Things That Make You Irrationally Angry



  • smelius22
    smelius22 Posts: 334 Member
    edited April 2015
    Drivers who completely STOP at a right-turn yield sign and turn their head all the way around to see if someone is coming, even though they have a COMPLETE merge lane to themselves.

    Also when people leave my shower curtain open or my toilet lid open.
  • didda1
    didda1 Posts: 71 Member
    anti gmo fear mongering.
    Seriously. People have the internet, and choose to ignore actual research in favour of lies that can be so easily debunked.
    I rage on comment sections.
    The stupidity, it burns!
  • jessupbrady
    jessupbrady Posts: 508 Member
    People who use the last of something and don't replace do you have a death wish, because I will grant it!

    This irritates me so much because my kids do this all the time in their bathroom with the toilet paper. I've seen it gone for a week. I asked what they were wiping with and they just said they would shower to clean it up. I was so disgusted.
  • TheJenProject
    TheJenProject Posts: 25 Member
    When my mother makes fun of my calorie counting and makes statements referring to her being able to each what she wants without gaining weight, she has been slim her whole life. Especially since she critized me for either beign to fat or to slim. Ugh she`s is constantly competing and trying to put me down, drives me nuts when she makes these sort of comments !!
  • ThatLadyFromMN
    ThatLadyFromMN Posts: 301 Member
    - People that chew with their mouths open, loudly, and/or smack their lips (I literally get so pissed I can't handle anything mentally and I just cringe)
    - People that don't clean up after themselves after eating (home, work, restaurant), seriously!?
    - People that rely on me to do their jobs for them, I don't mind helping but don't expect it all the time, you still need to ask before loading it on my desk
  • smelius22
    smelius22 Posts: 334 Member
    People who take shopping carts out into the parking lot of the grocery stores/Walmart and then refuse to walk 10 more feet to put them away properly in the cart coral. I irrationally HATE lazy people. And fingernail biters... omg, don't get me started.

    YESS!! I also wish people who are coming into the store from the parking lot would get a cart from the coral. That way the corals wouldn't get completely full, causing the people who actually return their cart to take it to another coral.

  • burnsy36
    burnsy36 Posts: 35 Member
    People who dont give the hand when you let them pass on the road
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    Chewing with your mouth open, mouth breathers, and people who apparently don’t know what a turn signal is or what it is used for! These are just a few of my most contemptible things.
  • ravenribbs
    ravenribbs Posts: 289 Member
    Being deliberately scared/poked/startled. I go from zero to redline instantaneously and have come around swinging more than once. It really is reflexive and I've never actually hit anyone (stopped myself), but I did mule kick a guy at work a couple months ago. On the plus side, these people don't bother me with that nonsense a second time.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    A lot. Depends on my mood and the day. Here's a couple just from this weekend.

    People that interrupt other people when they're talking. It doesn't even have to be me being interrupted to make me mad. We were out at a pizza place and these two old couples sat at the table next to us. One of the guys interrupted someone at the table every ten seconds. He had to be the only one talking, and the loudest one.

    Another is people that feel they need to one-up you no matter what you say. If you're complaining, they belittle your complaint by complaining about something worse. If you're proud of something you accomplished and talk about it, they have to tell you what they've done that's better. The same old guy at the pizza place did this. The other guy said something about always feeling hot lately and Mr. Loud Mouth laughed and said, "yeah, well I'll trade you your problems for mine." Give me a freaking break.

    I did not like that old man. No, I surely did not.
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    People that walk 2-3 people wide on a sidewalk, and when they see me coming from the opposite direction, they don't get behind each other to let me continue walking on the sidewalk. Nope. Instead, I have to walk in the grass and go around them so they can keep walking beside each other. I think it's beyond rude.

    Hahaha I don't walk in the grass, I just keep moving forward until they move, or I run into them!
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    DWBalboa wrote: »
    Chewing with your mouth open, mouth breathers, and people who apparently don’t know what a turn signal is or what it is used for! These are just a few of my most contemptible things.

    Sorry, some of us have allergies. :P
  • mhecht32
    mhecht32 Posts: 360 Member
    People who get on the treadmill next to mine a the gym and WALK when I'm attempting to jog! UG it is a total deal breaker for me. I have to move away. It's hard enough for me to try and jog/run, and the walker in my periphery drives me crazy! I always try and find the runners so I'm motivated.
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    mhecht32 wrote: »
    People who get on the treadmill next to mine a the gym and WALK when I'm attempting to jog! UG it is a total deal breaker for me. I have to move away. It's hard enough for me to try and jog/run, and the walker in my periphery drives me crazy! I always try and find the runners so I'm motivated.

    Well, that IS irrational, I will give you that...
  • mhecht32
    mhecht32 Posts: 360 Member
    edited April 2015
    fatcity66 wrote: »
    mhecht32 wrote: »
    People who get on the treadmill next to mine a the gym and WALK when I'm attempting to jog! UG it is a total deal breaker for me. I have to move away. It's hard enough for me to try and jog/run, and the walker in my periphery drives me crazy! I always try and find the runners so I'm motivated.

    Well, that IS irrational, I will give you that...

    It totally IS! haha cause I too, at times, have to walk, and am sure as hell, not by any means a true runner (I would have trouble running a 5K regularly haha)- but I don't know, I'm especially screwed if I have walkers on either side of me! haha
  • kamakazeekim
    kamakazeekim Posts: 1,183 Member
    The sound that cotton balls make when you squish them!

    When commercials say caramel wrong...I have thrown stuff and yelled at the tv because of this. It is car-ml NOT care-a-mel!!!!!

    My husband's makes me want to throat punch him...or suffocate him while he sleeps.

    My 3 year old boy, who we have been trying to potty train for over a year, will not use the toilet/potty chair unless we physically put him on it every 20 minutes...he is perfectly content just going in his pants
  • kamakazeekim
    kamakazeekim Posts: 1,183 Member
    Trashy people!

    I live in a small, rural, impoverished area...I understand you don't have money but at least attempt to look put together and not show up at your kindergartner's spring recital wearing hot pink fuzzy flip flop house slipper things and a sweatshirt that's so tight on you that your stomach flap hangs out *shudders* And these same people are covered in cheap ugly looking poorly done, you will most likely not get a job if half your face, neck and both your hands are covered in tattoos (I like nicely done tats though.)

    Men who are proud of being an *kitten*/getting into fights and women who brag about being a bit*&

    And parents who come to therapy expecting me to "fix" their f@c*ed them up and your not changing the environment at, I cannot "fix" your kid...I will teach them skills and techniques and be a supportive person for them to talk to but unless you're holding them accountable at home, providing a safe and secure environment, and making them practice the skills they learned in therapy they will not get better.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    1) Having to log into a website that has a "keep me logged in" button and having to recheck it everytime I log in.
    2) Being asked to verify my identity everytime I log into my credit card site.
    3) Being asked to restore my phone everytime I call Apple Support.

    I've got more of these.