

  • karen_fitzgibbon
    karen_fitzgibbon Posts: 736 Member
    ReneeSkye wrote: »
    Okay... So, I want to be 100 pounds. I'm currently 176 pounds. I am honestly thinking about becoming anorexic again to gain my dream weight. I don't know what to do, because exercise isn't working for me.

    No judgement whatsoever but, exercise won't help unless you eat at a deficit. But beware, if you starve yourself, you will end up binging
  • karen_fitzgibbon
    karen_fitzgibbon Posts: 736 Member
    ReneeSkye wrote: »
    Okay... So, I want to be 100 pounds. I'm currently 176 pounds. I am honestly thinking about becoming anorexic again to gain my dream weight. I don't know what to do, because exercise isn't working for me.

    No judgement whatsoever but, exercise won't help unless you eat at a deficit. But beware, if you starve yourself, you will end up binging
  • irenehb
    irenehb Posts: 236 Member
    I just pre-logged my dinner for tonight:

    1 x Boysenberry Choctop - 430 cals
    0.5 x Large Popcorn - 200 cals
    1 x Large Coke Zero - 0 cals

    Bring on Avengers: Age of Ultron!!

    Boysenberry Choctops are a cinema must have! Enjoy!

  • annette_15
    annette_15 Posts: 1,657 Member
    I tried a pre workout for the first time, and I dont think there's a turning back now. I was bouncing off the walls with energy for an hour and a half. The first 30 mins I did the easiest cardio session I've ever had and while lifting I was dancing around between sets like a little kid who just got off a roller coaster being all like 'AGAIN AGAIN!'

    Seriously... scary stuff :joy:
  • TsaiHo
    TsaiHo Posts: 13 Member
    My protein levels suck almost every day.

    Same here. But that's because I usually go vegetarian. Lol

    I randomly log foods. If I can't find the food I eat, when I'm lazy I just choose whatever is closest and with the highest calorie count and log that. (Better than under logging, I think)
  • Russandol
    Russandol Posts: 71 Member
    1) I spent most of Friday evening and Sunday reading this thread. I'm now up to page 250.

    2) I have issues with mindless eating. I wouldn't say I binge, but I sometimes eat rather aggressively, just shovelling stuff in to finish all of what I have on my plate/the box I'm holding. And then I feel a bit sick and uncomfortable afterwards. I don't know why I do it. I think it has something to do with being bullied for being fat and being uncomfortable eating around people (my father would tease me about how much I ate when I was younger, not maliciously but thinking he was being affectionate, and it's made me a little awkward about eating when he's around). The stupid thing is that I've lived on my own for 15 years, so there's no one around when I eat, but I still cram stuff in like I was trying to finish it before someone sees me.

    3) I sometimes (rarely, like a few times a year) make myself throw up if I've eaten too much too fast (see point 2). I know this is terrible and I am trying to stop myself from doing it.

    4) I remain convinced that no one can actually find me attractive. I keep worrying it's a joke or that the person would be disgusted to the point of revulsion if they actually got up close and personal (so to speak). Where I live (northern Europe), I don't get a lot of attention on a daily basis, but when I was on a longer trip last year with a mixed group (mainly North Americans), I was highly confused by the amount of attention I got. (Though I had to be alerted to the fact that I was being hit on rather blatantly since I apparently can't read signals like that. :expressionless: I just assume people are friendly/polite if they take an interest in me. I have such issues with my self-image that I can't fathom why anyone would be interested in me on a romantic level. Sure, I can flirt a little if I'm the one who starts it, but as soon as there'a any response from the other party, I clam up and get all wonky/awkward.)

    5) This got way too long and way too personal.

    6) I often worry that I'm a thread-killer. I think the last three threads I participated in died after my comment. :( I'f I kill this one too, I'm so sorry!
  • TsaiHo
    TsaiHo Posts: 13 Member
    I was craving something sweet the other night but had absolutely nothing in the house that would satisfy me except some hot chocolate. So I ate two spoonfuls of the powder. Two spoonfuls. Of the powder.
    The kind that has sugar and milk or the kind that's just cocoa? 0.0
    Btw, that's amazing. I can't stand hot chocolate without milk (and not the skim milk type either)
  • annette_15
    annette_15 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Russandol wrote: »
    1) I spent most of Friday evening and Sunday reading this thread. I'm now up to page 250.

    2) I have issues with mindless eating. I wouldn't say I binge, but I sometimes eat rather aggressively, just shovelling stuff in to finish all of what I have on my plate/the box I'm holding. And then I feel a bit sick and uncomfortable afterwards. I don't know why I do it. I think it has something to do with being bullied for being fat and being uncomfortable eating around people (my father would tease me about how much I ate when I was younger, not maliciously but thinking he was being affectionate, and it's made me a little awkward about eating when he's around). The stupid thing is that I've lived on my own for 15 years, so there's no one around when I eat, but I still cram stuff in like I was trying to finish it before someone sees me.

    3) I sometimes (rarely, like a few times a year) make myself throw up if I've eaten too much too fast (see point 2). I know this is terrible and I am trying to stop myself from doing it.

    4) I remain convinced that no one can actually find me attractive. I keep worrying it's a joke or that the person would be disgusted to the point of revulsion if they actually got up close and personal (so to speak). Where I live (northern Europe), I don't get a lot of attention on a daily basis, but when I was on a longer trip last year with a mixed group (mainly North Americans), I was highly confused by the amount of attention I got. (Though I had to be alerted to the fact that I was being hit on rather blatantly since I apparently can't read signals like that. :expressionless: I just assume people are friendly/polite if they take an interest in me. I have such issues with my self-image that I can't fathom why anyone would be interested in me on a romantic level. Sure, I can flirt a little if I'm the one who starts it, but as soon as there'a any response from the other party, I clam up and get all wonky/awkward.)

    5) This got way too long and way too personal.

    6) I often worry that I'm a thread-killer. I think the last three threads I participated in died after my comment. :( I'f I kill this one too, I'm so sorry!

    Lol dont worry.. this thread wont go anywhere :D. I hear you on not getting attention... I'm Norwegian but live in the states now. Norwegians in particular are very shy and introverted, so its easy to feel ignored. Once I came here I was shocked how outgoing people are. Its just a difference in the culture, I wouldnt take offence to it.

    Please be careful with the throwing up... I had a very short (I guess you can call it) bulimic period, but I got a real scare early on that made me never do it again.
  • karen_fitzgibbon
    karen_fitzgibbon Posts: 736 Member
    I confess that I have finally come to the end of all these pages, now I'm devastated! What am I going to read now?????
  • swirlybee
    swirlybee Posts: 497 Member
    It's 1:15AM here. I can't sleep.

    I love to cook. My girlfriends came over today and I cooked up a feast for them. The only thing I ate today was literally 1 chip and maybe a couple slices of zucchini and so many glasses of wine.
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I realized last night I have this issue with feeling guilty if I do well at something. I am doing an agility class with my dog and I was able to pick up the new stuff last night that the other people weren't getting. I felt like one lady in particular was giving me stink eye because she wasn't doing so well (but seriously, who wears flip flops to something they know involves running and direction changes?). The instructor complimented me at the end and it took everything I had to not downplay it.

    It kind of sounds like I'm humble bragging, maybe I am, maybe I should just turn it into actual bragging: Me and my dog are doing awesome in agility. Unfortunately I can't seem to allow myself to enjoy it and feel proud of her and I because... well I don't know why.

    It's not wrong to feel proud of being good at something, is it?

    I think a lot of people, especially women, struggle with this. I know in school, I got excellent grades. I was in the top 2% of my high school graduating class and went to college on a 100% academic scholarship. Most of my friends didn't realize it because I would always pretend like my scores were poor on a test where I may have gotten a 95%. I was embarrassed that some things came so easy to me.

    I still downplay my accomplishments to some extent. I've had managers/directors tell me to be more outspoken about what I'm accomplishing, so I'm working on it.

    Ah this. I have a first class degree in modern foreign languages. But I still feel like my foreign languages aren't so great. I am ridiculous.
  • TsaiHo
    TsaiHo Posts: 13 Member
    I confess that I have finally come to the end of all these pages, now I'm devastated! What am I going to read now?????

    Rofl, this cracked me up
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Talkradio wrote: »
    I watched like, 6 episodes of the Netflix Daredevil today. I was doing a really good job of only watching one at a time... Oh well.

    I watched the whole third season of American Horror Story in one night. 13 45-minute long episodes. Yep. You are not alone with the binge watching.

    Is Daredevil any good?

    I was going to take my time with Bloodline. Finished it in 2 days.
    I binge-watched I-Zombie yesterday.

    Wow seems everyone binge watched something this weekend! me and the SO binge watched Peaky Blinders (English) and cannot wait for the third season! If you can get it over in the USA I highly recommend it. Introduce you to the world of 1920's English gangs. FYI it has extreme violence and sexyness. :wink:
  • Russandol
    Russandol Posts: 71 Member
    edited April 2015
    annette_15 wrote: »
    Russandol wrote: »
    1) I spent most of Friday evening and Sunday reading this thread. I'm now up to page 250.

    2) I have issues with mindless eating. I wouldn't say I binge, but I sometimes eat rather aggressively, just shovelling stuff in to finish all of what I have on my plate/the box I'm holding. And then I feel a bit sick and uncomfortable afterwards. I don't know why I do it. I think it has something to do with being bullied for being fat and being uncomfortable eating around people (my father would tease me about how much I ate when I was younger, not maliciously but thinking he was being affectionate, and it's made me a little awkward about eating when he's around). The stupid thing is that I've lived on my own for 15 years, so there's no one around when I eat, but I still cram stuff in like I was trying to finish it before someone sees me.

    3) I sometimes (rarely, like a few times a year) make myself throw up if I've eaten too much too fast (see point 2). I know this is terrible and I am trying to stop myself from doing it.

    4) I remain convinced that no one can actually find me attractive. I keep worrying it's a joke or that the person would be disgusted to the point of revulsion if they actually got up close and personal (so to speak). Where I live (northern Europe), I don't get a lot of attention on a daily basis, but when I was on a longer trip last year with a mixed group (mainly North Americans), I was highly confused by the amount of attention I got. (Though I had to be alerted to the fact that I was being hit on rather blatantly since I apparently can't read signals like that. :expressionless: I just assume people are friendly/polite if they take an interest in me. I have such issues with my self-image that I can't fathom why anyone would be interested in me on a romantic level. Sure, I can flirt a little if I'm the one who starts it, but as soon as there'a any response from the other party, I clam up and get all wonky/awkward.)

    5) This got way too long and way too personal.

    6) I often worry that I'm a thread-killer. I think the last three threads I participated in died after my comment. :( I'f I kill this one too, I'm so sorry!

    Lol dont worry.. this thread wont go anywhere :D. I hear you on not getting attention... I'm Norwegian but live in the states now. Norwegians in particular are very shy and introverted, so its easy to feel ignored. Once I came here I was shocked how outgoing people are. Its just a difference in the culture, I wouldnt take offence to it.

    Please be careful with the throwing up... I had a very short (I guess you can call it) bulimic period, but I got a real scare early on that made me never do it again.

    Yay Nordic countries! (Finland here, so people are even more introverted and surly.) I didn't take offense at the attention at all, I was just honestly baffled. Like, "Why are they all paying attention to me? Do I have something in my teeth? Why is everyone so keen on hanging around with me? What have I done?" :D I like being around people (unless I'm all "peopled out" in which case I need a moment to be alone and recharge), so it was nice to be in the middle of things, but it surprised me. I tend to worry that people don't actually like being around me.

    And yeah, I know the purging messes up my electrolyte balance and other things as well. :( Which is why I try not to do it.
  • Lefty1290
    Lefty1290 Posts: 551 Member
    Skim milk is gross and should be banned. Hate it.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    I confess that I have finally come to the end of all these pages, now I'm devastated! What am I going to read now?????

    Ha ha it moves so quickly, you'll have something to read!
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    edited April 2015
    Russandol wrote: »
    1) I spent most of Friday evening and Sunday reading this thread. I'm now up to page 250.

    2) I have issues with mindless eating. I wouldn't say I binge, but I sometimes eat rather aggressively, just shovelling stuff in to finish all of what I have on my plate/the box I'm holding. And then I feel a bit sick and uncomfortable afterwards. I don't know why I do it. I think it has something to do with being bullied for being fat and being uncomfortable eating around people (my father would tease me about how much I ate when I was younger, not maliciously but thinking he was being affectionate, and it's made me a little awkward about eating when he's around). The stupid thing is that I've lived on my own for 15 years, so there's no one around when I eat, but I still cram stuff in like I was trying to finish it before someone sees me.

    I was about to ask if you have siblings because that behavior is normally from a large family and it is fights for seconds. I used to tell my boyfriend he eats like a prisoner because he ate so fast. Then he would get indigestion and hiccups because he ate so fast he was swallowing air at the same time. Now I make him sit at a table and put his knife and fork down between mouthfuls. I would say you are getting pains because you are also swallowing air.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    Russandol wrote: »
    1) I spent most of Friday evening and Sunday reading this thread. I'm now up to page 250.

    2) I have issues with mindless eating. I wouldn't say I binge, but I sometimes eat rather aggressively, just shovelling stuff in to finish all of what I have on my plate/the box I'm holding. And then I feel a bit sick and uncomfortable afterwards. I don't know why I do it. I think it has something to do with being bullied for being fat and being uncomfortable eating around people (my father would tease me about how much I ate when I was younger, not maliciously but thinking he was being affectionate, and it's made me a little awkward about eating when he's around). The stupid thing is that I've lived on my own for 15 years, so there's no one around when I eat, but I still cram stuff in like I was trying to finish it before someone sees me.

    3) I sometimes (rarely, like a few times a year) make myself throw up if I've eaten too much too fast (see point 2). I know this is terrible and I am trying to stop myself from doing it.

    4) I remain convinced that no one can actually find me attractive. I keep worrying it's a joke or that the person would be disgusted to the point of revulsion if they actually got up close and personal (so to speak). Where I live (northern Europe), I don't get a lot of attention on a daily basis, but when I was on a longer trip last year with a mixed group (mainly North Americans), I was highly confused by the amount of attention I got. (Though I had to be alerted to the fact that I was being hit on rather blatantly since I apparently can't read signals like that. :expressionless: I just assume people are friendly/polite if they take an interest in me. I have such issues with my self-image that I can't fathom why anyone would be interested in me on a romantic level. Sure, I can flirt a little if I'm the one who starts it, but as soon as there'a any response from the other party, I clam up and get all wonky/awkward.)

    5) This got way too long and way too personal.

    6) I often worry that I'm a thread-killer. I think the last three threads I participated in died after my comment. :( I'f I kill this one too, I'm so sorry!

    I had issues with that, and for the therapist, it qualified as binging. For the emotional side of it, it wouldn't hurt to get help. For the actual going through the motions of it, they had me break the habit by only eating things off a plate or bowl, only at a table, not watching tv or reading a book or anything else. Any time I ate, I had to go through the process of preparing it, cutting it up, whatever might need to be done, taking it out of the bag or package, etc. The idea was that I could only eat something if I'd gone through the trouble of dirtying dishes and gave it my full, undivided attention while eating. No more sitting with a bag of chips at the computer and next thing I know, the bag is empty.
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Talkradio wrote: »
    I watched like, 6 episodes of the Netflix Daredevil today. I was doing a really good job of only watching one at a time... Oh well.

    I watched the whole third season of American Horror Story in one night. 13 45-minute long episodes. Yep. You are not alone with the binge watching.

    Is Daredevil any good?

    I was going to take my time with Bloodline. Finished it in 2 days.
    I binge-watched I-Zombie yesterday.

    Wow seems everyone binge watched something this weekend! me and the SO binge watched Peaky Blinders (English) and cannot wait for the third season! If you can get it over in the USA I highly recommend it. Introduce you to the world of 1920's English gangs. FYI it has extreme violence and sexyness. :wink:

    Peaky Blinders is on Netflix in the US. I started it once and kind of forgot about it. Need to get caught up.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    kayfaei wrote: »
    A couple of pages ago someone mentioned I should try some Dark chocolate dreams wonder peanut butter. I was at the store and it caught my eye so I got it today. I haven't tried it yet! but thank you for the suggestion. The reason I didn't eat it was cause I was in the kitchen and about to add some fruit with it and my sister comes in with a iced fudge brownie that she bought from the store and asked if i wanted a peice.. I haven't had cake/brownie since I started on April 1st and its my most fav dessert. So I got a piece. MFP says 1/2 piece is 260 cals.. I tried to make the piece a perfect square. who knows who much it was.

    Which brings me to something else.. I finally ordered a food scale - just waiting to pick it up from Wal-mart. But once I get it.. and I weigh my meats/pasta/and breads/veggies.. Do I have to create a new dish for each? to put the oz/grams? Is that how it works? Cause what ive been doing without a food scale is using the bar code scanner - and i just guessitmate on the grams or Oz's that OTHER people have done. and the calories.. Do you just still add how many calories are in one serving and MFP will calculate the cal's according to how many servings you have?

    You find entries in grams or ounces. If you can't find it, either you make it yourself, or you just check how many grams '1/2 cup' is and do the math (so if a serving of 1/2 cup is 80g, and you have 60g in your plate, you do 60/80 and enter 0.75 serving. By now I know what the gram serving size is for pretty much everything in my kitchen because I'm too lazy to make entries for everything...

    My confession - I think it's serious BS that the US is getting all the Marvel movies a week after Europe. NOT FAIR. *throws a 2yo tantrum*

    I haven't dared counting exactly how much in the red I was last week after all, but I'm guessing probably 3200 calories or something... although I was more active that week, so I'm hoping it will make up for some of it. I'd say it's ok and I can do better this week but my period still hasn't shown up and I'm afraid it's going to be another of those days (I did take a pregnancy test yesterday just in case, but nope).
  • Russandol
    Russandol Posts: 71 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Russandol wrote: »
    1) I spent most of Friday evening and Sunday reading this thread. I'm now up to page 250.

    2) I have issues with mindless eating. I wouldn't say I binge, but I sometimes eat rather aggressively, just shovelling stuff in to finish all of what I have on my plate/the box I'm holding. And then I feel a bit sick and uncomfortable afterwards. I don't know why I do it. I think it has something to do with being bullied for being fat and being uncomfortable eating around people (my father would tease me about how much I ate when I was younger, not maliciously but thinking he was being affectionate, and it's made me a little awkward about eating when he's around). The stupid thing is that I've lived on my own for 15 years, so there's no one around when I eat, but I still cram stuff in like I was trying to finish it before someone sees me.

    I was about to ask if you have siblings because that behavior is normally from a large family and it is fights for seconds. I used to tell my boyfriend he eats like a prisoner because he ate so fast. Then he would get indigestion and hiccups because he ate so fast he was swallowing air at the same time. Now I make him sit at a table and put his knife and fork down between mouthfuls. I would say you are getting pains because you are also swallowing air.

    I actually only have a younger sister, and I can't really recall there being any fighting over the food when we were younger. Unless you count my dad, who would (and still does) just grab seconds without even checking, let alone asking, if anyone else wanted some. :disappointed: Mostly, I think it's a shame thing. I don't want anyone to see me eat because I feel ashamed of my size, which was why I would sneak food when I still lived at home. Might be a remnant from those times. The silly thing? I wasn't huge then, just a couple of kilos overweight. I'm still only about 10-15 kg overweight, but the amount of self-loathing and self-esteem issues I have could make you think I was much bigger.

    The air thing sounds plausible, though. I probably am.