

  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    You do seem unwell, AOJ. Rest is what you need.
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    edited May 2015
    Anyone who cares for relatives with dementia has my utmost respect. We ended up having to put our grandfather in a care home towards the last few months of his life, as caring for him at home was causing too much stress for my grandmother. No matter how much help was offered, she could never relax while he was home. It was upsetting for the short time it lasted, even though it was a perfectly nice care home. My grandmother did go on to live a few fulfilling, happy years afterwards, despite her own ailing health, so there's that. A pat on the back for anyone who has to cope with dementia.
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member

    I've been obsessed with salty foods this week. Roasted peanuts, salami, chips, all that terrible stuff. Oddly I've been ignoring chocolate which is my usual vice of choice. I don't feel myself!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    edited May 2015
    You do seem unwell, AOJ. Rest is what you need.

    I agree. AOJ, you look like you are going to be horribly ill later this week. You should not spread that around your current jobsite. They are going to be understaffed anyway, and can't afford to have anyone else out sick.
  • ChipChocolatePancake
    ChipChocolatePancake Posts: 77 Member
    ohgeeque wrote: »
    I am a bit of a klutz. I can trip over the pattern in a rug.

    My walking has been pretty safe, so far. I have had decades of practice and can do it quite well; I stumble but usually catch myself. Now, I'd like to step up to jogging. I'm just afraid that I will trip on the street or fall off the treadmill. One would be more painful and the other more embarrassing. I can't decide which is worse, so I just keep walking.

    I am the same, and nearly fall a lot. I roller skate too, and I can't tell you how many times I've nearly spectacularly fallen, but caught myself, buy haven't ended up on the ground yet. Although I did fall running, just after I took up the skating, tripped on a stone and fell flat on the ground, putting big holes in my hand. But, I healed really, really quickly and I'm sure that's because at the time I was eating really healthily.

    Once I was at a haunted house. After going through the house, cornfield, and barn, they showed us the exit, so I thought it was over. As I was walking up the path to my car, a chainsaw started up in the bushes beside me, and a guy jumped out, and I fell flat on my face. My first instinct wasn't even to run away. Just to scream loudly and fall hard. And then I had blood running all down my face and I looked like I was part of the show :neutral:
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    Now that I have caught up from yesterday, here are my confessions.

    1) Yesterday was my birthday and despite my husband's efforts and best intentions, it sucked. The good ol' gall bladder came out last Thursday and I knew going it that my b-day was going to be lack luster. The nurses said that the best thing for me to do is get out and walk as much as possible so he thought he would take me fishing and he would fish while I sat in the chair. He carried everything and made sure I just had to sit/walk. It was nice to get outside but it was so windy and so cold. We drove 3 hours to one lake that was packed with people since it was the first long weekend of the spring/summer and the fishing licences were free for the weekend. Then, when the fish weren't biting we went to another lake that wasn't too far away. We were gone all day and by the time we got home I was cold, tired, and hungry. Birthday dinner ended up being pizza and ice cream which wasn't bad but wasn't my first choice either. The only good thing (well, not a good thing) is that prior to my surgery I had been working so much at work and super stressed that I stopped working out and stopped counting calories so I didn't feel guilty with having pizza and ice cream.

    2) I am having trouble getting back on to the calorie logging band wagon. I lost 25 pounds last year and have 19 more to go to hit goal weight. I am really dreading the amount of work it is going to be to get to get back on the wagon.

    3) When I had my surgical consultation, my doctor told me I would need to be off work for two weeks. It has been only a few days and I feel pretty good. My job is sedentary and I feel guilty for taking 2 weeks off work. I can count on one hand the number of sick days I have taken off since I started there 3 and a half years ago. I really feel like I should go back sooner but at the same time, I have sick days for a reason. So, right now, I am able to participate in this thread during the busy times of the day (rather than trying to catch up at the end of each day) and catching up in Amazing Race...
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    Confession: My SO pissed me off to tears on Mother's Day. He got highly intoxicated the night before. I don't think I've ever seen him that drunk. He puked ALL night. No sleep for me. Then he slept in - not me, the MOTHER, on MOTHER'S DAY!!! Then he wouldn't go with us to our trip to Craters of the Moon cuz he was "sick" (hungover). I think he owes me another Mother's Day.

    Hubby bought me a camp trailer this weekend. He is forgiven. LOL

  • ChipChocolatePancake
    ChipChocolatePancake Posts: 77 Member
    spamarie wrote: »

    I've been obsessed with salty foods this week. Roasted peanuts, salami, chips, all that terrible stuff. Oddly I've been ignoring chocolate which is my usual vice of choice. I don't feel myself!

    I've had a couple of weeks like that recently too! I have no idea what caused me to crave salt so much, but I was boiling edamame every day, coating it in at least 1/2 tsp salt, and literally licking the salt off the pods as I ate it....
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    I only logged about 800 calories yesterday (on purpose, because my doctor made me, I now hate him) and all of it was juice and broth. MFP didn't warn me or anything, it was just like "in 5 weeks you will have lost 25 lbs!" For a second, I felt like the computer was judging me - like "Good job! You should probably eat this way every Sunday, fatty!" I don't care what my computer thinks though. Screw him.

    That must have been miserable, but your telling of the story made me laugh! Hope everything comes out ok!
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    edited May 2015
    As I mentioned earlier, I took Friday off so was way behind. I am almost caught up and have replied to a couple comments so here are a couple observations from the weekend.

    Starbucks – Iced Venti Non-Fat Latte with an extra shot of espresso, but their coffee is too expensive. I usually only have about five a year.

    I want my stomach to be flat enough to wear dresses. I’ve always been a bit of a tomboy and never been a big fan of dresses. South Carolina is very hot in the summers and feel like I would be less hot if I could wear a dress versus pants to work.

    We tried potty training the two year old this weekend because we really felt like she was ready. Epic fail.

    I want to sign up for a 5K, but none of my locals friends are really into that sort of thing. Feel like if I had someone to run with on the weekends, it would be much easier to do.

    Love Chipotle and hate cilantro but don’t mind the cilantro in their rice.

    I missed some interesting arguments.

    @m1xm0d3 – Happy Birthday!
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    I confess that I'm going to Spain next year and one of the things I'm really excited about is seeing how I'll fit in the seat of the plane. The last time I went on one, I couldn't buckle the seatbelt because I was too fat.

    I'm also kinda giddy about going through the metal detectors now that I have metal implants.

    What kind of implants? I have two screws in my shoulder but they do not show up on metal detectors.
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    As I mentioned earlier, I took Friday off so was way behind. I am almost caught up and have replied to a couple comments so here are a couple observations from the weekend.

    Starbucks – Iced Venti Non-Fat Latte with an extra shot of espresso, but their coffee is too expensive. I usually only have about five a year.

    I want my stomach to be flat enough to wear dresses. I’ve always been a bit of a tomboy and never been a big fan of dresses. South Carolina is very hot in the summers and feel like I would be less hot if I could wear a dress versus pants to work.

    We tried potty training the two year old this weekend because we really felt like she was ready. Epic fail.

    I want to sign up for a 5K, but none of my locals friends are really into that sort of thing. Feel like if I had someone to run with on the weekends, it would be much easier to do.

    Love Chipotle and hate cilantro but don’t mind the cilantro in their rice.

    I missed some interesting arguments. Secretly glad that someone left…not a secret anymore.

    @m1xm0d3 – Happy Birthday!

    Thanks! :)
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    You do seem unwell, AOJ. Rest is what you need.

    I agree. AOJ, you look like you are going to be horribly ill later this week. You should not spread that around your current jobsite. They are going to be understaffed anyway, and can't afford to have anyone else out sick.

    Especially around all that food. It's a matter of public safety. You don't want to be Typhoid OJ
  • noaddedsugarx
    noaddedsugarx Posts: 169 Member
    You are a credit to yourself and your gran, what a fantastic attitude to have. Very humbling.

    With regard to this - you remind me of my cousin. He was miserable working in banking, and suddenly lost his mother. This meant he had to organise care of his father who had a stroke many years ago and needs similar care to your gran. Given that his mum went so suddenly there was no planning in place, and inconveniently his fathers name was still on their tenancy etc.

    Long story short, he went through hell trying to get control of his fathers affairs and trying to get him into the right sort of care.

    This all served him well though, as he now works for the local authority in their social services dept, looking after elderly people in similar situations as he/his father went through.

    He absolutely loves his job, and wouldnt be as good at it, or rewarded by it, had he not gone through the experiences he did.

    I wonder if there is a future for you in care? Or working with providing the right support for carers etc?

    That's so lovely of you to say thankyou. It really made me smile :)

    I'm glad it all worked out for your cousin! It's great he was able to take his negative experience and turn it into something positive by helping others. I think I probably will end up going down the care route. It is something I've been contemplating and I've definitely got the experience!

  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Now that I have caught up from yesterday, here are my confessions.

    3) When I had my surgical consultation, my doctor told me I would need to be off work for two weeks. It has been only a few days and I feel pretty good. My job is sedentary and I feel guilty for taking 2 weeks off work. I can count on one hand the number of sick days I have taken off since I started there 3 and a half years ago. I really feel like I should go back sooner but at the same time, I have sick days for a reason. So, right now, I am able to participate in this thread during the busy times of the day (rather than trying to catch up at the end of each day) and catching up in Amazing Race...

    I wish I'd had your doctor! I had my gall bladder removed on a Thursday and went back to work the following Monday!
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Just checking in.

    Got accused of "checking out" at my current job, even though I was working harder and longer than everyone else that has the same director as me. Must be nice to leave early on a friday afternoon, I might be coming down with a flu that's going to really take a hold friday and tuesday.

    You do have the sick days... ;)
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    spamarie wrote: »

    I've been obsessed with salty foods this week. Roasted peanuts, salami, chips, all that terrible stuff. Oddly I've been ignoring chocolate which is my usual vice of choice. I don't feel myself!

    This is your first child...right? Because you're never going to be the old you a good way!

    How are you feeling?
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Gross confession:
    I just spent a happy couple of hours doing hands-and-knees weeding in my yard. I came in when I put my (ungloved) hand straight down on a dog poo. And it rained yesterday. A lot.
    On a related note, how bad is bleach for human skin?

    Yuck! At least you burned some calories gardening.
    And on the plus side, I've stopped biting my nails!
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    You do seem unwell, AOJ. Rest is what you need.

    I agree. AOJ, you look like you are going to be horribly ill later this week. You should not spread that around your current jobsite. They are going to be understaffed anyway, and can't afford to have anyone else out sick.

    Especially around all that food. It's a matter of public safety. You don't want to be Typhoid OJ

    I legit LOL'd at that right there.
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Not to be a downer bit wanted to let you all know since you have been on this journey with me that To Boldly Go (yes AOJ for Star Trek) "Oberon" passed away this morning. He was 21 and I had him for 16 years. He was my best friend and the love of my life. May he rest in peace. ♡

    So sorry, I know when I lost my horse Sandy at (my) age 16 I was very upset. I never got another. Still miss her!