April 2015 Running Challenge



  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    4 more miles done. Starting to feel a cold come on as I suppose I'm not quite acclimated to the north as I thought I was. On the plus side I'm returning to the south Friday and have 11 days to recover before my marathon.

    4/1 - 8 miles
    4/2 - 5 miles
    4/4 - 8 miles
    4/5 - 20 miles
    4/7 - 5 miles
    4/8 - 8 miles
    4/9 - 5 miles
    4/12 - 20 miles
    4/14 - 5 miles
    4/15 - 8 miles
    4/16 - 6 miles
    4/18 - 4 miles
    4/19 - 12 miles
    4/21 - 4 miles

    Total: 118 miles
    Goal: 145 miles
    Remaining: 27 miles
  • Wendy1Fl
    Wendy1Fl Posts: 102 Member
    4/20 8.44 miles – Pace 10:42 miles
    4/19 5 miles Doomsday Hill 5 times up & down
    4/13 5.83 miles slow & easy
    4/12 5 miles speed intervals 1:15 fast, 1:45 slow 1st 3 miles, then slow last 2 miles.
    4/10 8 miles in 1:17 – pace 9:62; I took 13 minutes off my last 8 miler!
    4/8 2.63 miles – Doomsday Hill twice up & down - Pace 10:00 minute miles
    4/7 2 miles – Hilly trail run
    4/4 7.46 miles on 1 hr, 15 minutes (Bloomsday Course) – Pace 9:00 minute miles
    4/3 4 miles speed intervals 1:10 fast, 1:50 slow.
    4/2 2.5 Miles - I dunno pace because the Garmin is broken again. Grr. But I do know it was slow.
    4/1 7.46 miles Pace – 10:00
    Total: 58.32; 25.68 to go

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    grimmeanor wrote: »
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    What I got in my email just now....

    Half Fanatic #11352 (Jupiter)

    Stanley, at last you have found refuge, a place where you can call home, where the Fanatical can feel Normal again, and once again be treated like a normal human being. Welcome To The Fanatics AsyLum!!!!

    Congrats! That is an impressive moon level.

    I never heard of half fanatics until this 39.3 series I am in mentioned we would be eligible to join afterwards. If I finish this series and then another half a week later I plan to apply as a Saturn.

    Thanks and Congratulations. Let me know when you finally join.

  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    Hey beautiful running types! I just thought I'd check in and update those of you who might be wondering. I had an appointment today with the most wonderful sports orthopedic doc: stress fracture, immobilization, ugly clunky boot, back in two weeks for another x-ray. He listened to me (unlike the urgent care chick) and immediately came back with "hmm ... that doesn't sound at all like a sprain," then dug his thumb right onto the spot. I actually grabbed him (poor guy). So ... all good. I'm grumpy about the dumb boot and no running, but I am happy to have a plan of action. I hope to begin anew with you guys maybe mid-May for a half-month goal. Cross your fingers for me. And have a GREAT running spring! :) Leigh
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,660 Member
    75 miles again for me, but this time I'm only counting the miles I run. Walking miles are just a bonus.

    4/1 - 3 miles - total: 3 miles
    4/3 - 4 miles - total: 7 miles
    4/6 - 7.5 miles - total 14.5 miles
    4/7 - 7 miles - total 21.5 miles
    4/8 - 6.2 miles - total 27.7 miles
    4/9 - 4.75 miles - total 32.45
    4/11 - 7.5 miles - total 39.95

    Amendment: If I walk a total of less than 5 minutes out of 90, I'm not going to try to take the walk breaks back out of my mileage total.

    4/12 - 4.5 miles - total 44.45

    Another amendment: I can't differentiate running time and walking time when I run outdoors, so I'm counting the whole thing. I think I prefer the treadmill, overall.

    4/13 - 7 miles - total 51.45
    4/14 - 2 miles - total 53.45
    4/15 - 2 miles - total 55.45
    4/16 - 2 miles - total 57.45
    4/19 - 2.5 miles - total 59.95
    4/21 - 7 miles - total 66.95

  • Remus42
    Remus42 Posts: 149 Member

    April 1 - 6k
    April 2 - 5.5k
    April 4 - 4k
    April 8 - 4k
    April 9 - 6.5k
    April 10 - 4k
    April 11 - 7k Awesome day for a run. Take that 7k.
    April 13 - 6k
    April 15 - 5k Updating my runs from the other day. Going to hit up another one today and
    will be back to post that shortly.
    April 18 - 8k Another beautiful spring day.
    April 19 - 5k And hit my goal. Yay going to have to increase it for this month. :smiley:
    April 21 - 4k
  • mmabry72
    mmabry72 Posts: 100 Member
    @4leighbee Sorry to hear that. But at least you have a plan. get it healed up and get back out here.

  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    4/1: 5 miles
    4/2: 7 miles
    4/3: 4.2 miles
    4/4: REST!
    4/5: 18 miles
    4/6: 4 miles
    4/7: XT rowing and biking
    4/8: 5 miles
    4/9: 10 miles
    4/10: 3.1 miles
    4/11: 8.5 miles
    4/12: REST
    4/13: 6 miles
    4/14: Rest
    4/15: 6.2 miles
    4/16: 8 miles
    4/17: 6 miles
    4/18: REST (Actually, hiking with a friend)
    4/19: 3 miles (with same friend)
    4/20: REST (rain today, but nice for running Tues-Fri)
    4/21: 5 miles

    Current total: 99 miles
    Should have done one more to hit 100 a day early! Darn it!

  • SBRRepeat
    SBRRepeat Posts: 384 Member
    @shanaber and @karllundy - I don't eat doughnuts often, but I drive past this place on my way to the gym everyday and their pastries will make you see stars. I planned for this for DAYS.

    As for everyone discussing wildlife critters- I once had a skunk rub up against my leg like a cat when I was out doing door to door campaigning after dark. Thought it was a cat, til I reached down to pet it... Scare of a lifetime, that.

    @csman49 so jealous you're swimming outdoors! I'm itching to get back in open water, but I don't have a wetsuit yet.
    @Daisy471 - love the jewelry! I did a women's HM last fall but they gave out these atrocious huge medals with mirrors inside them. How vain do you think I am here?

    Okay, back to the point: today I ran a practice 5K with GOTR team. I was SO impressed everyone finished! Plus, whenever a girl was on their last lap, everyone who was done already went out and ran it with her. Everybody got to run through tape at the finish line and we recruited some cute high school boy to give each girl a bracelet for every 3 laps (1/3 a mile, approx.) so they could keep track of how far they went.
    I had Strava running, because one very competitive girl I was pacing wanted to know how fast she was going. The map is hilarious:
    We also took some great mid-run selfies. This is my fav (she hates having her picture taken, so most pictures end up like this):

    I'm beginning my taper for my "a" race- the Flying Pig HM, in two weeks, but for now:
  • SBRRepeat
    SBRRepeat Posts: 384 Member
    @Daisy471 that burger will be haunting my dreams. Sounds amazing. This is Cincinnati, so your post race options, even when you go to other nearby cities are skyline coneys or goetta. Delicious, but, c'mon now.
    @4leighbee oh noooo! I'm sorry you're busted up! But I'm so glad they figured out what was wrong!
  • JustWant2Run
    JustWant2Run Posts: 286 Member
    1--- 8mi
    2--- 8mi
    3--- 20mi
    4--- 6 mi
    5--- 12mi --- Week total: 66.3 miles
    6--- Rest day
    7--- 14mi
    8--- 8mi
    9--- 12mi
    10--- 8mi
    11--- 8mi
    12--- 20mi --- Week total:70 miles
    13--- Rest day
    14--- 8mi
    15--- 10mi
    16--- 8mi
    17--- 7mi
    18--- 6.2mi
    19--- 12mi --- Week total: 50.22 miles
    20--- Rest day
    21--- 6mi

    Total: 180.2 miles

    Goal: 250 miles

    Thanks @grimmeanor @shanaber and @skippygirlsmom ! I'm getting nervous now. I ran my current PR one year ago at the same race. I'm hoping to get a significant PR since it's been a year and I ran a lot more since then. I haven't been doing any specific speed work, so this is going to be a test to see if the ''run more at an easy pace'' thing really works :)
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    edited April 2015
    Aine8046 wrote: »
    In for 50 miles!
    April 1st - 3.5 miles
    April 4th - 3.9 miles
    April 6th - 4.3 miles
    April 8th - 5.5 miles
    April 10th - 5.5 miles
    April 12th - 4.5 miles
    April 14th - 5.4 miles
    April 16th - 5.1 miles
    April 18th - 4.8 miles
    April 21st - 3.2 miles

    Total: 45.7 miles

    I was really sick for the last two days... Feel much better today but just in case did only three slow miles! :)


  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    What I got in my email just now....

    Half Fanatic #11352 (Jupiter)

    Stanley, at last you have found refuge, a place where you can call home, where the Fanatical can feel Normal again, and once again be treated like a normal human being. Welcome To The Fanatics AsyLum!!!!


  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @Nottafattie - we have possums here and they walk on the wall between our house and the apartments next to us. Our dog goes crazy when he sees them so we typically take a broom and knock them off the wall. I worked at a baby zoo when I was in college and the baby possums are really cute and fun but they are SO ugly when they grow up. They do serve a purpose though - they love to eat snails and slugs (as well as fruit).
    @cooter_mom and @Elise4270 - 'Crap on a cracker' and '*kitten* snacks' hahahahaha - OMG I laughed so hard! Seriously I hope your foot feels better!
    @Daisy471 - I have never seen that here but it sounds delicious especially after a race! I agree that anything with peanut butter (or bacon) is awesome and add to that a beer to wash it down! There is a beer garden for the runners after my half this weekend - looking forward to that!
    @mmabry72 - I hate cramps of any kind. Have not had one like that but it sounds very painful! I hope it is better now!
    @helenrachel123 - there will be a May Challenge. It is typically linked from the current month a few days before the end of the month or you can find it in the forums.

    Can I just say that I HATE taper week? It is perfect running weather (cool and overcast) and here I sit... reading about all of your runs! To top it off my strength training session had to be changed from tonight to Wednesday because of a schedule conflict. I think I will take the dog for a walk later this afternoon though - it will be good for both of us.

    I feel you. Recovery week is just as bad :)
  • lippiestickmama
    lippiestickmama Posts: 15 Member


  • bjdavidson964
    bjdavidson964 Posts: 266 Member
    4/3: 3.88 mi
    4/4: 3.57 mi
    4/5: 3.72 mi
    4/7: 3.81 mi
    4/8: 1.25 mi (quick stop by the park after Zumba)
    4/9: 4.37 mi
    4/11: 6.72 mi
    4/12: 4.67 mi
    4/14: 4.39 mi
    4/16: 4.02 mi (treadmill)
    4/18: 6.97 mi
    4/21: 2.43 mi

    Current Total: 49.80 miles (of 35 mi goal ... oops I really undershot)
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    @4leighbee - hang in there this too will pass and there is always swimming laps in the meantime to stay in shape :)
    @SBRRepeat - love the map, love the picture even more!
  • csman49
    csman49 Posts: 1,100 Member
    @SBRRepeat - that was actually my first OWS since Feb 2000, nearly drowned off the coast of Australia. Hopefully starting lessons soon because my swimming is more like 'delaying drowning'
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    April 1 - rest
    April 2- 6.01 miles
    April 3- 5.15 miles
    April 4 - 34 mile bike ride
    April 5 - 20 mile bike ride - hilly ride.
    April 6 - 6.01 miles
    April 7 - Weight Training
    April 8 - 4.89
    April 9 - 6.02
    April 10 - 5.03
    April 11 - 34 mile bike ride
    April 12 - 40 mile bike ride
    April 13 - 4.25 miles
    April 14 - Weight Training
    April 15 - 5.1 miles :)
    April 16 - rest
    April 17 - Weight Training
    April 18 - 5.15
    April 19 - 41 mile bike ride
    April 20 - 4.32
    April 21 - 5.25


    Will catch up with all the posts later!
  • Daisy471
    Daisy471 Posts: 409 Member
    @4leighbee - sorry to hear about the stress fracture. Hope you heal quickly.
    @SBRRepeat - a mirror?!? I hope they have different medals next time. Good luck in your half! We used to live not too far from Cincinnati (Richmond, KY) and I loved taking my son to the zoo and museums there.

    4/1 - 3.8 miles (trail)
    4/4 - 11 miles
    4/5 - 3 miles
    4/7 - 5 miles
    4/8 - 3 miles
    4/9 - 7 miles (speedwork)
    4/11 - 12 miles
    4/12 - 3 miles
    4/15 - 3 miles
    4/16 - 3 miles
    4/19 - 13.1 miles @ Gazelle Girl Half Marathon, 2:24:10, new PR!
    4/21 - 4 miles
    4/22 - 4 miles
