

  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Apparently that's a phobia of mine. I knew things like that bothered me, but I didn't know there was a name. My fear isn't as severe, food like that doesn't bother me, but I looked at some of the pictures and now I feel nauseous and it made my skin crawl.

    Sorry! That's how I feel when I look at them too.
    Gross! The worst I ever saw was a boob that someone photoshopped to look like a pod and I was disturbed for the rest of the day after I saw it. That was the first time I knew that those pictures bothered me. Yuck.
  • HereWeGoAgain7
    HereWeGoAgain7 Posts: 163 Member
    shannonbun wrote: »
    Actually bought a coworker a birthday cake that I HATE the taste of so I won't eat a piece. Maybe being in charge of getting the cakes isn't a bad thing?

    I admire you. I don't think I could do that... I'd go to look for a cake and come out with the prettiest one that *I* loved... You've got willpower, my friend, and smarts.

    Probably helped that I went with a friend who happens to LOVE the cake I bought. Normally I do buy the cake that I like, but for some reason today I decided to avoid the cake by buying one I wouldn't eat. Maybe because I have the last class in my nutrition class tomorrow and have to weigh in.
  • DaisheaBoo
    DaisheaBoo Posts: 121 Member
    I can't have a cheat meal...I have cheat weeks..LAWWWWDDDDDDD!!!!! :(
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    lalabrucey wrote: »
    I dreamed last night that I was attending Kurt Cobain's funeral but had to keep introducing myself as his first wife before he was famous and we drifted apart and moved on. When I woke up I was genuinely sad and exhausted from the ceremony but was glad that I caught up with Courtney.... weird huh!
    This made me laugh, because I not infrequently have dreams where my family is close personal friends with Brad, Angie and all the Jolie-Pitt kids. We hang out for BBQs etc. Sometimes Brad is a bit over-friendly, but I can handle him.
    I tend to wake up feeling a bit disappointed when I realise it isn't real.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    I dont dream I'm back in school, but I have had a lot of dreams where I'm at the starting line for a marathon without my bib number and sometimes wearing flip flops or the wrong clothes for the weather or full makeup. So weird. I've also dreamed that the marathon started and I was still on my way. That's actually happened to me before though. Lol
    Aren't all of these kind of dreams rooted in anxiety? When my kids were little I would often dream that I was late to pick them up from day-care but couldn't find my car in a giant multi-story car park.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    Confession: I swam my personal best of 80 lengths today (2km or 1.25 miles) which I am super pleased about. In less good news, I have already eaten about 1000 calories today (it's 1.30pm here) which leaves me about 500 for the day, which I am not so pleased about! Swimming makes me hungry.

    Holy cow well done! The pool I swim in is 33.33m (it actually is, I asked) long so 30 lengths is about a Km. I know I have made it that far, but I always lose count, so how you managed to keep count for 80 lengths is amazing! How long did it take you?

    Edit: and yes swimming makes me hungry. That's why I swim before breakfast (or lunch on a Sunday) and then eat so I don't eat extra food.

    I wanted to see how far I could swim in one hour, which it turns out is 76-77 lengths, and I thought I'm so close to 80 I may as well carry on, so about 1hr 2 minutes-ish. I am not a fast swimmer! As for keeping count, I just sing the number in my head and keep an eye on the clock knowing how fast I usually go, and if in doubt, redo a couple of lengths! But generally, if I swam for 50 minutes (my usual), it's likely I did about 65-66 lengths.

    When I started, I could only do 1km (40 lengths) before I was shattered. 6 months later, I feel like I could go further if I had time (I swim before going to work as soon as the pool opens). If I can get better at it, anyone can.
    That's really impressive! Go you!
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    lalabrucey wrote: »
    I dreamed last night that I was attending Kurt Cobain's funeral but had to keep introducing myself as his first wife before he was famous and we drifted apart and moved on. When I woke up I was genuinely sad and exhausted from the ceremony but was glad that I caught up with Courtney.... weird huh!
    This made me laugh, because I not infrequently have dreams where my family is close personal friends with Brad, Angie and all the Jolie-Pitt kids. We hang out for BBQs etc. Sometimes Brad is a bit over-friendly, but I can handle him.
    I tend to wake up feeling a bit disappointed when I realise it isn't real.

    Ha ha. I know how you feel. I'm currently living with my SO in his mums house and I frequently dream about the day we get out own house and we decorate it and i have my own vegetable patch and all the pictures we have bought are up on the walls and we have a pet dog which I take for a jog every day and lose LOADS of weight. Then I wake up and realise we are still living here, I don't have a dog and I'm still overweight. Sets me up for a bad day really...
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member

    I can't keep up with this thread- it gives me anxiety when I'm away!
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    Had my interview this morning, went well, asked when they were looking to hire, they said they had an internal candidate that was on vacation that they needed to see, so I won't find out until next week.

    Talent acquisition double booked the interview slot so I was in the waiting room with a competitor, he was wearing jeans and a puffy jacket. . . . .jeans and a puffy jacket.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Had my interview this morning, went well, asked when they were looking to hire, they said they had an internal candidate that was on vacation that they needed to see, so I won't find out until next week.

    Talent acquisition double booked the interview slot so I was in the waiting room with a competitor, he was wearing jeans and a puffy jacket. . . . .jeans and a puffy jacket.
    What do they call it now?? Is that what used to be Personnel, then became Human Resources?
    Sorry they're making you jump through hoops. Do you want the job?
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Had my interview this morning, went well, asked when they were looking to hire, they said they had an internal candidate that was on vacation that they needed to see, so I won't find out until next week.

    Talent acquisition double booked the interview slot so I was in the waiting room with a competitor, he was wearing jeans and a puffy jacket. . . . .jeans and a puffy jacket.

    There's a real professional right there...

    I LOVE watching people coming in to interview at the agency! It's always mind blowing how many people do not know the proper attire to wear for an interview!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Had my interview this morning, went well, asked when they were looking to hire, they said they had an internal candidate that was on vacation that they needed to see, so I won't find out until next week.

    Talent acquisition double booked the interview slot so I was in the waiting room with a competitor, he was wearing jeans and a puffy jacket. . . . .jeans and a puffy jacket.

    Wow! I guess he made you look doubly good!
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Had my interview this morning, went well, asked when they were looking to hire, they said they had an internal candidate that was on vacation that they needed to see, so I won't find out until next week.

    Talent acquisition double booked the interview slot so I was in the waiting room with a competitor, he was wearing jeans and a puffy jacket. . . . .jeans and a puffy jacket.
    What do they call it now?? Is that what used to be Personnel, then became Human Resources?
    Sorry they're making you jump through hoops. Do you want the job?

    the company I want to work for is one of the top 2 brands in the world. They have a talent acquisition team based in Atlanta that picks which resume's will get face to face interviews with local management. There is local HR on site.
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    Had my interview this morning, went well, asked when they were looking to hire, they said they had an internal candidate that was on vacation that they needed to see, so I won't find out until next week.

    Talent acquisition double booked the interview slot so I was in the waiting room with a competitor, he was wearing jeans and a puffy jacket. . . . .jeans and a puffy jacket.

    Wow! I guess he made you look doubly good!

    Infinity times Infinity is INFINITIER!!
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I live in Washington, and even though it's legal now, I still feel weird about smoking weed. (or eating it). I haven't done it yet, although I think it could really help my anxiety/sleep issues. Those D.A.R.E. guys got me good! :D

    Hahaha. It's not legal in Kansas, but even if it does become so, I don't think I'll try it. I didn't in high school when other girls were smoking it in the locker room, so I don't think I would now. I'm pretty square and I'm perfectly fine with that. o:)

    I have never smoked weed. I've had friends around me that have or do, but it's never appealed to me. I'm not against having it legalized here, but I do hate the smell and wouldn't want to be around it.

    I hate the smell too, and I hate not having full control over my body. That's the main reason I don't enjoy drinking to the point of getting drunk. I'm sort of a control freak.

    I confess that I have never tried illegal drugs of any kind. If weed was legalized here, I would still not try it. I figure if I made it through my teen/young adult years without trying it, there is no point now. I also do not drink to the point of being drunk, but do enjoy the occasional glass of wine/beer.

    I was raised in a strict no-alcohol environment (I am a PK), and I am proud that I have a healthy relationship with alcohol.

    Good for you! I know several PK's and they refuse to touch alcohol of any kind. To each their own, I guess.

    Thank you! I never thought my Dad's choice in a career should define who I was. That being said, my parents are actually pretty cool as well. One of the reasons there was such a strict no alcohol rule was because my Mom was raised by an alcoholic mother and did not want her kids to ever go through what she went through.

    Most of the PK I know were very bad. Kudos to you!

    I admit that I wasn't sure what PK meant. I thought it meant phenylketonuric, but couldn't figure out the relevance.

    Haha, I thought it meant player killer from video games. I had to go look it up.
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Does the exhaustion ever end??? I am always tired, it's getting to the point where it's my trademark. How am I? TIRED. Always. I hate it... I think my sleeping habits are very poor. Last night I know I woke up about 15 or so times trying to get out of bed to finish "work" that didn't exist.
    If I get into the rut of not being able to sleep night after night, I'll take Nytol for a few nights which is mild but helps me make it through the night. I can't function on no sleep.
    Do you take anything?

    I was prescribed melatonin as a teen, but I don't think that did much good... and my mom recently gave me some valerian root but I don't think that helped... maybe I should try them both again. What I really want is a good old bottle of sleeping pills that'll put me out like a light. A good idea would have been to go hibernate in an igloo over winter so I wouldn't have had to deal with the Canadian weather.

    There was a massive testing of over the counter remedies and supplements not too long ago that revealed a lot of them were just dried carrots and peas and contained no traces of the ingredients they were supposed to. So it is entirely possible that the Valerian root did nothing because it wasn't even Valerian root.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »

    I can't keep up with this thread- it gives me anxiety when I'm away!

    Awww I know how you feel. Every morning when I log in i am greeted to about 200 posts! I'm falling behind at work because of this!
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    Had my interview this morning, went well, asked when they were looking to hire, they said they had an internal candidate that was on vacation that they needed to see, so I won't find out until next week.

    Talent acquisition double booked the interview slot so I was in the waiting room with a competitor, he was wearing jeans and a puffy jacket. . . . .jeans and a puffy jacket.

    Lol!! Jeans and a puffy jacket.
    Here's hoping the internal guy is just a formality because he isn't qualified...
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,367 Member
    edited April 2015
    Kalici wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Does the exhaustion ever end??? I am always tired, it's getting to the point where it's my trademark. How am I? TIRED. Always. I hate it... I think my sleeping habits are very poor. Last night I know I woke up about 15 or so times trying to get out of bed to finish "work" that didn't exist.
    If I get into the rut of not being able to sleep night after night, I'll take Nytol for a few nights which is mild but helps me make it through the night. I can't function on no sleep.
    Do you take anything?

    I was prescribed melatonin as a teen, but I don't think that did much good... and my mom recently gave me some valerian root but I don't think that helped... maybe I should try them both again. What I really want is a good old bottle of sleeping pills that'll put me out like a light. A good idea would have been to go hibernate in an igloo over winter so I wouldn't have had to deal with the Canadian weather.

    There was a massive testing of over the counter remedies and supplements not too long ago that revealed a lot of them were just dried carrots and peas and contained no traces of the ingredients they were supposed to. So it is entirely possible that the Valerian root did nothing because it wasn't even Valerian root.

    I don't know if it was the same study as the one you reference but I do remember reading one that found much the same thing... "supplements" may or may not contain the active ingredient. Particularly memorable is the St John's Wort that tested as only senna. Which would work if you were depressed due to constipation, I guess.

    I'm always been pretty skeptical about the whole herbal supplement racket and that was the final nail in the coffin as far as I was concerned. (With the exception of my insomnia remedy, which actually does work, much to my surprise)

    I've also never understood the perceived benefit of gagging down dozens of large nasty-smelling "natural" pills several times a day when one little prescription pill would do the trick.

    edit: Just realized the original post was about insomnia, so I should really identify the remedy that I said I use -- Natural Factors Tranquil Sleep, it's a blend of melatonin, 5HTP and L-Theanine.
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Not to ruin the vibe or anything, but my husband texted me a little while ago and told me my step-daughter had a miscarriage. I am really sad for her and especially sad for my husband. He was so looking forward to becoming a grandpa. I am a little sad too as I had just started warming up to the idea of being MoNana or GrandMo. :(

    I'm so sorry!