Looking to lose 100+ pounds... the healthy way!



  • melkithall
    melkithall Posts: 75 Member
    @3uttercup go clean out a closet! :smiley: That's what I did this afternoon when my kids' Easter candy was starting to call out to me! It worked to, closet is clean and I didn't give in. Good luck
  • Jinx_Mo
    Jinx_Mo Posts: 150 Member
    Welcome everyone! Wow, lots of new folks to make the cheering louder! :smiley:@uttercup doughnuts can be incredibly pushy, kick that thing into the trash where it can't leap out at you, girl!! Seriously though, the advice to make small changes is the best in the world. Make a small promise to yourself, and when you succeed at it (i.e. - no soda for a week) look yourself in the mirror and say, "I have proven to myself I can do this, and I CAN DO THIS!" then move on to the next little change. They truly DO add up and fast! Make every promise to yourself as important to keep as it would be if you made it to your husband/wife/child, because YOU are the most important person in your world. Without you there would be no "your world". Ok, off my soapbox!! Again, welcome to everyone who has joined. Add me, I just love making friends :smile: Oh, and that video is great, @Hippychick
  • Jinx_Mo
    Jinx_Mo Posts: 150 Member
    melkithall wrote: »
    I just recently (like 3 days ago) decided to cut out my soda addiction. It has been so hard. The headaches and crankiness are awful. My poor family has taken the brunt of it. Even now, I would gladly reach for my Mt.Dew if I had any available. Anyone have any tips on how to get through the withdrawals??

    I don't know if it will work for you the way it did for me, but lemon in my water REALLY seemed to help ease some of the withdrawals from my SERIOUS coke addiction. And here's the great thing, I just gave it up like 3 weeks ago, gave myself the gift of a 10oz. coke this weekend and got THE WORST stomach ache from it. Now I don't crave it at all!
  • Jinx_Mo
    Jinx_Mo Posts: 150 Member
    This is a little off-topic, but is anyone scrapbooking or journaling their weigh loss journey? I just found some really great ideas for this and so I started a journal (the paper kind). One of the things that surprised me was how quickly I found not only goals and rewards for pounds loss, but goals I want to meet that focus more on activities and things I've wished for. Like wearing knee high boots that don't squeeze the blood clean out of my calves, buying jeans in a "regular" size store, and tucking in my shirt without a muffin top! lol It's been fun so far. I've also ordered 100 color beads (large ones, like 1/2 in diameter) and two jars. I'm going to move a bead from a jar that says "Pounds to lose" into a jar that says "Pounds lost" every time I lose a pound. It's neat the ideas I found that I think will act as little successes that happen more often and give me visual cues about how well I'm doing. Oh, I also threw a long sheet of painters paper on the wall in my office/make-up station/work out room and I've started writing inspiring quotes and messages on it. Anyway, just wanted to share and hear what other people are doing to keep their inspiration and motivation up.
  • ninthnarnian
    ninthnarnian Posts: 237 Member
    Great Ideas- I think I will start bead jars for myself and my husband. He has been logging everyday also- but I haven't been able to convince him to try the forums yet.
  • Jinx_Mo
    Jinx_Mo Posts: 150 Member
    I put a picture of the bead jars under my profile along with the quotes I am printing in color this week and sticking on my motivational wall... some of them just really tickled me so I thought I'd share :smiley:
  • want2behappy31
    want2behappy31 Posts: 178 Member
    I haven't checked in for a few days so I need to catch up on the comments. I looked for this post on Friday and couldn't find it. Anyway dr. apt showed that I was down 6 pounds from when they saw me in Nov. which is good. I'm down a total of 14 overall. I've been working on getting moving and exercising more. Saturday I was RUNNING with my kids playing tag. I will say that I haven't ran in years like that. It was for over an hour.. Well I lost my wedding ring in the process :-(
  • Hippychick5983
    Hippychick5983 Posts: 130 Member
    Glad everyone liked the video! I started to use it because my knees are bothering me a bit. They are not used to all the exercise so I am trying to ease them back into it!

    @MischelM I love the bead in jars idea!! Such a colorful fun way to keep track of the journey!

    @melkithall For beating back the withdrawal of soada (aka the Caffeine) drink lots of water. As @MischelM said adding lemon helps with the taste. This link as a bunch of ideas to add different healthy things or ways to make your water taste yummy.


    Also try going for walks. Adding in activity will help ease the Symptoms and since it is getting nicer out ( I hope is it by you anyway) walking is a great way to get it in. Plus...exercise!
  • jambodesign
    jambodesign Posts: 417 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm new to the forum. I am 43 and I need to loose 165 lbs. I have lost 13.5 pounds in the past 4 weeks. My goal right now is just to stay under the calories each day. I still eat what I like just less of it. I am also walking a few times a week, about 45 min on the treadmill at a speed of 2.5.
  • SanCan2602
    SanCan2602 Posts: 52 Member
    Good Morning, Everyone! I'd love to join this group! I have been on MFP for several years but feel like I am losing the battle against my food addiction. Last year, I lost nearly fifty pounds but the holiday season got the best of me and I gained almost half of it back. I am finally back on track and am working hard to meet my goal weight of 335 by May 1st. Ultimately, I have another 170 lbs. to go. We just booked our summer vacation in August and my biggest fear is that I won't be able to fit the seat on the airplane. I could use all the support, motivation, and words of wisdom I can get (and am more than happy to provided the same in return). Wishing everyone great success on their individual journeys. Please feel free to add me. :smiley:
  • Hippychick5983
    Hippychick5983 Posts: 130 Member
    Welcome more new people! There are so many people here who want to help you! Add me if you like!

    Just wanted to add another really helpful seated exercise video. I like this one a little bit better then the other one I posted.


  • Directen
    Directen Posts: 2 Member
    edited April 2015
    Good morning all, please add me to this group! I am looking for a few ideas to help me stay on course. I'm a 48 year old female (turning 49 in December) looking to be about 50 pounds lighter for my birthday. I currently weigh in at a "delicate" 306 but would like to be in ONEderland (even if it is 199.99999999) by my 50th birthday in 2016. Also, I'm primarily using the app on my phone, so hopefully I can locate the group via my app, too. Also looking for friends to share this journey with. :smiley:
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    What a great thread! All success, everyone!
  • miche173
    miche173 Posts: 50 Member
    I'm jumping in, too:). I started in February, with about 85 pounds to lose. I'm down 26 so far. Due to health and family history, I'm doing a fairly low carb eating plan. When I'm at work, and busy, it's fairly easy, but the evenings at home an be tough. Looking forward to sharing successes (and the inevitable tough times).
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    Welcome welcome welcome!!! To everyone who has joined, we are so happy to have you! Feel free to add me if you haven't already and by all means let us know if you need anything whether it's motivation on those tough days or a cheering section when you achieve an "NSV" (non-scale victory)!

    Loving that bead idea!!! :)

    I want to challenge all of you this week! Each day, find a way to tell yourself that you are a wonderful person and worth the effort you're putting into your new you! It's so easy to let thing other people say get us down and yet so hard to bring ourselves back up! We deserve this and we ARE wonderful human beings!

  • amsterz615
    amsterz615 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm not super active on the boards and I know I'm a little late, but I'd love to join the group! This seems like a great thread, and everyone's super supportive :) I'm looking to lose around 120lbs by my 30th birthday (October 2016). My short term goals are: to be able to jog the entire time through a 5k and to complete the Robo Mud Run held in St. Cloud, FL in November. Add me if you'd like, I'd love to have the extra push and I'll support you all as much as I can in return! :)
  • tonihunter945
    tonihunter945 Posts: 62 Member
    I need to lose over a 100 lbs! We can help each other and there are great people on here that can help also
  • sarahlynn78
    sarahlynn78 Posts: 132 Member
    Wow, what a great thread! I'm back on MFP after losing some weight and then gaining it back plus more. My new goal is to lose between 85-100 lbs. I've lost ~7 lbs so far. This time around I'm making changes that are sustainable and that I can take with me for the rest of my life. Feel free to add me!
  • sarahlynn78
    sarahlynn78 Posts: 132 Member
    @MischelM - I am journaling my weight loss in my planner. I plan my meals and exercise for each day and also list my daily goals in the planner portion. There are note pages in the back. I am using those to keep track of monthly weight loss goals, miscellaneous goals (like fitness milestones or reaching certain clothing sizes) and measurements. I'm also keeping track of new recipes I try - the name, where I found it (which cookbook or website) and then rating it. I think it will be fun to look back at it as time goes on.

  • bcedl1982
    bcedl1982 Posts: 140 Member
    MischelM wrote: »
    One of the things that surprised me was how quickly I found not only goals and rewards for pounds loss, but goals I want to meet that focus more on activities and things I've wished for. .
    I love that idea! So much better than only looking for a certain number on the scale!