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40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Howdy Cool Kids.
    So many of us are celebrating losses this week. Great job Natalie, Allenpriest, Jmgkamp, and Alisha!
    Beeps, life sounds good!
    Larro, I agree with Nick, you do look younger now! Have fun canoeing.
    KS, yikes! Glad you made it to the gas station. I hope you have some smooth sailing time ahead.
    Hello to everyone else! Caramel, yoo hoo! Hoping all is well in your neighborhood.

    Last night was a fairly decadent girl's night - ravioli with lamb ragout, wine, wine, whiskey (really good whiskey), chocolate ... phew! Back on the bicycle to work this morning, and low cal days today & tomorrow. I don't think I'll lose too much ground.

    A co-workers little girl (almost 11) lost her battle with cancer last night - the office is very subdued today - and of course there's lots food. Odd how every occasion, happy or sad, warrants food. Comfort I suppose.

    Well, back to work with me. Have a great Hump Day everyone!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Larro, wow, what a difference in your picture. I bet you feel so much better too. So how come your weight drops so you need to gain?? All that hard work you're doing???? I'm serious though, I am thinking that since you eat so much healthier and your work is so physical, sometimes it drops more than you like?? I don't have that problem, although when I was a teenager I was underweight and couldn't gain. I needed to gain 7 lbs to get in the air force and I tried all summer and didn't gain. Even though I was underweight, I wasn't healthy, I had a little pooch belly and no muscle. I really wish I was into nutrition and fitness then, but at least I have made the change. I don't ever want to be where I was with my health and weight.

    When I started on MFP I set 173 as my goal weight because it was a prime number. {Yes, I am one of those math wackos} I never thought I would really get down to 173, so I reset it to 176. When I got there I wasn't able to maintain at that weight. I guess I had learned all the low cal lessons too well {and I was still working out an hour a day back then}. I reset my goal weight to 173, but wasn't able to stay there either. I guess maybe 170 is just my natural weight and I'm not going to worry about it. I have my goal set to gain half a pound a week, but I never reach my calorie goal. The garden is a big part of it. When you burn 1K it is hard to add that back in at bedtime without feeling stuffed.

    Meanwhile, back at the ranchero. . . .

    I was able to do some of my planting, but the cleaning lady came early, so I'm playing catch-up on the clothes and dishes. She has already started on the downstairs bathrooms, so I will have to shower upstairs. My shower is 6' X 4' so anytime I have to use one of the small showers I feel like I'm stuck in a drum.

    Margie and Cousin Dee are going to Marianna when Margie gets off work, so I will be able to get some more done in the garden then. On the way into the house I remembered that I needed to transplant a tangerine tree out of a pot into the ground. It has overgrown the pot and had put roots down so it will be a bear to get up. It's too close to the house now, and has to be moved.

  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Larro - great accomplishment on your loss! You really do look younger now!!!!
  • JackieUnlimited
    JackieUnlimited Posts: 93 Member
    CG so sorry to hear about your co-workers daughter.

    I came home tonight to find a Police SUV parked at the end of my driveway. Thought maybe someone had tried to break-in and my neighbours called the police. Until I saw the Officer coming out of my neighbours house. My thoughts then turned to Bill. Cheryl found him in their basement, he had cancer as well, they believe he had a massive heart attack 4 or 5 hours before the dog woke her up and she found him. Needless to say I am currently having a drink in his honour and having some comfort food. Tonight all bets are off. I'll go for a run during lunch at work tomorrow and get back on track. :'(
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Jackie- I am so sorry to hear of his passing. We just never know how long we have :( My prayers are with you.
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    Perhaps the young man needs a good failure with the resulting consequences. Better that at 14 than at 22.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,089 Member
    Where are you off to, Alf?

    Today, I lifted. And outdoor-walked for two hours. Now zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
  • jingerbird
    jingerbird Posts: 25 Member
    Hello Thursday and everybody.

    I really need to find motivation to exercise. I have a cross trainer at home but haven't used it since before Christmas. I also pay for a gym membership which I don't use currently.

    Does anyone have any motivation tips for me?
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "Day: 4 of P90X/P90X+ hybrid Yoga X"=Done!

    I think my dog really missed this routine. she was right there "helping" through just about every move. rolling under my "upward/downward dog"...crawling under my "frog". she was cleaning the sweat off my face during "crane" and "wheel". she rolls on my "shivasana", guess she's making sure it's really dead. then to finish things off...she tries to stick her nose in my mouth during "ohms". "puppy dodge Yoga"!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning everyone!!!! Can't sleep! This time change... I found a Bikram place nearby but didn't rent a car and don't like to inconvenience anyone. Planning on a home workout, brought resistance bands and can also use body weight. My sister just left to work. My other one on her way here from the east coast.

    Beeps I'm in Sacramento where my older sister lives, her daughter is graduating from San Francisco State University tomorrow. We are heading out there tomorrow until Saturday. Hopefully Napa on Sunday.

    Jackie sorry about your loss, sad.

    Jingerbird, JUST DO IT!!!! Lol. No, just a little at a time. The more you do it the more you will want it. I just cancelled my gym membership, hated wasting my money. I prefer to work out at home. Look for quick but effective workouts in YouTube to get you re-started.

    Have a grand day!!!
  • jingerbird
    jingerbird Posts: 25 Member
    alf1163 wrote: »
    Jingerbird, JUST DO IT!!!! Lol. No, just a little at a time. The more you do it the more you will want it. I just cancelled my gym membership, hated wasting my money. I prefer to work out at home. Look for quick but effective workouts in YouTube to get you re-started.

    I know you're right, just need to get my lazy *kitten* out of bed in the morning instead of laying there drinking coffee....lol
  • GetFitOrDieLazy
    GetFitOrDieLazy Posts: 8 Member
    CalJur wrote: »
    45 feeling and looking like 30. Looking forward to meeting folks on this thread. My goals are detailed on my profile. Feel free to add me and let's do the damn thang in 2012.

    I want in in this group!
    Hi everyone!
    I'm from Puerto Rico and I'm 42 next month. It's good to find people who are more like me in these communities! This is great!

    Hopin to share good experiences with all of you and good ideas on how to eat healthy!!!!
  • GetFitOrDieLazy
    GetFitOrDieLazy Posts: 8 Member
    alf1163 wrote: »
    Hello 40+ Club!!! This is the first post of the new thread!!! Hope you like the title!!! Thank Chris (whoheis) or complain if you dont like it. LOL

    For those who would like to join: We are a group of 40+ (40 yrs and older) peope who like to stay healthy by eating clean, exercising, etc. We support each other by providing health info, giving each other ideas on how to be healthy as we get older. Feel free to join the conversation. We usually report our weightloss/ weight gain, inches lost, struggles, goals, etc on Fridays.

    What are your fitness/health goals for this year??? For me, I have started a new lifting program, New Rules of Lifting for Women. I am on my second week. My goal is to become stronger, lose fat, get leaner. I overdid it (not surprising to me) during the Holidays so I have to lose a few pounds and inches...I also want to focus on my nutrition, especially increasing my protein consumption. I am a Zumba Instructor and will of course continue with teaching my 4 classes a week.

    Have a great day!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    alf1163 wrote: »
    Hello 40+ Club!!! This is the first post of the new thread!!! Hope you like the title!!! Thank Chris (whoheis) or complain if you dont like it. LOL

    For those who would like to join: We are a group of 40+ (40 yrs and older) peope who like to stay healthy by eating clean, exercising, etc. We support each other by providing health info, giving each other ideas on how to be healthy as we get older. Feel free to join the conversation. We usually report our weightloss/ weight gain, inches lost, struggles, goals, etc on Fridays.

    What are your fitness/health goals for this year??? For me, I have started a new lifting program, New Rules of Lifting for Women. I am on my second week. My goal is to become stronger, lose fat, get leaner. I overdid it (not surprising to me) during the Holidays so I have to lose a few pounds and inches...I also want to focus on my nutrition, especially increasing my protein consumption. I am a Zumba Instructor and will of course continue with teaching my 4 classes a week.

    Have a great day!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    I want in in this group!
    Hi everyone!
    I'm from Puerto Rico and I'm 42 next month. It's good to find people who are more like me in these communities! This is great!

    Hopin to share good experiences with all of you and good ideas on how to eat healthy!!!!
  • l8knut
    l8knut Posts: 18 Member
    I have lost a lot of weight (60lbs) and gained it all back and more. Weight has been my #1 issue in my life forever. I'm on my 10th try here but 6 weeks in, I can say that the MFP app is really doing the trick. Just knowing what I'm eating really hits home with me. As far as the gym goes, for me being in the atmosphere with others working out puts me in the "mood" so to speek. I dont like paying for it and honestly, getting up at 5am sucks too. The main thing is to not over do it right away. I think if I were going 6 days a week, it would geet old quick. I am starting out at 3 days a week for 45 min and that is fine for now. I've been here before, I know what works. It's easy now while loosing weight but when the going gets tough 3 mos into this, that will be the hard part. I also know, at 47, things dont work like they did at 30!! LOL
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    Just turned 43 on Monday so here's to another successful journey around the sun. w00t w00t
  • lisaanne1369
    lisaanne1369 Posts: 377 Member
    June 13th I will be over half way through it.....46 and I am about to get half crazy and run my first half marathon in December!
  • jingerbird
    jingerbird Posts: 25 Member
    June 13th I will be over half way through it.....46 and I am about to get half crazy and run my first half marathon in December!

    Wow.....I'm in awe...I would love to be able to run a marathon. Good job!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good morning all! Had Jake this morning. He's such a funny boy- always makes me laugh!

    Jackie- so sorry to hear about your neighbor. Ruby is right- we never do know how long we have. Makes it come to light to make sure we treasure those we love even more.

    Kickboxing tonight!

    Have a good day all :flowerforyou:
  • nickpnh
    nickpnh Posts: 111 Member
    Jinger - find something you enjoy. I love to swim and was doing that. Then life got in the way. Now I love walking the dog. I literally went from no exercise (2-4k steps per day according to my smartphone) to now 10-15k/day. I ramped this from starting the day we got the dog - May 2nd we went 1 mile by day 3 I was at 2 miles. As of today, I haven't missed a day - although if she didn't start whining at 5:30a, I have certainly been tempted to roll over. But I am doing it for me as much as her so I get out of bed and go instead of just throwing the ball in the backyard for her. You can do this! It feels natural to get those steps in now and I get antsy when it is on the low side. Some days I just walk and some I run about half. If you can convince yourself to do whatever you choose for 3 weeks, it will be habit by then (at least it is for me). Oh and I have more energy and looser clothes but no loss. I need to stop eating back the calories but no matter what, my fitness level is going up.

    Sorry for the loss of child and neighbor. Prayers for the grieving.

    Happy Thursday all!