Using Bento Boxes for lunches.



  • HanamiDango
    HanamiDango Posts: 456 Member
    So starting the week out with lunch number one, a sandwich for hubby. It is leftover salisbury steak, with cheese on pan francés with au jus in the cups. I made him two, one for lunch and one for later since his lunch time is so early. ef0118a1ddf5dc72c197cf00616873a4.png

    This was a lunch I made for the weekend that I did not eat, due to the fact that it got to hot :( I made lunches for everyone too and yeah not happy that they had to be trashed, my own fault for not adding enough ice packs to the bags. I did have my sugar cookies at least. It was a tuna sandwich(mayo, mustard, curry powder, sweet onions, and spinach), golden raisins, chocolate chips, an egg and steamed carrots. The cookies where 403 calories and the meal was around 520 calories (not including chocolate chips which where 140).
  • satansees
    satansees Posts: 42 Member
    Kale, cod and kimchi
    I didn't like it :(
  • SpecialKitty7
    SpecialKitty7 Posts: 678 Member
    Kale, cod and kimchi
    I didn't like it

    There's a lot there to not like. Any specific part? I just can't like kimchi or kale, but I do like cod, and that cod looks tasty.
  • satansees
    satansees Posts: 42 Member
    Kale, cod and kimchi
    I didn't like it

    There's a lot there to not like. Any specific part? I just can't like kimchi or kale, but I do like cod, and that cod looks tasty.
    That's the odd thing, I loved them all separately....

  • Narcissora
    Narcissora Posts: 197 Member
    Hi, everyone! I'm a lurker, and this is my first community post. I thought that it is probably time to come out of hiding. I used to pack bento lunches years ago, and I have since stopped making them and have gained weight, and you guys have convinced me to start up again. Sadly, my bento supplies and my copy of Just Bento are all somewhere in storage, so the past week I have been using plain old Tupperware as bento boxes. Thanks for all of the inspiration!

  • Narcissora
    Narcissora Posts: 197 Member
    Also, this was lunch today. Mondays are usually weekend leftovers since I have time to cook on weekends but not really during the week. This lunch included red curry lentils on white rice, miso baked mahi mahi, pineapple, and baby carrots. Not pictured is a little container of ranch dip for the carrots and some unsweetened applesauce for a snack. 451 calories for lunch plus another 50 for my snack.

  • sagj
    sagj Posts: 256 Member

    Whose got a new cute bunny bento flying through the mail and two thumbs? This gal!

    I'm hoping my box gets here by Friday so I can pack it for my first day of yoga teacher training :smiley:

    I'll post pictures when it arrives. Thanks for the awesome thread!

    Jamie (aka another bento lurker)
  • SpecialKitty7
    SpecialKitty7 Posts: 678 Member
    satansees wrote: »
    Kale, cod and kimchi
    I didn't like it

    There's a lot there to not like. Any specific part? I just can't like kimchi or kale, but I do like cod, and that cod looks tasty.
    That's the odd thing, I loved them all separately....

    Sometimes that happens. I love chocolate, granola and marshmallow, but make a smore's and I'd rather eat an apple.

    For all our lurkers coming out of hiding...Welcome to your new obsession!!
  • HanamiDango
    HanamiDango Posts: 456 Member
    Hubby's lunch for tomorrow is a repeat of chili and Fritos 4d681c56faa64547b3d6b5191db90546.png

    And here was the dinner I packed when we went out tonight. I got grilled chicken to go with it. Carrots/spinach with soy sauce, soy sauce in the container, rice with butter and my first attempt at tamagoyaki. This came in at 406 calories not including the chicken. 61d890aee8b1c5126ae0748221007a89.png
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    This lurker is now revealing herself. My sister is diabetic and over weight and I think bento boxes might be Juuuust the thing to keep her in better control of her portions. She loves making cute food. Plus you've given me some great ideas for packing my own lunch for work!
  • mangrothian
    mangrothian Posts: 1,351 Member
    Yay! So many more bento lurkers coming out of the woodwork. My plan for world domination is coming on nicely. Excellent....

    All of this bento food porn makes me miss home cooked food. I'm loving the dinners out, but conference centre buffet lunches are pretty horrible :( I miss my rice and and blanched veg every day.
  • bmele0
    bmele0 Posts: 282 Member
    I actually make American style bento box lunches for my son everyday who is 3 years old. The smaller containers are the perfect size for his age. I have the days where I make cute lunches for him and other lazy days- less cute, but still packed with fresh fruits/ veggies. I also make sure to add a protein whether it's diced chicken, shredded or stick cheese, greek yogurt, peanut butter, or different types of nuts. For his carb, I put pretzels, nut thin crackers, goldfish, half or whole bagel thin (maybe smeared with peanut butter or cream cheese), pita bread or pita chips, veggie chips/straws, peanut butter or cheese crackers. Seriously, possibilities are endless. I like the bentos with two levels at least so I can separate the dry goods from the wet stuff.
  • Narcissora
    Narcissora Posts: 197 Member
    Today's bento: leftover mahi mahi, blanched broccoli and carrots (the carrots are hiding under the eggs); a poorly peeled hard boiled egg (I had to cut it because I was too embarrassed to show what my egg looked like after it was peeled); sweet potato triscuits; goat cheese medallion from Trader Joe's; and vanilla Greek yogurt with cinnamon on top of pineapple. 575 calories.


    Also, I lost five pounds since I started bento-ing again. BAM!
  • SpecialKitty7
    SpecialKitty7 Posts: 678 Member
    a poorly peeled hard boiled egg (I had to cut it because I was too embarrassed to show what my egg looked like after it was peeled);

    There's no shame in bento. We've all been there :o
  • kramrn77
    kramrn77 Posts: 375 Member
    Could be worse. Found my husband's damned cat (I refuse to claim her) eating the spaghetti sauce that was going to make up my lunch tomorrow. I hate that cat. She even steals food right out of the 3yo's hands.
    Back to square one. Sigh.
  • sagj
    sagj Posts: 256 Member
    Oooo, I got my flower shape cutters and matching bunny bento chopsticks in the mail today. Can't wait for my box!

    Soon.... Soon...
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    Not sure if I posted here a long time ago or not, but I'm so glad this thread exists! I've been interested in bento'ing for a long time and finally decided to take the plunge. My first part of my bento swag should be arriving today and I've been googling for recipes and ideas. First plan is to make my own furikake... there are so many recipes and it just sounds danged delicious :D
  • HanamiDango
    HanamiDango Posts: 456 Member
    It is awesome to see so many new people here!! You can use any boxes and any type of food, so to anyone who wants to show off your homemade lunches please do! I show mine off and they are plain and not Japanese at all. ^_^

    297ae023fd8b211858f773be1cc44ede.png (Speaking of plain and boring) Ham & cheese sandwiches with peanut putter m&ms. I wish I could get vegetables into him, but he never eats them :(
  • Narcissora
    Narcissora Posts: 197 Member
    Here is my lunch from today! Leftover red curry lentils; a perfectly peeled boiled egg (/flex); blanched broccoli; unsweetened applesauce; babybel cheese; and vanilla Greek yogurt with cinnamon. I actually got the cinnamon idea because someone from this thread kept posting pictures of yogurt with spices, and it looked good... And let me tell you, cinnamon on yogurt is divine. You should try it if you haven't yet :)

    All of this was under 500 calories.

  • kramrn77
    kramrn77 Posts: 375 Member
    Gluten free roast beef and salami sandwich with Laughing Cow light Swiss cheese and mayo. Celery with pub cheese (I wish I hadn't discovered pub cheese!), carrots with hummus and blackberries.
    Total: 519 calories of yum!