Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    losingrae wrote: »
    bri170lb wrote: »
    Have a Happy, Fun Filled, Stress Free Birthday!

    Thank you! I did. We did not get thunderstorms. In fact, it cleared up and ended with blue skies.

    Oh -- Happy belated birthday Rae! Hope you had a great day.
  • lcbourdo
    lcbourdo Posts: 15 Member
    aerochic42 wrote: »

    So just for today:
    1) Brush and floss before going to bed
    2) walk at lunch even though the temp and humidity are up - 15 minutes minimum
    3) get chicken out of freezer for lunches later this week
    4) No mindless eating.

    GREAT goals! (Inspiring for me -- especially worrying about the "lazy" part and brushing before bed. Why is that so hard?!)

    You must be in the US south, huh? I'm on the TX Gulf Coast, and heat and humidity are definite inhibitors for walking -- even in the early morning or late evening. Mosquitos!

  • lcbourdo
    lcbourdo Posts: 15 Member
    I DID get my infused water made (one of my goals for Friday), and drank a full half-gallon of that and decaf iced tea. Yay!

    Missed goals for yesterday, though -- not a good day at all, for many reasons.

    Does anyone else have a problem with taking Metformin for Type 2 Diabetes? That stuff makes me MISERABLE. I won't go into the gory, GI details here, but I'm seriously thinking about taking to the Dr. about taking me off it. Spent yesterday in bed in pain. One good thing about that -- didn't eat very much. :-P

    I'm also taking another drug to which I have yet to become adjusted. SO TIRED, and yet I'm just dying to get out of the house. I'm so exhausted, though, that driving is actually a little dangerous.

    Yuck. Okay, enough whining.

    Just for tomorrow:
    1) Get out of bed earlier.
    2) Make the bed.
    3) Do hatha yoga stretches right away.
    4) Continue to drink my daily allotment.
    5) Rest as needed, without guilt!

    Is that too much? Considering?
  • fr3smyl
    fr3smyl Posts: 1,418 Member

    1. Get material list ready for chicken coop
    2. Look for another soup recipe
    3. Work on two of the outdoor projects[/quote]

    Okay, I got some of the materials ready for the coop. I worked on the fence and the garden. I didn't look for a new soup recipe.

    For Tuesday:
    1. Cut wood for coop project
    2. Eat at my calorie limit
    3. Remember to weight myself in the morning
    4. Prep for a new smoothie
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    Just for today ( Monday May 18)
    1. Take breakfast lunch and snack with me to work :smile:
    2. Walk at least 1 hour :smile:
    3. Be careful about calories when out for dinner with girlfriends :smile:
    4. Stick to 1200 calories :smile: hard to count exactly but I passed on appetizers and dessert and had a heath choice for dinner.
    5. Drink 6 bottles of water :blush: 4 bottles of water and a margarita!

    Just for today ( Tuesday May 19)
    1. Take breakfast lunch and snack with me to work
    2. Go to aqua-size before work
    3. Stick to 1200 calories

  • lcbourdo
    lcbourdo Posts: 15 Member
    Love the Margarita idea! Tomorrow is my 36th anniversary, and we're going out for just one!
  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 822 Member
    lcbourdo wrote: »
    aerochic42 wrote: »

    So just for today:
    1) Brush and floss before going to bed - brushed didn't floss
    2) walk at lunch even though the temp and humidity are up - 15 minutes minimum -15min
    3) get chicken out of freezer for lunches later this week - nope I remembered only in the middle of other things like a shower or not even home
    4) No mindless eating. meh. I did think about everything I ate, but didn't eat smarter

    GREAT goals! (Inspiring for me -- especially worrying about the "lazy" part and brushing before bed. Why is that so hard?!)

    You must be in the US south, huh? I'm on the TX Gulf Coast, and heat and humidity are definite inhibitors for walking -- even in the early morning or late evening. Mosquitos!

    @Icbourdo, actually I'm western shore of the Chesapeake in Maryland. Luckily our heat isn't locked in yet, I'm not sure about the humidity yet. I wish I knew why the brushing thing is so hard, then it would be easy to fix. Right now for me the tiny changes are more likely to be successful long term for better health.

    Mixed results from yesterday, so I'm going to repeat them again today.

  • Cladf
    Cladf Posts: 60 Member
    Okay...here goes. Just for today...
    - I am going to drink more water (in part to combat this headache I have right now)
    - I am going to avoid alcohol at the hotel bar
    - I am going to stick to a healthy lunch, to limit the damage done with the hotel food
    - I am going to be less anxious about not having control over my food
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    1. 2 glasses of water with each meal, 2 glasses water inbetween. :)
    2. LOG all food that goes in my mouth! :)
    3. Brush teeth early so no extra snacking in the evening. :)
    4. 30 minutes on my ellipitical. :/ Got home too late to do this.

    Repeat of yesterday!
  • fitby50jodi
    fitby50jodi Posts: 2 Member
    Today I will:
    1. Walk for 30 minutes
    2. Log everything I eat
    3. Stay within my calorie and carb limits
    4. Refill and drink all of the water from my water bottle at least 3 times.
  • YolliB2014
    YolliB2014 Posts: 104 Member
    Hi everyone

    Back after a nice little break over the May long weekend. I tried logging my food daily but that didn't really work out for me so I just did my very best to not over eat and stay as active as possible, that was very easy because we had yard work to do on Saturday and then we did a campfire and family dinner on Sunday with all the kids. Played some soccer and jumped on the trampoline and were generally moving all day long.

    Just for today:

    ~ I'm going out to dinner with a friend and will pass on dessert.
    ~ Dinner is planned out
    ~ 8 glasses of water and no soda's of any kind tonight.
    ~ Spinach salad for lunch
    ~ taking my dog for a nice stroll.

    Fairly easy day today. Today is cleaning day so I will be burning some good calories.

  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    lcbourdo wrote: »

    Does anyone else have a problem with taking Metformin for Type 2 Diabetes? That stuff makes me MISERABLE. I won't go into the gory, GI details here, but I'm seriously thinking about taking to the Dr. about taking me off it. Spent yesterday in bed in pain. One good thing about that -- didn't eat very much. :-P

    I've been on it for many years. Stick with it, you will adapt.

    The time-release variety tends to be better tolerated, so you might consider trying that if you aren't already on it.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. 12,000 steps :(
    2. lift heavy things :smiley:
    3. stay under 100 G carbs :neutral: 101

    1. 12,000 steps
    2. move--still not sure if I am going to go dancing tonight or not...or just swim and walk
    3. stay under 100 G carbs
  • adoreme214
    adoreme214 Posts: 50 Member
    Log my food/water/exercise.
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member

    Just for today ( Tuesday May 19)
    1. Take breakfast lunch and snack with me to work - ran out the door to get to work for a minute and then rush to aquasize class -through a snow storm!. I didn't take my food with me, but I was still able to make really good choices all day so I get a --- :smiley:
    2. Go to aqua-size before work yes :smile: and another after work :smiley:
    3. Stick to 1200 calories :smiley:

    I also got lots done at work so I had a really good day.

    Just for today (Wednesday May 20)
    1. Deal with 2 business issues that have to be done early.
    2. Walk 1 hour in morning if rain is not too bad or walk on indoor track in evening.
    3. Do laundry and housework.
    4. Stick to 1200 calories.

  • YolliB2014
    YolliB2014 Posts: 104 Member
    Good morning Everyone.
    So yesterdays dinner with a friend went wonderfully... great conversation and great food. I was absolutely pleased with myself when I finally, for the first time ever when eating away from home, did not deviate from my pre-tracked meal :) I'm very happy about that.

    Just for Today
    ~ Eat within my daily calorie goal
    ~ Drink 8 glasses of water at least
    ~ Out and about for the day so I'll park at the end of all the parking lots and walk.
    ~ Didn't get much sleep last night so if there's time, I'll have a short nap.
    ~ If I can find free myself up early enough, I will do some resistance training.

    That is it for me today. It's easy so it should be completely attainable.

    Hope everyone hits their goals today!!!

  • Ariel33
    Ariel33 Posts: 1 Member
    Just for today...

    I will log everything.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Just for today I will not buy sugary snacks while out and about.
  • fitby50jodi
    fitby50jodi Posts: 2 Member
    Today (Tuesday) I will:
    1. Walk for 30 minutes :)
    2. Log everything I eat :)
    3. Stay within my calorie and carb limits :)
    4. Refill and drink all of the water from my water bottle at least 3 times. :)

    For today (Wednesday) I will
    1. Drink water
    2. Pack my lunch before going to bed
    3. Exercise for at least 30 minutes
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. 12,000 steps :(
    2. lift heavy things :smiley:
    3. stay under 100 G carbs :neutral: 101

    1. 12,000 steps :(
    2. move--still not sure if I am going to go dancing tonight or not...or just swim and walk :(
    3. stay under 100 G carbs :)

    Uggg...yesterday I was so tired that I decided that I needed a rest day. I'm not sore, just tired, and I really have no reason why. Frustrating. Anyhow...

    1. 10,000 steps
    2. swim
    3. under 100 G carbs