Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    azulvioleta6: Wow! How exciting! Hopefully you'll be able to truly celebrate tomorrow! That is an incredible accomplishment :):):)

    As for me, a little stomach flu goes a long way for helping to keep one's calorie goals, Ha ha! No exercise coz I was on the couch all day, but I may get the last of my fluids down yet.
  • swimminginseattle
    swimminginseattle Posts: 21 Member
    Brand new and jumping in, and thank you for having this thread!

    Today: Tracked everything, swam, and completed homework!

    Tomorrow I will:
    1) Get to the gym and swim again,
    2) spend the day working on the clinical oral exam material,
    3) and track everything!!!
  • lisa2368
    lisa2368 Posts: 11 Member
    Just for today I will track my food and exercise! Been slacking and gotta take baby steps back in the right direction! :-)
  • rlhinte
    rlhinte Posts: 4 Member
    Yesterday... Stayed on track with my calories/carbs and drank lots of water.

    Just for today...
    I will log everything I eat and stay within my calorie/carb limits. I will also continue to drink plenty of water and be kind to myself.
  • ATVer
    ATVer Posts: 34 Member
    Good Morning MFPs!

    Yesterday: 4-20
    -have a positive attitude.
  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 822 Member
    I did pretty good yesterday in hitting my goals. there was one unplanned bag of peanut mm but I also walked 4.4 miles after work that I hadn't planned, so I'm calling that a wash. I'm more happy about the 22,500+ steps I did yesterday.

    JFT Tuesday: 1. don't eat the granola bar until after work and even then only if I'm going for another long walk. 2. Make sure I move around at least once an hour during work so I don't completely stiffen up
  • phw426
    phw426 Posts: 92 Member
    Today I will stay within my calories and log everything that I eat and get at least 20 minutes of exercise.
  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    Like I said last nite, being sick has its "advantages" and I am down another pound :) ...good for the old motivation, although I certainly am not wanting to have to go thru that again!!!
    1. Stick to calorie goals
    2. 3+ pints water/tea
    3. Exercise 30+ minutes
  • jabrams1955
    jabrams1955 Posts: 55 Member
    Today I will: Buy a new battery for my FitBit! Stay within calorie goals; drink water; do strength training at the gym tonight; make up healthy Chinese for dinner!
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    yesterday went pretty good. I am starting to feel motivated again. I cleaned out my closet because clothes were too small. It actually motivated me to try to get back to where I was before but for now I had to purge them. I will set them aside for now and see if I can hopefully get back into them.

    JFT 4/21/15

    1.) go to gym at lunch for strength training
    2.) get in cardio after work for 30 min or more
  • losingrae
    losingrae Posts: 260 Member
    losingrae wrote: »

    Just for Today 04/20:
    1. log everything :( yesterday was a very bad day of eating
    2. get in 10 glasses of water :)
    3. do 30 mins cardio :neutral: I walked at work, but when I got home, it was digging sod for the fire pit. Sunday has been the only yard work free day since Thursday I believe. I'm looking forward to the rains coming back. LOL
    4. go grocery shopping (ugh) :)

    Just for Today 04/21
    1. do not let yesterday throw you off track. Back to logging and making healthier choices
    2. do not turn to food for comfort when feeling under the weather today

    @azulvioleta6 - *fingers crossed* for you to hit the 90lb mark today.
  • thepinkshoe
    thepinkshoe Posts: 26 Member
    Just for today 22/4
    - I will go for a walk with my dog
    - I will drink 2 litres of water
  • wendy_54
    wendy_54 Posts: 2 Member
    Love this! So jumping in .. Just for today
    1. Think positive
    2. Do 10,000 steps
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member

    Just for today ( Monday April 20)
    1. Walk in morning :smile: :smiley:
    2. Stick to 1200 calories :smile:
    3. Do housework and laundry :smile:

    Just for today ( Tuesday April 21)
    1. Take breakfast lunch and snack with me to work
    2. Stick to 1200 calories
    3. Walk after work at least 1.25 hours

  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,439 Member
    Just for today 4/21
    1. Stick to what I have logged for food,
    2. Protein drink
    3. NO NO late night snack.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    1. 12,000 steps :smiley:
    2. lift (heavy) weights :smiley:
    3. 10+ freggies :neutral: eh, not quite...need to go to the store and stock up on veggies...supply is getting low

    And...my weight is exactly the same today. Oh well, I feel good and haven't gained, so it's fine.

    1. 10,000 steps
    2. Gardening project: nibbling bed
    3. Stay under 100 G carbs
  • thenewkayla
    thenewkayla Posts: 313 Member
    Just one
    No candy!
    My co workers always has a bag of candy like sweet tarts skittles airheads
    My favorite and he always offers me some...ugh so tempting
  • ATVer
    ATVer Posts: 34 Member
    ATVer wrote: »
    Good Morning MFPs!

    Yesterday: 4-20
    -have a positive attitude.

    Ok, sorry. I keep using my own smiley's and killing my posts. So, let's try this again...

    Hello MFP peeps!
    Did ok yesterday, far from perfect but I logged every bite. Think that alone is helping.

    Just for today:
    -Log every bite!
    -Do something! Exercise!!
    -Be positive.
    -Be thankful.

    Looking for friends to motivate. :)

  • zaftig_no_more
    zaftig_no_more Posts: 87 Member
    Stay 100% on my NS program!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Late again getting on here .. Did SO much better yesterday. :)
    So just for today,
    tues, 4/14
    1. walk tonite.
    2. drink lots of water to flush sugar out of my system
    3. log my food. I have been so bad with doing this. So busy, and just not taking the time. But I know it is so important --- so back to logging everybite I eat!