Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • njlosingweight
    njlosingweight Posts: 17 Member
    thank you Vicky
  • feistyjojo
    feistyjojo Posts: 303 Member
    feistyjojo wrote: »
    Tuesday's goals-
    - Hit calorie target ☺
    - no added sugar (committing on her seems one of the only ways I can achieve this at the moment... it's stopped me indulging on several occasions.)
  • kimr41
    kimr41 Posts: 219 Member
    Tuesday Goals
    - Some type of exercise
    - Cut down on junk food. I eat junk on a regular basis.
  • vicky1947mfp
    vicky1947mfp Posts: 1,527 Member
    thank you Vicky

    You are welcome.
  • feistyjojo
    feistyjojo Posts: 303 Member
    So... hit calorie target despite eating several small cubes of cake when they appeared with coffee at at the team development session I was facilitating today. Realised I was really hungry after eating breakfast early today. So had 1 piece.... and we all know the story from there. So I owe you all an apology for committing to something I didn't deliver on. And to myself.

    However. .. managed the rest of the day so came on on (under) target so will live with it this time.

    Tomorrow is another challenge. A VERY early start to my day and a session with another client team that will require some big energy from me.

    So - goal is simply to hit calorie target (requiring some thought about healthy snacks and good lunch choices) and to balance my energy with good breathing practices.

    thanks for all your comments on.my recent posts. It's great to be part of this community.

  • iamsmara
    iamsmara Posts: 46 Member

    1. Stay within MFP-recommended calorie limit
    2. No dairy-based desserts
    3. No carbs for dinner
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member

    Just for today (Tuesday May 12)
    1. Take breakfast lunch and snack with me to work :smile:
    2. Walk at least 1 hour after work :smile:
    3. Stick to 1200 calories :smile:

    Just for today ( Wednesday May 13)
    1. Early morning aqua-size class
    2. Stick to 1200 calories

  • CM_73
    CM_73 Posts: 554 Member
    Just for today - I'm going to try and drink my water target.
  • freckles2002
    freckles2002 Posts: 55 Member
    Stick to my calorie goal today
    No binge eating
  • louminouche
    louminouche Posts: 37 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Sometimes I do not know what is wrong with me. Why I can't seem to get going, and stay going.

    So I am going to learn from you guys. I know to be successful, I need to continue to log my food. No matter HOW busy I am, this is important. This is for me.

    I am going to learn from you guys to plan my meals. I know this is another important step. No mindless grabbing of food. I tend to get so busy, so meals are unplanned, and that leads to trouble. Snacks have been unplanned, so when hubby wants dairy queen, I give in. SO plan my meals.

    This are my goals for today. One day at a time, I can get back on track!

    Joan, you should check out other people's diaries. That's a great way to get new ideas.

    I do not plan every meal way in advance, but I do:
    --try to plan the day out every morning
    --make several pre-prepped items at the beginning of the week (large salads, salad-in-a-jar, rice bowls) which last for a while in the fridge
    --I keep a couple of homemade frozen meals around in case of emergency (example: veggie soups with brown rice)
    --grab-and-go meals: fling turkey burger(s) and a chopped up sweet potato (yam) on a cookie sheet, bake at 350 for 30 minutes with salt and a little seasoning (smoked paprika is good), serve over a salad and you have a great, fast meal

    You can do this!

  • louminouche
    louminouche Posts: 37 Member
    Back to London from LA. Only put one pound on although ate a few Strawberry waffles from Norms and a lot of muffins from Coffee Bean. Not forgetting empanadas and the Cheesecake factory restaurant. ' Running after toddlers has helped the only one pound weight increase.

    For today:

    1. Exercise (walking round the block for 45 mins (mix of terrains so good); 45 mins Lesley Sansone walking with my own playlist (Lesley's music is a bit dated) and a bit of kettlebells

    2. Have written my food plan for the day and I am going to stick to it (had a binge yesterday Vienetta mint ice cream and Muller Bliss Greek lemon (amazing) bought a packet of 4 as they were half price, had planned to eat one a day but waited for my husband to go to bed and ate the 4 (167 calories each)

    3. Drink 5 gulps of water every time I go in kitchen.

    PS. Listening to interesting book (self help). Eat that frog (Brian Tracy). It is about procrastinating (delaying doing things) and prioritising. Now I do my exercise first thing in the morning instead of thinking "I have got to do it" and get a good deal if satisfaction, piece of mind doing that.

    Have a great day, it is going to be nice in London.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member

    Today, May 10
    1) Eat a decent breakfast
    2) Pass Aqua Pole certification test
    3) Go to sleep before midnight

    I did all that! AquaPole was incredible!

    Today, May 13
    1) Have fun at second day of IAFC
  • Soopatt
    Soopatt Posts: 563 Member
    Just for today -

    Visit MFP in moderation
    Get my backlog admin work done (spread out the willpower beyond the eating plan)
    Trust that I have planned it - no need to over-think what I am eating when I have already worked out calories
    Drink an additional glass of water with every cup of coffee
  • vicky1947mfp
    vicky1947mfp Posts: 1,527 Member
    edited May 2015
    Met all yesterday's goals except dust. Did not do any. Maybe tiddlywinks!!
  • vicky1947mfp
    vicky1947mfp Posts: 1,527 Member

    I can't get the little smiley faces added to my previous posts.

    How do you add them to a previous post?
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    Just for today I will

    1) not let my job stress me out
    2) not let the fact I didn't lose any weight this week bum me out
    3) log more carefully
  • YolliB2014
    YolliB2014 Posts: 104 Member
    edited May 2015
    Yesterdays goals were not all met. I did exercise but not for the length of time I wanted to, I kept getting interrupted and after about the third time, my motivation to keep going was lost!!! Lesson learned... Lock doors and don't answer phone! Meal and exercise plans were not written but I did manage to stay under my calorie goal, drank lots of water and did a lot of walking so it was not all lost completely!

    Oh yeah... Good day (morning here) everybody :wink:

    Just for Today

    ~ Get my weekly meal plan written out and my 2 week exercise plan written out today.
    ~ Wash all my fruits and vegetables and get them ready for easy snacking
    ~ 60 mins of intentional exercise
    ~ water... at least 8 of them.

    Have a great day everyone and I hope you all make all your goals. Cheers :)
  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    kwfitgal wrote: »
    JFT 12 May:
    1. Stay close to cal goals/fat intake--went somewhat over coz I whoopsed on calculating the cals in the pot pies, but not coz I wanted to pig out, which is comforting :)
    2. Drink 4 pints water/tea-- :o Maybe slightly over half???
    3. Exercise 30 min.--Wow--this seems really hard lately!

    JFT 13 May:
    1. Stay close to cal goals/fat intake
    2. Drink 4 pints water/tea--work on this!!!
    3. Exercise 30 min.--Make myself do this!!! I'll be glad I did!!
  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    Saragirl2 wrote: »
    Great advice on adding the protein. I had an egg white omelet w/spinach & kale this am & it made a difference. Now...onto the rest of the day!

    Planned our suppers for the week so that takes some of the stress out.

    Today I will:
    Have veg & fruit with every meal.
    Try to avoid process foods.
    No emotional eating.
    Walk twice today.
    Research kettle bells & workouts.
    Cup of tea for afternoon.

    @Saragirl: Those sound like some awesome and specific goals for the day! Go girl :) ! That is a great plan--to PLAN the suppers...often as I'm trying to eat to lose weight, I am not giving enough thought to nice meals for my family (who are mostly skinny and would really like to feel full!).

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    1. Concentrate on drinking water. 2 glasses with each meal, and carry my glass with me in between. Keep drinking! :) Was working in the yard almost all day carrying logs, so lots of water!

    2. More protein. Someone posted that this helps with sugar cravings, so I am going to concentrate on having at least some protein with each meal. This morning, it was oatmeal with milk and blueberries! So off to a good start! :) Much better, but still gave in to ice cream last nite. :/

    Just for today, wednesday, 5/14
    1. 2 glasses of water with each meal, 2 glasses in between to equal 8 glasses of water
    2. some protein with every meal!