May 2015 Multisport Challenge



  • ironmankat
    ironmankat Posts: 24 Member
    @SBRRepeat Best of luck tomorrow! I hope you wake up feeling better.
  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    Solid marathon today, PRing by 8 minutes over my last one in January.

    @ironmankat good to know. I'll set a reminder to do the same. Just not quite comfortable pulling the trigger on a $750 race (although it is better than the $1400 for the charity entry), but triathlons aren't a cheap sport.

    5/1 - 30 min weights
    5/2 - 2 mile run
    5/3 - 26.2 mile run (3:44 time, 8:33 pace)

    Remaining: 8 weight sessions, 72 mile running, 500 mile biking, 5 mile swim
  • ironmankat
    ironmankat Posts: 24 Member
    Nice marathon time!!

    5/3: 7 hour ordeal involving me driving 50 miles to the start of my bike ride, a broken radiator, a frustrated Jeep mechanic and a tow truck to BFE. I did not get my ride in, but it was quite a day! Ugh....
  • SBRRepeat
    SBRRepeat Posts: 384 Member
    @ironmankat thanks!

    Didn't get to race today, let's just call it an unscheduled rest day.
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,161 Member
    May 3:

    Cycle - 30.31 / 100 miles
    Run/Walk - 1.10 / 50 miles
    Zumba class - 0 / 5 times
    Kettlebell Swings - 250 / 5,000 swings
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    5/1 - unscheduled rest day...was supposed to do a 2K yard swim, but after a 12+ hour workday for month-end closing, I was exhausted, and my coach told me to just stretch and go to bed early (which I did)
    5/2 - pre-race brick: easy 6.8 mile bike ride in 24:51 and a very easy 1.2 mile run with some pickups in 11:25 - total 36:16
    5/3 - Mountain Goat Run - 10 miles and 531 ft of elevation gain in 1:44:56!

    Well...I have blisters on top of blisters (I need new running shoes, but just didn't have time to get to the store before yesterday's race due to other time commitments)...but I am SO happy. I was aiming for under 1:50 (11 min mile pace), so sub 1:45 made my day! :) And although my blistered toes are sore today, that's all that is sore!! Woot! :)
  • csman49
    csman49 Posts: 1,100 Member
    great job @gobonas99 & @Ohhim !

    May 4th - Cycling, 15.5km.

    Did 4km messing around with my wee lad, then went out for an unplanned ride, did a further 15.5km. Just wanted to test the knee a little without putting it under too much stress. Average pace 26.1km/h, fairly happy. This was actually only my 2nd time out on the road since April 2012 - I suffered a spinal injury which very much ruled me out of any physical activity for a few years. Will want to see an avg over 30km/h for London Tri (August), but that's a flat route so i don't expect any problem there (unless the swim takes it all out of me)
  • brayjr
    brayjr Posts: 15 Member
    Sorry, just caught the thread have some catching up here from the weekend.:
    Bike: 100 miles. (20 of 100 complete)
    Swim: 20K yds (3k of 20k complete)
  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    Super-sore still today from the marathon, but jumped in the pool to get in a bit of upper body only swimming with a pull buoy, as I figured the water would help my sore legs. According to my pedometer, I also managed to get in another 4 miles of (slow) walking from errands, etc... I'll lift tomorrow (and may swim again), but won't resume light jogging for another day or two.

    5/1 - 30 min weights
    5/2 - 2 mile run
    5/3 - 26.2 mile run (3:44 time, 8:33 pace)
    5/4 - 0.85 mile easy swim

    Remaining: 8 weight sessions, 72 mile running, 500 mile biking, 4.15 mile swim
  • csman49
    csman49 Posts: 1,100 Member
    edited May 2015
    May 4th - Cycling, 15.5km.
    May 5th - Swimming, 0.42km.

    Spent a bit of time experimenting with balance in the water, and push/glide (superman flutter), before resorting back to my 'delayed drowning' breaststroke technique. Lessons begin tomorrow evening.
    Walking to the pool and back revealed that the knee is still not so good. More ice.



  • csman49
    csman49 Posts: 1,100 Member
    edited May 2015
    ..dbl post
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    5/4 - Lofty Ladies ride - 16.73 miles in 1:09:38 (included stops for the group to regather). actual moving time was 1:04:11

    We did these rides every Monday last summer, and they REALLY made me a much better cyclist (and I made SO many great new friends!!). I am SO happy that the new season has started - we had 41 ladies show up last night!! :smiley:
  • nicruns
    nicruns Posts: 201 Member
    May 2015 Goals:

    Swim - 0/10km
    Cycle - 13.13/100km
    Run - 0/90km
    Walk - 0/36 km
  • ironmankat
    ironmankat Posts: 24 Member
    Happy CdeMayo!

    5/4: 75 minute trainer ride, strength & PT exercises
    5/5: 7.5 mile run neg split easy/tempo
  • ReynaDay01
    ReynaDay01 Posts: 57 Member
    I'll join!

    I can't swim yet as none of the pools are open here, but I do the other stuff.

    Cycling Goal: 40 Miles
    Walking Goal:30 Miles
    Running Goal: 25 Miles

    So far this month I have 3/30 walking miles and 1/25 running miles.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    It's late autumn here ... pitch black and chilly in the evenings now. So getting outside in the evenings is more of a challenge nevertheless, I'll see what I can do. :) My husband is working on setting up a gym inside, so that will help ... and there are always weekends.

    Walking: 60 km
    Cycling: 300 km
    And if I can get in some canoeing and weightlifting that would be a plus. :)

    So, to start ...

    May ...

    01 Fri -- 3.2 km walking (35 min)
    02 Sat -- 37.43 km cycling (120 min)
    03 Sun -- 31.04 km cycling (100 min)
    04 Mon - 4 km walking (50 min)

    Plus I did a 35 min stair climbing workout in the evening. My yard is full of little sets of stairs. The longest one is 7 steps so I mainly focused on that one, up and down, up and down, but I also jogged between the others and did them too for some variety. In total, just over 1000 stairs climbed.
    Plus 10 min upper body weights workout.

    05 Tues - 4.8 km walking (60 min)

    Walking: 12 km (7.4 miles)
    Cycling: 68.47 km (42.5 miles)
    Time: 365 min (6 h 5 min) walking & cycling + 45 min stairs & weights

  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    edited May 2015
    Feeling much less sore today as time in the pool (pull buoy drills only) & easy fast cadence spinning on my commutes helped my legs. Did some upper body lifting as well. Hamstrings are the only remaining sore muscles in my legs at the moment, but will try a short easy run tomorrow to test out my legs. Hoping to get in a long bike ride and mid-distance run this weekend.

    Next triathlon is in August (olympic - Pittsburgh), and half-marathon is in November, so debating if I should try a summer HIM (Syracuse 70.3 - June 21, or Eagleman - Maryland - June 14), or half marathon (Chicago R&R?) while my fitness is solid.

    5/1 - 30 min weights
    5/2 - 2 mile run
    5/3 - 26.2 mile marathon (3:44 time, 8:33 pace)
    5/4 - 0.85 mile easy swim
    5/5 - 0.75 mile easy swim, 30 min weights, 16 mile bike

    Goal: 9 weight sessions, 100 miles running, 500 miles biking, 5 miles swimming
    Remaining: 7 weight sessions, 72 mile running, 484 mile biking, 3.4 miles swimming
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,161 Member
    May 5:

    Cycle - 35.56 / 100 miles
    Run/Walk - 4.2 / 50 miles
    Zumba class - 0 / 5 times
    Kettlebell Swings - 250 / 5,000 swings

    Rest day yesterday
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    so far:

    Cycling - 1/10 hours (11 miles)
    Walking (I have a friend who needs regular motivating with walks) - 10/50 miles
    Swim - 0/100 laps
    Dance class - 0/4 times

    I threw in a weight lifting session last night (trying to get back on StrongLifts) and have a dance class tonight.

    rest day tomorrow!!! (or might make it back to the gym for more weights depending on how my legs feel after dancing).
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    Ohhim wrote: »
    Next triathlon is in August (olympic - Pittsburgh), and half-marathon is in November, so debating if I should try a summer HIM (Syracuse 70.3 - June 21, or Eagleman - Maryland - June 14), or half marathon (Chicago R&R?) while my fitness is solid.

    @Ohhim - I *totally* think you should do Syracuse :wink: Just make sure you practice HILLS - bike and run! :tongue: The bike is just under 2500ft of elevation gain, including "prison hill", nearly 7 miles on sweet road, and "the wall". And the run course is nearly 900ft of elevation gain, including the palladino road and ransom road hills - twice!! :tongue:

    5/5 - super easy 2800y swim in 59:33

    Totals through 5/5:
    Swim: 1.59 miles in .99 hours (1 swim)
    Bike: 23.53 miles in 1.57 hours (2 rides)
    Run: 11.28 miles in 1.94 hours (2 runs)