
  • overlook237
    overlook237 Posts: 160 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I skipped going grocery shopping and running errands and went to the salon instead to treat myself to a haircut. Shoulder-length hair is gone, and now I'm sporting a Mia Farrow in "Rosemary's Baby" pixie cut. And I love it. :)
    I love my hair very short or very long and not in-between. Short is very sassy and spicy!

    :) I love that! I think if I ever change my username here, that's gonna be it.
  • overlook237
    overlook237 Posts: 160 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Daughter update
    She is pissed at me. She is pissed at doctor.
    She has lost weight and weighs a little less than she did 2.5 years ago in middle school. Her urine is dilute. I am to toss or hide the scale in the house. I am to toss her full length mirror (It DOES make people look fat - I tried to get rid of it before but she wanted to keep it.) She is getting tested for thyroid, etc to see if there is a physical cause. She is to eat bigger breakfasts and lunches and make sure she has a good protein at lunch time, some spinach leaves do not make a balanced lunch. She is to try to not eat until she feels pain (stop eating before it hurts). I will also take her to a nutricianist to confirm she should be eating 1400-1600 calories a day and that she is getting the right foods. We go back to the doctor in a month. I think she is at a healthy weight - but certainly could gain weight and still be in the healthy weight range. The doctor and I will be in touch. The doctor talked to her about this is a challenging time of life but to try to enjoy it and it is ok if she does not pass all her APs and enter college with basically her freshman year completed already. The doctor suggested she try meditation daily too.

    Thank you all.

    I'm so sorry that you and your daughter are going through this :( But she is very, very lucky to have a mother like you, watching out for her health and supporting her. Best of luck to you both.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    81Katz wrote: »
    I've been thinking about pop tarts since yesterday. Told my husband about the pop tart/ice cream combo. We both went ...

    I can't lie, it was super yummy!
  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I skipped going grocery shopping and running errands and went to the salon instead to treat myself to a haircut. Shoulder-length hair is gone, and now I'm sporting a Mia Farrow in "Rosemary's Baby" pixie cut. And I love it. :)

    Way to take the plunge! I rock a pixie and was nervous to do so at first, but I love it.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    I started MFP in 2013, and in 2 years, I've lost 8 pounds. I'm over age 60; it's very difficult. Blood pressure med makes me sluggish. Depression slows you down. ..... Not being in the work world, now, less motivation.....but cholesterol numbers, glucose numbers will wake you up. . I tell the young ones...... Get into a life time food plan and exercise routine, so that it IS your life style.. not just a quick fix, or a temporary habit. Aim for the best numbers possible and take care of yourself. Life is good..... and / or can be good. When you are physically fit, your mental health encourages you to set big goals and aim for your dreams. And.... they will come true.... but you have to take care of yourself..I aim to lose the additional 20 pounds.... I will do it.... I'm staying with MFP.... and I know I'm older... but I want to live a quality life.... enjoying music, walking, activities, friends, family.... and lots of fun ...... You want to live a healthy life ..... until you can't ..... I encourage all of you before menopause, including the men..... to take good care of yourselves...... ditch the bad habits, trash bags, barfing, starving, and quick fix diets....... All the best... ( Former Teacher, 40 years service. )

    Excellent advice. And you can do it!
  • Momakanga
    Momakanga Posts: 122 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Daughter update
    She is pissed at me. She is pissed at doctor.
    She has lost weight and weighs a little less than she did 2.5 years ago in middle school. Her urine is dilute. I am to toss or hide the scale in the house. I am to toss her full length mirror (It DOES make people look fat - I tried to get rid of it before but she wanted to keep it.) She is getting tested for thyroid, etc to see if there is a physical cause. She is to eat bigger breakfasts and lunches and make sure she has a good protein at lunch time, some spinach leaves do not make a balanced lunch. She is to try to not eat until she feels pain (stop eating before it hurts). I will also take her to a nutricianist to confirm she should be eating 1400-1600 calories a day and that she is getting the right foods. We go back to the doctor in a month. I think she is at a healthy weight - but certainly could gain weight and still be in the healthy weight range. The doctor and I will be in touch. The doctor talked to her about this is a challenging time of life but to try to enjoy it and it is ok if she does not pass all her APs and enter college with basically her freshman year completed already. The doctor suggested she try meditation daily too.

    Thank you all.

    Ugh, I am sorry you are going through this with your daughter! Good for you for watching her and following through. You are a good parent. Unfortunately good parenting is crappy thankless work much of the time. Keep up the good fight.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member

    Finally got to one before it was shut down. Amazing how many times the same issues get debated in different threads!
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I slept in over 30 minutes late so my whole routine was off and I was rushed this morning.

    Their is a very good chance I forgot to put deodorant on. :(

    I had sex for about 30 minutes after snoozing the alarm 3 times, and I DID totally forget to put on deoderant (but I did shower) LOL ... and yes... I'm bragging.
  • eMka11
    eMka11 Posts: 106 Member
    My confession today. I cried too much last night watching Greys Anatomy and I woke up and still feel crappy about it.

    Maybe I have been single too long :(

    I have just finished, can't believe they did all that to him and let him die in the end. Beautifully put together though, they have had me laughing, crying and cheering up a few times in last couple of years and I can not wait until next week...

  • Sch614
    Sch614 Posts: 73 Member
    IAmTheGlue wrote: »
    It's three pm and I just realized I've spent all day crying because I feel bad about myself -_- This is getting crazy, I think I need to get some sort of help.

    I'm sorry you feel horrible, talking to someone could help you at least not feel so alone. I do have days like that though too I admit.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    eMka11 wrote: »
    My confession today. I cried too much last night watching Greys Anatomy and I woke up and still feel crappy about it.

    Maybe I have been single too long :(

    I have just finished, can't believe they did all that to him and let him die in the end. Beautifully put together though, they have had me laughing, crying and cheering up a few times in last couple of years and I can not wait until next week...

    I'll have the tissues ready next week OMG.

    But really... they should just have let him stay in DC :( Patrick Dempsey had another year on his contract too!
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    I've tried watching GA a few times and just can't get into it. I think I have defective ovaries.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    edited April 2015
    I am super excited that I found a song I never knew the name of.....after literally looking for YEARS!! WOOHOO!!

    Edited to add, TWO totally lucky!!
  • ohgeeque
    ohgeeque Posts: 224 Member
    Fried chicken. If someone walked into the room right now with fried chicken, I would KILL them for it.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    This morning I had a two steps back feeling when I woke up that almost ruined my day. Then I remembered this:

  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    I am super excited that I found a song I never knew the name of.....after literally looking for YEARS!! WOOHOO!!

    My neighbors downstairs were blasting music yesterday, and a song came on that instantly gave me nostalgic vibes. I couldn't catch the lyrics, so I couldn't look it up... and now I've even forgotten the tune :( All I remember is that my mom used to play it in the car when I was little.

    I love it when you're able to FINALLY figure something out!!!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I am super excited that I found a song I never knew the name of.....after literally looking for YEARS!! WOOHOO!!

    My neighbors downstairs were blasting music yesterday, and a song came on that instantly gave me nostalgic vibes. I couldn't catch the lyrics, so I couldn't look it up... and now I've even forgotten the tune :( All I remember is that my mom used to play it in the car when I was little.

    I love it when you're able to FINALLY figure something out!!!

    Oh that sucks!!

    Yeah, some songs I hunt for off and on, I listen to mostly dancehall, so all my memories from 20 years ago back in the club with music that never played main stream or on a radio, so hard to find....

    But today I found two, and feel totally accomplished lol, I knew the name for one, but not the artist and the DJ of the second one, but not the name of the I have them both!!
  • shrinkingletters
    shrinkingletters Posts: 1,008 Member
    I'm obsessed with oily, crispy, crunchy, seared salmon skin.
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    Made Strawberry ice-cream....had a little & now don't want anymore. :/ Gave some Cake Batter I had made to the't really ask em if they want this batch now. What is my problem? I like to make stuff but I don't want it after its made. ;)
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    Made Strawberry ice-cream....had a little & now don't want anymore. :/ Gave some Cake Batter I had made to the't really ask em if they want this batch now. What is my problem? I like to make stuff but I don't want it after its made. ;)

    Maybe not for the ice cream, but do you have a shelter nearby? The rules vary from place to place, but I know our women's shelter will take donated baked goods.