Magnificant Mama (Closed Group) May 2011

Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
edited 12:23PM in Motivation and Support
Welcome Ladies, we have made an incredible bond over the months and would like to have that carry through beyond pre and postnatal.


  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Glad I was invited :laugh: I didn't know there were closed groups on have to have the link in order to get on it?
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    what exactly is a closed group? Im part of 2 but dont know what it means haha... nice getting to know you lately too! Your kids are beautiful!
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Glad I was invited :laugh: I didn't know there were closed groups on have to have the link in order to get on it?

    Me 2, but I guess if we weren't we wouldn't have none any different:laugh:

    I knew this was a new thing they were starting. Glad someone else figured out how to do it.:flowerforyou:

    And whoever wrote that you've got some mean writing skills. I was totally impressed.:smooched:

    I'll start:

    Made it to the gym today. I know i'm way over food wise, but I think it is TOM who is on a full on visit as of today. No cramping or anything so that is awesome.

    Hopefully I can get my food back in order sometimes soon. My 8 year old found a picture of me when I was thinner and said you don't look like this anymore and then today said Mommy I think you were right about being over weight and I was husband quickly corrected him for being rude, but it is the truth. He just doesn't know it hurts peoples feelings.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Oh yay!!! Thanks for the invite! I feel a great bond with you all and look forward to continuing our chats.

    Hugs to you all!
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Hi ladies, not my writing skills unfortnately. Lynn was actually the one who put it together, we miss the old group and whether pre or postnatal in the end we're all here to be healthy. Such bonds have been formed and we want to continue with our friendships. She will be inviting the others.

    Katrina, I joined mfp because my son was afraid to get on the boat to Alcatraz with me, he thought I would sink it. 6 weeks after baby I weigh 10 lbs less than I did then

    Work is busy, I was missed it will get easier....actually no once I get caught up my friend goes on leave she is 33 weeks preggo. Had a super lazy dinner, looking forward to Friday
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Hi Ladies!! :bigsmile:

    Looking forward to all of us being together again, I really miss it!! Everyone should be joining soon.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Katrina, I joined mfp because my son was afraid to get on the boat to Alcatraz with me, he thought I would sink it. 6 weeks after baby I weigh 10 lbs less than I did then

    I joined after seeing pictures of myself that were absolutely sickening to me. I remember thinking, do I really look like that? I suppose if the camera captured it, then I must. Even with MFP, I still cycled up and down, on and off the wagon, but I really feel like with the support from all of you guys that I'll be able to stick with it this time.

    You are doing a great job Sheri - very motivating for me!
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Yay, thanks for the invite! :happy: It'll be nice to keep in touch with everyone, even those who have had their babies. Thanks Lynn.
  • RFrick
    RFrick Posts: 408 Member
    Bump for tomorrow. :flowerforyou:
  • jw17695
    jw17695 Posts: 438 Member
    Woo hoo! Glad I made it. You ladies rock.

    I just wanted to thank all you for your fantastic support during the last few months of my pregnancy and during the beginning few weeks of Aubrey's life. No matter what I ask or say you guys are always there. Love you all!
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    I love seeing all the baby shots! I cant wait to be on the other side of this pregnancy.

    Btw I joined MFP after my good friend pestered me. She was tired of hearing me complain about health issues. Her and another friend took me under their nutrition/exercise wing and I took off flying. I have never looked back and never felt better (aside for all the pregnancy pains). Sheri, you are a great inspiration and give me hope for what I can accomplish post baby! =)

    I am so happy to be invited to the group!
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    Thank you so much for the invite. I feel so warm and fuzzy to be included. Thank you. :smile:
    I too, miss you ladies, and have been uncomfortable with the little drama going on, so I opted not to post in the last few days. It's a great thread but it's nice to just have a place for those of us who have connected.

    I joined MFP b/c my DH did (because a friend did). I've always been obese, and I'm just tired of it. I love food a little too much, so I'm really not THAT motivated. I cheat a lot, however, I'm not opposed to putting some effort towards weight-loss.

    Jan 2010 I weighed 272. I wasn't really doing anything to loose weight but Sept 2010 when I joined MFP i was 260. since then, I've lost almost another 15 lbs. I'm still fluctuating a lot. I got down to 243, but I was bad last week. I don't post my gains because I'm embarrassed.

    I go to zumba classes when I can, but really need help pulling out the zumba for wii and doing that during the weeks DH works nights. I am looking forward to hopefully meeting my 2nd goal of pre-marriage weight. 25 lbs to go. :)
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    Oooooo thank you for invite Lynn. I haven't been in a closed group on here before. :smile:

    I have literally spent my day hanging over my toilet. I've not been able to keep anything down.

    Katrina - All my photos post Celine are huge. The ones from this past Christmas were at my biggest. It is why I joined MFP. I need to loose weight to conceive this baby but I'm still going to need to loose the existing weight plus any new weight once this new monkey is born. I don't want to be obese anymore. I refuse to be obese anymore.

    Carina - I love Zumba. I miss doing it now. I just can't get the energy to do it anymore even at a low toned down level at the moment.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    Thanks for the invite ladies! I didn't even know closed groups existed. I missed those of you who had left and was sad thinking about those of you who were going to leave before me.

    It seems we are all giving our reasons for joining MFP. I was about 15 lbs heavier than I wanted. I worked out ALL the time before getting pregnant (every day) but my eating was terrible. I joined so that I could learn more about what I was putting into my body. I was part of MFP for a year before getting pregnant. In that year I had been very close to my goal weight but also trained for a half marathon and in that process put on a lot of muscle. After pregnancy I am hoping to get down to my goal weight of 140 again.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    Thanks for the invite, this is a great idea! :happy: I was looking at everyone’s ticker the other day and kept thinking that you ladies were going to leave the thread soon and I’d have to wait until after Kathryn was here to join you again.

    I joined MFP after I wound up in the hospital Christmas Eve thinking my appendix was bursting. In reality I was just fat and eating too much crap. I was told by a very nice doctor that I was 6 months away from being put on medication for diabetes, blood pressure and cholesterol. That scared me, but what really kicked me into gear was all the complications I’d have if I got pregnant while at that weight/health level. For all my education and independence, all I’ve ever wanted to be was a mom. I lost 53 pounds (1 pound away from my goal weight, soooo close!) and had no health problems at all, when I found out I was pregnant. I’m glad we’re all here to support each other during and after our pregnancies.
  • jamielangner
    jamielangner Posts: 165
    Awww, this group is such a great idea & I'm glad to be a part of it :)

    I don't remember the exact reason for joining MFP but I've been unhappy with my body for a LONG time. Here's to all getting healthy together!
  • sthorp1179
    sthorp1179 Posts: 104
    Hello ladies!

    I feel honoured to have been asked to join this thread, I miss you guys so much but have been feeling down since leaving you all. I hope to be back to the pregnancy group soon but this TTC business is hard! I was upset when all our efforts last month ended up in a bfn and felt a bit of a fraud hanging around mfp because I was eating junk and not the least bit sorry either. Starting afresh next week, I promise!

    Anyway think this group is such a good idea and i'm sure i've found my place again! Xxx
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Yay! I'm so happy to see all the familiar faces/names!
    I also didn't know closed groups existed on MFP and I've been a member for over a year and a half. :laugh:

    I guess I'll just follow along with everyone else and share why I joined MFP.
    Labor Day weekend 2009 it suddenly dawned on me that I was totally miserable because of something I could control and change. My weight (which was about 275 pounds) was causing me to hate myself which made me the most unpleasant person ever which made my boyfriend (at the time) really miserable in our relationship. We were definitely on the verge of giving up on us. I searched online for an online food journal and that brought me here. Over the next year I lost 82 pounds (and got engaged, and got married :happy:). 191.8 was the lightest I had ever been as an adult. Then hubby and I decided to TTC. My metabolism was so shot from losing weight that as soon as I started eating what should've been maintenance calories, I gained 6 pounds in the month we were trying. :noway: So, I started my pregnancy at 198 and I'm currently 230.2 (I gained 1.8 pounds overnight Sunday & have been stuck there all week :grumble:). Right now I'm just trying to hold on tight for the next 8 weeks or so and keep my total gain around 35 pounds (wish me luck! :laugh:).

    Thanks for starting this group! I'm excited about it.
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    So happy to see a closed group! Thank you ladies (Lynn & Sheri) for setting it all up :flowerforyou: And thanks for inviting me, too :wink:

    It's nice to see the different stories/reasons why we all joined MFP. At some point or another we all came here for us so lets not forget that ladies :smile:

    I started my weight loss journey which *gulp* started at OVER 300lbs!!! I literally gained 100lbs in a year and a half. I blame 50% of that on me and 50% of that on the depo (birth control shot). Either way, I was over it. I needed to lose the weight for me, my husband, and my future babies. I lost 120lbs in this past year and a half. During my weight loss journey, hubby and I decided that we'd waited long enough for TTC. It took about a year but we finally got there after we stopped calculating/circling/managing everything. It finally just happened! My goal once pregnant was to gain the healthy norm, if at all possible (25-35lbs). So far I've gained 5 so I'd say I'm doing pretty well but I know it isn't over yet! Once baby is here I plan on jumping right back on the *scale numbers going down* bandwagon and finally seeing my ultimate goal weight.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Lynn – Thanks we can all motivate each other, I do get burnt out but I want to push through harder because of my mfp friends

    Hkystar- Thank you, sorry I do not know your name but would love to learn it

    Carina- I LOVE zumba for wii, it is a nice quick workout and it is actually fun. Sadly I have not done it this week because I am trying to get the balance between work and family so exercise sadly has come last.

    Patricia- Sorry you feel so bad, try eating smaller meals and keep something in your tummy. It sometimes helps

    AnneElise- You will be at that goal weight before you know it

    Ronya- You’re weightloss is such an inspiration, love the name Kathryn by the way… so cute

    Jamie- You have been such a great support, I will always be here as an ear for you. You’re such a strong woman!

    Sthorp- Sorry AF showed up last month, I miscarried last year, gained more weight then surprise right after joining MFP and loosing about 15 lbs I conceived again. I hope you get your BFP real soon

    Julie – 82 lbs is wonderful, I was looking to lose about 75 when I started here but after Brooklynn it turned into 105lbs. You’re doing wonderful and will make an excellent role model for Maisie

    Danielle- That is an incredible amount of weight to lose, I weighed in at 317 when I gave birth to my first which sadly was 13 months after we got married (I was 186 when I conceived) I lost weight and weighed 175 when my first was 9 months but that was with living on 2 EAS Advantage shakes and 1 no carb meal a day. Needless to say I jumped up to 200 after just a few months of “normal” meals.

    I am done with the yoyo dieting and want to make this my lifestyle change. I will be here until I lose the weight and long after to maintain. I look forward to continuing this journey with you ladies.
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