

  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    edited April 2015
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Not to ruin the vibe or anything, but my husband texted me a little while ago and told me my step-daughter had a miscarriage. I am really sad for her and especially sad for my husband. He was so looking forward to becoming a grandpa. I am a little sad too as I had just started warming up to the idea of being MoNana or GrandMo. :(

    I'm sorry to hear about this. Miscarriages are awful.
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    My secret is that there is a little house for sale that I am putting an offer on tonight and I am really hoping they'll accept. I'm so so so so so excited about it but I'm not telling anyone IRL (besides my family) because I'm afraid I'll jinx it. It's perfect for me (and my dog :smile: )

    I've lived with my brother for 8 years and while we still get along the thought of having a space that is 100% mine is... well, to be honest I can't even think of the right word for it.

    Yay! So exciting! I hope your offer is accepted!

  • meghanduprey
    meghanduprey Posts: 158 Member
    i just mowed down 3 skinny cow bars with rainbow sprinkles. i don't think that's what they had in mind...
  • lmatlick
    lmatlick Posts: 6 Member
    If I know I've been really, really bad in terms of calorie intake, I'll spread it out over a few days in my diary. I occasionally end up eating after midnight, and if so, I log it on the next day's entry.
  • ScarletShopaholic
    ScarletShopaholic Posts: 169 Member
    i just mowed down 3 skinny cow bars with rainbow sprinkles. i don't think that's what they had in mind...

    Yeah they did, so you can feel fuller for less lol :)
  • cortez13j
    cortez13j Posts: 1 Member
    I absolutely love this feed. I am so glad that I am not the only one with facing the struggle. I have a hard time going home; I can sit in the company of others at work with fastfood and not have a problem. I can't have any junk food or sweets in the house though; I feel bad for my husband. If he brings any home, it's gone, and I end up buying more when I go to replace it. I have absolutely no restraint after a long day of work. My mentality is definitely "screw it."
  • ScarletShopaholic
    ScarletShopaholic Posts: 169 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Not to ruin the vibe or anything, but my husband texted me a little while ago and told me my step-daughter had a miscarriage. I am really sad for her and especially sad for my husband. He was so looking forward to becoming a grandpa. I am a little sad too as I had just started warming up to the idea of being MoNana or GrandMo. :(

    So sorry for your loss
  • Talkradio
    Talkradio Posts: 388 Member
    i just mowed down 3 skinny cow bars with rainbow sprinkles. i don't think that's what they had in mind...

    I do this with the Fiber One 90 calorie treats.
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I live in Washington, and even though it's legal now, I still feel weird about smoking weed. (or eating it). I haven't done it yet, although I think it could really help my anxiety/sleep issues. Those D.A.R.E. guys got me good! :D

    Hahaha. It's not legal in Kansas, but even if it does become so, I don't think I'll try it. I didn't in high school when other girls were smoking it in the locker room, so I don't think I would now. I'm pretty square and I'm perfectly fine with that. o:)

    I have never smoked weed. I've had friends around me that have or do, but it's never appealed to me. I'm not against having it legalized here, but I do hate the smell and wouldn't want to be around it.

    I hate the smell too, and I hate not having full control over my body. That's the main reason I don't enjoy drinking to the point of getting drunk. I'm sort of a control freak.

    I confess that I have never tried illegal drugs of any kind. If weed was legalized here, I would still not try it. I figure if I made it through my teen/young adult years without trying it, there is no point now. I also do not drink to the point of being drunk, but do enjoy the occasional glass of wine/beer.

    I was raised in a strict no-alcohol environment (I am a PK), and I am proud that I have a healthy relationship with alcohol.

    Good for you! I know several PK's and they refuse to touch alcohol of any kind. To each their own, I guess.

    Thank you! I never thought my Dad's choice in a career should define who I was. That being said, my parents are actually pretty cool as well. One of the reasons there was such a strict no alcohol rule was because my Mom was raised by an alcoholic mother and did not want her kids to ever go through what she went through.

    Most of the PK I know were very bad. Kudos to you!

    I admit that I wasn't sure what PK meant. I thought it meant phenylketonuric, but couldn't figure out the relevance.
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    I Confess That People Who Insist On Capitalizing Every Word Of Their Post Makes Me Want To Punch Them In The Throat

    Y0u 5h0u1d b3 th4nkful the3y 4r3n't 4add1ng numb3r5

    This is 100% how my mom using text messaging. It's maddening.

    When she first started to text, my mother only really sent the canned text messages that came with the phone. Her favorite was "Please call me ASAP". When I was in college she would send me that message all that time and I would worry something was actually wrong. Nope, she just figured it was the only way to get in touch.
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    For as much as I hate the "breathers", the "foot shufflers" are even worse. There are two people in particular here at work that cannot seem to master the heel-toe aspect of walking. Pick up your feet, woman!

    I was too busy at work to read this thread so I am starting at the beginning of the day today which will likely result in binge posting. I have always loved the sounds of heels clicking on the floor and it was one of the reasons I wanted to be a teacher (since elementary). And while I went to school and have a degree to teach, I work in an office doing something different. I wear heels just to get the heel-toe click on the floor. Makes me feel important.
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    For as much as I hate the "breathers", the "foot shufflers" are even worse. There are two people in particular here at work that cannot seem to master the heel-toe aspect of walking. Pick up your feet, woman!

    My older son drags his feet in certain shoes. He used to do it a lot more, but we are correcting the habit because it drives me nuts.
  • Jesslan_Rose
    Jesslan_Rose Posts: 137 Member
    I'm going to blow your mind, Winnie the Pooh and the 100 acre woods is Satanic.

    Christopher Robin represents innocence being accosted by the 7 Deadly Sins.

    Pooh - Gluttony
    Piglet - Envy
    Eeyore - Sloth
    Tigger - Pride
    Rabbit - Wrath
    Kanga & Roo - Lust
    Owl - Greed

    just sayin.

    Noooooo! The world as I know it has now ended!
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    My secret is that there is a little house for sale that I am putting an offer on tonight and I am really hoping they'll accept. I'm so so so so so excited about it but I'm not telling anyone IRL (besides my family) because I'm afraid I'll jinx it. It's perfect for me (and my dog :smile: )

    I've lived with my brother for 8 years and while we still get along the thought of having a space that is 100% mine is... well, to be honest I can't even think of the right word for it.

    Are you staying in Morinville or coming closer to the city?

  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Not to ruin the vibe or anything, but my husband texted me a little while ago and told me my step-daughter had a miscarriage. I am really sad for her and especially sad for my husband. He was so looking forward to becoming a grandpa. I am a little sad too as I had just started warming up to the idea of being MoNana or GrandMo. :(

    I am so sorry for your and your family's loss.

  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    MissLaaber wrote: »
    I'm currently laughing at my coworker who is dying laughing at those Autocorrect fails, like she's crying laughing and repeating my tummy hurts make it stop.

    Done that!!!!

  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Not to ruin the vibe or anything, but my husband texted me a little while ago and told me my step-daughter had a miscarriage. I am really sad for her and especially sad for my husband. He was so looking forward to becoming a grandpa. I am a little sad too as I had just started warming up to the idea of being MoNana or GrandMo. :(
    Sorry for your loss.

  • Jessicahanzlik
    Jessicahanzlik Posts: 58 Member
    My confession: I never EVER eat breakfast. I never log my exercises so i dont eat back the calories. I will pull the cheese off over everything (unnecessary calories). If it has bread, I will remove most of it. I will skip meals if I ate too much. Whenever I over eat, I move thoes calories to the next day and work with whatever calories I have left. Some of these are good habits some are not I know. But I also know how my own body feels and what I personally can handle. :blush:
  • kiittenforever
    kiittenforever Posts: 479 Member
    I really screwed up and binged today on half a box of cookies and a ton of potato chips and peanut butter. I feel disgusting and bloated. I easily consumer 3,000 calories. SMH.
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    Does the exhaustion ever end??? I am always tired, it's getting to the point where it's my trademark. How am I? TIRED. Always. I hate it... I think my sleeping habits are very poor. Last night I know I woke up about 15 or so times trying to get out of bed to finish "work" that didn't exist.