Why do most hide their food diaries but boast their exercise logs?



  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    It's almost like we are all here for different things...
  • Nerdybreisawesome
    Nerdybreisawesome Posts: 359 Member
    Question to ask yourself is why do you, yourself care, what others do?
  • dufus12
    dufus12 Posts: 393 Member
    Personally no problem. But don't put out a ' please comment on my food diary' plea when it is closed....
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Thing is, you can totally support without seeing a food diary. This is the only weight loss site I've ever seen where you CAN share your diary if you choose. My diary is closed and I've never felt a lack of support due to that, I post status updates, people respond, I respond to theirs... You don't need to see the minutiae. I ignore people's "XX has closed her diary and is under" posts because a 'like' on that is as meaningless as a like on a facebook meme. If that's the extent of your support, you're not putting in much effort.
  • tashiros
    tashiros Posts: 36 Member
    Not sure but I think there is way more guilt associated with food choices therfore people are embarrassed by it. Just my opinion
  • dufus12
    dufus12 Posts: 393 Member
    Some truth in that but I am at at a loss to work out the psychology out behind it!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    I'm also wondering what you mean by "boast" their exercise. Unless they change it in settings, it's just a default that it shows up when they log it. So not sure how that's boasting. :indifferent:

    This is apparently what confounds the OP...she doesn't seem to understand that there are certain default settings....
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    tashiros wrote: »
    Not sure but I think there is way more guilt associated with food choices therfore people are embarrassed by it. Just my opinion

    See I don't get why the go to answer is embarrassment. That's remarkably presumptuous.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    tashiros wrote: »
    Not sure but I think there is way more guilt associated with food choices therfore people are embarrassed by it. Just my opinion

    See I don't get why the go to answer is embarrassment. That's remarkably presumptuous.

  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    I'm also wondering what you mean by "boast" their exercise. Unless they change it in settings, it's just a default that it shows up when they log it. So not sure how that's boasting. :indifferent:

    This is apparently what confounds the OP...she doesn't seem to understand that there are certain default settings....

    I ran for FIVE MINUTES tonight! Seriously, five minutes at 12:00ish pace.

    Just thought this would be a good thread in which to brag about it.
  • crssftlv
    crssftlv Posts: 715 Member
    Because they eat crap lol
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I just am amazed at how many people care that other people have hidden food diaries? Why?
  • SomeGirlSomewhere
    SomeGirlSomewhere Posts: 937 Member
    The MFP default setting is for one's food diary is actually for it to be open to your MFP friends only.

    I have personally had mine set to be open to the public since day one since hiding/lying/being secretive about what and how much I was eating was a MAJOR part of my binge eating disorder.

    I have actually yet to have a single person judge my food choices even though I know they aren't always that great. For anyone planning to look at my diary after reading this...teetotallers be warned...I drank about 2/3 of a bottle of wine after dinner tonight!
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    I'm also wondering what you mean by "boast" their exercise. Unless they change it in settings, it's just a default that it shows up when they log it. So not sure how that's boasting. :indifferent:

    This is apparently what confounds the OP...she doesn't seem to understand that there are certain default settings....

    I ran for FIVE MINUTES tonight! Seriously, five minutes at 12:00ish pace.

    Just thought this would be a good thread in which to brag about it.

    Why run? You're about to die from insulin resistance!

  • rowbeana1
    rowbeana1 Posts: 4 Member
    I keep mine hidden, because I am ruthlessly honest with myself, but I wouldn't be if I thought others were reading my embarrassing array of crappy food choices and the quantity. It makes me free to be honest, so I can see that "Yes, I definitely have a candy addiction!". LOL
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    rowbeana1 wrote: »
    I keep mine hidden, because I am ruthlessly honest with myself, but I wouldn't be if I thought others were reading my embarrassing array of crappy food choices and the quantity. It makes me free to be honest, so I can see that "Yes, I definitely have a candy addiction!". LOL

    I am exactly the same! I am more likely to fudge if I think other people are looking at it. I tell myself I can just "remember" I ate that candy bar, I don't have to log it. These threads always infuriate me because it shouldn't be anyone's business anyway but there are always a gaggle of people cackling about how people with closed diaries are ashamed and liars and blah blah blah . . .

  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited April 2015
    I hide it when I do every other day diet and unhide when I eat normally because I tend to get random "you are eating too much" and "do you have an eating disorder" messages.
  • kazminchu
    kazminchu Posts: 250 Member
    Thanks to this thread, I just learned how to hide my exercise diary. So something good has come of it!