40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • JackieUnlimited
    JackieUnlimited Posts: 93 Member
    Way to go Beeps. You are so consistent we need to bottle that and share.

    KellySue hoping you get a good nights rest soon and glad things are getting better with your sweetheart home now.

    CG such a cute picture. That would have been an amazing trip!

    Caramel I agree with you about how as human beings we cannot all treat each other with respect and kindness. Sad you are stuck at work because of traffic but I am very happy that you are safe!!!!
  • JackieUnlimited
    JackieUnlimited Posts: 93 Member
    Today was a rest day from my running plan but just finished a 55 minute walk. Dinner is in the oven cooking...turkey meatloaf, soon to be joined by some mini potatoes...and Kali is already wanting to go for another walk so we will be going for probably a 20 minute power walk shortly. She does keep me moving that is for sure.

    Have a great evening everyone and stay safe wherever you are!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Evening Cool Kids.

    We had another rainy day here in NW Florida. If it doesn't stop soon I'll need webbed feet to get around. I was able to transplant a few more blueberry bushes {even though today wasn't a good planting day} and tie up the tomato plants before the rain got too thick though. Also picked the first mess of green beans and saw the first tomato blooms.

    When I get home from work I'm ordering Margie a laptop from Newegg.com. Hers is at least five years old, and has been showing it's age of late. A couple of days ago the power blinked off and that was the end of the old laptop. {since then she has been using mine}

    GG, great guns. You can tell you have been putting the work in.

    Ruby, your workouts sound tough. Keep rocking it. {but don't injure yourself}

    KS, hope things level out for you and Hubby soon. I know just having him home is such a relief for you.

    CG, that picture is too cute. My back seems to be doing better today. My boss at the Civic Center is cool about my shorts, but no shirt might be taking it too far.

    Caramel, sorry to hear of the troubles in Baltimore. I gave up watching the news five years ago. I know there is lots of bad things going on in the world, but I do better not hearing about it. I do watch The Daily Show with John Stewart, which is kind of like the news, but I'm about a week behind.

    Welcome to the new guys and hello to everyone else.

    I had better lock up, clock out and get home. Hope everyone had a good day,


    I checked on the huckleberries today. A few are getting ripe.


    Still a couple weeks away for the blueberries.


  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Caramel- so sorry to hear about the riots out there. That is horrible! Please stay safe. I hope you got your run in when you got home.

    KS- hang in there, it will get better, let your faith guide you through this time and it will come together. Be easy on yourself, this is a big transition for both of you.

    Larro, hope your back starts to mend

    Jackie- your supper sounds great!

    Curious- as always you amaze me with the CA beauty. I seriously may have to get out there to vacation soon (or move there) lol. I have missed hearing from you the last couple of days!

    Beeps - BOOM on your workout!!! Hope you had a great one!
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    today was tough. allergies. :s pushed through, but I felt like I had a heavy, wet, hot, itchy blanket wrapped around my head. I know I'm in the minority here, but...I'm ready for the snow to come back. I'm not allergic to that. :(
    "Day: 16 of INSANITY: THE ASYLUM Vertical Plyo"=Done!
  • SeoulSistah1908
    SeoulSistah1908 Posts: 8 Member
    KellySue67 wrote: »
    Happy Hump Day!! WooHoo! My kickboxing class was cancelled last night so I went to the bounce house with Jacob- not really sure how to calculate the calorie burn for chasing a two year old through the bounce places and climbing, crawling, sliding and, of course, bouncing! Fun times! I think I probably cancelled out any calories I burned because we had to go to the FroYo place after- my grandson loves those little popper things!

    I told you I would post pics of the waterfalls and was finally able to load them to my computer the other night so here they are:


    Alishaspeingle- pretty flowers. Looks like it was a great day to walk through the botanical gardens. We have had rain here for the last three days. Not solid, but enough that it makes walking outdoors wet!

    No workout today- it's my long day, but hopefully back at kickboxing tomorrow. Also, thinking about getting my gazelle out of the closet and using it in the mornings. I have gained some weight with all that has been going on lately and I need to really get back on track now that my hubby will be coming home.

    Have a great day all!

  • SeoulSistah1908
    SeoulSistah1908 Posts: 8 Member
    Is anyone surprised at how much you have to eat to reach your nutrition goals, especially "healthy" foods. On a perfect day where I've eaten "clean" and lots of fresh fruits & vegetables, I find I'm far from my iron & calcium RDA goals.
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    Morning all. Sorry I have been MIA as of late. Been keeping things going at home. My MIL was in the hospital and diagnosed with B cell Lymphoma. Due to her advanced age, the treatment has not been set yet. Most of it will concern how strong she is and any other health factors. I know my husband is really worried for her after all we have been through with our daughter, we know more about this stuff than we should.
    I have been keeping myself on track as best I can and that is probably as good as I can do for now. Hope everyone is having a good day.

    Caramel--stay safe there. I hope this madness ends soon.
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Morning Kids,

    The violence is relentless and the National Guard has been deployed as we are in a State of Emergency. My gym posted alerts that the gyms that are closest to the chaos would close early. I kept my kids home today as there is buzz on social media that the chaos is to erupt in the suburbs of Baltimore in the coming days. Of course that is the talk in the office and will be for days to come. I am grateful and thankful that I have friends who have checked on me to ensure that my family and I are safe. What does looting, burning down buildings and destroying your community have to do with justice for a person who died while in police custody? It took me so long to get home yesterday, I had no desire to do anything. I will run or take boxing tonight as I need to rid my body of stress. The older I get the more I realize NEVER take anything for granted. Hug and kiss those you love each and everyday.

    Have a great day everyone
  • StephannieL
    StephannieL Posts: 198 Member
    @caramelgyrlk- please, please, PLEASE stay safe! Stick close to home if you can. Hugs and prayers to you, your family and community!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Caramel- praying for the safety of you and your family and friends. Scary times!

    Well, I am at work today and on pins and needles. Hubby is home and his brother is coming over to do the doors, but otherwise he will be by himself. He is still having trouble with transfers and I am hoping and praying that he does not fall. I was going to go kick boxing, but I know my brother-in-law will be moving some furniture around to widen doors so I am going to have to go home and clean up all of that and do some more rearranging. I guess I was meant to get exercise from moving furniture around over the last couple of days. I have rearranged my living room, my bedroom and now probably more in my bedroom tonight. Oh well!

    Hope you all have a great day.
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    What does looting, burning down buildings and destroying your community have to do with justice for a person who died while in police custody?

    Exactly. I've never understood the riot / looting / community-destroying mentality. So frustrating and tragic ... and doesn't move the conversation forward. Stay safe Caramel! Extreme life will have to take priority.

    Larro, your blueberries look loaded! Mine are still in flower, but won't have that many berries. We have wild huckleberries everywhere in the redwood forests here. They're tiny, but yummy! Glad your back is getting better.

    CrosbyLee, good to hear from you. Sorry to hear about your MIL. If you're keeping yourself on track, you're doing great! Take care of yourself.

    SeoulSistah, it is tough to get everything you need on the RDA list without really planning for it. Iron and calcium are both hard to hit if you're sticking to vegan. Almonds, tofu processed with calcium (check the label, some are processed with magnesium). Keep trying!

    Gguy, awesome dedication to the Asylum. Bummer about the allergies. That sucks.

    Jackie, Kali sounds like such a great motivator. The turkey meatloaf sounded pretty motivating too!

    Beeps & Ruby, Hi!

    Two early a.m. gym workouts in a row. 4-freaking-30 is really hard, but it works. Bicycling next 3 days - predicted hard headwinds each afternoon, so should burn some serious calories. No Hard CORE today, taking Buttercup in for her service, which means riding the bus home, and a 3 mile walk from the bus stop, so that's something. We're planning a motorcycle adventure for the summer. So excited!

  • Kevintron2
    Kevintron2 Posts: 101 Member
    I invite everyone here to also participate in Healty4Life for additional support and encouragement. We are very casual so pretty much anything is up for discussion with exception to the promotion or solicitation of products or services.

    Click here to visit us at Healthy4Life!
  • techreyes
    techreyes Posts: 25 Member
    Hey cool kids! Can I come and play? I'm going to hit my 100 day mark on MFP tomorrow and I thought I would get a little more social with folks my own age. Please feel free to add me as a friend especially if you have 80 or so pounds you are trying to lose.
  • BettyM1017
    BettyM1017 Posts: 616 Member
    edited April 2015
    We FINALLY got some rain here in central Florida. Unfortunately, it's my day off and I was planning on working outside today. I really need to clean up the herb and butterfly gardens and build and hang a new hay manger for the goats and a new feeder for the chickens. Sigh. I guess I'll just get groceries, can a little peach jam, workout, and work on my current art project. On the plus side, it is Tuesday, which means a serious amount of boot scootin' tonight!

    Gam3er, I love seeing your progress! You've made me want to look into the Insanity workouts. They look tough, but amazing!

    Caramel, lots of prayers to you and yours. Please, stay safe!

    Techreyes, welcome aboard!

    Have a wonderful day, y'all!
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    BettyM1017 wrote: »
    I really need to clean up the herb and butterfly gardens and build and hang a new hay manger for the goats and a new feeder for the chickens.

    Darn! Sounds like a near perfect day. What do you grow in your butterfly garden? I've just purchased a farm share, so am converting some of my former row crop area into plantings for [desirable] wildlife support.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Sheesh, caramel, that sucks! I hope this all ends peacefully and soon.

    I got my group-lifting class in this morning....after I did a 35- minute walk! So, I was pretty hungry for my lunch. Still, I only ate half....it filled me up! I took the other half with me - I can eat it for supper.

    (It was grilled salmon over leek risotto.)

  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    Caramel I hope you and your family are safe and the madness ends peacefully soon.

    KellySue, here's hoping it goes/went well for your hubby today.

    Curious, I'm impressed, 4:30 workouts! That's crazy!

    Techreyes, welcome!

    Betty, I'm curious what's in your butterfly garden too.

    Beeps, sounds like a great workout!

    Off to kettlebell shortly, hoping to use the purple at least once or twice (20kilo).
  • AlisonAgnew50
    AlisonAgnew50 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi I'm 43, i do lots of circuit training and weigh training in my local gym, one of the instructions is very good and takes me for 1 to 2 times, a week for 1 to 1 training with weight. My down side is I could eat for Britain, and I have an under active thyroid.Which makes me struggle with my weight, I would love to join the group. X
  • JackieUnlimited
    JackieUnlimited Posts: 93 Member
    Not a bad day for me today - 30 minute walk this morning, 18 minute power walk at lunch and just finished a 30 minute walk/run with Kali we did 4.1km.

    SeoulSistah kale is high in iron, a little bit of it is very filling. You can cut it up with shredded carrots, onion, apple or sweet potato and maybe add some dried cranberries and whatever dressing you like. It is also awesome if you make your own wraps with rice paper, hummus, carrots and avacado. Wrapping so it looks nice takes a bit of practice but tastes great and it is clean. I saw a recipe for strawberry jam, no sugar, using chia seeds the other day. I'll have to see if I can find it again and I'll share that as well. Sounds easy and delicious!

    Way to go techreyes! Welcome.

    Great exercising and gardening everyone! I am so jealous that I don't live where you are and could have my plants so far along. Cool morning here in Sounthern, Ontario again...it is spring.