consult with a dietician - key lessons learne



  • pandafoo
    pandafoo Posts: 367 Member
    Yesterday I met with Ryan for my final session. I hadn't seen him in awhile due to work travel, but I knew I had to schedule something with him before my move to California this week. :) We covered the topics of organic foods and daily eating behaviors for longevity, so there's a lot of useful info here.


    1. What does "organic" mean?
    -Production method that emphasizes the use of renewable resources and conservation of water/soil
    -Organic foods are produced w/o use of conventional pesticides, fertilizers and synthetic ingredients, bioengineering, or ionizing radiation
    -Organic meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products come from animals that are not given antibiotics or growth hormones
    -Organic practices promote healthy, humane treatment of animals by providing them with organically grown feed and allowing the animals to have outdoor access, fresh air, water and sunshine

    2. Reading organic labels
    -The USA has established an organic certification program that requires all organic foods to meet strict government standards. If the product contains the green and white USDA organic seal, the product has been produced/processed according to USDA standards. This seal is voluntary.
    -100% organic - the product contains no synthetic ingredients
    -Organic - the product is at least 95% organic
    -Made with organic ingredients - the product contains at least 70% organic ingredients. A product of this quality does not always use the seal

    3. Is organically grown produce superior in nutrition to conventionally grown produce?
    -Difficult to prove because there are several variables to control (e.g., soil quality and condition, maturity at harvest) that could influence nutrient content
    -Organically fertilized plants have lower levels of nitrates
    -Research suggests organic production increases average antioxidant levels by 25%
    -Most recent studies looking at organic vs. conventional "matched pairs" suggest higher levels of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in organically grown produce

    4. Key recommendations
    -Buy local whenever possible
    -Buy "in-season" produce
    -Look for the USDA organic label
    -Wash all fruits and veggies thoroughly with running water to reduce dirt and bacteria
    -Prioritize. The majority of your organic food dollars should be spent on fruits and veggies because these items are most likely to contain pesticides
    -For proteins and meats, buy organic milk, organic eggs that are free range/cage free, wild fish (not farmed), grass-fed beef, and wild game such as bison

    Ryan mentioned the DIRTY DOZEN - 12 fruits and veggies that have the highest in pesticide residue, which we should eat organic as recommended by the Environmental Working Group. They are:
    -Sweet bell peppers
    -Grapes (imported)

    The NOT-SO-DIRTY DOZEN have the lowest levels of pesticide residues:
    -Sweet peas (frozen)
    -Sweet corn (frozen)


    Ryan compiled this list together based on what he learned from textbooks, national recommendations, and current research. He believes that if you can check off each item daily, you can be confident you're eating for longevity.

    1. 10 combined servings of fruits and vegetables
    They promote anti-cancer and anti-aging. He recommended 3 servings of fruit, and 7 servings of non-starchy veggies. The veggies especially contribute to better health

    2. One apple (variety of colors) - great source of soluble fiber, which lowers LDL (Loser cholesterol as he calls it - great way to remember the difference between LDL and HDL), and prevents heart disease. Other good sources of soluble fiber are strawberries, beans, and oatmeal

    3. Salad - great source of insoluble fiber, which can help prevent colon cancer
    -2 cups romaine lettuce and 1 cup of spinach
    -1 whole bell pepper (color variety) - vitamin C
    -1/2 cup broccoli - for liver detox
    -1/2 cup dried beans (kidney, lentil, garbanzo) - soluble fiber
    -3 oz chicken or salmon

    4. 18-24 almonds/pistachios/pecans/cashews - super source of mono-unsaturated fats, which lowers LDL and prevents heart disease. This is about 1/4 to 1/2 cup nuts

    5. Two servings of yogurt with live and active cultures, or high quality probiotic supplement - which helps create a healthy digestive system. He recommended Greek or keifer yogurt

    6. 1 serving of slow cooking oatmeal - soluble fiber which is good for the heart

    7. Whey protein shake - protein intake and immune support. This is something I'll consider seriously, since I'm always way below my 30% daily protein goal. To get protein in without going up on carbs/fats, he suggested just mixing whey powder with water.
    -Scoop of whey protein
    -12 oz iced water
    -1/2 banana
    -3/4 cup blueberries

    8. 90-120 oz filtered water to clean out the system. Ryan recommended drinking 16 oz upon waking, then 16 oz with each meal (assuming 4 meals), which will bring you up to 80 oz. Then drink water at other times to make up the balance.

    He mentioned that the latest research shows the value of adding fresh cut limes to water -- the limes create an alkaline environment which cancer cells cannot thrive in. He said he's still learning more about this area, but even if it's nascent research, adding limes will add a nice refreshing taste, which is perfect for summer. I already do it with club soda, and it makes a huge difference in getting me to drink more water. :)

    9. Comprehensive multivitamin/multimineral (B-complex 200-500% RDA) --> serves as an insurance card to make up for whatever nutrients we don't consume on a regular basis

    10. 1 gram of EPA fish oil via supplement --> reduce inflammation

    11. 2000-3000 IU vitamin D via supplement --> cancer prevention

    12. Calcium (1200mg)/Magnesium (500mg) supplement --> bone health

    In looking at this list, I was thinking what a challenge it'd be to do this every day! But the purpose of this is not to make us feel guilty or fearful we'll have bad health if we don't follow it regularly. I think the more important point is the importance of eating mindfully and eating for longevity. What that looks like will be different for everyone, so you can choose to incorporate some of the elements above, or include none of them as well. Whatever suits you! :)

    So that is it! I definitely learned a lot of valuable info, and it's motivated me to learn more about nutrition so that I can live a longer and healthier life. That's always worth raising a glass to! Cheers, and I wish you the best on your nutrition journey! :drinker:
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    Thanks for sharing the latest info from your consult with Ryan! Really appreciate this thread you started. Although organic stuff is super expensive here, at least I have the local Farmers Market on Friday... I found avocados again last week :)
  • rnroadrunner
    rnroadrunner Posts: 402 Member
  • VixFit2011
    VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
    i'm averse to any type of pills, so he said if i didn't want to take them, another option is a fish oil supplement made by a company named Coromega, and it comes in gel form in flavors such as orange and lemon/lime. it's actually in the top 10 vitamin/supplements in, so i just ordered 2 boxes - will let you know how that goes! :)


    I use Coromega and it's great and my doctor said it's a good item. I like the lime flavor the best. It doesn't have fishy aftertaste or burping. I've been using it for about 3 years. Explore their website for more info and variety of products.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,732 Member
  • AmandaHammill
    AmandaHammill Posts: 125 Member

    The scientific literature associated with nutrient timing is an extremely popular, and thus ever-changing, area of research. Upon reviewing the available literature, the following conclusions can be drawn at this point in time:

    • Prolonged exercise (> 60 – 90 min) of moderate to high intensity exercise will deplete the internal stores of energy, and prudent timing of nutrient delivery can help offset these changes.

    • During intense exercise, regular consumption (10 – 15 fl oz.) of CHO/electrolyte solution delivering 6 – 8% CHO (6 – 8 g CHO/100 ml fluid) should be consumed every 15 – 20 min to sustain blood glucose levels.

    • Glucose, fructose, sucrose and other high-glycemic CHO sources are easily digested, but fructose consumption should be minimized as it is absorbed at a slower rate and increases the likelihood of gastrointestinal problems.

    • The addition of PRO (0.15 – 0.25 g PRO/kg/day) to CHO at all time points, especially post-exercise, is well tolerated and may promote greater restoration of muscle glycogen.

    • Ingestion of 6 – 20 grams of EAAs and 30 – 40 grams of high-glycemic CHO within three hours after an exercise bout and immediately before exercise have been shown to significantly stimulate muscle PRO synthesis.

    • Daily post-exercise ingestion of a CHO + PRO supplement promotes greater increases in strength and improvements in lean tissue and body fat % during regular resistance training.

    • Milk PRO sources (e.g. whey and casein) exhibit different kinetic digestion patterns and may subsequently differ in their support of training adaptations.

    • Addition of Cr to a CHO + PRO supplement in conjunction with regular resistance training facilitates greater improvements in strength and body composition as compared with when no Cr is consumed.

    • Dietary focus should center on adequate availability and delivery of CHO and PRO. However, including small amounts of fat does not appear to be harmful, and may help to control glycemic responses during exercise.

    • Irrespective of timing, regular ingestion of snacks or meals providing both CHO and PRO (3: 1 CHO: PRO ratio) helps to promote recovery and replenishment of muscle glycogen.
    Thanks for posting the results of a systematic review of the literature. For those unfamiliar with health research methodology, a systematic review is the result of an exhaustive search of the literature, followed by an analysis which takes into account the various types of studies being included (less weight given to research conducted under less stringent research methodologies) so that when results are summarized such as above you are looking at the results of more than one study combined in a statistically sound and scientific manner. Whenever looking for health research it is always best to see if there has been a systematic review done on the topic of interest rather than trying to root through various studies (many of which have been poorly done, or do not have a true comparison group, or a large enough population to provide the 'truths' that other people - like websites - attribute to them)
  • AmandaHammill
    AmandaHammill Posts: 125 Member

    The scientific literature associated with nutrient timing is an extremely popular, and thus ever-changing, area of research. Upon reviewing the available literature, the following conclusions can be drawn at this point in time:

    • Prolonged exercise (> 60 – 90 min) of moderate to high intensity exercise will deplete the internal stores of energy, and prudent timing of nutrient delivery can help offset these changes.

    • During intense exercise, regular consumption (10 – 15 fl oz.) of CHO/electrolyte solution delivering 6 – 8% CHO (6 – 8 g CHO/100 ml fluid) should be consumed every 15 – 20 min to sustain blood glucose levels.

    • Glucose, fructose, sucrose and other high-glycemic CHO sources are easily digested, but fructose consumption should be minimized as it is absorbed at a slower rate and increases the likelihood of gastrointestinal problems.

    • The addition of PRO (0.15 – 0.25 g PRO/kg/day) to CHO at all time points, especially post-exercise, is well tolerated and may promote greater restoration of muscle glycogen.

    • Ingestion of 6 – 20 grams of EAAs and 30 – 40 grams of high-glycemic CHO within three hours after an exercise bout and immediately before exercise have been shown to significantly stimulate muscle PRO synthesis.

    • Daily post-exercise ingestion of a CHO + PRO supplement promotes greater increases in strength and improvements in lean tissue and body fat % during regular resistance training.

    • Milk PRO sources (e.g. whey and casein) exhibit different kinetic digestion patterns and may subsequently differ in their support of training adaptations.

    • Addition of Cr to a CHO + PRO supplement in conjunction with regular resistance training facilitates greater improvements in strength and body composition as compared with when no Cr is consumed.

    • Dietary focus should center on adequate availability and delivery of CHO and PRO. However, including small amounts of fat does not appear to be harmful, and may help to control glycemic responses during exercise.

    • Irrespective of timing, regular ingestion of snacks or meals providing both CHO and PRO (3: 1 CHO: PRO ratio) helps to promote recovery and replenishment of muscle glycogen.
    Thanks for posting the results of a systematic review of the literature. For those unfamiliar with health research methodology, a systematic review is the result of an exhaustive search of the literature, followed by an analysis which takes into account the various types of studies being included (less weight given to research conducted under less stringent research methodologies) so that when results are summarized such as above you are looking at the results of more than one study combined in a statistically sound and scientific manner. Whenever looking for health research it is always best to see if there has been a systematic review done on the topic of interest rather than trying to root through various studies (many of which have been poorly done, or do not have a true comparison group, or a large enough population to provide the 'truths' that other people - like websites - attribute to them)
    Just to add to my comment above, I just went to the pub-med article posted above and realized that it is a position statement from the ISSN, and not a systematic review, although what they have based their statement on when possible is the results of systematic review research so it is a fairly strongly supported, if you are *really* interested in reading *why* they have that position, go to article and look at the reference list which is to the right of the article. The research that says 'review' beside it is the stuff that informs their position.
  • Minnie_Moo
    Minnie_Moo Posts: 239 Member
    Thanks for sharing this with us.......

  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    Thanks for sharing!:happy:
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Interesting reports and I'm enjoying the discussions too.

    I realise those supplements are graded by order of importance, but does he really intend you to take a daily multivitamin (which presumably contains your full RDA of Vitamin D) and also take Vitamin D supplements as well? Vitamin D is stored in the body, and an overdose is as serious as a deficiency.
    He mentioned that the latest research shows the value of adding fresh cut limes to water -- the limes create an alkaline environment which cancer cells cannot thrive in.
    Limes are acid, not alkaline, so I'm struggling to find a way in which that makes sense. Besides, it's hard to imagine how adding fresh cut limes to water could significantly affect the pH level of the stomach which already, and necessarily, contains extremely strong hydrochloric acid.
  • pandafoo
    pandafoo Posts: 367 Member
    Hi TourThePast, I was thrown off initially by the lime recommendation since it's very acidic. But here's an example of an article out there that says how limes/lemons' effect on the body is alkaline:

    As for the multivitamin AND vitamin D supplement, you raise a good point. But for people who don't take a multivitamin, the vit D would be important to add since most people including myself do not get enough. I don't know if I'll run into Ryan this week at the gym, but if I do, I'll ask him about it. :)
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    But here's an example of an article out there that says how limes/lemons' effect on the body is alkaline:
    Hmm.. It doesn't explain "how" limes and lemons have an alkaline effect on the body, it only states that they do. I'm reserving judgement on that one for now.

    It may possibly be that the article is severely "dumbing down" its explanations for the benefit of laymen but statements such as the one below send my scepticism alarm ringing loud and clear. Ash? Really??
    the diet usually focuses heavily on fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts such as almonds, and soy products, because they leave an alkaline ash within the body.
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    Thank you for this update, Hsin! I have learned a lot by following this discussion.
  • Rodneymc4
    Rodneymc4 Posts: 62
    Thanks for the update.

    I'm not to far off from these recommendations now so cleaning my diet even more will not be too far of a leap.

    I'm in phase 2 of the P90X program which calls for less protein in my diet. I'm always over MFP's suggested protein intake. I realize that a sufficient amount of protein prevents fatigue and soreness in my muscles...I can not afford to be sore or miss a scheduled workout. I got places to go and abdominal fat to burn.:smile::smile: :smile: I feel better with higher levels of protein in my system.

    In 60 more days or hopefully before, I will be at my goal weight and body fat percentage. This sounds crazy but then, I will be in the weight gaining or MUSCLE building phase of my program.

    Thanks again and don't start charging for the valuable info.:smile::smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • rayfromtx
    rayfromtx Posts: 111
    This info that you have shared is in agreement with what I have gathered in the last 8 months. It has served me well. Thanks for consolidating it here.
  • DavyRockhit
    DavyRockhit Posts: 168
    awesome thanks