40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • nickpnh
    nickpnh Posts: 111 Member
    AP - Nice job breaking the 100. Welcome Jinger.
    Kate - you're amazing. Having been one of those kids (not homeless but not wanting to go home for very good reasons) you're making an impact.
    Great job all.
    Missy has gotten herself in trouble thinking little people (kiddos) are puppies. She is lucky she is a quick study. After one hour clicker/treat training, she listened to my son's NO this morning. Now to get her not to start in the first place. I upped her exercise too - 2.35 miles by geodistance.com track. My phone was way off saying over 3 miles 19 min jogging, 22 walking - average of 3.4mph. I AM SOOOO SLOW :-(
    Work time...
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Hurray! It's Friday! I walked my road today with it's hellacious hills! It is a great workout! The weekend will be busy as always. I was supposed to return the walker that my husband borrowed from the rehab last weekend, but I just didn't have it in me, so I will be doing that tomorrow. Hopefully the weather will be decent as it is a long drive, but nice weather makes it enjoyable. I considered asking someone to drive down with me, but decided that a little bit of solitude might not be a bad thing. I have to mow the lawn at some point this weekend as well and that is now a job and a half, but good exercise too!

    Kate- that is so sweet of you to open up your home. I know what you mean about not understanding people sometimes. Too funny to think of you dancing naked in the street! Caramel's right- better watch out for who's around- never know what might turn up on YouTube!

    Have a great day and weekend!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    I lifted!

    I weighed!

    I am still 3 lbs from my first goal. Blech.

    Event1. Is 6 days away.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Hey guys.

    I'm working in the flowerbed and mowing the yard today instead of the garden. {I did pick the green beans though}

    In honor of KS's rockin' Friday bear, and the 50th anniversary reunion of the Grateful Dead on 7-3,4&5-2015, here is a dancing bear. Hope you guys are having a good day,


  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    I hope you all are having a good Friday. Sorry I haven't been around lately. My mother in law passed on Tuesday and we had been with her while she was hospitalized for the last few days and at home when they allowed her to leave. The hardest part will be trying to explain it to my 5 yo daughter. She spent a lot of time with her grandparents and she will miss her very much. Somehow I have managed to to regain a lot of my weight back. I will get myself back in gear and on track after the funeral next week. I have been trying to log what I can, even if I go over.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Crosbylee- sorry to hear of your mother-in-law passing away. It's never an easy thing to go through. Thinking of you and your family :heart:
  • Nataliegetfit
    Nataliegetfit Posts: 395 Member
    Crosbylee, so sorry about your loss. Just take care of your family for now, don't stress about the scale right now.
    I did the first mowing of the season today, we mow a lot of area and takes about 2 hours on the zero turn, but it looks really nice. The workers are in the fields we lease out for cow corn, spreading the poo poo platter. Thank goodness they plow it in right away, so it only smells for a day or two. I had put some jeans out to dry on the deck railing, so I need to grab them in when I see them coming in the fields closer to the house.
    Trying to clean a little today, having a couple people over for cake for mom Sunday.
    Hope you all have a nice weekend.
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Look at this beauty, his name is Rocky, he is a barrel racer! He came to visit me tonight. gmyz0019dzbe.jpg
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Crosby, so sorry for us loss, my prayers are with you. One day at a time.
  • triciaagar
    triciaagar Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Ya'll! I am 47, married to an awesome hubby and mom of 2 adult kiddos.....my son is getting married in July and my daughter just got married in October and is expecting her first baby in July! It's a girl!! She is the first grandchild, great grandchild, and great, great grandchild!! I have 2 grand dogs, 2 sugar gliders and 2 cats. I have a lot of health issues and am retired/disabled. Started my weight loss plan last month and have lost 5 pounds and 1 size.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Beeps, don't let perfect get in the way of good. I'm sure your wit will be popping out of that tight dress so that no one will notice anything else. {Unless they are men or women}

    Crosby, sorry for your loss.

    Natalie, it is good that the manure is getting used for fertilizer, but you guys be careful. If they put it out too strong it can get into your ground water.

    Ruby, nice looking horse. Also nice looking country road. Both my roads used to be dirt. Now {as Jeff Foxworthy would say} they are as hard as a turtle's back.

    Welcome to the new guys and hello to everyone else.

    Here are the numbers for the week:

    20.8% Body Fat
    23.8 BMI
    170.5 Pounds

    That is a gain of 0.4 pounds for the week. 0.5 pounds of which happened since yesterday.

    I'm sure you guys have all heard the old tale of the Orange cat stuck in the wishing well while Bad Word looked on.

  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    I just saw the news. BB King died. RIP.

  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    Crosby, I'm so sorry for your loss.

    Beeps, I know you've been tracking your weight, but how are the clothes fitting?

    Ruby, that is a beautiful horse!

    Triciaagar, nice job with the loss! I can't believe you have sugar gliders, they're so cute!

    Larro, nice pic.

    Hit up cardio kickboxing tonight, love kicking and pnching that heavy bag! Made it to self defence class where my uncanny klutziness stru k! Was doing great and managed to catch my foot on my own pants on a takes and landed hard on my knee, swollen beside the cap now. On the plus side my hip throw rocked.

    Tomorrow is my youngests' 6th birthday party with the family so it'll be busy. Being May 2-4 (Victoria Day) I'm also going to get some plants, though there was a frost last night. Sunday is bday brekkie, groceries, plants and coffee with a friend and Monday will be planting, if the weather co-operates.
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Crosby - So sorry for your loss. I wish I could give you advice on the 5 year old. Cyber hugs to you.

    Ruby - Josie is obsessed with " Heehaws " that's what she calls horses. I'm hoping to find someone to let her ride one soon. Though I have no desire myself. I think it's the height ( falling from that high up ) LOL

    Hoping to have a new picture soon from Mother's Day. We always take a Mother's picture with the women in Jeff's family. This will be one of the few times I didn't hide in the back. LOL. I learned on Mother's Day my 16 year old and I aren't very good at frisbee. LMBO. Also Jonas was the only one who could keep a hula hoop up. The women myself included would lose it as soon as it hit our hips.
    Finally got my mulch. Love the smell of fresh mulch.

    Welcome newbies and Good Morning Kiddies !

    Have a great day !
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello everyone!!!!!!! Happy Saturday! Going on another walk with hubby this morning. I kicked my behind yesterday in the pool 42 laps pretty much nonstop.

    Keep up the good work!!!!! :)
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    banged out some shoulders today! tomorrow will be a rest day. Monday starts my "P90X/X+" hybrid!
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    Taught a class of boy scouts the Cotizenship in the World merit badge all day. Good times! The kids were engaged and interested.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    So I thought I would log on and read all the posts from the weekend. What do I find?

  • zornig
    zornig Posts: 336 Member
    Guess everybody's just too busy exercising to comment :p