still really sick and have to start back at work tomorrow. Feeling really bad about leaving the baby :sad:
    that really stinks, i know how you feel about leaving her though, i wish i could say it gets easier but it hasn't for me yet :(
    Hey ladies: Question. How long were your LO's in newborn clothes? Trying to decide how many newborn size outfits I need.
    It was about 2 1/2 weeks in newborn stuff for me, & I didn't even get her into every outfit I had in newborn, luckily they were all hand me downs from her big sister so I didn't waste money on stuff. Good advice would be that they can always fit into bigger outfits, not smaller. Hayley is actually just about out of her 0-3 clothes now so at 2 months old I'm going to be moving her into 3-6 clothes! She is really long, so that might be why.
    Hi, I'd like to join. Had my baby Jan. 2011. She is my 5th. I've been watching what I eat and running. I'm BFing and have had a hard time losing weight. Hoping I'll lose a bit while BFing and the rest will fall off once I quit.
    I was 192 on delivery day. 169 day coming home from hospital. 174 at first dr visit after baby. Current weight bouncing between 168-170. Pre-pregnancy 148. I was 138 but gained 10 while trying to concieve. Goal weight 130-135 :)
    Welcome to the group, most of us have a lot of weight to go so we'll all be here for each other :)
    Annabelle has had the best two nights so far the past two nights! She's been down in her bed around 10:30-11 both nights and has gone right to sleep or either just lays there until she falls asleep. It's been WONDERFUL! And, she sleeps all the way until 5 am! YAY!!! 5 am is her usual waking time, but she doesn't fall asleep that early usually so I thought she'd wake up a few hours earlier.

    DH gave her a bottle for the first time last night to try and get her use to it. I have to admit, it was a bit emotional for me!...teared up a I couldn't wait for 5 am so I could nurse her again! :laugh: She took to it just fine though and seemed happy and full afterward...DH put her down a few minutes later and it was sleepy town! :tongue:

    I wish my DH could stay home with her (or me, which I would love, but since I'm a teacher we had great benefits that we wouldn't otherwise have) but financially we just can't afford it right now. You're right, you are so blessed to know she's in good hands while you're at work! I hope you have a great day tomorrow and it goes by SUPER fast!!
    That's great that Annabelle has been better at night. I'm still waiting for Hayley to have some kind of night routine but no luck yet. She's definitely sleeping more at night, so I can't really complain too much :)
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Hey Mommas!

    I'm working on packing my hospital bag, and I would appreciate some input from you guys.

    I have no idea what to pack for myself to wear....? I am going to be breastfeeding, but I really don't want to buy any nursing clothes other than bras.

    I was thinking a tank top that criss crosses in the front would be easy, or a shirt like that, and some lounge pants. For some reason I have the thought in my head that a nightgown would be not comfortable/breastfeeding friendly.

    What do you suggest?

    Thanks in advance! I'll be joining you guys soon (GULP!) :bigsmile:
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Hey Mommas!

    I'm working on packing my hospital bag, and I would appreciate some input from you guys.

    I have no idea what to pack for myself to wear....? I am going to be breastfeeding, but I really don't want to buy any nursing clothes other than bras.

    I was thinking a tank top that criss crosses in the front would be easy, or a shirt like that, and some lounge pants. For some reason I have the thought in my head that a nightgown would be not comfortable/breastfeeding friendly.

    What do you suggest?

    Thanks in advance! I'll be joining you guys soon (GULP!) :bigsmile:

    Hey Lynn!! Can't wait for you to join us!!! :happy:

    I took nursing gowns to the hospital with me...I thought it was easier than pants because of all of the checks *down there* you will be having after delivery. It was easy to just pull the gown up and not have to get up and take the pants off, etc. I did take sweatpants/jogging pants to go home in though. Also, it was easy not having to take my shirt off, etc to nurse. The gowns were v neck that criss crossed in the front, so your shirts like that should do fine. Hope this helps!
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Hey Mommas!

    I'm working on packing my hospital bag, and I would appreciate some input from you guys.

    I have no idea what to pack for myself to wear....? I am going to be breastfeeding, but I really don't want to buy any nursing clothes other than bras.

    I was thinking a tank top that criss crosses in the front would be easy, or a shirt like that, and some lounge pants. For some reason I have the thought in my head that a nightgown would be not comfortable/breastfeeding friendly.

    What do you suggest?

    Thanks in advance! I'll be joining you guys soon (GULP!) :bigsmile:

    I used lounge pants and a v-neck top for me, went home in sweats. For baby I would say a gown (easiest thing til u get used to undressing baby to change diapers), a coming home outfit and ofcourse your boppy for nursing. I brought a binky and loads of other stuff but everything else was unused. Dont forget the camera and video camera with fully charged batteries and remember to take the diapers home. If u r going to circ Josh I recommend vaseline that you can squeeze out of the tube and u will need qtips and alcohol to care for his umbelical cord. Oh yeah dont waste money on hats/mittens, hospital hat is enough and your baby can self soothe with hands. Just keep his nails trimmed

    ok I went totally off subject :laugh:
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Hey Mommas!

    I'm working on packing my hospital bag, and I would appreciate some input from you guys.

    I have no idea what to pack for myself to wear....? I am going to be breastfeeding, but I really don't want to buy any nursing clothes other than bras.

    I was thinking a tank top that criss crosses in the front would be easy, or a shirt like that, and some lounge pants. For some reason I have the thought in my head that a nightgown would be not comfortable/breastfeeding friendly.

    What do you suggest?

    Thanks in advance! I'll be joining you guys soon (GULP!) :bigsmile:

    I used lounge pants and a v-neck top for me, went home in sweats. For baby I would say a gown (easiest thing til u get used to undressing baby to change diapers), a coming home outfit and ofcourse your boppy for nursing. I brought a binky and loads of other stuff but everything else was unused. Dont forget the camera and video camera with fully charged batteries and remember to take the diapers home. If u r going to circ Josh I recommend vaseline that you can squeeze out of the tube and u will need qtips and alcohol to care for his umbelical cord. Oh yeah dont waste money on hats/mittens, hospital hat is enough and your baby can self soothe with hands. Just keep his nails trimmed

    ok I went totally off subject :laugh:

    I did comfy pants and t shirts at the hospital. Agree with Sheri on the gowns for baby. Love the gowns, as a matter of fact, I just changed Wade into one after he pooed all over his clothes while out at lunch. After four kids you would think I would know by now to ALWAYS carry an extra outfit with you for the baby :laugh: My doctor recommends hydrogen peroxide for the umbilical cord and I have to say I like it better. The hospital said alcohol and I started with that and my doctor said to switch. Also, if you circumcise they gave us bactroban ointment for treatment (prescription which is a little stronger than over the counter neosporin).

    Cannot wait to have you on our side :wink:
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Sheri, how was your day at work?
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Thanks for the tips guys! I can't wait to be here with all of you, really miss you a lot!

    Hope all is going well!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Thanks for the newborn clothes input!
  • CherylVannattan
    CherylVannattan Posts: 19 Member
    Hello. I 'm a new mommy too, had my little girl in January 2011. It's hard going from my prepregnancy weight of 135 to my pregnancy weight of 180, now I'm at 165. And to find time to excersize is almost impossible. I need some pointers on what all you beautiful ladies do to slim down....I have to say this counting calories is really helpful and is totally keeping me accountable! Hope to hear some good comments from you all! :)
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Ok, so as I'm getting ready to go out (for only the 4th time since she was born, lol) I'm trying to find something to wear. I try on my pre-pregnancy go. So I try on the jeans that are a size up from what I was wearing...again, no go. So I go for ANOTHER size up....They fit. REALLY? :sad: I'm only 9 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight so I wasn't prepared for that!! What did I end up wearing??...Maternity jeans! HAHA :laugh: I guess I just wasn't aware how much my body would change with only being a few pounds away. I now have a muffin top that I didn't have before...bummer. Guess it's time to start working out!!!
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Hello. I 'm a new mommy too, had my little girl in January 2011. It's hard going from my prepregnancy weight of 135 to my pregnancy weight of 180, now I'm at 165. And to find time to excersize is almost impossible. I need some pointers on what all you beautiful ladies do to slim down....I have to say this counting calories is really helpful and is totally keeping me accountable! Hope to hear some good comments from you all! :)

    Glad you found us! I just had my LO (little one) a month ago and still haven't found the time! I really need to start though, I guess I'm going to have to forfeit one of my times that I sleep while she's napping and work out :sad: I feel like I'll be even more tired doing that, but hopefully the exercise will give me more energy! I too would like to get to 135-140, and am currently at 164. There are a few of us here on this thread with the same goals! Hopefully we can help each other!
  • SSawney
    SSawney Posts: 69 Member
    hello everyone my baby turns 1 sunday and I am struggling to drop this baby weight and then some best of luck to all of us
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I am still in NY visiting my family, so I haven't had much time to log on. I do have a question for you, experienced mommys. My little guy is 3 1/2 weeks old, and all of a sudden is SUPER fussy, all the time. If he isn't sleeping or eatting, he is fussing. He also is eatting a lot. I am pumping and bottle feeding, and he was eatting about 2 oz every 3-4 hours. He now is eatting 3-4 oz every 2-3 hours. We just cant keep him full or happy. Any suggestions or tips as to what I can do to try to calm him when he is so upset? Is this just a "stage' that will pass?

    My parents and I are all exhausted from trying to calm Ethan down all the time.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Megan- it went well, just trying to find a groove. Have a super fast paced position and usually barely have time to eat/drink and now I have to pump too… Ugh, it will get better once it becomes my new “normal” I am 2 lbs away from starting weight and 10 lbs lighter them when on vacation last summer (when baby was made, haha) and my tummy is bigger now. I’m blaming my uterus, you can share that for now because I have no clue

    Vannattan welcome! Counting and exercise is all I do

    SSawney – welcome

    Amanda- he is cluster feeding or a growth spurt it will be done soon but babies do this a few times, we just had one last week and Brooklynn nursed every 2 hrs for like 30 mins
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Amanda, I agree with Sheri. We went through this about 2 weeks ago and it was stressful, but I do believe it was a growth spurt. It seemed like Jamie, Sheri, and I all three had fussy babies at the same time (although their's are older than mine). It will pass, after that week Annabelle had the best week she'd had to just remember, this too shall pass!! :smile: Hope you're having a great time in NY
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Sheri, I'm glad your days have been good....hopefully the hectic-ness makes it go by quickly, but I hope it does settle down for you so you can have some peace to pump....and eat! lol I know your little ones have missed you the past few days. Only 3 more days til the weekend!:laugh:
  • jamielangner
    jamielangner Posts: 165
    Amanda, I have to agree with the other women that he is going through a growth spurt.. they can be really frustrating, but it will be over before you know it.

    Sheri, I feel ya, I was so busy on Friday that I completely forgot to pump until late afternoon! Not good!

    In other news, I am dropping weight like crazy since I've started running. I'm getting weightloss compliments which has NEVER happened in all the times I've tried to lose weight. I'm actually 26 pounds lighter than where I was pre-pregnancy... but my clothes are not budging. This lower belly fat is being super stubborn & I'm not fitting into my normal clothes the way I want to. I've never actually been able to lose weight before so I guess I should just stop rushing things since I'm not even 2 months PP yet?

    Another question.. I randomly had blood clotting for a couple days, like the kind you have right after the birth.. anybody else have that?
  • rhapsody527
    rhapsody527 Posts: 60
    Amanda, I have to agree with the other women that he is going through a growth spurt.. they can be really frustrating, but it will be over before you know it.

    Sheri, I feel ya, I was so busy on Friday that I completely forgot to pump until late afternoon! Not good!

    In other news, I am dropping weight like crazy since I've started running. I'm getting weightloss compliments which has NEVER happened in all the times I've tried to lose weight. I'm actually 26 pounds lighter than where I was pre-pregnancy... but my clothes are not budging. This lower belly fat is being super stubborn & I'm not fitting into my normal clothes the way I want to. I've never actually been able to lose weight before so I guess I should just stop rushing things since I'm not even 2 months PP yet?

    Another question.. I randomly had blood clotting for a couple days, like the kind you have right after the birth.. anybody else have that?

    Congrats on the weight loss! If you are having bleeding with blood clots, you may be pushing yourself too hard, too soon when your body is still trying to recover from birth. The same thing happened to me when I started working out PP, and my doc told me to take it easy for awhile. (though that was totally not what I wanted to hear!) Take care and GL!
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I am still in NY visiting my family, so I haven't had much time to log on. I do have a question for you, experienced mommys. My little guy is 3 1/2 weeks old, and all of a sudden is SUPER fussy, all the time. If he isn't sleeping or eatting, he is fussing. He also is eatting a lot. I am pumping and bottle feeding, and he was eatting about 2 oz every 3-4 hours. He now is eatting 3-4 oz every 2-3 hours. We just cant keep him full or happy. Any suggestions or tips as to what I can do to try to calm him when he is so upset? Is this just a "stage' that will pass?

    My parents and I are all exhausted from trying to calm Ethan down all the time.

    Is he gassy? I know with Ethen I have to put him on his tummy to relieve it and it looks alot like hunger cries sometimes.