

  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    I've come to the conclusion that I need to add more calories or more carbs to my diet. I ate like crud all weekend (tons of partying, lots of great food but no booze) and my workouts kicked *kitten* (weights Saturday and long run Sunday). I may or may not use this as an excuse to eat all the foods! >.> Lol
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Akkkk! Startled!

    My 49 lb 10 year old standard poodle just brought me a mouse. She wanted to bring it in the house (no thanks!) She nicely dropped it outside and I praised her and gave her a carrot. She loves those! Now to go get rid of dead mouse.

    She brought you a Mother's Day gift! Sweet, but icky at the same time. (I've got a lot of catching up to do on this thread today, obviously.)
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    K8T80 wrote: »
    How can we get this to be back to confessions??!?!? Should we just start another thread?

    Truth. It seems while we've all bonded and made new and great friendships, the spirit of the thread is waning.

    Confession. I took a 30 day challenge not to weigh myself. After a week of crap eating, I weighed myself to give myself a new new start, hey you jerk, don't do this, look at how fat you got in a week.

    At 243.2 lbs this morning, most of which is constipation weight i'm sure, you better friend me now because I'm racing to Onederland and you won't want to miss this ride.

    I'm frickin' higher than I've been in a long time. I'm in.
  • Talkradio
    Talkradio Posts: 388 Member
    CynSearly wrote: »
    A workout confession from me:

    I refuse to go to a public gym because I am severely embarrassed by the massive amounts of fat I carry on my upper arms, and the way it flaps and makes disgusting sounds when I am working out makes me queasy. I don't want to imagine how it would make others feel.

    I'm a little behind, so someone else probably beat me to this... But they probably don't even notice.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    @MercuryBlue UGH! That has SO been me the last week....then I put my dog down on Wednesday. Queue emotional eating frenzy....I'm not even supposed to EAT cheese and I ate ALL the cheese...All of it. And all the popcorn...and chips..I didn't even exercise at ALL! :bawling::bawling::bawling:

    I'm very sorry to hear about your dog. :(
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Confession: My SO pissed me off to tears on Mother's Day. He got highly intoxicated the night before. I don't think I've ever seen him that drunk. He puked ALL night. No sleep for me. Then he slept in - not me, the MOTHER, on MOTHER'S DAY!!! Then he wouldn't go with us to our trip to Craters of the Moon cuz he was "sick" (hungover). I think he owes me another Mother's Day.
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    Confession: My SO pissed me off to tears on Mother's Day. He got highly intoxicated the night before. I don't think I've ever seen him that drunk. He puked ALL night. No sleep for me. Then he slept in - not me, the MOTHER, on MOTHER'S DAY!!! Then he wouldn't go with us to our trip to Craters of the Moon cuz he was "sick" (hungover). I think he owes me another Mother's Day.
    Oh yes he does! That's terrible

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Since I mentioned my daughter and a possible ED I have not been logging and/or tracking my foods. I am down 2 pounds in this month. I am doing something right. : ) My goal is 1/2 pound a week. I also lost 1/2 inch on my waist. I have not been "working out" but I have a job where I can be fairly active and I generally have hard-core projects going at home on the weekend that involve pushing my body to work hard in strength and cardio (i.e. swinging a 30 pound metal bar repeatedly to dig a hole through rock, pulling down walls, etc.)

    It has been a very emotional few weeks between all the various things going on with daughter, stuff with son, stuff with Ex, friends having major turmoil in their lives, etc. I've tried to focus on giving all the support needed to my kids, listening to friends, taking care of business and setting very firm boundaries with ex, and taking care of myself and going as easy on myself as I can during this time. I also have a great, challenging job that demands a lot of me.

    I fully intended to garden/landscape this morning. At 6:30 I had coffee and cereal. I got out a few tools and started to plan what I would do. I had a headache so I thought I'd lie down for 15 minutes and see if it would pass. I woke up at 10 a.m. when a friend called. I chalk it up to that I needed a deep refreshing sleep and I'm not beating myself up for not getting anything accomplished this morning. In fact, I'm still trying to figure out what to do in the next four hours. I think I'll grocery shop, do laundry, and do some housekeeping. I may go buy myself a sassy pair of jeans too. Usually I do heavy-duty projects that are very physically taxing on Saturdays. I have a date with my wonderful boyfriend tonight. We're going to a downtown street fair after Ethiopian food tonight. Tomorrow morning we're going on a hilly bike ride. So my confession is that a small part of me is feeling guilty that I'm not accomplishing my usual stuff on Saturday but that I'm really working on not feeling the guilt.

    Sorry for all of your stress, but yes, that deep sleep was exactly what your body and mind needed. And, it's Mother's Day WEEKEND - there is NO guilt for doing nothing! "Nothing" is pretty much my plan for every Mother's Day weekend. Hope you enjoyed the street fair.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Since I mentioned my daughter and a possible ED I have not been logging and/or tracking my foods. I am down 2 pounds in this month. I am doing something right. : ) My goal is 1/2 pound a week. I also lost 1/2 inch on my waist. I have not been "working out" but I have a job where I can be fairly active and I generally have hard-core projects going at home on the weekend that involve pushing my body to work hard in strength and cardio (i.e. swinging a 30 pound metal bar repeatedly to dig a hole through rock, pulling down walls, etc.)

    It has been a very emotional few weeks between all the various things going on with daughter, stuff with son, stuff with Ex, friends having major turmoil in their lives, etc. I've tried to focus on giving all the support needed to my kids, listening to friends, taking care of business and setting very firm boundaries with ex, and taking care of myself and going as easy on myself as I can during this time. I also have a great, challenging job that demands a lot of me.

    I fully intended to garden/landscape this morning. At 6:30 I had coffee and cereal. I got out a few tools and started to plan what I would do. I had a headache so I thought I'd lie down for 15 minutes and see if it would pass. I woke up at 10 a.m. when a friend called. I chalk it up to that I needed a deep refreshing sleep and I'm not beating myself up for not getting anything accomplished this morning. In fact, I'm still trying to figure out what to do in the next four hours. I think I'll grocery shop, do laundry, and do some housekeeping. I may go buy myself a sassy pair of jeans too. Usually I do heavy-duty projects that are very physically taxing on Saturdays. I have a date with my wonderful boyfriend tonight. We're going to a downtown street fair after Ethiopian food tonight. Tomorrow morning we're going on a hilly bike ride. So my confession is that a small part of me is feeling guilty that I'm not accomplishing my usual stuff on Saturday but that I'm really working on not feeling the guilt.

    Sorry for all of your stress, but yes, that deep sleep was exactly what your body and mind needed. And, it's Mother's Day WEEKEND - there is NO guilt for doing nothing! "Nothing" is pretty much my plan for every Mother's Day weekend. Hope you enjoyed the street fair.
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    Confession: My SO pissed me off to tears on Mother's Day. He got highly intoxicated the night before. I don't think I've ever seen him that drunk. He puked ALL night. No sleep for me. Then he slept in - not me, the MOTHER, on MOTHER'S DAY!!! Then he wouldn't go with us to our trip to Craters of the Moon cuz he was "sick" (hungover). I think he owes me another Mother's Day.

    I drank half a bottle of Gold Tequila in Margaritas on Saturday night. #noregrets #OLE!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Confession: My SO pissed me off to tears on Mother's Day. He got highly intoxicated the night before. I don't think I've ever seen him that drunk. He puked ALL night. No sleep for me. Then he slept in - not me, the MOTHER, on MOTHER'S DAY!!! Then he wouldn't go with us to our trip to Craters of the Moon cuz he was "sick" (hungover). I think he owes me another Mother's Day.

    I drank half a bottle of Gold Tequila in Margaritas on Saturday night. #noregrets #OLE!

    I don't care that he was drinking, but he should have sucked it up on Sunday. That's all I'm sayin'.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    edited May 2015
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Confession: I am totally confused with the weight loss thing. Just started to read this and everyone is saying 1200 calories is too low. So. This has been the last 5 months of my life.

    January and February I was eating 1600 calories + swimming 3 x week and not losing weight.
    March I go down to 1400 calories and start going to the gym 3 x week as well as swimming 3 x week. Still not losing weight. I go to the doctors and he tells me to go down to 1200 calories maybe even 1000 calories.
    April I go down to 1200 calories go to the gym 3x week, swim 3 x week and start doing the couch to 5K (Which is a 30 minute jog/walk program 3x week) I have only lost 5lbs in 5 months.

    Anyone else baffled? Because I am! I'm going to keep going, I refuse to go down to 1000 calories because I will probably faint, but my parents are insisting I should because that's what the doctor said. Which leads me onto a small rant/ramble. What makes MFP so confusing is the fact that I have a trained and licensed doctor tell me I might have to go down to 1000 calories a day to lose weight, but if I posted that on the forum EVERYONE would have a field day. Unlicensed, untrained people telling me its too low, possible trolls telling me its too low but on the other hand people who have succeeded telling me its too low. Who do you listen to??

    When you ate around 1600 were you weighing your food on a food scale? I weigh a lot of my foods on a food scale in grams/ounces. It's especially handy to weigh things I know I would still indulge way too much in like ice cream, peanut butter, chips, & cereal. I think the most pitiful serving size has to be cereal since it barely fills a bowl.

    I think it's also harder at times to accurately gauge your exercise burns unless you're using a heart rate monitor with a chest strap since MFP & machines can be very inaccurate. I am not sure if they make a HRM that can track swimming calories?

    The people who get the most grief with eating 1,200 calories or lower are the people who have greater amounts to lose & could get away with eating a higher calorie amount & losing at a steady rate rather than crash dieting & then having a binge & giving up.

    Most of the time if someone has a medical reason & doctor supervision to eat lower calories then most don't give them a hard time.

    Now I am on Pinterest looking up recipes to make with Quest bars.

    I confess I made protein pancakes for the first time & the taste was good, but they didn't flip as well as I would've liked. Next time I make them I'll have to thin out the batter more.

    I know! I actually went and bought a smaller bowl so it didn't look so bad. I definitely know how I got fat to start with!

    It's not a HRM but I got a Mis-Fit because it can track swimming. I crossed the calorie burn with various websites and on average they are all in the same ball park. I have discovered today that said Mis-Fit is giving me extra calories to take me up to my TDEE (I think). So I need to play around and see if I can change that.

    That could be what it's doing with the extra calories & taking it up to what your maintenance would be. How many would it be if you would minus 500 off of it to equal a pound of weight loss a week?

    I confess that I have a Fitbit Flex & haven't worn it for a few weeks since it made me get into restrictive patterns again. I think the hardest part with my Fitbit Flex is not knowing which calorie amount to use when it comes to trying to maintain my weight on MFP. I tried using around 1700 & eating back calories I burned when I work which is anywhere from 2,100-2,300; however, there's no way I am going to stick to 1700 or lower if I enable negative calories on my days off since I am not as active.

    Yea this is what I'm thinking. It doesn't quite take me up to maintenance. Yesterday for example it gave me 317 extra calories which isn't enough. But you can set a goal weight on the app and I was going to do baby steps so I just did 5lbs, but now I'm thinking if I set it to my overall goal weight it might stop giving me the extra calories.
    I wear my Mis-Fit religiously. The only time I take it off is when I wash so I can clean my wrist properly.
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    dearmrsowl wrote: »
    It's 4:43 am and I'm eating a left over chocolate bunny from Easter while watching workout videos on YouTube.

    Is this confessing or boasting? I mean, who still has leftover Easter chocolate!?

  • chelsy0587
    chelsy0587 Posts: 441 Member
    Confession: My SO pissed me off to tears on Mother's Day. He got highly intoxicated the night before. I don't think I've ever seen him that drunk. He puked ALL night. No sleep for me. Then he slept in - not me, the MOTHER, on MOTHER'S DAY!!! Then he wouldn't go with us to our trip to Craters of the Moon cuz he was "sick" (hungover). I think he owes me another Mother's Day.

    He totally owes you...

    I drank all my son's juice this weekend :o It was so dang good and its been so long since I've drank anything another than water, coffee or a protein shake... I just kept coming back to the fridge for one more juice glass full until it was gone and the poor boy told me I had drank it all!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    @lois_1989 Do you use a food scale? I know mine has been a life saver(which is why I confessed the peanut butter thing, because a serving of peanut butter is actually quite large). Weigh and measure everything.

    Have you considered heavy lifting and focusing on lowering your body fat percentage instead of focusing on the scale? I know that has helped me a bit as well, considering my weight has gone up 3 pounds but my pants can be pulled off without unbuttoning them(now if only I had a boyfriend to do that FOR me) :blush:

    Pardon?? LOL
  • dimeda78
    dimeda78 Posts: 44 Member
    Yesterday was Mother's Day and I ate however much of whatever I wanted to eat. My lovely children made chicken alfredo baked ziti with steamed broccoli and Brazilian cheese puffs. I had two helpings and two slices of hummingbird cake (not in one sitting). All of that, I did not work out, and I did not feel the least bit of remorse.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    kamber13 wrote: »
    I'm currently living with someone I don't want to spend the rest of my life with and he wants to. He's arrogant and cruel to others. A small part of my motivation to get back in shape is to possibly begin a life with a man I've grown to really care for. A friend who is caring and more like me.

    I hope you can get out of your current toxic situation and be happy. If it is with someone else, great. If not, find your own happiness! Your happiness should not be based on anyone other than yourself. Easier said then done, I know.
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    Confession: My SO pissed me off to tears on Mother's Day. He got highly intoxicated the night before. I don't think I've ever seen him that drunk. He puked ALL night. No sleep for me. Then he slept in - not me, the MOTHER, on MOTHER'S DAY!!! Then he wouldn't go with us to our trip to Craters of the Moon cuz he was "sick" (hungover). I think he owes me another Mother's Day.

    Tell him you want a "Mother's Day Do Over"!
  • Talkradio
    Talkradio Posts: 388 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    yesimpson wrote: »
    I feel really hard done by when I vote, play the lottery, or place a bet, and don't win. I SHOULD GET WHAT I WANT BECAUSE I TRIED.

    YES. I bought 5 lines on the lottery on my birthday which was on the 5th May. So it was 5 5 5, but I'm too scared to check it, because I know I haven't won anything, I never do, but what if I have?? It's like Schrodinger's Cat in my head right now. lol

    My husband has been explaining Schrödinger's cat to me for years, but you have finally helped me to get it!

    The only reason I've even heard of that is Big Bang Theory! Love that show!

    I had heard of Schrödinger's cat before Big Bang Theory but it was Sheldon who taught me what it was. Sheldon has taught me many things. Interesting fact, did you know the actor that plays Sheldon is 40! That man has aged well.

    So I have to ask (and sorry if someone explained it and I missed it) what is this cat thing?

    I didn't see anyone respond to this, but apologies if they did!

    To over-simplify, it's the belief that until an action occurs, both possible outcomes exist equally. The "experiement" is that if you put a cat in a box with a vial of poison that will at some undetermined point in time break open and kill the cat, the cat is BOTH alive and dead until you open the box. Opening the box is what determines if it is in fact alive or dead, eliminating the other possibility.

    It's kind of like the butterfly effect (NOT the terrible movie), which more people seem to understand.

    I haaaaaate that movie.
  • Talkradio
    Talkradio Posts: 388 Member
    K8T80 wrote: »
    How can we get this to be back to confessions??!?!? Should we just start another thread?
