40+ Club: Summer Slimmers



  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Good evening! It's Friday for me and only 5.5 hrs until the weekend!!! Our Grandson is visiting us, but I did not see hime yet, because he arrived after I left for work at 6 pm. "He" called me and we talked for a minute before he was off to play with his Thomas train set. He just LOVES his new bed. When we were in Utah, our carpenter installed a Murphy (wall) bed in our guest room with built-in cabinets covering the entire wall. He now has a "big boy" bed to sleep in. It's funny to imagine a little guy like that sleeping in a queen bed!

    Friday check in day again. Not too much progress for me, due to the LONG work hours and lousy weather we've been having around here. I'm still trying to get my eating under control, but it's getting there. I just told Swissmiss that I am trying to get in shape for the summer season...if I can get out on my bike. I hate riding-running-walking-hiking (you get the picture) in the rain.

    Have a great weekend!

    Enjoy your weekend with your grandson! I am expecting my first grandchild in July (a granddaughter!) I am sooo excited!!:happy:
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    I am still trying to "get to know" everyone - that may take me a while.

    Me too. I'll keep reading and re-reading, and hope it sinks in soon sometime.
    I am determined to get these last 10lbs off. They've been hanging around for over a year now.

    My story too! Over a year.
    A year ago it was probably 10 pounds, now it's 20

    I've incorporated weight training into my routine, hoping that is going to help some.

    Today is an Off Day for my jogging plan, so I'm going to begin Strength Training by baby-step-ing my way throught yhe Primal Fitness (free e-book). I can do it from home, and it seems very Quit-Proof and babystep incremental

    Just my style.

    Have a good day Everyone!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Very quick check-in for me today. It has been a very busy day, and I'm still going. But the good news is that I finished my P90X rotation this morning. :drinker: This is my second time through P90X. These 90 days couldn't have gone better with this program, and I was able to do all of the workouts when scheduled and all in their entirety. I'm happy about that. And, even better news, I've done the last two months while doing a full Insanity rotation as well, and I only have one more week left on this Insanity rotation. My body is tired, but it feels really strong and fit right now. I definitely have pushed myself to the limits with this rotation, and I'm glad I did. It seems to have gotten me out of my workout ho-hums that I was kind of suffering a bit from this past winter.

    My eating has been better too. Not perfectly clean, but I found that the key to getting through this rotation was making sure I ate enough. If I didn't, then I could feel myself getting into trouble. But I've kept it relatively clean over the past few weeks, and I'm happy about that.

    I wish I had time to respond to everybody, but all you newcomers....WELCOME!! Please keep posting!!!

    I hope you all enjoy a wonderful weekend!
  • aimeetu
    aimeetu Posts: 139 Member
    Going to a birthday celebration at a wine festival today. We're doing group transportation so being the DD is out. I'm going to try and only taste 5 wines. That way I would only drink 5 ounces - plus plenty of water and no crap food. Wish me luck. I'm really trying hard this time and want to get it done!!

  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    Going to a birthday celebration at a wine festival today. We're doing group transportation so being the DD is out. I'm going to try and only taste 5 wines. That way I would only drink 5 ounces - plus plenty of water and no crap food. Wish me luck. I'm really trying hard this time and want to get it done!!


    Hi Aimee,
    Sounds as if you have a pre-planned strategy that should work for you well :-)
    Have a fun time!
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    Good Morning Everyone

    Happy Saturday! :-)

    I don't have any Activities planned that will be calorie temptations, so far at least.

    We will be chaparoning a Teen Dance, but I never seem interested in Eating from the snack tables so I should be just fine.

    Keep strong, one day at a time :-)
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Hey, everyone. I'm on my way summer clothes shopping. Whoo Hooo! I weighed 95 pounds more last summer than I do now, so suffice it to say that when I say I have nothing to wear, I REALLY have nothing to wear! I tried to hold on to those clothes for as long as I could. I look like a fashion disaster now trying to wear a 2X. I have to let it go! My daughter also needs summer wear. My hubby's the family bargain shopper, so we're all going together.

    It's supposed to be sunny and 80 degrees here today. I can't wait after living under that near-flood for a whole week.

    Have a great weekend, everyone!
  • altushe
    altushe Posts: 57 Member
    Congratulations! 95 pounds - WOW!! You lost a whole person the size of my 12 year-old - go treat yourself to some new clothes. It will make you feel so special and a smaller size will show off the weight loss even more, especially in summer clothes. I love nice clothes but won't pay full price (I'm the bargain hunter in our family!). i actually hit a few sample sales in NYC this week because I had nothing to wear in the warmer weather either.

    Hi everyone and welcome to all the new members!
    I am still struggling with maintaining (vs. losing) and added even more calories in the past 4 days. Hopefully weigh-in tomorrow will hold steady from last week. Keeping my fingers crossed. if not, packing all of the food and snacks for work each day will need a duffle bag soon!!

    Will check in tomorrow with more details. Any advice on how people have stemmed the weight loss in maintenance without cutting back on exercise or adding "fattening" or not regularly eaten foods would be great!!

    Have a good day!!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Hooray Victorious you're going to have fun shopping! Get rid of the too big clothes, too. So that will help you keep the weight off, as you won't want to have to go buy more clothes yet again. I had gotten rid of my bigger clothes, then gained weight and everyday I was reminded by my clothes that I needed to do something about it. I never gave in and bought bigger clothes, and now that I'm going down again, I'm hoping the roller coaster is only going to go on the down hill ever again!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello, wow, I love reading all the posts!!! You are doing great and are very supportive of each other.

    Altushe, good to hear from you again. There was a point last year when I was on maintenance and I kept losing, slowly, but still losing. Then the indulgence months started, Oct-Dec, for me and I gained a few pounds. :grumble: So no more trying to figure out maintenance. :laugh: I am almost to my goal now so I will see how it goes and will have to figure out something. I tend to go up pretty quickly if I let go even if just a little, unfortunately. :noway:

    Victorious, have fun shopping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It hasnt been a very good day for me as eating is concerned. My son played his last challenger baseball game this morning and they had the trophy presentations and a party for everyone. That involved not very healthy food and gave in some...:grumble: :grumble: My lunch was healthy and planning a healthy dinner. I also need to work on some new routines for my Zumba classes.

    Take care!!! :flowerforyou:
  • crewellademel
    crewellademel Posts: 168 Member
    Having a pretty good day today. Woke up with a headache (NOT self induced I might add) so didn't excercise. We headed up to the cabin to do some maintanence on the floor. Industrious little pack rat had figured a way in and created havoc! Then hiked around with my 6 year old to investigate the beaver ponds and dams. Lots of fun. We were all happy muddy messes by the time we headed back. Ate WELL today but not excercising......we'll call it a draw! :laugh:

    Glad to hear of everyones fun plans.....clothes shopping, grandchildren etc......have fun everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • dawniewest
    dawniewest Posts: 37 Member
  • Bethemily
    Bethemily Posts: 2 Member
    I am just starting tomorrow morning. Turned 40 this past year and need to get moving! Anyone have any good exercise tapes for beginners? My goal is 30 minutes 4 days a week. I have an eliptical and a treadmill but thinks tapes will help me stay more motivated.
  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    The boys are all off fishing this weekend with the Boy Scouts, so I took the time to do some bike shopping. I picked up a nice hybrid bike that's great on the gravel bike paths around here. I took it for a 5 mile spin around the park a few times this evening and had a great time, even though I felt the burn getting up the hills. I can't run due to arthritis, so have been hoping to get a bike to help me exercise outside when it's nice. It's late, but I should still go over to the gym and lift some weights. I'm trying to keep the bone loss and muscle loss of menopause to a minimum!

    We've been getting a lot of rain here too lately, although Pikes Peak was *gorgeous* this morning after all the new snow fell on it yesterday. The rain cleared up the air so it was crystal clear.
  • crewellademel
    crewellademel Posts: 168 Member
    Had a great day today. I got up and worked out on weights, rode my excercise bike, went to church, hubby fixed a great meal. Celebrated my Mom's 81st B-day today. I splurged and had some sugar free apple pie to celebrate. Came home and ran 1/2 mile which I have NEVER done before (my husband has started running to get in shape but it's never been my cup of tea) but I made it and was very pleased with myself. Lastly, I was sitting with my legs crossed today and realized that I can actually cross my legs comfortably now and that I looked pretty darn good in some old jeans that I was wearing today. It was a great day! I also looked into entering a triathalon with 2 other friends for July 2nd.....if they can do it I'll be the swimmer.....very excited about this possibility. Hope everyone has a great week! :flowerforyou:
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Zebras, that's a great idea about clothing sizes. I bagged up everything over a size 12, but I'm still holding on to 12s and below. I wear a 6/8. I know it's all in the mind. I have clothes in my closet that someone else can use, and I'm just being scaredy cat and stingy. I will "loose" the 10's and 12's next.

    ColoradoRobin, biking sounds amazing! I think I may take my hubby bike shopping for his birthday. He'll be 45 and that will remind him he's not in college anymore. Ha!

    Crewellademel, it sounds like you had a fabulous and productive day yesterday. Cool!

    I really want to walk today, but it looks like the weather is back to rainy and cloudy. Yuck! Hopefully it will clear up for at least an hour in the afternoon.

    Happy Monday, everyone!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    HAPPY MONDAY!!! :drinker: Well, this past weekend was not very good as far as eating is concerned. I am still struggling a bit to get back to my healthy eating before I left on my trip. I really hope I get back on track this week. I hate it when it becomes like this. :grumble: It's a phase...I didnt "officially" exercise either this weekend but was very active around the house and yesterday I worked on some choreo for my classes so that can count for exercise. I really wanted to do some resistance trng but didnt get to it. :grumble: I have a PT appt this morning and then on to run errands with hubby. I am teaching tonight.

    Bethemily, welcome!! 30 day shred by Jillian Michaels could be a good one to get, also any of the biggest loser videos. They are pretty good for beginners. If I think of any other I will let you know.

    ColoradoRobin, a new bike, how fun!!!! I dont have one anymore. San Antonio is not a very good city to be riding a bike unless I put it in my car and drive to a park or another area. I owned a bike when we lived in Germany. We could ride for miles safely and the sights were breathtaking.

    Crewell, you have pretty good plans made, congrats!!!! Happy birthday to your mom!!! :drinker:

    Well, gotta go, have a wonderful day!!! :flowerforyou:
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Morning All!

    I took a rest on Saturday, but on Sunday did two hours on the treadmill t the gym. Now don't laugh....in those two hours I jogged a whole 2 minutes. Since I started back up exercising, I haven't been able to get my legs moving as fast as I would like. I was never a jogger or runner before anyhow, but its just taken me a while to build up my legs enough to even try jogging. So its progress. I've been working every day on the inclines and building up speed on those, so it will all build up in the end.

    Eating was fairly good, too. I managed to stay away from the junk!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    zebras, be PROUD of those two minutes!! Seriously. I remember taking up a jogging program when I was in college. It was supposed to help you build up to running something like five miles. Anyhow, it started with one minute walk followed by one minute jog followed by one minute walk and so on. I remember it sounded SO easy.....until I almost died during that one minute jog. It isn't easy, and you've got alot to celebrate right now! And great job on staying away from the junk food. Wish I could say the same. :blushing:

    alf, you know I totally understand about the phase you are going through. I finally feel like I'm coming out of mine. I feel SO much better when I don't eat junk food, so I can't quite figure out why I can't convince myself to just give it up. But the winter blues seem to be leaving, and my desire for bad food is as well. Which is good. It has taken long enough!! :tongue: So just ride it out and don't beat yourself up over this. You know it's just a phase, and you'll come through it just fine.

    crewellademel, great job this weekend! How fun to be working on a triathalon with your friends! I think that sounds like alot of fun.

    All here is well. I'm finishing up my last week of my third Insanity rotation. YAY!! I did my Insanity workout this morning followed by a tough upper body workout from Cathe Friedrich. Today is my 46th birthday, and I like to workout hard on my birthday because five years ago today, I had been without the use of my left arm for over three months (due to dislocating it which resulted in it 'freezing'). And my exercise for the day was to get on the treadmill and walk with my arm hanging at my side. I walked 1/4 of a mile and I burned 18 calories. I was in so much pain and wondered if I'd ever get back to any semblance of 'normal'. So each year since on my birthday, I do what I couldn't imagine back then I'd ever be able to do again. And it makes me feel better about my age because who cares about the age when I'm so much healthier and fitter than I was back then!!

    I hope you all have a great day!
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,443 Member
    Happy Birthday Stiringwen.....Have a wonderful day!!!

    Alf..... you'll be back on track sooner than you realize. All phases end:)

    Have a wonderful week. We are looking at rain all week:( Going to need a new treadmill if the weather doesn't improve!