Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Wish that my dad gets better and that there is nothing wrong with his heart.

    This is the latest step in the saga of my dad, he is having some type of procedure dealing with his heart tomorrow morning. Not exactly what it is called since Mom doesn't know. This is better than him having to go to a hospital in Washington DC. Please pray that he gets better and soon.

    Welcome to all the new people. I am still here but still very busy with everything that is going on in my life.
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    @GOINSTD12 - Thank you for sharing. That is brave of you to put these thoughts in writing. You are a brave person. You may not realize it right now but it shows in your writing. I hope you find a way to get through this. My thoughts are with you. I wish I could stop by for a cup of tea and to lend an ear.

    @Lauriek70 - Praying hard, I hope the best for all of you.

    Love to all,
    Lori (( <3 ))
  • jorinya
    jorinya Posts: 933 Member
    @ GOINSTD12 You are an incredible woman. An inspiration. Such dedication to your husband is admirable. You are teaching us younger wives the true meaning of love and marriage. I married into a military family and Papa (my father-in-law) at his old age is still a soldier even though he retired years ago. So I can understand how difficult it had to be for your husband to deal with what he is facing. He is a strong man. A fighter, a champion and a hero. I come from a garrison town where the best soldiers are trained and I saw first hand how some people look at soldiers and I don't like it. These men, and women, are the reasons we are safe. Ireland, being neutral, sends brave soldiers to Lebanon and Serbia for peacekeeping missions. They put their lives on the line every single day, for the safety of people they don't know and for our safety. As I sit here I'm thinking of the brave Nigerian soldiers who are battling Book Harem so that I and fellow Christian and westerners are safe. We dont appreciate soldiers enough.
    As for your own situation, congratulations on being cancer free, you are a true hero. I can't imagine having the strength you have shown throughout your trials and tribulations. You are an amazing woman!! Your prayers will definitely be answered and I hope there is a way for you to move house without having to go into debt. There always is a way its just hidden from us until we need it.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @GOINSTD12 (Tracy)~I commend you for writing out all of your thoughts in a blog, and sharing them here. :heart: That couldn't have been easy. Both you and your husband have endured so much, your dedication to each other is remarkable and rare. I pray that you continue to find the strength to persevere and find easy and inexpensive solutions. {{{hugs}}}

    @Laurie~I’m keeping your dad and your family in my thoughts and prayers, I hope his heart procedure goes well today and that he is back home soon where he belongs. :heart:

    @cblue315 (Lori)~I hope you’re showing that nasty cold who’s boss and that its improving.

    AFM~Its been a week and we still have one more day to go. :confounded: Work has been a little weird, my boss has been out off/on so lots of interruptions. I’ve also been car shopping--I think I have it narrowed down but the accountant in me won't let me buy a luxury car (depreciation is just too high). But just about the time I decide I’m ready to bite the bullet my washing machine decides to break—leaving work shortly to meet repairman to give me diagnosis/prognosis on its longevity. Its 15-years old so I’m not sure it’s worth repairing, we’ll see. I have worked out every day so far this week though, mostly at the gym because we are water logged after storms—not sure when this is going to let up. We’re supposed to lift weights today but that may get pushed aside depending on timing of repairman.

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday~Cycle DONE!
    Tuesday~Weights DONE!
    Wednesday~Cycle or Gym DONE! (Gym)
    Thursday~Weights (?)
    Friday~Cycle or gym
  • Gena_Beana
    Gena_Beana Posts: 66 Member

    @gena-- that's a great start to the running! It's exactly what I did when I started 4 years ago using the "couch to 5 k" schedule. PS--real runners never call it "jogging"--it's a dirty word. ;) Seriously though, there's absolutely no difference in the movements, so the only difference is in your head. Some people try to distinguish the terms based on speed, but that also doesn't work. My "run" of 6 mph would be a "jog" for my 6'2" friend who runs marathons, while my "jog" at 4.5 mph would be a "run" for someone with a much shorter gait. My advice is to get in the runner mindset and just always call it "running."

    Great!!! I love this advice! Makes perfect sense to me; I am now throwing away the word "jogging" from my internal dictionary LOL :)

  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 953 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Underground America Day!

    Underground America Day

    Learn to smile at every situation. See it as an opportunity to prove your strength and ability. ~Joe Brown


  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Well after a crazy morning, I am ready a peaceful night. Started the day at the hospital only to learn that my dad's procedure (caterization) was scheduled for 2:50pm and not 7:30am. So mom and I opted to go home since I took the morning off. I took a short nap then went to get my driver's license renewed, needed a new picture anyway. Managed to get out of there within 1 hour. While there, mom had a call from the hospital letting us know that they were not doing the procedure today since he was doing better. That was a relief but we still don't know what caused the chest pains. He is still being monitored. According to mom, he was doing better this afternoon now we just need him to eat more. I did work a half day and the kids were okay but some were obnoxious. Fast forward,finished work, went to my meeting then picked up dinner. Now,I am relaxing and chilling the rest of the night.

    My dad is still in the hospital and hopefully he will continue to get better every day. I did not exercise today but I am okay with that since I just need to rest. Not sure if I will climb tomorrow, it depends on how tired I am. I hope you have a great night. Thank you for all the prayers and positive thoughts.

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Tracy- sending you positive thoughts and prayers that you stay strong and find the strength to talk about the future. It is smart to look towards the future and to do it now instead of waiting to the last minute. Thank you for sharing your story, your strength is an inspiration.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @GOINSTD12 (((hugs friend))) I feel your pain. I was my husbands' caregiver when he was going down a steep hill getting sicker and sicker waiting for a liver transplant. It was the first week of December 2012. My husband went into an "amonia coma" (a condition where the toxins that his liver isn't filtering attacks the body). So in two weeks time while he was in ICU, I took my 3rd son (then 13) out of school, packed up the apartment and packed the RV, called my husbands nephew to drive the RV and husband up to Oregon to get him on the transplant list, call middle son (then 18 and in SeaSchool) to help pack, gave my week notice at my job, and that was that. We all drove into the unknown future.
    It's amazing what life turns into, and how powerful you can be. It's also a revelation to find out who your true family is. Some will pick up and carry you, others will shy away. Some strangers will hug you, and adopt you as family. You see the best of people and the worse of people. You learn to transition from being a wife, into being a caregiver. I started attending a "Caregivers Support Group" when we moved up here, a great place to find people that understand. I reached out to strangers when my family wasn't there for me.
    Fast forward to 5-15-14 and he got that liver. Tomorrow will be his 1 year anniversary. Reborn out of the darkness.
    You will get thru this, and find your strength. Are there services available for homecare you could utilize? Do you qualify for a shuttle service to doctor appointments? Can you get your gas compinsated for traveling to and from the hospital? We were 2 hrs away from the Transplation team but still we were within limits, which was a bummer.
    You will always have an open door from this caregiver. Vent whenever. Hugs.
  • TheCareerDiva
    TheCareerDiva Posts: 9 Member
    in a relationship with someone who has a hard time being supportive in the way that I need and I don't know how to handle that. We had to park a fair distance from our destination this evening for a graduation (downstairs and down a hill, which meant on the way coming back, uphill and up several flights of upstairs.)

    I've been back on the wagon for a couple weeks now, & I feel like I should be happy because I did it was much less trouble than I know I would have a few weeks ago. But for some reason my boyfriend went from telling me it's okay, and take my time, to looking at me and saying are you kidding me when I wanted to pause and catch my breath. And when I said, well, do you want to go on ahead without me, he started walking away! This was in the night time! he was really going to leave me to walk back by myself at night to my car. Smh.

    Then when I start to get upset he's trying to tell me to buck up and don't cry because know we both are out of shape, and I'm thinking, that's not what I need to hear right now! You're sitting there shaking your head at me because I'm having a hard time? Who dothen he leaves before even making sure I'm calm down and okay to drive. He's telling me I need to stop being so sensitive, and I'm telling him I need him to take a softer approach with me. It's just so frustrating! Has anyone ended up breaking up with someone for lack of support?
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @TheCareerDiva Sorry your BF treated you that way. He sounds frustrated and doesn't know how to help you. I would set him down and have a heart to heart with the man. Tell him what you need from him. Spell it out specifically. You need him to be empathetic and not a drill sargent.... Men are wired different than us for certain. Having him walk ahead of you was a big deal. Having him tell you to stop being so sensitive is a big deal. Women are all about being sensitive, that is how we are wired.... I am old so somedays I am just one big emotional up friend!
  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    I'm new to this thread. Back on the wagon...again. I'm Maggie :) I could really use some supportive and interactive friends. You guys seem like a good group! Im down 15 pounds since I started back up 6 weeks ago 111 to go. just thought I'd introduce myself. Hi!
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    Thank you all for your supportive comments. Down another 2.5 lbs today (yay) for a total of 26 in 15 weeks since I came back to MFP. Woot woot! I'm shooting for a goal of 50 lbs by my birthday at the end of July, at this rate should be able to do it if I stay active and keep to my diet - that's 24 lbs in 11 weeks. If I make my goal, I'm treating myself to SOMEthing! Maybe a Spa Day. That would put me halfway to my end-goal, too so another reason to celebrate.
  • Gena_Beana
    Gena_Beana Posts: 66 Member
    Friday Fitness, what my workout week looks like:

    M - Walk / Run - 20+ minutes, Strength training (lift weights)
    T - Rest
    W - Zumba
    Th - Barre Class - 30 minutes, Strength training (lift weights)
    F - Walk / Run - 20 + minutes (sometimes another strength training)
    Sat - Zumba
    Sun - Rest (or YoBarreLates)
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Good Moring All,
    Feeling very good today.
    Had excellent workouts this week despite the cold. I highly recommend Zicam. The cold is almost gone already.
    This weekend I will push myself. My training schedule says I have to run a 5K. The longest distance I have ever run is 2 miles so this will be BIG for me.

    The session with the counselor was - dare I say it STELLAR!
    My goal is to be happier with my life. So to that end I am losing weight and getting more fit. You have all helped me greatley with this.
    I want to be happier with my husband/marriage. So I am embarking on a new path to see what I can do about changing the way I feel about that. There is a book called Dare to Love which my counselor says will change things for me. Stay married or not this will help me change the way I feel about hubby. So I will be buying this book today. Stay tuned for progress.
    My sister is who she is, nothing I can do about that. But I do love her and we do work well together. And for now I have so many things on my plate I will leave things as they are until I have time and desire to work on that relationship.

    Welcome to the Newlings - This is a great place, please jump right in and start posting so we can get to know you.

    Love to all,
    Lori <3

  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. Just wanted to pop in and say hi today. Everyhting here is just gong along like normal. I haven't had any more loss but have not once popped back up over the 300 mark so I am okay with that right now. My hubby is on his last trip for this contract so should be home in a week or so. We are planning a big family camping trip with the whole family for memorial weekend so I am looking forward to that. Been staying on top of the walking and with everything I am averaging between 11 and 15 thousand steps a day so cant complain.

    @Lori I hope your father is continuing to improve. It is so hard as our parents get older and health problems start to set in. Here is a "hug" just for you :)
    @Goinstd12 You are a very brave person to do everything you are doing. I hope you are able to find some resources soon to help with the care of your hubby.
    @cblue315 You are such an inspiration to me. With all the emotional stuff you have been dealing with you haven't let it derail your progress and you are still taking care of yourself which so many of us forget today. You are a strong person who deserves all the good things that I know are waiting for you just around the corner.

    Okay Well as usual I have forgotten to open this in a separate page and what I wanted to say to everyone else. So instead I will just send out lots of positive energy to you all and hope you all have a wonderful day. TGIF all. Oh heres one we haven't seen in awhile. Water tag....your it :)
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 953 Member
    edited May 2015
    Good morning everyone.

    jtconst I was drinking water when I read your post so I'm good on the water tag next post is it :)

    Happy Endangered Species Day
    May 15, 2015

    Endangered Species Day, the third Friday in May, is an opportunity to celebrate our biodiversity and efforts to conserve that diversity.
    Celebrate Endangered Species Day
    The only disability in life is a bad attitude. ~Scott Hamilton


  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    Good morning! I've been a writing fog this week, working on a couple of big pieces and several smaller ones. My assignment queue is slowly dwindling, however, so I thought I'd pop in and say hello. Eating has been so-so. Aiming for the gym this afternoon. Hoping to catch up with you all over the weekend. TGIF!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I am so glad it is Friday. The last two weeks have been exhausting and it caught up with me today. I was sitting at the hospital with my dad and realized that I was to tired to climb tonight. For those who know me this is huge since I love climbing and it gives me energy. While visiting dad, a friend called and needed a ride home from getting her ankle set after she broke it two days ago. I was in the next parking garage so it was an easy pick up and went out to dinner before taking her home. It was nice to chill out and relax but oh I was tired.

    I learned today that My dad had a heart attack earlier this week luckily it was mild and responded to medicine, which was why he did not need the procedure on Thursday. It is scary to think that I could lose my dad at any time. He is looking slightly better but he still needs to eat more than he is. I just hope he gets better quickly. It has been one week since this mess started. He will be going to a nursing home so he can get his strength back and start walking again.

    It is time for my life to go back to normal. Even through I am not sure what that means any longer. On the bright side summer vacation starts in 23 school days, 24 work days. <3