

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    Wife and I moved to FL about 2 1/2 years ago and people are constantly visiting us. Someone different is here literally every 4-6 weeks. I like them as people and enjoy time spent together, but I dread it because it disrupts the flow of my diet and workout routine. They often have a hard time understanding that unlike them, I'm not on vacation and still have to live my "normal" life. I try to take a day or two off work when we have visitors but I'd run out of PTO real quick if I wasn't careful about it, and then have no time for an actual vacation of my own.

    Eeeh, non-stop company and house guests would annoy me. I'm thinking since it's only been 2 1/2 years maybe the visits will slow down. Or, maybe stop being available for house guests? It may backfire and they all may plan their yearly vacations at your house if not! Then again, I'm an introvert.

    I'd definitely NOT change my diet or workout routine. They can work around it go sight-see or whatever. Apparently, I'm not a very flexible person either, time-wise.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »

    I bought cookie butter because of this thread. It was pretty tasty!

    I bought some a couple weeks ago because of this thread, but have not tried it yet because I have no idea what to put it on!!!

    A spoon works for me... just sayin'

    I do not think I could eat it just like that, I could not with Nutella or peanut butter either....I need something to spread it on!

    Well. I've been known to spread caramel-hazelnut Duo Penotti on shortbread.

    Nutella + really good baguette + sea salt. Boom.

    I'm just going to leave that there...

    OH.MY.SWEET.FANCY.MOSES! I'm dying. I'm dead. This sounds AMAZING!

    Definitely my favorite response yet today!
  • morenaprp
    morenaprp Posts: 1 Member
    :'( New to myfitness pal and i have spent the weekend with family and have fallen way off track. I am hispanic and one of my favorite breads is a sweet bread and I ate the whole thing. I am even having a hard time getting back to the gym....
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    Diners, Drive-In's and Dives is food porn for me. It's not always top notch cuisine but most of the food looks pretty good to me.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Talkradio wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    A teacher I had a couple years ago and wasn't super close to called me "honey" today. He's done it multiple times in the past and it feels so condescending. No no no no no. My mother is the only human in the world who is allowed to call me that. I'm 80% sure I actually started exhaling smoke.

    This is funny because most people think I'm a very sweet, shy person when in reality I am a fiery inferno of rage held together loosely with caffeine and death metal.

    Oh, that's a great description! This exactly describes my youngest son as well. I may have to steal this from you! (and I'd try to put a stop to the "honey" business; that IS condescending)

    I just go...did you just call me honey? I literally did this the other day on a conference call. A guy called the women on the call girls and I stopped the call and called him out. I do this when people flush the toilet on calls too.

    I find it worse when I'm the only female in the room, which is not unusual in my industry, and someone uses something like 'boys', I call them out every time.

    I confess that my Chicago upbringing has instilled a bad habit of saying "you guys" all the time. It's like our "y'all", and it doesn't even occur to me that it's technically gender specific unless someone points it out. Most of the time I don't even realize I'm saying it.

    I think of "you guys" completely neutrally also (I'm in Chicago, for the record). I use it for mixed groups all the time and never thought about it. What am I going to call women, "gals"? I think not.

    Boys would be different.

    Once upon a time there was a judge here who was also in the military reserve, and he had a habit of referring to everyone in his courtroom as "men" (as in, "men, I expect everyone to cooperate in discovery!"). For some reason that never bothered me, I just found it comical.
  • littled1986
    littled1986 Posts: 101 Member
    @amehh91 I guess my second confession is that I am a serial lurker. Lol! I find all the message boards informative and/or highly entertaining.
    I have a vegetarian friend that loves to watch me cook, even with meat involved. If it's weird you're not alone.
    Masterchef is good, but Masterchef junior is amazing! Those kids are incredible. I keep telling my 10 year old to cook me dinner, but she refuses. I tell her she needs to step up her game or she'll lose when I enter her into cooking competitions. For some reason this doesn't concern her.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    debrag12 wrote: »
    this easter thread is cracking me up...

    seeking advice from strangers on the internet about what to do with hard boiled eggs :neutral_face:

    Why would a rabbit eat eggs? WHY?!?!?!

    That thread is going to make my head explode.

    What a strange thing. I confess I've never been to an easter egg hunt, I never left eggs out for the easter bunny either or santa for that matter

    This was so weird. I honestly didn't think anyone actually believed in the Easter Bunny either. I'm sure it's no weirder than Santa (although rabbits eating hard boiled eggs just is, they eat carrots in childhood understanding!), but I just did not know about it.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Another confession: an industry magazine with a photo of me looking pretty good (one of the first photos since I lost the weight) came out, which I've been waiting for. But it turns out a woman I used to work with who is the same age and has a similar resume as me for the first part of her career, but then went on to be way more successful, is on the cover and there's this great puff piece about her with lots of people I know and respect quoted with anecdotes about how amazing she is. I like this woman, and she deserves it, and I'm generally happy with my career and life (and not that ambitious most of the time, as demonstrated by the fact I'm screwing around here), but I'm currently jealous and kicking myself for being a lazy slug who consistently stepped on my own feet and squandered all my opportunities to be extremely impressive and successful like her.

    It's stupid, and I know I have amazing good fortune and should just count my blessings and will get over it soon, but I want to go home and cry. (I'm going to go lift weights instead.)

    Good for you! And congrats on the magazine article! Keep in mind that when she saw herself on the cover she probably had some regrets or reservations of her own: maybe she wished she handled things differently, or taken a different path, or spent more time with her family, etc. We all have our doubts about where we are in our life whether we are on the "cover" or on the "last page" (literally or figuratively). No one is perfect.

    Thanks! I appreciate that, and I'm over it today, thank goodness.
  • kamakazeekim
    kamakazeekim Posts: 1,183 Member
    Talkradio wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    A teacher I had a couple years ago and wasn't super close to called me "honey" today. He's done it multiple times in the past and it feels so condescending. No no no no no. My mother is the only human in the world who is allowed to call me that. I'm 80% sure I actually started exhaling smoke.

    This is funny because most people think I'm a very sweet, shy person when in reality I am a fiery inferno of rage held together loosely with caffeine and death metal.

    Oh, that's a great description! This exactly describes my youngest son as well. I may have to steal this from you! (and I'd try to put a stop to the "honey" business; that IS condescending)

    I just go...did you just call me honey? I literally did this the other day on a conference call. A guy called the women on the call girls and I stopped the call and called him out. I do this when people flush the toilet on calls too.

    I find it worse when I'm the only female in the room, which is not unusual in my industry, and someone uses something like 'boys', I call them out every time.

    I confess that my Chicago upbringing has instilled a bad habit of saying "you guys" all the time. It's like our "y'all", and it doesn't even occur to me that it's technically gender specific unless someone points it out. Most of the time I don't even realize I'm saying it.

    I am Canadian, and have always said ya'll, I get picked on a lot for it

    I am also Canadian and get picked on for saying "You's guys". I think it is a rural thing...maybe a Saskatchewan thing? After all, I did not know that "Bunnyhugs" were a Saskatchewan thing until this thread. Star whoosh - the more you know!

    We totally say "you guys" all the time in Minnesota. I guess I never realized that other people don't say it!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Confession: I am the only person I know that benefits from looking at pictures and recipes of delicious foods and watching cooking shows. It helps me control my appetite, like it's some kind of replacement for eating. It's very, very strange.

    I'm very similar. When I first started limiting calories and would want food at times I was used to eating, I'd simply go peruse epicurious or some cook book or just start planning dinner or a menu--it channeled my thoughts about food and I'd stop being hungry (or simply be excited for dinner).
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    morenaprp wrote: »
    :'( New to myfitness pal and i have spent the weekend with family and have fallen way off track. I am hispanic and one of my favorite breads is a sweet bread and I ate the whole thing. I am even having a hard time getting back to the gym....

    Just go and don't even THINK about the weekend! You were able to spend time with family and friends and eat something you like. Use it as a learning experience, but NOT as a regret or a reason to give up. You can do it!
  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    Wife and I moved to FL about 2 1/2 years ago and people are constantly visiting us. Someone different is here literally every 4-6 weeks. I like them as people and enjoy time spent together, but I dread it because it disrupts the flow of my diet and workout routine. They often have a hard time understanding that unlike them, I'm not on vacation and still have to live my "normal" life. I try to take a day or two off work when we have visitors but I'd run out of PTO real quick if I wasn't careful about it, and then have no time for an actual vacation of my own.


    I absolutely HATE when something messes up my diet or workout routine. I feel like it took me so long to finally get in a healthy routine...I need to stay here.
  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    81Katz wrote: »
    Diners, Drive-In's and Dives is food porn for me. It's not always top notch cuisine but most of the food looks pretty good to me.


    I love that show...makes me want to travel to every place he's been!

  • Slashnl
    Slashnl Posts: 338 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    Diners, Drive-In's and Dives is food porn for me. It's not always top notch cuisine but most of the food looks pretty good to me.


    I love that show...makes me want to travel to every place he's been!

    I love it too! I saw somewhere that there is this retired couple who has gone to all or almost all of the places he has shown on the show. What fun!!!
  • jessicapk
    jessicapk Posts: 574 Member
    I feel a little bad now. I don't allow my husband to go out to eat for lunch. I handle the finances because I'm good at it (and he isn't, as evidenced by his savings/credit situation when we met). There's no reason to go spending $10 for lunch when there are always perfectly good leftovers.

    I'm a tyrant. LOL

    I'm the same way and in the same boat! When you have to cover for someone else's mistakes for so long, you kind of feel you have a right to dictate how they spend their money! If they mess it up, who do they want to make it all better?
  • amehh91
    amehh91 Posts: 1,282 Member
    @amehh91 I guess my second confession is that I am a serial lurker. Lol! I find all the message boards informative and/or highly entertaining.
    I have a vegetarian friend that loves to watch me cook, even with meat involved. If it's weird you're not alone.
    Masterchef is good, but Masterchef junior is amazing! Those kids are incredible. I keep telling my 10 year old to cook me dinner, but she refuses. I tell her she needs to step up her game or she'll lose when I enter her into cooking competitions. For some reason this doesn't concern her.

    I'm glad I'm not alone! Haven't seen Masterchef Junior - I know what I'm looking up when the 3 year old goes to bed!

    Second confession: I was in a messaging group of ladies chatting and doing the weight loss thaaang and it was all good until January when a new woman joined. She gave such terrible advice, all the old clichés and some even stranger things (drinking grapefruit juice with her tongue on the outside of the glass as otherwise it tastes foul but makes her lose weight? And aiming for 5.5lb losses a week etc) Anywho everyone else thought she was the bees knees and I had a serious case of eye strain from rolling them so much so I decided to leave the group. Except I'm afraid of confrontation and couldn't bare what they might say once I'm gone. Finally after a week of serious inner arguing I left the tricking my son into pressing the buttons so I hadn't technically done it myself. Shameful
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    Diners, Drive-In's and Dives is food porn for me. It's not always top notch cuisine but most of the food looks pretty good to me.


    I love that show...makes me want to travel to every place he's been!
    I can't take it seriously since seeing this spoof menu (based on the ridiculous things served at his NY restaurant):
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    I'm going to blow your mind, Winnie the Pooh and the 100 acre woods is Satanic.

    Christopher Robin represents innocence being accosted by the 7 Deadly Sins.

    Pooh - Gluttony
    Piglet - Envy
    Eeyore - Sloth
    Tigger - Pride
    Rabbit - Wrath
    Kanga & Roo - Lust
    Owl - Greed

    just sayin.
  • Talkradio
    Talkradio Posts: 388 Member
    I have read every single post on this thread (it's been very entertaining), and have just now decided to contribute.
    Confession: I am the only person I know that benefits from looking at pictures and recipes of delicious foods and watching cooking shows. It helps me control my appetite, like it's some kind of replacement for eating. It's very, very strange.

    I do this too! I just love food. Even if I'm not eating it, I still enjoy looking at it and thinking about it.

  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    Don't forget about Teletubbies, especially the purple one with the triangle on its shirt...