10 by June 10 - GAME ON!



  • jennifergail
    jennifergail Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in too!!!!!!!!!!!!
    38 yrs
    5' 7"

    SW: 177
    CW: 175
    GW; 150
  • sellerskennington
    sellerskennington Posts: 77 Member
    I have been so slack the last few weeks. I haven't logged, I haven't been to work out as much, nada, zilch, zero. Too many guests keep coming and I get caught up in the fun that I forget to log and stay up too late to make it for workouts. I MUST TAKE CONTROL. I can do this. I know I can. Now, I am off to find some motivational signs and post them everywhere around the apartment to my phone to my work space etc. Going to get out in the amazing NYC spring weather and tackle my bad habits.
    jlkermode wrote: »
    ... and a couple incidents where, out of nowhere(!!!) chocolate chip cookies attacked me!! :#

    Btw, it's a lovely warm spring day in NYC and I just have to say- my favorite NSV is being able to wear a skirt without stockings and NOT having your thighs run together and give you a painful rash. I used to use a non-friction gold bond stick to put on my thighs, but they don't rub so much anymore!! Yay!!!

    Those silly cookies! I hope they didn't attack too much :wink: That painful rash...that's me.

  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    Feeling awesome from this morning's workout!
    Deadlift: 5x5 ~135#: woohoo! I'm coming back!!!

    Love the feeling I get from lifting.
    Then when I get home, I just want to eat healthy stuff, like make my green pina colada: full of protein and nutrients!

    Let's rock this!
    We can do this!!!

    yay on doing stairs.
    wow: 4 knee surgeries. I had 1 ACL replacement; can't imagine 4.
    You'll be running around in no time.

    I hear you about slacking.
    You've been doing great, so a little break is good.
    Let's re-focus.

    @jlkermode : Jamie: hahahha
    My thighs will always rub. That's why I don't wear corduroys. :)

  • cgs08
    cgs08 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in...one day late, but I'm in!
    CW: 144.4
  • CarynCharB
    CarynCharB Posts: 215 Member
    edited May 2015
    what an awesome idea!

    Age: 43
    Ht: 5'5"

    CW: 168
    GW: 158
    UGW: 145
  • tiffanybrooks530
    tiffanybrooks530 Posts: 140 Member
    I'm in too. I leave for my cruise to Bermuda June 21 where hubby and I are renewing our vows so this is perfect for me.

    CW: 138
    Awwww, congrats. I got married in Bermuda. good luck with your goal.

    CW 160
    GW 150
    UGW 145
  • EnglishCanadian
    EnglishCanadian Posts: 72 Member
    IN! Baby #2 will be a whole year old on June 8th. SW: 172, CW: 135, GW: 130. Let's get after it!!
  • kittley
    kittley Posts: 73 Member
    Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend. Checking in :)

    SW: 150
    GW:140 (June 10)

    April 25 - 149
    May 2 - 147.6
    May 9 - 146.6 (6.6 lbs to go!)
  • cuckoo_jenibeth
    cuckoo_jenibeth Posts: 1,434 Member
    jenibethbu wrote: »
    jenibethbu wrote: »
    Let's do this!
    CW: 182
    GW: 175
    UGW: 165

    Check in:
    April 26: 180.8
    May 9: 179.4
    Ugh...these last 5 pounds are gonna make me nutso!
  • LuckyMe2017
    LuckyMe2017 Posts: 454 Member
    I'm joining in. It will be difficult for me to lose 10 pounds in 31 days, but I'm going to give it a fighting chance! Among other things, I want to look nice when I leave for Daytona Beach on June 10th
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    Happy Mother's Day!!!

    My house is beautiful with silence: DH took the kids AND the puppy to his soccer game, letting me sleep in.
    I'm being lazy today.

    Tomorrow starts my 30-day Challenge: burpees/pushup/situps.
    Join me?

  • cuckoo_jenibeth
    cuckoo_jenibeth Posts: 1,434 Member
    jenibethbu wrote: »
    jenibethbu wrote: »
    jenibethbu wrote: »
    Let's do this!
    CW: 182
    GW: 175
    UGW: 165

    Check in:
    April 26: 180.8
    May 9: 179.4
    Ugh...these last 5 pounds are gonna make me nutso!
    May 10: 178.2

  • groovigyrl
    groovigyrl Posts: 72 Member
    edited May 2015
    Lost a pound this week. Down 7 lbs.! 3 more to go to reach my goal for this challenge.
    Happy Mother's Day everyone!

    SW: (April 1) 165
    CW: (May 10) 158
    GW: (June 10) 155
    UGW: 145

    Weekly weigh ins
    April 1 - 165
    April 8 - 163
    April 15 - 161
    April 22 - 161
    April 28 - 160
    May 03 - 159
    May 10 - 158
  • tacosupremequeen
    tacosupremequeen Posts: 8 Member
    edited May 2015
    5'6" female age 25

    Cw 150
    Gw 140
    Ugw 130

    Let's do this! 6 more weeks in my Jillian Michaels body revolution too!
  • territime
    territime Posts: 13 Member
    territime wrote: »
    I'm in!!

    CW: 154
    GW: 144
    UGW: 135

    I just finished 3 weeks of intermittent fasting, which I think went well overall. It definitely helped me cut some calories, but my lack of activity limited results, I think. Yesterday I weighed in at 152.6. So, things are moving slowly but in the right direction. My goal this week is to get 3 days of exercise in. I'm sure that my lack of exercise lately is playing a role in how slow the scale is moving.

    Hope everyone has a great week!
  • vicky1947mfp
    vicky1947mfp Posts: 1,523 Member
    Update- 132.6

    Started this challenge @ 136.2

    Have lost 3.6 lbs. only have 3.6 to go to reach goal.

    These last few lbs are hard. I must be close to my maintenance calories.
  • jlkermode
    jlkermode Posts: 82 Member
    Update- 132.6

    Started this challenge @ 136.2

    Have lost 3.6 lbs. only have 3.6 to go to reach goal.

    These last few lbs are hard. I must be close to my maintenance calories.
    Great job!! I am struggling at 135 at the moment... I know when you get close to those last lbs, diet becomes extra important! But it's so hard!! And summer makes me want to eat ice cream!!!

  • emmoen
    emmoen Posts: 218 Member
    Checking in

    SW 167 ( April 7)
    May 5- 161
    May 12- 162

    Lose 10lbs (151) by June 5
    GW 145

    Well not what I wanted to see but was expecting it... Yesterday was finals and the last day of the semester for me, so time to kick it up a notch. Good lucky everyone. Have a good week!

  • EmilyEffren
    EmilyEffren Posts: 11 Member
    Me too! Definitely need the support. I want that bikini bod
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    Today was a new day.
    I've been eating too much and crappy for almost 4 weeks, and I'm renewed!
    I have a new incentive: to lose 10pounds for my DH's surprise bday party. It's going to be a big reunion.
    So if I lose anything before then (5-8#), I'll be happy!

    Game is SOOOOOO on!!!
