

  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    getup25 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Confession: I hate Pinterest! It's not organized enough for my OCD brain!

    Me too!! I thought I was the only one! Pinterest FAIL.

    You can count me in that group as well. I don't like how it's organized.

    I just don't get Pintrest at all.

    I only use it to pin pictures I like lol. Maybe one day I'll attempt a recipe or craft, but today is not that day.

    I confess that I love Pinterest. I haven't spent a lot of time on it lately but I used to try a new recipe every week or 2. Also, I got lots of cute ideas for my daughters bdays parties. Her 1st was a Dr Seuss theme and 2nd was Sesame Street. Sesame Street is everywhere but I found lots of great ideas for the Dr Seuss party.

    I don't know if you meant to but I am going to take that as an Aragorn reference and I kinda love you for it.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    I confess that I already have 2 cats who don't like eachother and despite this I'm agonising over taking a kitten a friend has just found abandoned.

    Maybe the kitten will be the "mediator" and help the other 2 get along??? Or maybe the other 2 will bond over caring for the kitten? Crazy ideas, I know. Just hoping the kitten gets a good home.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    I am now going to bed irritated like I do nearly every single Mothers Day. :|

    I'm sorry! Why?

    Because my family sucks sometimes lol

    My daughter, whom oddly enough is the one that causes me the most stress by far, normally does good for Mothers Day, like yesterday,.....she doesn't have any money really right now cuz she just finished her Uni year and started work today, but she made me a nice homemade card and put 10 little hearts with vouchers in it for things like foot rubs, laundry service, baked goods etc. I LOVED it.

    My son, who is 17, and I still get up nearly every morning to see him off to school, and cook HOT food for him at because he works a LOT and goes to school full time, plus other things, I do a lot for him that kid's his age do on their own like laundry and I always make sure there is hot food for him before/after work/school etc. He, got me a piece of cheese cake he brought home from his work late last night. I was upset that he did not get me a card mostly, because I feel his gifts are never heartfelt, and I have told him this before. His reply is "Well, you know I love you." I do not doubt he does, and he is a great kid, like seriously, my friends tell me all the time they would love a kid like him, he is hard working (and a good saver, which is odd for a kid his age, he has been working since he was 9 and routinely lends his sister money cuz she is terrible.....we always joke that by the time he is done Uni he will have saved enough money to buy a small island), he is a great student, and I never have to ground him or anything, like literally never. But it is upsetting to me that he could not take the time to write me a card.

    My SO, is the WORST out of the group. We have the same argument nearly every year. Again, I will say overall, my SO is wonderful. We almost never fight and he is very good about doing nearly all the cooking and cleaning when he is here (which is only on weekends, and not every one), never once has he ever yelled at me, called me a name, or said something nasty to me. He is loving and affectionate, and a great handy man, does everything from household repairs to hand washing laundry and sewing. However, I am lucky to get "Happy Mothers Day" said to me, or any holiday really. Some years I have gotten small gifts, and to be quite frank, most of them sucked, like he does not know me at all. But it is not about the money, I would be happy with a card, again, and a small token like a movie ticket or something. The worst part is, like I said, we go over this every single year, and it's like by the next time, it never crosses his mind again.

    Then I go to work the next day, and 500 people will say things like "Oh, I bet your family spoiled you", or talking about what their families did. Yes, yes I was spoiled, I got a piece of cheesecake :|

    It is just disappointing that they never learn how I feel. Like I have said in other posts, my mother was a huge *kitten*, so I try really hard to be a good mother, and it hurts my feelings because I feel like they do not care.

    End of rant!

    @Italian_Buju My mom did my laundry for me today(I did not ask her to and had every intention of doing it myself). So I plan on making her breakfast when I get home. She didn't really get spoiled on Mother's Day either and later this week has to head up to Dallas to take care of my cousin Sherry who is on her third battle with breast cancer.

    I know she feels very unappreciated but I make an effort to show her I love her and I make her coffee every morning as soon as I get home. She always asks me, "Why don't you change out of your clothes first?"
    She is more important and a few coffee stains only add authenticity to the security uniform anyway. :wink:

    Side note: [expletive] Cancer!

    I'm sorry about your cousin! Hope she can fight this round as well. That's very nice of you - I'm sure your mother appreciates it.
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    I only log foods on MFP when I know I will be close to going over my calorie goal. If they fixed their broken barcode scanner I might be inclined to log more.

    I used my barcode scanner yesterday on my iPhone and it worked. Was it broken before?

    I'm on Android and it hasn't been working for my phone for YEARS. I'm very salty about that cuz it's so much simpler to scan and add than to search through 200 variations of skinless, boneless chicken breast for an entry that fits.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    yesimpson wrote: »
    I feel really hard done by when I vote, play the lottery, or place a bet, and don't win. I SHOULD GET WHAT I WANT BECAUSE I TRIED.

    YES. I bought 5 lines on the lottery on my birthday which was on the 5th May. So it was 5 5 5, but I'm too scared to check it, because I know I haven't won anything, I never do, but what if I have?? It's like Schrodinger's Cat in my head right now. lol

    My husband has been explaining Schrödinger's cat to me for years, but you have finally helped me to get it!

    The only reason I've even heard of that is Big Bang Theory! Love that show!

    I had heard of Schrödinger's cat before Big Bang Theory but it was Sheldon who taught me what it was. Sheldon has taught me many things. Interesting fact, did you know the actor that plays Sheldon is 40! That man has aged well.

    So I have to ask (and sorry if someone explained it and I missed it) what is this cat thing?

    I didn't see anyone respond to this, but apologies if they did!

    To over-simplify, it's the belief that until an action occurs, both possible outcomes exist equally. The "experiement" is that if you put a cat in a box with a vial of poison that will at some undetermined point in time break open and kill the cat, the cat is BOTH alive and dead until you open the box. Opening the box is what determines if it is in fact alive or dead, eliminating the other possibility.

    It's kind of like the butterfly effect (NOT the terrible movie), which more people seem to understand.

    That makes zero sense to me and is twisted. Put the scientist that invented that in the box. Not the harmless cat. We could use a few less scientists.

    Hey now. I'm a scientist. I'm not a bad person. I'm working hard to contribute to the good health of both the environment and the people of this world. :)

    It is an over simplified explanation. No cats were harmed it was just a way to explain a challenging concept.

    A side note is I don't watch big bang theory but my kids do. I have been told by them and by my boyfriend and by a total stranger that I have some strong resemblances to a character called Bernadette. I think that was the name.

    I love Bernadette, that's not a bad thing. :smiley:

    Me too! She is smart and sassy!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    Hmmm, what we need is less pointless celebrities like that Jenner woman and those Kardashian folk and a ton more scientists. You know, the folk that invented every aspect of our modern lives that we completely take for granted. Heating, electricity, medicine and sanitation. The people who made it possible for us to communicate instantaneously with people on the other end of the globe.

    It's a weird thing I've noticed recently, the general vilification of scientists and doctors. Hopefully it's just a media phase that'll quickly dissipate.

    Not sure if I'll regret saying this, but I believe that if our doctors and scientists and others who are beneficial to society made as much money as the "celebrities" do there would be more of them. I hate that celebrities, movie stars, musicians, etc. make SO much more money than teachers, caregivers, and anyone who helps others. Why aspire to be a teacher and make an "okay" living when you can be rich and famous??? (not to single out teachers only; just using it as an example)
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    I confess that I already have 2 cats who don't like eachother and despite this I'm agonising over taking a kitten a friend has just found abandoned.

    Maybe the kitten will be the "mediator" and help the other 2 get along??? Or maybe the other 2 will bond over caring for the kitten? Crazy ideas, I know. Just hoping the kitten gets a good home.

    LOL! Well, that did not work for me. I had 3 cats. The calico hated the Siamese. They mostly avoid one another. So, we got a kitten a few years ago. The calico now hates that cat. My daughter took the one cat with her that all of the other cats get along with. LOL So, now the calico is stuck living with two cats that she hates. It's quite the conundrum. Luckily, there are very few cat fights.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    edited May 2015
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Hmmm, what we need is less pointless celebrities like that Jenner woman and those Kardashian folk and a ton more scientists. You know, the folk that invented every aspect of our modern lives that we completely take for granted. Heating, electricity, medicine and sanitation. The people who made it possible for us to communicate instantaneously with people on the other end of the globe.

    It's a weird thing I've noticed recently, the general vilification of scientists and doctors. Hopefully it's just a media phase that'll quickly dissipate.

    Not sure if I'll regret saying this, but I believe that if our doctors and scientists and others who are beneficial to society made as much money as the "celebrities" do there would be more of them. I hate that celebrities, movie stars, musicians, etc. make SO much more money than teachers, caregivers, and anyone who helps others. Why aspire to be a teacher and make an "okay" living when you can be rich and famous??? (not to single out teachers only; just using it as an example)

    I agree. I hate that athletes and celebrities make millions of dollars. Look at that boxing match a couple weekends ago. Mayweather got what? 180 MILLION DOLLARS?! That money could've been used for so many other, more worthwhile things.

    If the Kardashians could disappear off the face of the planet I'd be very pleased. They can take Kanye with them.

    Also, I heard this morning that a Picasso painting was auctioned off for $180 million. That's absurd! It makes me feel kind of sick thinking of what could be done with that kind of money.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    Confession: I haven't ran or worked out in 2 weeks. I have no idea why I don't care about anything lately, but I really need to pull it together.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    getup25 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Confession: I hate Pinterest! It's not organized enough for my OCD brain!

    Me too!! I thought I was the only one! Pinterest FAIL.

    You can count me in that group as well. I don't like how it's organized.

    I just don't get Pintrest at all.

    I like the idea of Pinterest. I have pinned some recipes that I use from time to time. But, when I'm on Facebook on my phone and somebody posts a recipe, I want to "pin" it so I can try it later, but that function doesn't work at all. Useless. And, I don't really like the way it's organized either. I don't understand how people say they can waste "hours" on it.

    Same as me, I have a couple friends that love it and spend all kinds of time on it. I do not think I have spent more than ten mins at a time, and that is usually looking for something to cook!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I don't think I ever want another dog again. Mine barks all day long at everything (thankfully we have a pretty quiet street or I can't even imagine) and drives me INSANE. And he'll destroy every tissue or paper or toilet paper roll he can get his paws on. And he hates dogs and might attack them so I don't even dare walking him. I'm so over dogs.

    I had the greatest black lab ever. He lived to 15, and he was one of the smartest dogs I've ever known. If he barked, you knew something was up. He was my best buddy. When he died in '07 it absolutely devastated me. I was a wreck.

    My confession is, I can't bring myself to get another dog. The reason being, although I've known a few great dogs,

    I've known TONS of stupid, aggressive, loud, clumsy, disobedient, destructive, smelly, just plain dumb dogs. And if I got a dumb one, I'd resent the hell out of him.
    I understand this. Our dog is the sweetest, gentlest, kindest dog there is. We have a bunch of dogs in the extended family that come and stay from time to time, and they all annoy me, even though I love them.

    Every one else's dogs annoy me after a while lol. Everybody has different behaviors they can tolerate that other people can't. My friend has a Beagle and I know I could never handle one. But I also know that my dog, who is "perfect" to me could likely drive other people crazy lol.

    Picking a breed that suits your family (a general "your") is important. Knowing what you want/don't want in a dog will help you narrow your choices. (Example: I couldn't personally handle hounds, but Shiba Inus are perfect for me.)

    You could also foster dogs for a bit until you find one that you connect with.

    Always wondered how you came up with your name! You may have mentioned it back when we were all explaining our names, but that seems like forever ago!

    Lol, Yes, it for my beloved Shiba Inus :smile:

    I had to look up what that was.....cute dogs!
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    getup25 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Confession: I hate Pinterest! It's not organized enough for my OCD brain!

    Me too!! I thought I was the only one! Pinterest FAIL.

    You can count me in that group as well. I don't like how it's organized.

    I just don't get Pintrest at all.

    I only use it to pin pictures I like lol. Maybe one day I'll attempt a recipe or craft, but today is not that day.

    I confess that I love Pinterest. I haven't spent a lot of time on it lately but I used to try a new recipe every week or 2. Also, I got lots of cute ideas for my daughters bdays parties. Her 1st was a Dr Seuss theme and 2nd was Sesame Street. Sesame Street is everywhere but I found lots of great ideas for the Dr Seuss party.

    I don't know if you meant to but I am going to take that as an Aragorn reference and I kinda love you for it.

    I wish I could say I did, but no :blush:
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    Confession: I haven't ran or worked out in 2 weeks. I have no idea why I don't care about anything lately, but I really need to pull it together.

    I've gone through this several times. For me it's usually a sign that it's time to switch up my workouts. Even if I don't realize I'm bored, I am.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    edited May 2015
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I don't think I ever want another dog again. Mine barks all day long at everything (thankfully we have a pretty quiet street or I can't even imagine) and drives me INSANE. And he'll destroy every tissue or paper or toilet paper roll he can get his paws on. And he hates dogs and might attack them so I don't even dare walking him. I'm so over dogs.

    I had the greatest black lab ever. He lived to 15, and he was one of the smartest dogs I've ever known. If he barked, you knew something was up. He was my best buddy. When he died in '07 it absolutely devastated me. I was a wreck.

    My confession is, I can't bring myself to get another dog. The reason being, although I've known a few great dogs,

    I've known TONS of stupid, aggressive, loud, clumsy, disobedient, destructive, smelly, just plain dumb dogs. And if I got a dumb one, I'd resent the hell out of him.
    I understand this. Our dog is the sweetest, gentlest, kindest dog there is. We have a bunch of dogs in the extended family that come and stay from time to time, and they all annoy me, even though I love them.

    Every one else's dogs annoy me after a while lol. Everybody has different behaviors they can tolerate that other people can't. My friend has a Beagle and I know I could never handle one. But I also know that my dog, who is "perfect" to me could likely drive other people crazy lol.

    Picking a breed that suits your family (a general "your") is important. Knowing what you want/don't want in a dog will help you narrow your choices. (Example: I couldn't personally handle hounds, but Shiba Inus are perfect for me.)

    You could also foster dogs for a bit until you find one that you connect with.

    Always wondered how you came up with your name! You may have mentioned it back when we were all explaining our names, but that seems like forever ago!

    Lol, Yes, it for my beloved Shiba Inus :smile:

    I had to look up what that was.....cute dogs!

    Yes, they are! Most people don't know what they are, people always ask if they're "mini Huskies". But no, they aren't. More people know what Akitas are, so I just tell them she's like a smaller version of them.

    ETA: Now because we're talking about them, I wanted to add a picture of my girl
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Confession: I have a sinus headache, which usually kills my desire to eat, and I'm not-so-secretly glad about it.

    I'm one of the unlucky people who never loses her appetite when she's sick, unless it's a stomach bug (and even then...).

    If my tummy hurts I keep eating different things hoping it will make it feel better. I can plow through some food on those days.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    My gym partner works later than I do, so I usually have to wait at the gym for 20-25 minutes for her to arrive. Lately we've just been doing lifting workouts, but I asked if she wanted to do some cardio today. She said okay. Secretly I was hoping she'd say no so I could go in early and run by myself. (She would be mad if I'd just gone in early without asking her if she wanted to run too)

    My confession is that I'm selfish and I get sick of having to do everything on everyone else's schedules.

    And this is why I never ever want a gym partner. That and I get pretty annoyed when there are two people yacking next to me on the treadmill.

    100% agree with this!

    We don't talk much when we're working out, that drives me crazy too! Usually we're too out of breath to hold much of a conversation anyway lol. I may mention to her tonight that I might start heading in early to do some cardio beforehand.

    You should! And not really being able to hold a conversation while working out means you're doing it right, IMHO.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    I confess that I already have 2 cats who don't like eachother and despite this I'm agonising over taking a kitten a friend has just found abandoned.

    Maybe the kitten will be the "mediator" and help the other 2 get along??? Or maybe the other 2 will bond over caring for the kitten? Crazy ideas, I know. Just hoping the kitten gets a good home.

    LOL! Well, that did not work for me. I had 3 cats. The calico hated the Siamese. They mostly avoid one another. So, we got a kitten a few years ago. The calico now hates that cat. My daughter took the one cat with her that all of the other cats get along with. LOL So, now the calico is stuck living with two cats that she hates. It's quite the conundrum. Luckily, there are very few cat fights.

    I was just wishful thinking, really! I used to have multiple cats and I'm aware of their finicky nature. They are definitely distinct in their personalities, aren't they?
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Hmmm, what we need is less pointless celebrities like that Jenner woman and those Kardashian folk and a ton more scientists. You know, the folk that invented every aspect of our modern lives that we completely take for granted. Heating, electricity, medicine and sanitation. The people who made it possible for us to communicate instantaneously with people on the other end of the globe.

    It's a weird thing I've noticed recently, the general vilification of scientists and doctors. Hopefully it's just a media phase that'll quickly dissipate.

    Not sure if I'll regret saying this, but I believe that if our doctors and scientists and others who are beneficial to society made as much money as the "celebrities" do there would be more of them. I hate that celebrities, movie stars, musicians, etc. make SO much more money than teachers, caregivers, and anyone who helps others. Why aspire to be a teacher and make an "okay" living when you can be rich and famous??? (not to single out teachers only; just using it as an example)

    I agree. I hate that athletes and celebrities make millions of dollars. Look at that boxing match a couple weekends ago. Mayweather got what? 180 MILLION DOLLARS?! That money could've been used for so many other, more worthwhile things.

    If the Kardashians could disappear off the face of the planet I'd be very pleased. They can take Kanye with them.

    Also, I heard this morning that a Picasso painting was auctioned off for $180 million. That's absurd! It makes me feel kind of sick thinking of what could be done with that kind of money.

    Same here. The disparity is so off-putting.
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Hmmm, what we need is less pointless celebrities like that Jenner woman and those Kardashian folk and a ton more scientists. You know, the folk that invented every aspect of our modern lives that we completely take for granted. Heating, electricity, medicine and sanitation. The people who made it possible for us to communicate instantaneously with people on the other end of the globe.

    It's a weird thing I've noticed recently, the general vilification of scientists and doctors. Hopefully it's just a media phase that'll quickly dissipate.

    Not sure if I'll regret saying this, but I believe that if our doctors and scientists and others who are beneficial to society made as much money as the "celebrities" do there would be more of them. I hate that celebrities, movie stars, musicians, etc. make SO much more money than teachers, caregivers, and anyone who helps others. Why aspire to be a teacher and make an "okay" living when you can be rich and famous??? (not to single out teachers only; just using it as an example)

    I agree. I hate that athletes and celebrities make millions of dollars. Look at that boxing match a couple weekends ago. Mayweather got what? 180 MILLION DOLLARS?! That money could've been used for so many other, more worthwhile things.

    If the Kardashians could disappear off the face of the planet I'd be very pleased. They can take Kanye with them.

    Also, I heard this morning that a Picasso painting was auctioned off for $180 million. That's absurd! It makes me feel kind of sick thinking of what could be done with that kind of money.

    I get irrationally angry about the Kardashians and other reality show stars. And Kanye is an *kitten*!

    I agree with this whole sentiment
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Hmmm, what we need is less pointless celebrities like that Jenner woman and those Kardashian folk and a ton more scientists. You know, the folk that invented every aspect of our modern lives that we completely take for granted. Heating, electricity, medicine and sanitation. The people who made it possible for us to communicate instantaneously with people on the other end of the globe.

    It's a weird thing I've noticed recently, the general vilification of scientists and doctors. Hopefully it's just a media phase that'll quickly dissipate.

    Not sure if I'll regret saying this, but I believe that if our doctors and scientists and others who are beneficial to society made as much money as the "celebrities" do there would be more of them. I hate that celebrities, movie stars, musicians, etc. make SO much more money than teachers, caregivers, and anyone who helps others. Why aspire to be a teacher and make an "okay" living when you can be rich and famous??? (not to single out teachers only; just using it as an example)

    I agree. I hate that athletes and celebrities make millions of dollars. Look at that boxing match a couple weekends ago. Mayweather got what? 180 MILLION DOLLARS?! That money could've been used for so many other, more worthwhile things.

    If the Kardashians could disappear off the face of the planet I'd be very pleased. They can take Kanye with them.

    Also, I heard this morning that a Picasso painting was auctioned off for $180 million. That's absurd! It makes me feel kind of sick thinking of what could be done with that kind of money.

    Totally agree with the bolded part! And I LOVE your new profile pic! Your dog is adorable!