

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Barbie, thanks for the encouragement on doing a plank. I need to increase core strength. I know I’ve been able to increase my other exercises so I know you are right. It’s another example of, “just do it”. And how true that we need to be thankful for the wonderful doctors we have in addition to so many other things we just don’t give thought to.

    Naiomi, if I went to your time share, I think I’d try setting the alarm on my phone to go off right before it’s time for the cannon. Of course it would probably take all week to get it to the right moment, but maybe you wouldn’t jump out of your skin? Where is the time share?

    Joyce, I’d have been in the bathroom crying, too. What a jerk!!! It sounds like the two polyps were a pretty good outcome from the procedure. I hear of so much worse for many that still have no major problems. It’s a good thing retirement isn’t so bad for most people or no one would retire. Was he having severe angina pains to take two nitro pills? My DH gets such severe headaches from nitro that he won’t take it unless he thinks he’s having a heart attack, which luckily has never happened. But at least he has kept a current supply with him for the last 20 years. I hope things improve for Charlie. (((Hugs)) to you both.

    Heather, I think it is so great that you have done the book and hate your concern over what people think. You know you can never please everyone, so as long as you are happy with it, that is what counts. If people are so easily offended I’d think they are quite limited in what they can read or even watch on TV. I’m sure it’s wonderful and I think you are wonderful. (((Hugs)))

    Allison, great going on those steps. So sorry that your DH is getting so stressed and being tired and overworked won’t help. I do hope he can relax while in Florida. I know it’s not funny, but I did chuckle when I read your statement, “if the bathroom reno sent him over the edge ,I hate to see what the kitchen reno will do”

    Pat, sounds like you are doing a great job of sorting things out. I agree with you on, “where does all the ‘stuff’ come from?” How nice that you donate the clothes to people that you know need it. Much of ours goes to Good Will and you never know exactly what happens to it. When I plan a salad for a meal, I just fix a protein for DH to go with it. He is really easy to please but a salad is not a meal to him. I am still working on portion control also as I have eaten pretty healthy for years, but way too much of a good thing.

    Carol, I hand it to anyone that is willing to teach under the conditions of not being able to discipline students without the parents getting upset. As others have stated, I think parents should support the teachers in trying to teach some values to the kids. I think that education went to hell in a handbasket when it got to the point that many parents started leaving it up to the schools to raise their children. If all parents supported the teachers the way many of us did, I think teaching would be a much easier job. (ok, climbing down off my soapbox) I’m glad your Mom is adjusting to the nursing home. It’s probably harder on you and your siblings than it is on her.

    Sylvia, I know what you mean about the price of meat. It is totally outrageous. Thank goodness we really like chicken or I don’t know what we would eat most meals. We usually buy beef when it is on a really good sale. I don’t care if we have the money, I just can’t bring myself to spend those prices on things. I hope production mode kicks in for you soon.

    Katla, I hope your DH is well enough to make the trip with you. We don’t want you to have to grow up too fast. 

    Terri, I hope your network doesn’t stay down too long. That can get so frustrating. Good for you on keeping that smile going through it all.

    Jane, we are all thinking of you with the task of moving. One thing I like about moving is to get rid of unwanted or needed things as I pack and again as I unpack. Hope it goes smoothly.

    Carey, glad the vertigo is improving. Like your quote.

    Cindy, good going with your walking. I have a question on your stats: 2831 cals. What is that? I know it’s not calories you ate but can’t figure it out.

    Heather, I think the first step to stop a binge, is to realize you’re having one. In a deep, slow voice, the friend said, “Put the food down and step away from the kitchen!”

    Gail, I’m sorry for your loss. You will get back with the program. Sometimes things just get in the way. Huggs

    Beth in Maine, your dish does sound delish!

    Sue, hope you feel better. Glad DH is taking care of you.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I was a smoker for years and years. I quit the day I brought DH home from his heart surgery. Twelve years later, with a very stressful job, I started again. I know, how stupid was that??? At any rate, I switched from smoking to Vaping about two years ago. It is better for you and doesn’t smell, drop ashes or burn anything but it is still putting nicotine in your body. Today, I am not planning to use the e-cigarette for the first time. I always said I didn’t want to be some 70 year old lady with a cigarette hanging out of my mouth and the vaping is just as bad. I’m not sure it’s a good idea to stop right now while I am still trying to lose weight, but I’ll see how it goes. For any of you that pray, I ask for your prayers in making this a successful venture. I still keep losing connection with the internet, so the minute I get it back, I’m going to paste this in and call it a night.

    I hope you all have a better day tomorrow than you had today <3

    Thought for the day:

    Your mind is a garden.
    Your thoughts are the seeds.
    You can grow flowers
    Or you can grow weeds.

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    569147nmlfkdnzlz.gifI spent so much time riding the exercise bike and watching a fun movie on TV that there's no time for chatting with all of you.

    <3 Janet, take the stopping the e cigarettes one day at a time, just like you do with the new healthy eating and you'll find the success you seek.

    NW Washington---beautiful, cold, and windy
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,727 Member
    damnit - i was reading your post and at one point thought you were addressing me and i was telling mysef what the hell is she talking about. then i read the name again and saw you were talking to Pat not Pip..lolololol[url=""MA
  • crazsc
    crazsc Posts: 4 Member
    Well got back to my 45 min workouts 5-6 days week...hope I can stay there..... always said that "I could look like that if that is all I had to do..."...well no job yet and I don't look like that...~~~♡
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,396 Member
    Did an hour of a spinning downloadable workout today. pip - thank you so much for posting your stats, seeing your rpm's and other things really helps me.

    The plan for tomorrow is to go to yoga and then take the deep water class.

    Well, went and they fired my praying mantis (I didn't put the clear coat on it yet) I was so so disappointed that there was so much streaking. I literally repainted the whole thing but only one coat. They're going to do this again for me, they said they can fire it max 3 times and this'll be the second time, the third I'll have to put the clear coat on it. I really do hope that this time there isn't as much streaking.

    Also took my ladybug back because I didn't like the streaking. Seems that perhaps one of the things I wasn't doing was evenly putting the paint on. What a bummer! One of the ladies there did do the red over for me. I wish it was a brighter red, but beggers can't be choosers. Vince started on his tree stump, he cleaned up the snail for me, and he started the first coat of paint on another piece that he's doing.

    - even if you start holding your plank with only 5 seconds -- that's better than 0 seconds. Before you know it you'll be up to 15, then 30, then 45 and so on. Good for you trying!

    - I usually buy the filo dough. I like to get the filo shells. Makes a good appetizer

    - crossed fingers for you.

    Going thru the posts quickly today. I didn't expect to spend nearly the amount of time at ceramics that I did. Tonight is Rummikub so I will need to make the appetizer to take with me and then pick up my neighbor.

    Cindy in MD - wow! Impressive steps!

    my...(denise?) - cute birthday suit pics. Really, all the pics were cute, but I especially liked that one.

    - your chicken sounds really good

    Lesley - my heart breaks for you in that you couldn't cook. How horrible!

    Sue in TX - do you know what caused your tummy upset? Glad you're better now.

    Went to Rumikub tonight. Had more of the Greek spinach pies I made along with some pineapple. then for dessert had a piece of angel food cake, some berries on top of it, and tried one of this lady's chocolate espresso cookies (personally, I wasn't impressed with them). Just had water to drink

    Michele in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,727 Member
    exermom - glad to inspire u and to give u somehing to shoot for. !! get it gurl!!
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Grrrrrrrrrffd! Y'all remember the nice job I was going to take in July when kids were just starting the school year and Calculus was easy? Well, the teacher has been put on bed rest by her OB and they want me there on Monday to prepare this year's kids for their AP Calculus test, which is May 5, by the way. If I disappear for a while, you will know I've got my head buried in a Calculus book somewhere. That, along with all the family drama, is driving me crazy. At least if I have to go to work I won't be tempted to get myself involved in the middle of the drama. I just need to stay far, far away.

    On a way more positive note, DS passed his tests today to do what he really wants to do for this company. This job has a lot of potential if he is finally ready to settle down and get to work on time. He hasn't been this excited about a job in a long time. I am excited that maybe my budget will actually balance for a change. Especially with the big bucks I will be making as a substitute teacher. NOT,!!!
  • naiomi2015
    naiomi2015 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    grandmallie Sorry DH has had such a strong reaction to the reno. Hope FL helps. Sending positive thoughts re:the job app. My Mom once applied for a job and was told she was over qualified -She responded"You're right but I need to start somewhere" She got the job !

    patceoh congrats re: the weeding out. I'm sure the items were appreciated.

    dia_nuf I love the benifits of working Working from homes - especially when the weather is nasty.

    barbiecat after seeing my family struggle financially when I was growing up, I feel so grateful now that I can I get my taxes and bills payed on time.

    peachstategal I know visiting can be hard. However Nursinghome residents appreciate visits so much. I wonder when a resident says that they want to go home if it is a way of saying they miss being there as well as the things that were so much a part of their lives.

    mollywhippetI think you are so generous with your time and money. Your grandchildren are very fortunate to have you in their lives. In MA the Secretary of State is responsible for the registry of all lisenced professionals. That office keeps a data base and notes the doctors qualifications as well as any complaints or malpractice cases.

    Kalla49Hope you both feel better soon.

    Pipcd34 I have no idea re: weekly spark. I always find your stats to be an inspiritation.

    Terri_momSiunds like a very busy day. Glad you're up for the challenge.

    Janemartin02 Whenever I'm able to weed through stuff it helps me let go of the past and live in the present.

    Ssc1958 Take care of yourself and hope you feel better soon.

    MMinMD Enjoy the visit w/your daughter. Although you may not have been able to stay totally on track but continuing to keep up you level of activity is still an acomplishment.

    Nynyddisamrs Pigs look so fun. Love the colors.

    CityjaneLondon The process you identified -realize - stop - forgive is a good way to move forward!
  • naiomi2015
    naiomi2015 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi again, A lot of my post is floating in cyberspace again but it's time for me to get some zzzzs. I'm not going to re type but will just say goodnight

    Naiomi2015 from 51F and cloudy Massachusetts
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Allison, enjoy your week while hubby is in Florida and may he come back in a wonderful state of mind.

    Janet, my daughter quit smoking by using the e-cigs but she just gradually decreased the persentage of nicotine in the solution then was able to quit. But she got all stressed at work and quite a few of the girls smoke on their supper break and it was oh so easy for her to bum one and then she was hooked back on the regular cigarettes. Oh well. Good luck to you. You have our support and prayers

    drkatiebug, you are a brave woman for teaching calculus. I didn't even take it in high school. I don't think I even took trig.

    I have read all the posts since my last one but I am really very tired and in a very deep funk tonight. I was doing some thinking about what was wrong with me today and I think it is because with all Charlie's and mine as well, there is a plan of action for them. As a nurse I know I need to have some sort of control over some ones disease. I don't have to have the control myself, I just need to know that it is being controlled. My MS is under control, when Charlie had his heart attack he had his stents put in and is on the correct medication, his atrial fib is under control, his Parkinson's is being taken care of. But this new thing, the ulcerative colitis there is no control. The medicine the doctor ordered is not taken care of under his insurance. We called the doctor today, of course you get the nurses voice mail and then wait for hours. Anyway, he wants THAT medicine. So he gave us 3 weeks supply while WE work it out with insurance. His insurane did give me two medicines that would be appropriate substitutes so I will call this doctor again tomorrow and see what they say. If he did win an appeal for the insurance to cover a medicine that is not in their formulary Charlie would have to pay 'at cost'. I think I have finally got it in Charlies head what ulcerative colitis. I have suggested that he keep a food diary for a month so the nurse practioner who sees him in a month can see it and see what triggers an attack. The angina he had last night I am not sure is angina. I know when I had my last colonoscopy, they did put some air in my colon to see it better. well the nurse yesterday said that they try to remove as much of it as they can but can't be totally sure. So I think that may be the cause of the pain. Anyway, I feel very draggy, terrible headache and just overall don't feel good today. This lady who usually stays up until 2 AM is getting ready to head off to bed.

    I am so glad to see so many of you watched the Master's golf tournament. I can't play golf at all. I do play mini golf and am good at it. I played one par 3 course one time and got a 70 on 9 holes and quit. It is such a refreshing sport to watch.

    Wanted to give my story on a kitty cat's gift. This was a long time ago because we had an empty field in front of our house and our cat was let outside. Anyway, she hadn't been seen in several hours so I opened the door to call her and she comes a running. She has this animal dangling out of her mouth and very proudly drops it at my feet. See what I have done Mommy???? I promptly took that animal by it's tail and hurled it across the street. She just looked at me, put her tail between her legs and dragged herself in the house. She was very cold to me the rest of the night.

    While I was in nursing training, part of our pediatric course was to observe children in the early childhood age group. It was 1st semester of my senior year. I was assigned to go to a kindergarten so it was the first time some of these little tykes was in a school setting. My Mom and sister were pre-school teachers for years and I guess I had a little bit of them in me. The teacher really appreciated my undivided attention the couple of kids that were the shyest. It was really fun, but not for me. I admire all of you. People like you had to put up with my own children!!!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,658 Member
    hi all,
    welcome newbies...
    to all with doctor issues...KEEP Shopping, even if you have to drive a bit, it is worth it.
    my ankle is getting better, but a very very busy couple of days and really need to sleep. thinking of you all.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,817 Member
    morning my friends~
    I had a bad dream and woke up at the same time as DH so have been up since about 1:45 am , my butt will be dragging come 7 pm...
    I am icing my heel,It has been a long time since I had to do that. but want to keep on top of it.. only got about 7,000 steps yesterday.. but was running around alot..
    got a load of laundry done and put away, made DH dinner and lunch for tomorrow and have my lunch set for today..have to stop at the dump, go see DFIL stop and see my DB then to work.. plus walk the dogs before I go...
    Heather~ looked up your books on amazon.. I am impressed didn't know we were in the midst of a celebrity <3
    will be going over early Tomorrow to speak with the manager .. will have to find an outfit to wear,, that fits :s
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,367 Member
    edited April 2015
    Alison - Aaawww thanks! :flowerforyou: I must say it was nice yesterday, getting some Italian royalties from Well I Never. :) Don't even know what it's called in Italian!
    I managed to spend some of it today at my favourite shop. I went in to buy a yellow handbag and blue earrings. Couldn't find any I liked. Ended up buying a red silky sweater! Nice, with half sleeves to cover up my wrinkly arms. :D

    Woke up this morning feeling soooo much better, both mentally and physically. I was awake a bit in the night, but slept ok and this morning I had no aches and pains. Did a record time on all my machines! Have no idea why. :ohwell:

    I have made a decision to order a proof copy before I make the final final commitment on the book. Not sure I know how to re-paginate as I have already tried and failed to delete the cover page. This is throwing the numbering out, but it looks ok. Will have one more look at it today. I have no deadline so can wait and see. ;)

    DH at the cricket again. The weather is glorious here. Might have to get out our new hoseline for the first time to soak the raised beds. No rain for ages.

    Organic salmon tonight with tzatziki (yoghourt sauce) and purple sprouting broccoli.

    Beth - you are absolutely right about the cilantro and genetics. Some people are "supertasters" which means they have many more tastebuds on their tongue than normal and therefore are supersensitive to bitter tastes. Hence hating kale, brussels sprouts etc. I love all of those. :D

    Bye for now, Heather in glorious Hampshire UK
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :D One of my happiness commandments is "Cultivate and attitude of gratitude". I can find something to be grateful about in nearly anything that comes along if I look for it. Even the huge bumps in the road are opportunities to learn lessons of patience, hope, and resiliency.

    <3 Barbie
  • dia_nruf
    dia_nruf Posts: 112 Member
    edited April 2015
    Good morning everyone. Have to head to our Boston office for appointments all day.

    Hugs and prayers to all who need them.

    May we all do our best to achieve our goals for the day and to remember to keep smiling.

    Beth in Maine
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning everyone! I had a wonderful time celebrating my Gnephews birthday yesterday. My DD came to join in on the fun. I will be here until Thursday night. He is 9yo and very self sufficient. Bed time is 10. I remember always in bed at 8. At least he doesn't have to get up until 7:30. Since I am in town I will visit my DM. I brought my kickboxing video with. Since I started strong lift 5 X 5 I cut my cardio down to only 40 minutes on those days which is 3x a week. But I noticed that I am getting stiff in my joints, still feeling the effects of the deer tick disease from last June. I hope it goes away soon. So, I will do the video or Zumba on my rest days to loosen up.

    I haven't had time to update my results, but I took my measurements and lost 2 7/8" overall which is like removing a 1/8" layer over my entire body. I only lost 8/10 of a pound but can really see muscle definition.

    At this point I am glad that I can mold my body and exercise 2 - 3 hours less every day and see better results then I ever had even before I gained all my weight, even when I weighed 115 as a teenager. I wish I had lifted way back then. Hindsight!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Wednesday ! ! !

    MNMargaret - I'm so glad you had a good teaching experience. I think as a general rule most kids are NOT malicious, and there is hope for the future.

    Vicki - Love the: New Day New Start mantra. Thanks for sharing.

    Carol - "New Day New Start". It's great that you noticed your trigger, and can overcome that hurdle now. It amazes me that people would mess with someone else's yard, and that the neighbors wouldn't have said something while it was happening (maybe I'm just too outspoken and nosey). Once there were 2 teenage boys taking bags of aluminum out of my garage, and I made them put them back.

    Prayers for Gail, Janet, and anyone else who needs them.

    Drkatiebug - Fingers crossed for DS, and of course for your calculus class.

    Allison - My Dad said a Service Advisory needs to know all the Rules and Regulations inside and out. He suggested going to the Website of whatever Make of car dealership you will be applying, and start reading as much as possible. Then, once you get the job, you can do most of your training online through their specific Website, and the rest will be in a classroom. He also said you will spend a LOT of time on the computer (and that those jobs have a high turn-over because they are hard and most people can't handle the little details regarding all the rules and regulations). But if it's the right job for you, you will love it. He has been doing it for over 20 years at a huge Buick Dealership in Milwaukee.

    I did well with my eating at the Award Banquet last night. I put salad with a small amount of dressing on 2/3 of my plate, then 1 chicken thigh (no skin), and strawberries and grapes. I ate 1 cookie in tiny bites to savor the flavor (soaked in milk, since the fillings replaced were on the back sides of the front 2 teeth). DS was awarded a patch (1st place doubles =1338), 3 plaques (1st place doubles, 2nd place singles =699, and 2nd place All Events =1964), and a scholarship certificate (2nd place All Events). And since he has known for a few years the lady that announced the awards, she teased him about the 699, because 700 would have been another patch. :p He's a funny kid. Now he's back to lifting weights with the football team, so he's ready for baseball try-outs. I know that sounds silly, but he is a 14 y.o boy ?!?!?

    Well, my work network is getting a little better every hour, so I better get back to my charges and paperwork. I hope everyone makes wise choices today.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,367 Member
    Congrats on the body sculpting Mary! ! ! ! My, you have been busy recently! <3

    We worked together to put the hose cart together (phew) and I have given the garden a good soaking. It's a heatwave out there! 80 degrees!

    Just had delicious mini avocado on Ryvita.

    Tomorrow is my fasting blood test, hence all the good fats I am eating. :laugh: Got to be there at 8.35 so will do my exercising later than usual.

    Much love, Heather x x x x

    PS - my friend I saw on Saturday was so impressed by my exercising that she resolved to do more. Then her loft ladder collapsed and she sprained her ankle badly! ! ! :sad: Best laid plans ..............
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning, if you can call it that. I had no sleep last night, so I'm sort of a mess now. I already had to drive to Joplin and back to deliver a load of posters and postcards for our clay club show that starts May 1st. And it's raining cats and dogs. I've got two drafting jobs to do but I'm falling asleep in my chair.

    The kids were arguing on the way to the pool last night and criticizing each other. So I said STOP! I want each of you to think of something nice to say about your brother and sisters. It got really quiet. It was pretty funny. Eventually DGD#2 said that she liked DGD#1's swim suit. I said, that's nice, but not quite what I had in mind. I mean something like...I like Jillian's smile, or I like Ian's laugh, or something personal like that. More silence. Well, this morning, when they got in the car, DGD#1 said, Grandma, I've been thinking about it, and I like the way Jillian is kind to animals. Eureka!! I think we are going to do this little exercise more often. Maybe if they can start to recognize that the others have likable traits, they will harp less about what they don't like. Well, I can hope, anyway.

    We are taking the kids out to KFC tonight for their dinner buffet. I know it's not healthy food, but it's a change from their steady diet of frozen pizza and ramen noodles. At least they have some choices and variety. I will get the grilled chicken breast and try not to think about how much salt is in it.

    Have a great day everybody!

  • Gilly139
    Gilly139 Posts: 67 Member
    Barbie - I love your positive attitude and hope some of it rubs off onto me! I also admire your underspending as I have to give any extra money I have to my son as I say money is like water to me and it slips straight through my fingers!

    Jane - Hope move has gone as smoothly as it can and that nearly everything has found its place.

    Michelle - it is so annoying when something takes longer to cook than you have allowed or there is not enough of one of the ingredients that you need.

    Katla - I am soooo jealous that you managed a 'sinfully' good dessert and still stayed under calories!

    Kim - I am learning so many different things - skunks in pools - so glad none of them in my nice indoor heated swimming pools - eating catfish - and many other things that you all take for granted - que sera sera!!!

    Heather - Just as well we all remember life without mobiles and e-mail but pleased we all embraced the changes. How would we manage without it.I look forward to reading your book. I LOVE reading but would not be able to write anything someone else would want to read.
    Thanks for the explanation of 'Brasserie'. I had not realised that was why they were so called. So glad DH has had no ill effects from the glass.

    Sharon - I am like you and will go very quiet and try to stay well out of the way of anyone in a very bad mood as I know that anything I try to say or do will not help them and can escalate the anger.

    Margaret - Just sending even more hugs for your bad experiences in school.

    DrKatiebug - I really hope you son continues to be happy with his career choice and makes the most of this opportunity.

    Janet - Well done at docs. I know what you mean about wanting 'bad' things. And I can hear you telling Heather to 'step away from the kitchen'!!!
    My prayers are with you for giving up :-)

    Vicki - I agree there are times when you just have to pay a bit more for some services, having to wait for a plumber would have been so much worse.

    Cindy - how lucky you are fit enough to go up and down the hill for DH's glasses! Probably would have finished me off!

    Beth - Will have to try to make the chicken recipe, it sounds delicious.

    Not much to report for myself. I am now managing to swim a mile at a time (takes me about 90 minutes because I am only going once a week). I just feel so slow.
    Gilly, Suffolk Uk