

  • Talkradio
    Talkradio Posts: 388 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Talkradio wrote: »
    I haven't been doing my @BZAH10 shoulder exercises this week :( I need to get back on the wagon!

    Helpful hint: don't forget to stretch when you're done! I've been neglectful of this and had my monthly deep-tissue massage this past Saturday. My shoulders and upper back were so tight and knotted! It was pretty painful, but feels much better now. Must remember to stretch from now on.

    Thank you for the tip! I'm always really tight in my neck and shoulder area. That's where I show my stress, and I was also in a car accident a few years ago that messed me up. I'll get back to it tonight :)
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    edited April 2015
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Not to ruin the vibe or anything, but my husband texted me a little while ago and told me my step-daughter had a miscarriage. I am really sad for her and especially sad for my husband. He was so looking forward to becoming a grandpa. I am a little sad too as I had just started warming up to the idea of being MoNana or GrandMo. :(

    Having been through that, I know how incredibly sad it is.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Not to ruin the vibe or anything, but my husband texted me a little while ago and told me my step-daughter had a miscarriage. I am really sad for her and especially sad for my husband. He was so looking forward to becoming a grandpa. I am a little sad too as I had just started warming up to the idea of being MoNana or GrandMo. :(

    Oh, no! Hugs to you, MoNana and the whole fam!!!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    My secret is that there is a little house for sale that I am putting an offer on tonight and I am really hoping they'll accept. I'm so so so so so excited about it but I'm not telling anyone IRL (besides my family) because I'm afraid I'll jinx it. It's perfect for me (and my dog :smile: )

    I've lived with my brother for 8 years and while we still get along the thought of having a space that is 100% mine is... well, to be honest I can't even think of the right word for it.

    Very cool! I hope it all works out!
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Not to ruin the vibe or anything, but my husband texted me a little while ago and told me my step-daughter had a miscarriage. I am really sad for her and especially sad for my husband. He was so looking forward to becoming a grandpa. I am a little sad too as I had just started warming up to the idea of being MoNana or GrandMo. :(

    Oh no. I am so sorry. :(
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    I have been off my diet since before Christmas and I weighed at the Dr. the other day. Well no shocker but, I have gained 13 lbs back from the 93 I had lost... got to get my head back into the game!!!! Totally kicking myself!!!

    The holidays can really get ya! Kudos to you for getting back at it.
    My days, eh .. some are better than others but I am trying!

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Less of a confession, more of a rant...

    I'm getting really sick of the hoops I'm having to jump through for a potential job. It's retail, working basically as a stock person/cashier. In the past when I've applied for jobs like this, it was: fill out a one-page application, go for an interview (or sometimes a group interview), get a call that you got the job. Period.

    For this one, I had to fill out a half-hour long application online. Had a phone interview. Had an interview with an assistant manager. And now have to go back for ANOTHER interview with someone else! I'm sorry, but what is this madness?! I'm applying to a work in a store, not the freakin' FBI!

    Sorry but this seems ridiculous and I'm just frustrated. If you don't know by now if you want me to work there or if you don't want to hire me, just say so! I'm a big girl and I can take the rejection.

    On the plus side, I thought I looked pretty good all dressed up and fancy-like. :)

    I think it is more to see how MUCH you want the job. If you wasn't fussed you wouldn't have gone through all of this. It's to see how dedicated you are. Good luck!

    Thanks :) Yeah, I thought that might be the purpose; at least I hope it is and not that they aren't convinced I can do the job. I guess I can understand it especially since there is usually so much turnover in retail employees.

    I think this is why they try to be more thorough, but it probably costs them in the long run anyway. Hoping you get hired and that it is a good fit!
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Not to ruin the vibe or anything, but my husband texted me a little while ago and told me my step-daughter had a miscarriage. I am really sad for her and especially sad for my husband. He was so looking forward to becoming a grandpa. I am a little sad too as I had just started warming up to the idea of being MoNana or GrandMo. :(

    Oh, no. I'm so sorry.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Not to ruin the vibe or anything, but my husband texted me a little while ago and told me my step-daughter had a miscarriage. I am really sad for her and especially sad for my husband. He was so looking forward to becoming a grandpa. I am a little sad too as I had just started warming up to the idea of being MoNana or GrandMo. :(

    I'm really sorry :(

    Thanks. I really want to hug my step-daughter and husband.

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Not to ruin the vibe or anything, but my husband texted me a little while ago and told me my step-daughter had a miscarriage. I am really sad for her and especially sad for my husband. He was so looking forward to becoming a grandpa. I am a little sad too as I had just started warming up to the idea of being MoNana or GrandMo. :(

    Having been through that, I know how incredibly sad it is.

    Thank you. I love hugs. Even virtual ones.

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Not to ruin the vibe or anything, but my husband texted me a little while ago and told me my step-daughter had a miscarriage. I am really sad for her and especially sad for my husband. He was so looking forward to becoming a grandpa. I am a little sad too as I had just started warming up to the idea of being MoNana or GrandMo. :(

    Oh, no! Hugs to you, MoNana and the whole fam!!!

    @quiksylver296 thank you for the virtual hugs. They're appreciated and needed. It's so crazy how someone you haven't even met yet and have only know about for a very short amount of time, can affect you so deeply. I want to hug my step-daughter and tell her how sorry I am. She's such a sweet, sweet girl. I hope things work out in the baby department for her later. Hopefully, much, much later.

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Not to ruin the vibe or anything, but my husband texted me a little while ago and told me my step-daughter had a miscarriage. I am really sad for her and especially sad for my husband. He was so looking forward to becoming a grandpa. I am a little sad too as I had just started warming up to the idea of being MoNana or GrandMo. :(

    Oh no. I am so sorry. :(

    Thank you.

  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    My secret is that there is a little house for sale that I am putting an offer on tonight and I am really hoping they'll accept. I'm so so so so so excited about it but I'm not telling anyone IRL (besides my family) because I'm afraid I'll jinx it. It's perfect for me (and my dog :smile: )

    I've lived with my brother for 8 years and while we still get along the thought of having a space that is 100% mine is... well, to be honest I can't even think of the right word for it.
    Ooh, that IS exciting!! Good luck. You're N Alberta, right? What's the market like there? Calgary here, and things are still selling where I am but my parents are in Okotoks and nothing is selling at all, so you might get a steal of a deal.

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    edited April 2015
    Mo brought up her step-daughter's miscarriage and that set me thinking.

    When I was trying to get pregnant, I had a early miscarriage (12 weeks in, but doctor thought baby stopped developing at 6 weeks). I had no idea how many women actually experienced miscarriages until I had one. Then everyone told me about theirs. I was shocked. It is much more common than I had thought.

    My confession: I wasn't that upset about the miscarriage even though we had been trying to get pregnant. I figured the baby was not right somehow, and I had dodged a bullet of a handicapped child. NO JUDGMENT!
  • froggydelights
    froggydelights Posts: 13 Member
    My confession: I had to change my BIA scale to athletic mode for my boyfriend. It was showing his bodyfat as being higher than he'd like. He ended up sulking for a day after using it and threatened to never use it again before I explained the athlete profile and changed it for him. He was much happier by those results.

    Technically he meets the standard for athlete-having worked out for 15+ hours a week.... while he was a collegiate wrestler. He probably averages about 8 hours of exercise a week now.
    To be fair, while he is slightly overweight, he is also insanely muscular especially in his lower half (OMG those calves)... so maybe it was the right call?

    My second confession: I might have changed mine to athlete as well... :blush:
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    Talkradio wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    tiona83 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I feel like a loser because I don't ever really have any GOOD confessions for this oh, so worthy thread, but here goes.

    Confession 1: I packed an awesome lunch today and wanted to devour it before 11 this morning. I don't take lunch until 1. I managed to make it until noon, but now I'm sad because my food is over. I often get sad when my food is over.

    Confession 2: I totally had Dr. Pepper last night with my Auntie Anne's pretzel bites and didn't log it. Oops. >:)

    My youngest (8) has a bad habit of taking bites out of her lunch why she packs it. The school policy is no junk food (crisps/chips, chocolate, cookies/biscuits) so it's not like it's something sweet. Came down stairs yesterday and she had half her sandwich gone. This was after her breakfast.

    Errrrr, what?! How is that even enforced and why? I'm all for encouraging healthy habits, but this seems a bit extreme.

    My children's school is the same. I'm used to it now.

    my kids school does this too. sort of. The meal must be "balanced" so you cant send a bag of chips and a can of pop and call it lunch. You can send a snack sized bag of chips along with a sandwich and an apple.

    If the lunch you packed is not a "balanced" lunch, they will give your child a sack lunch from the kitchen, which is a cheese sandwich on wholegrain bread, a fruit, a carton of milk, and a oatmeal cookie.

    Then you get a nasty note about the inadequate lunch you packed. So that is how they enforce it. I know this because I asked the school at length about it.

    My son has a sensory disorder, so basically his lunches are the same thing, everyday, with no variation. I was worried I would get nasty notes about it, but they assured me that was not the case! Thank goodness.

    Thank you all who have explained this lunch policy. It makes me wonder what would've happened if that was enforced in my elementary school because from 1st - 3rd grade I suffered extreme anxiety which led to stomach issues and the only thing I could keep down for lunch for three years was a single chocolate pudding. That was it. In 4th & 5th grade I managed 1 plain tuna sandwich. (and I'm still lagging behind on this thread; been super busy at work)

    I had anxiety as a child, too, which also resulted in me throwing up very frequently. Looking back, it's odd my parents never seemed to worry about it. Did you eventually outgrew it? I still have anxiety, but grade school was the only time period I threw up from it habitually.

    I did eventually outgrow it, thankfully, by middle school, I believe. My mom is overly obsessed with medical treatments and medication so she tried to put me on several things back then, but thankfully my pediatrician wasn't a pill-pusher so I mainly just dealt with it.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Not to ruin the vibe or anything, but my husband texted me a little while ago and told me my step-daughter had a miscarriage. I am really sad for her and especially sad for my husband. He was so looking forward to becoming a grandpa. I am a little sad too as I had just started warming up to the idea of being MoNana or GrandMo. :(

    OH NO! I"m SO sorry. Very heartbreaking for all of you. Please make sure everyone takes the time and the proper individual path to grieve. Everyone will handle it differently, but it doesn't mean one person is right and the other is wrong. This is a very individualized experience. So sad.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    My secret is that there is a little house for sale that I am putting an offer on tonight and I am really hoping they'll accept. I'm so so so so so excited about it but I'm not telling anyone IRL (besides my family) because I'm afraid I'll jinx it. It's perfect for me (and my dog :smile: )

    I've lived with my brother for 8 years and while we still get along the thought of having a space that is 100% mine is... well, to be honest I can't even think of the right word for it.

    Yay! So exciting! I hope your offer is accepted!
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    My secret is that there is a little house for sale that I am putting an offer on tonight and I am really hoping they'll accept. I'm so so so so so excited about it but I'm not telling anyone IRL (besides my family) because I'm afraid I'll jinx it. It's perfect for me (and my dog :smile: )

    I've lived with my brother for 8 years and while we still get along the thought of having a space that is 100% mine is... well, to be honest I can't even think of the right word for it.
    Ooh, that IS exciting!! Good luck. You're N Alberta, right? What's the market like there? Calgary here, and things are still selling where I am but my parents are in Okotoks and nothing is selling at all, so you might get a steal of a deal.

    Yes, I'm in Alberta. I think things are slowing down in real estate but they're still selling. I'm going to be offering what's fair for today's market, but these people bought about 5 years ago when prices were at their highest so they may not be willing to let it go for less. I'm trying to tell myself that it will work out if it's meant to be but in truth I really want it.

    I think Calgary's prices are a bit higher than here (Edmonton area) but they're probably close. It's nearly impossible to find anything under $200,000 here and if you can it's usually townhouses or condos (there's nothing wrong with those, but they come with extra fees) or there's a lot of issues with the house.
  • fr3smyl
    fr3smyl Posts: 1,418 Member
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    261 new posts! Time to have some coffee & get caught up...

    Today's confession is: While I got workouts in Friday, Saturday & Sunday, and I was under calorie goal all weekend...fully 2/3 of my calories came from cake & cookies. And cinnamon rolls...

    I have a bit of a problem

    I've been there