Looking to lose 100+ pounds... the healthy way!



  • keezo1
    keezo1 Posts: 204 Member
    Started using that gym membership my younger brother got me over 2 months ago.I was able to do a few minutes on the machines,i am trying not to do too much too fast.I am happy i have my brothers,and my fiance,eventhough he is overseas,they are very supportive and motivational.I have a lot to lose but i am up for the challenge,no matter how long it takes.
  • trailgirl777
    trailgirl777 Posts: 51 Member
    I read all the post of the successes and want to say to each of you guys. Yawl are awesome! Great job on just going to the gym, doing what minutes you can. My first walks were a humbling lesson in pain...getting slowly better though. The vacation...wow! Talk about a new healthy mindset! I read the losses peeps post and again...great job! So much positive energy here and it combats the sneaky little doubts that come our way!
  • prof_newme
    prof_newme Posts: 84 Member
    Jeepers creepers it's been a long time since I've posted I have a lot of reading to do! Just wanted everyone to know I am still here and will comment after I've read some of this this weekend!
  • drakeshattuck
    drakeshattuck Posts: 50 Member
    I notice that you say that you are addicted to food. Most of America is in the same boat. That addiction can only be broken if you prepare your own food. Please watch the movie "Fed Up", its on netflix, it explains the problem quite well. Good luck you you, and like others here have said, you can do it. If you can break away from the addictive foods produced by the mega food conglomerates you'll keep it off this time by just eating wholesome foods you prepare for yourself.
  • 2ledbetter
    2ledbetter Posts: 199 Member
    Hi all, I am impatiently working through the next month. I've lost 86 lbs so far and only have 9 more lbs to go to be in the 100's and then 5 more till I have lost "100" lbs. I truly can't imagine that fact. I have talked about losing weight for years and now I'm here. I'll still will have about 55 - 65lbs to lose after that.

    I'm so excited when I read all y'all's success and commiserate with your downs. Have a great day and week.
  • want2behappy31
    want2behappy31 Posts: 178 Member
    Welcome newbies!

    Great job on getting to the gym & getting your exercise in everybody. My FitBit is doing wonders for me. I HAVE to meet my goal every day and if I don't then I'm upset. Def. is keeping me motivated just like I wanted/needed it to. I started back on my nightly walks last night as well.

    The scale FINALLY moved this morning. I seriously almost jumped up and down!

    @ptkat28 Great job on the loss
  • blackberryvodka
    blackberryvodka Posts: 3 Member
    I'd love to join if that's okay? I've got 95lbs to lose and I'm struggling a bit, I binge-eat and am addicted to sugar. I'm aiming to drop a dress size to a UK 16/18 by the end of May *I bought a UK20 jacket and it was tight on me, that was basically the catalyst for my decision to lose weight.)
  • ptkat28
    ptkat28 Posts: 99 Member
    Good morning all and thanks for all the encouragement! I do have a question! I did 45 minutes of yard work yesterday, "weedeating" with a very heavy weedeater. Would that be considered exercise? I looked it up and the only things I found were Lawn Mowing-general and Gardening. It def worked my arms! I have more to do today but am not sure if I can use it as exercise? Thanks!
  • Hippychick5983
    Hippychick5983 Posts: 130 Member
    Welcome to all the new people! Feel free to add me if you like!

    @want2behappy31 Congrats on the scale movement!!!!! So so happy for you!

    @blackberryvodka Of course you are welcome to join us! Let us know how we can help you.

    @ptkat28 I am not sure how you can log that. Maybe just log it under gardening? Or if you know how much the weedeater weights then log it under weights? Either way good job on the exercise!

    Today I am headed back to the gym. Going to try and do either more swimming or weights. Will depend on if my friend comes with me or not. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    Goooooooooood Morning Peeps!

    @drakeshattuck: Thanks for that info! I'll have to check that out on Netflix (I hope they have it on the Canadian version).

    @2ledbetter: What amazing weight loss achievements and I love that you've got small goals to lead you up to your final success! You are an awesome inspiration!

    @want2behappy31: WOOT WOOT! You jump up and down girl! You deserve it!

    @blackberryvodka: Welcome! Is it adding sugar to stuff or just anything containing sugar (like candy, cake etc...)? I'm trying to switch all my refined sugar over to organic cane sugar. It's still sugar but a healither version of it since it isn't as processed.

    @ptkat28: ABSOLUTELY that's exercise! If you don't want take chances on adding too many calories, don't add it at all. :) That way when the scale moves in the right direction... it'll be a bonus loss! :)

    Have an awesome day everyone!
  • 2run2ski
    2run2ski Posts: 133 Member
    @Hippychick5983 A loose bathing suit? That's the coolest NSV ever! :)
    @bloodewine I can understand why you're sad, but what an NSV to choose not to overeat to numb your sadness! :)
    @directen I've never used a personal trainer. It sounds awesome! I hope you'll post about your experience.
    @ptkat28 Your commitment has dividends! Nice work!
  • 2run2ski
    2run2ski Posts: 133 Member
    edited April 2015
    @lae721 It's taken me quite a while to summon the courage to post both here and on the newsfeed. But, now that I'm getting the hang of it (and realizing that being open (or vulnerable as Brene Brown (right spelling?) puts it... see link by Hippychick)), you can't shut me up! ;) You're doing so well already! I think being a part of the board will give you fresh impetus to continue on your way!
    @mischelM Your similes are hilarious! "like a turtle stampeding thru molasses" " like a recovering shark at a chumming festival" Keep on keeping it light and your body will correspond! :)
    @keezo1 WTG to get to the gym! How nice to have such a support system.
    @prof_newme I know! I'm in the same boat! Lots o' activity here.
    @2ledbetter It's going to be a great party when you hit those milestones! :)
    @want2behappy31 You are doing a great job and I hope you do post when things feel bleak to you. Let us help you by "linking arms" and showing you you're not alone. (((hug))) Doesn't it feel great when the scale finally moves again?? But, it is a constant demand for me to not put too much emphasis on the numbers on the scale. I don't like my success and failure to be determined by that number. So, I work on focusing on those NSV's.
    @blackberryvodka There's plenty of room here...jump right in!
    @ptkat28 Definitely count it as exercise! I don't know how you'd figure the calories, but whenever I've been stumped, I Googled around and would average the answers I found. Is it within your budget to get a HRM or step counter (like Jawbone, Fitbit etc.?) I bit the bullet and bought a Polar HRM and I like it a lot. Whenever I exercise or do yard work I put it on and have a reasonably accurate calorie count (no HRM is perfect). I like not having to figure out calories burned for every activity (seeing that MFP is no help at all with their exaggerated counts).

    I'm going away to a meeting this weekend and I'm leaving tomorrow morning. I'm a tad concerned about food and exercise, but I'm not going to obsess about it.

    I'm always looking for motivated and supportive friends, so feel free to add me.

    Have a progressive day, everyone! :)
  • Jinx_Mo
    Jinx_Mo Posts: 150 Member
    2run2ski wrote: »
    @mischelM Your similes are hilarious! "like a turtle stampeding thru molasses" " like a recovering shark at a chumming festival" Keep on keeping it light and your body will correspond! :)

    I'm going away to a meeting this weekend and I'm leaving tomorrow morning. I'm a tad concerned about food and exercise, but I'm not going to obsess about it.

    I'm always looking for motivated and supportive friends, so feel free to add me.

    Have a progressive day, everyone! :)

    Those similes seems way funnier when you quoted them than when I wrote them! LOL Thank you. I've always seem my comments as humor, but when I was little my dad use to tell me that it was my bad luck that "smart *kitten*" wasn't a profession or I would have taken the world by storm! LOL

    Good luck on your meeting! You'll do fine. Just relax and remember, it's all about healthier choices, not necessarily perfect one! :wink:
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    @MischelM: I was always told that it's always better to be a "smart *kitten*" than a "dumb *kitten*" :)

    Have an awesome day everyone heading into a fab weekend!

  • Jinx_Mo
    Jinx_Mo Posts: 150 Member
    shirayne wrote: »
    @MischelM: I was always told that it's always better to be a "smart *kitten*" than a "dumb *kitten*" :)

    True enough!! LOL
  • prof_newme
    prof_newme Posts: 84 Member
    MischelM wrote: »
    I've always seem my comments as humor, but when I was little my dad use to tell me that it was my bad luck that "smart *kitten*" wasn't a profession or I would have taken the world by storm! LOL
    That's pretty funny! I got in trouble for my "wise guy" comments.

  • Jinx_Mo
    Jinx_Mo Posts: 150 Member
    prof_newme wrote: »
    That's pretty funny! I got in trouble for my "wise guy" comments.


    Oh, I got in trouble... but he recognized in me exactly what existed in him! He was as bad as I was, so while he was irritated he was also amused...LOL Luckily my sense of humor has kept me from wallowing in self-pity over my weight. It really is a blessing, even if my failure to filter does get me in more trouble than I intend!
  • Jinx_Mo
    Jinx_Mo Posts: 150 Member
    Wish me luck, folks. Today is my birthday celebration and I'm going to make a concerted effort to stay under 2000 calories, though there are no restrictions on what I eat. Let's see if I can make this happen! Have a great weekend everyone!
  • ptkat28
    ptkat28 Posts: 99 Member
    Happy Birthday @MischelM! Good luck with the calorie counting! :smiley:
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Have some fun news... I've been trying to find an apartment since I got here on January 1 and finally found one today! :D Yay!!