Soda how long can you go without it?



  • Mommiana
    Mommiana Posts: 7 Member
    You hear so many stories about soda, diet or regular so I recently stopped drinking diet soda just to see. My body feels better without it. I cheat every once in a while but I'm trying to drink more water :)
  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    I've been free of my diet soda habit for almost 2 years now. I was terrible with the stuff and drank almost a 2 liter a day. My job as a voice talent kind of made it easy to drink all day long, and I got used to it. Water didn't seem to lubricate my throat as well, if that makes any sense. So when I got on my health and fitness kick, that was the first thing I had to deal with. I really feel once I weaned myself off of it, my cravings for food in general seemed less intense. I'm not downing diet pop, but for me it's about moderation and not being dependent on it like I was.

    I have a coke or pepsi about once every month or two now. Just enough to satisfy an occasional craving. Now I drink water, unsweetened ice tea, green tea and an occasional fizzy flavored water.
  • RunTimer
    RunTimer Posts: 9,137 Member
    I used to drink soda all the time, and would never have a meal without one.

    Of course, There was also a time where this was a nutritious breakfast

    and this was a well balanced meal

    I never consciously stopped, but little by little I found it easier to drink water more than water+sugar+whatever_additive. Especially after a harsh workout NOTHING taste better than cold water.

    For me, water works. I still have a rare sip of cola, but I certainly don't have a problem not drinking any.
  • toofatnomore
    toofatnomore Posts: 206 Member
    I personally haven't had a soda in 5 years...Diet or regular...
  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    So far I've gone 4years without it!
  • yourstrulynancy
    yourstrulynancy Posts: 77 Member
    javafit wrote: »
    I'm addicted to diet coke. I just have to have one a day. I've read a million times that it adds to belly fat but I just can't give it up. :( My diet plan includes soda even though I feel so guilty about it. I've tried giving it up and can go maybe 4 days without it, but then it just re-enters my diet when I go out or something and can't stop the craving!

    Don't beat yourself up its not worth it if ur unhappy I actually don't miss soda as much as I thought I would ,
  • ljneal66
    ljneal66 Posts: 1 Member
    It has been 11 years since I have had a soft drink. I quit cold turkey. I cannot drink diet because it give me migraines.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    It's been about 3 years for me. Occasionally I'll have a DP (it was my go to drink) and it's ... OK... but not amazing and the life blood I once thought it was.

    I can't drink regular soda at all. It farks my blood sugar something fierce. The buzz then the crash seem 100X worse than it used too.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    edited April 2015
    I drink probably two diet cokes a day and I'm still making them gainz!
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    I went from a couple 20-24 ounce bottles a day of regular to one can of diet with dinner every night and a bottle of Diet Dr. Pepper on Sunday mornings when I go to work at 3. I don't care for coffee or tea, so I need some sort of vice.
  • yourstrulynancy
    yourstrulynancy Posts: 77 Member
    amy8400 wrote: »
    I've been free of my diet soda habit for almost 2 years now. I was terrible with the stuff and drank almost a 2 liter a day. My job as a voice talent kind of made it easy to drink all day long, and I got used to it. Water didn't seem to lubricate my throat as well, if that makes any sense. So when I got on my health and fitness kick, that was the first thing I had to deal with. I really feel once I weaned myself off of it, my cravings for food in general seemed less intense. I'm not downing diet pop, but for me it's about moderation and not being dependent on it like I was.

    I have a coke or pepsi about once every month or two now. Just enough to satisfy an occasional craving. Now I drink water, unsweetened ice tea, green tea and an occasional fizzy flavored water.

    One of the best responses yet I was this terrible and i went three months one time and went back but I went back to mayb three cups a day then im back to cold turkey on and off , but I find myself better when im not dependent on my next cup of soda and it gets easier the longer I go without it I will have a sip sooner or later but I do not plan to be drinking it excessively thanks for all your responses truly helpful
  • yourstrulynancy
    yourstrulynancy Posts: 77 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »
    I quit drinking diet soda as a resolution. It was purely a financial exercise though. I found I was always buying singles at grocery stores and gas stations. I'd say I had a $5-10 a week habit. Now I just put the $10 into my Acorns account. I figure it will pay off a few years down the road if I keep it up.
    You'll be rich in no time
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I used to drink a lot of soda but gave it up years ago. I'd be perfectly happy to never drink it again. I only drink it if I'm at someone else's house or gathering and that's all they offer.
  • yourstrulynancy
    yourstrulynancy Posts: 77 Member
    tat2cookie wrote: »
    So far I've gone 4years without it!

    My hero 4 years that's awsome but I bet you weren't even trying ? We're u like me ?
  • imicklea
    imicklea Posts: 12 Member
    Used to L O V E it. Wild Cherry Pepsi is first choice, then Coke. It's too addictive for me (whether it is or isn't actually, is for another thread, it was just a word I choose to use). So, I've been soda-free for about a year. I had switched over to Soda Stream for awhile, but noticed my weight creeping up when I would have 2 bottles per day. Don't do that anymore and just use it for fizzing water and adding a spritz of lemon or lime, maybe some raspberries. Much better feeling when I just avoid it.
    Thank u so much for you honesty I was starting to think I'm the only one who's feels like they're going thru some kind of soda rehab lmaooo but for some of us it can become an addiction cold turkey is the way to go

    I am a soda addict, I was drinking easily a 2 liter or more a day, I would get cranky if I ran out and I would hide how much I drank from people. I can not drink coke at ALL or the cycle starts back up. I know this may sound silly but I still struggle with the addiction, and it's not the caffeine as I supplement that with coffee, it is the sugar and the taste. I stopped drinking it jan 31st and slipped and had 1 about a month ago and I am still plagued by the cravings.

    On the positive side, I feel so much better without it, my sugar levels are more stable and other blood work has improved as well.
  • yusaku02
    yusaku02 Posts: 3,472 Member
    I only have it with mixed drinks. Otherwise I'll just have water.
  • kristydi
    kristydi Posts: 781 Member
    I LOVE soda. Love it. Especially Dr. Pepper, which is clearly the greatest soda ever made. That being said, as I could easily polish away a 2 liter in a day (which is incredibly terrible for you) I now restrict myself to a glass of soda when I get home from work after dinner. All day at work now I force myself to drink water, and when I get home as well.

    I also can't stomach Diet Dr. Pepper, so I drink Coke Zero or Pepsi Max. On my cheat day once a month I indulge myself in a can of the Good Doctor, but that's it.

    Have you tried Dr. Pepper 10? I love regular Dr. Pepper and don't really like the diet version. 10 has 10 calories per cana dn tastes almost like regular.

    I have one maybe 2 Dr. Pepper 10s a day. I see no reason not to. I also occasionally have a Coke zero.

    In high school I stopped drinking any kind of soda for several years so I can go quite a while without one, just don't see a valid reason to.
  • whereslisa
    whereslisa Posts: 38 Member
    I've never really liked soda. I can go forever without it, wouldn't bother me, I'll drink some on occasion like maybe at a birthday party of other family get togethers where I cheat a bit with tasty food also. I did have a few sips of some coke last night in the bathtub, because we were out of everything else lol. The coke was expired though (not to my knowledge) because it had been sitting in a cabinet for months on end, so only like 3 sips were consumed.

    I used to drink it every other day or week before getting healthier and dropping all the crap food I ate, I've given up caffeine and fast food for my health. If I continuously drink stuff like soda it makes me feel crappy and my acne re surfaces, so I stay away from it.