Online Dating



  • monstalosta
    monstalosta Posts: 2,248 Member
    kbxiii wrote: »
    Worst experience ever.

    I got let down by someone i met online because i was overweight and had long hair. Yes, these were the reasons. I know his cousin and she told me.

    Wouldn't be the case with me ;)


    Haters gonna hate, hate, hate...
  • lulucitron
    lulucitron Posts: 366 Member
    Tried it a few times and not a fan. It doesn't allow for chemistry. You can text and get along just super and then meet and nada. Many I find are single for a reason and the nice ones are taken and kept.
  • greco16
    greco16 Posts: 465 Member
    Online dating is great. You hardly ever have to worry about them being normal.
  • siport
    siport Posts: 7,429 Member
    well tbh i have been using dating sites for the last few months now to get back out there and they have gone pretty well. have met some really nice girls and had several second and third dates but then in the end we have not gone further for whatever reason be it me or them.

    i find though that you need to chat to the person on the phone and try and see if you connect then get out for a "first date" or meet for a coffee/drink to see if you actually want to progress with that person. before then having the actual first date activity. I have been Bowling, watched the British superbikes at a race circuit, Rock climbing, Been to a theme Park and had dinners on decent first dates recently.
  • moya_bleh
    moya_bleh Posts: 1,375 Member
    edited April 2015
    Just deleted my profile. Been on POF since March 2013 and I've had not one date in that time. The only attention that I received was from either women in their mid 50s (I've just turned 41) or morbidly obese. Everybody else straight up hated on me for my appearance and/or height (5ft 8ins)

    Let's just say that my confidence is at absolute zero and I've now walked away in the knowledge that I'm never going to meet anybody (unless they're at least 200lbs and ten years older than me, that is!!!) I haven't even had a face-to-face conversation with a woman (and no, family, lifelong platonic friends or cashiers in the shop asking if I need any bags don't count!)
  • PowerKickChic
    PowerKickChic Posts: 108 Member
    I met my husband online BUT I realize we are the exception, not the rule. We met the same day we contacted each other via email/dating site because no matter what anyone says, you really don't know someone until you meet them in person(even on skype). Body reactions and vibes are sooo important.

    We were engaged a week later and married less than a year after that. We will have our 15th wedding anniversary next January <3

    Don't give up hope ;)
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I had a first date from an online connection on Saturday. It was my first one in about 6 months of being on three different sites.

    I get: you're very active (from someone who described himself as boring- for real), you're going to give me a heart attack (from someone 5 years older, upon seeing me in a short skirt). Some of the pithy first contacts include: you can contact me if you'd like and, I like your picture (I'm really bowled over by their effort)

    Anyway, I had a nice time on Saturday. He wasn't the best looking guy I've ever met, but he was funny and intelligent and if I hear from him again, I would be pleased. If I hear from him again, I'll also be surprised, but you never knlow.

    Why would you be surprised to hear from him again if you had a nice time? If you're interested, it wouldn't hurt to tell him you enjoyed the date and give a suggestion for a second one.

    I may do that. ;-)

    So, I did that. I actually suggested going to an event together the coming weekend And I got: Oh, I have a friend in town, but enjoy yourself. And now it's been a month and I'd forgotten about the whole thing, but I never heard from him again.

    On OurTime, you can buy time to promote yourself, which I've done because it's pretty reasonably priced. The results have been more of the same (see above) or non existent.

    When this subscription runs out, I'm not renewing.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Online flirting? Online dating? UUUUUmmmmm....

    Never give your real name, location and make sure your profile picture is not you.. And never a full body shot of your self..
  • monstalosta
    monstalosta Posts: 2,248 Member
    With you....sure ;)
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    gia07 wrote: »
    Online flirting? Online dating? UUUUUmmmmm....

    Never give your real name, location and make sure your profile picture is not you.. And never a full body shot of your self..

    That is the guide to getting zero dates right?
  • madmags
    madmags Posts: 1,340 Member
    I never found someone from a dating site that I even wanted to attempt a date with. But I did find my current girl friend online, we just happend to start chatting and it went from there.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    I met my husband on POF. We dated for 3.5ish years and have been married for 1 (anniversary is next week!) Overall, I had a pretty good experience online dating. There were only two guys I seriously talked to (in a 6 weeks or so span of time), my husband and another guy and my husband is the only one I met RL. Since alot of people have asked for advice on here this is my $.02 (backgroud/my perspective going into the online dating: I dated very little before my husband and was completely happy to be single so dealing with a stupid guy was not worth my time, I was not looking for a super long term commitment or husband at the time [found one anyways], but I was never comefortable with one night stand just for fun stuff, I always wanted exclusive, fun relationship where we respected each other. I am a woman, so this is from a woman's perspective)

    -Know what you want and act according to that: If you want an exclusive more serious relationship then chat for a while (I chatted conssitantly with my hubby for 2 weeks before we ever met in RL) and see if they stay engaged.
    -use some common sense and think about safety: even if you feel good talking to them online you still never know. I did all my initial chatting through the website, then you can just block them if something goes wrong. I did give him my number before the first (which turned out to be a good thing since I got lost and was really late, had to do the "I promise I am not standing you up call!"). We went bowling which I find fun and its a good first date that allows you to talk more if you want, but you aren't stuck staring across a table at each other if your not hitting it off. He didn't know where I lived until after 3-4 dates, we met up in public locations for our first couple dates. I did not want to put myself in a position where I was alone with someone I did not know, plus if it sucks you can leave on your own terms. I totally respect a guy who wants to pick you up for dates and do the gentleman thing, but you can show off those skills in other ways for the first couple dates.
    - for first impressions: read their profile and make an applicable comment in your first message (not about looks, about something they wrote). Its time consuming, but if you want to actually connect with someone it might take some effort.
    - be honest, put your real self in your profile; sometimes doing something more interesting than just the headshot is a good idea, all a headshot gives you is is s/he hot or not? I had a various pictures including me dressed like *kitten* with the cow I halter broke in college, show the different sides of yourself.
    - if there are deal breakers for you then filter those people out. On the other hand be realistic. I think its really easy online to get super nitpicky about things because you are just looking at someone's "resume" on paper. People are not perfect so stop trying to find someone who is.
  • ZeeShay
    ZeeShay Posts: 1,132 Member
    I've met up with two guys when I was on a dating site one guy talked about marriage and kids on the first date :|
    The other Star Trek the whole time. Now I like Star Trek but this was just too much. Both guys weren't for me and I let them know. A year later and they are still texting me :s I was very clear too.

    I also get a lot of messages from men that are 45+ and people just wanting hookups. It got to be too much for me so I have stopped with the online dating for now.

    But I know if you online date it's possible to find a good guy. My friend found someone so have hope ladies! And men
    GDLAZ Posts: 3,784 Member
    It's not really any different than meeting someone through other means, just more opportunities to meet. Whether online or somewhere else you're gonna meet a few weirdos before you meet someone who's just the right amount of weird for you. :smile:
  • Behindthesehazeleyes96
    Pof sucks
  • Follow_me
    Follow_me Posts: 6,120 Member
    They all suck
    GDLAZ Posts: 3,784 Member
    Pof sucks

    I met my wife on POF. Like anything else, there are no guarantees, but sometimes good things happen!
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    GDLAZ wrote: »
    Pof sucks

    I met my wife on POF. Like anything else, there are no guarantees, but sometimes good things happen!

    True that. People do meet there lifetime mates online.

  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    threads like this (1) make me laugh and feel horribly bad for (most) of you and (2) make me SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad I'm happily married LOLOLOLOL

  • moya_bleh
    moya_bleh Posts: 1,375 Member
    edited May 2015
    After two years of using online dating and getting not one date - and also after doing a bit of googling and research on the subject to try and make sense of my supposed ugliness, I've just scrawled the following doodle to sum up my experiences:


    At the age of 41, I literally cannot get a woman under the age of 50 to express any interest in me whatsoever unless she is 300lbs and on welfare!