

  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I used to break spaghetti into 3 when my kids were little. I still break it in half. I rarely order it in a restaurant because I don't like the looong strands.

    I also never order ribs. I hate getting my hands dirty, even if it's because of delicious ribs.

    I stopped eating meat 25 years ago because seeing raw meat grossed me out. I stopped eating anything you had to rip off a bone 35 years ago. Completely turns my stomach.

    That's very similar to my explanation of how I eat: if it reminds me of what it was when it was alive, I don't eat it. Sometimes it's appearance, and other times (like pork) it's texture that puts me off.

    I can force myself to cook it but I won't be able to eat the end result, having handled it.

    But I can eat ground beef from time to time (bears no resemblance to dead cow, in my mind) or small pieces of meat like ham in pea soup or chicken bits in fried rice with no problem... just don't plop a steak on my plate.

    I'll volunteer as tribute to eat your steak. Oh, and pork.

    I accept, thank you! :)

    You get my steak, roast, porkchops, bacon, ribs and chicken parts -- never been able to eat wings.

    (Needless to say, anything with a bone in it immediately fails the "it used to be alive" test.)

    And apparently my egg consumption isn't as high as I thought...

    I know I've got you beat, but then, that's keto problems ;)

    For the first time in my life I care about muscle mass and, sadly, I can confirm that protein intake has a huge impact on the success of lifting. "Sadly" because I've happily eaten high carb/low protein until about a year ago.

    I have binge eaten so badly that I got sick and threw up, on multiple occassions.

    Thankfully I am on the path to seeing a therapist to deal with my emotional eating!

    I'm so glad you're getting help! :)
    81Katz wrote: »
    Norahoefer wrote: »
    When i get on the elipitcal in my basement I have to cover up every clock in the room including the one on the machine and then I spend the entire time trying to figure out how long each song I hear is or how many minutes between commercial breaks on the food network show I'm watching and how many minutes I have left. I hate it.

    I close my eyes. It seems like it drags on and on when I stare at the time on the elliptical. I also listen to music and tell myself 1 more song, ok 2 more songs, now 3 songs, etc etc.
    Eh, it works for me. :blush:

    I do 20 minutes of cardio every morning before I lift, and I get through that by telling myself at least I'm not doing squats (my least favourite lift).

    When I'm into the lifting part of my workout, I just keep reminding myself that at the end of it I get my reward, my delicious Dyna Whey iced cappuccino protein shake (you're reading this, aren't you @JPW1990 ? ;))

    It's a 3 hr drive to Windsor, and I'd have to get my passport renewed. You're mean :p
  • Sch614
    Sch614 Posts: 73 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    Wow, 100 new posts! You guys be crazy...

    Today's confession: It REALLY p*sses me off that you can't outwork a bad diet.

    The last month, I've been logging everything as usual, breakfast, lunches & snacks have been on point, but after analyzing the data, noticed my avg cals per day have been quite a bit higher. Exercise burn has been at its usual levels, avg about 550 cals a day. I usually net about 11-1200 cals per day after exercise, but this last month it's been more like 1700. And not good calories either, a lot of crap at home after work. Chips, cake, cookies. Bad habit creeping back in, getting complacent, I've figured this out for years, blah blah blah.

    End result? a 5 lb gain for May.

    The fire has been lit.

    Thanks for the compliment! :)

    I thought you could outwork a bad diet if you were male. All the males in my family do it. They workout simply so that they can continue to eat their fast food, drink pop/soda, and satisfy their steak and bacon obsession. Sorry it's not that way for you, but you will be better off in the long run!

    Some guys can. I'm not one of them, unfortunately!

    Being fit & trim, I am the freak in my family...everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, is overweight. My younger brother looks like John Candy. If I stop watching it & stop exercising I can put on 5 lbs in 10 days, no problem. It's a main focus of my life to stay fit & trim, and I've been on it for 8 years now.

    Here's my DL photo from 2007, at 240 lbs:

    And here's my new one, taken last month, at 175:

    Still way behind! That is a dramatic difference in those pictures, you should be very proud of your accomplishment! One day when I figure out how to post pics on here I will show you mine.

    That's really amazing and you truly look happy now!
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    edited May 2015

  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    I just walked by the local high school on my lunch break. Confession: so glad I'm years beyond high school. Question: did high school aged girls always look like hookers? The amazingly short shorts with crop tops/sport bras! Holy *kitten*-child, Batman!

    are you serious ? calling young girls *kitten* and hookers?sexualizing them nice

    they can wear whatever they want just like any other girl or women

  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    My boyfriend isn't attracted to me anymore because I've gained weight.....I Haven't had sex in five years and it has honestly given me a bit of depression!!!! :'(

    I think you have bigger problems in that relationship than no sex. It is probably time to move on.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    salembambi wrote: »
    I just walked by the local high school on my lunch break. Confession: so glad I'm years beyond high school. Question: did high school aged girls always look like hookers? The amazingly short shorts with crop tops/sport bras! Holy *kitten*-child, Batman!

    are you serious ? calling young girls *kitten* and hookers?sexualizing them nice

    they can wear whatever they want just like any other girl or women


    Was it the "absolutely" the "no" or the "judgment" that tripped you up?
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    salembambi wrote: »
    I just walked by the local high school on my lunch break. Confession: so glad I'm years beyond high school. Question: did high school aged girls always look like hookers? The amazingly short shorts with crop tops/sport bras! Holy *kitten*-child, Batman!

    are you serious ? calling young girls *kitten* and hookers?sexualizing them nice

    they can wear whatever they want just like any other girl or women


    Was it the "absolutely" the "no" or the "judgment" that tripped you up?

    I need a 'like' button
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Here are pictures of my fur babies. I am WAY behind on this, but I wanted to join in on the sharing party.

    This is Owen. I fear he's not to return. It's been over 3 weeks now and haven't seen him. That makes me sad because he was my baby boy.


    This is Lucy and Otis. Lucy is the big (for her breed, she's actually on the small side) Staffy, and Otis is the little one in the background.


    Awww, they're all so cute but I love big dogs so can I have Lucy?

    ETA: I love their names and I'm really sorry about Owen

    You'd have to fight (physically more than likely) my husband for her. That's his baby and he was heartbroken when she ran away a few years ago. That's a long story and she didn't run away on purpose. Anyway, NO, you can't have Lucy. Although, you're more than welcome to come and visit her. :smile:

    Edited because sometimes reading and typing is hard.

    Deal, I'll bring my Hannah :) she's my profile pic

    And she's adorable! I also love big dogs. Grew up my whole life with them. I just don't think I'm a small dog person. The smallest I think I could go for my own dog would be a Frenchie. I love Frenchies.

    I totally want a Frenchie!!! So cute!


    I KNOW!!! I mean how freaking adorable is the this little pile of rolls and fur?! I already have a name picked for when I get him. Pierre. Cute, right?!

    I was thinking Le'Bron. :blush: (Meet the Millers reference)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    salembambi wrote: »
    I just walked by the local high school on my lunch break. Confession: so glad I'm years beyond high school. Question: did high school aged girls always look like hookers? The amazingly short shorts with crop tops/sport bras! Holy *kitten*-child, Batman!

    are you serious ? calling young girls *kitten* and hookers?sexualizing them nice

    they can wear whatever they want just like any other girl or women


    Was it the "absolutely" the "no" or the "judgment" that tripped you up?

    Amen. And I agree about clothes, heck some things that 10yo girls wear make me shake my head sometimes.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    salembambi wrote: »
    I just walked by the local high school on my lunch break. Confession: so glad I'm years beyond high school. Question: did high school aged girls always look like hookers? The amazingly short shorts with crop tops/sport bras! Holy *kitten*-child, Batman!

    are you serious ? calling young girls *kitten* and hookers?sexualizing them nice

    they can wear whatever they want just like any other girl or women


    Was it the "absolutely" the "no" or the "judgment" that tripped you up?

    i automatically call out gross *kitten* it cannot be helped
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    Sch614 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I just now finished my protein shake. It was warm and gross and tasted nothing like chocolate cake @quiksylver296

    Unless I have a huge dinner, I'm going to have a hard time hitting my calorie goal today. I'm just not feeling like eating. I just want to lie down under a blanket and not be working. I will force myself to walk the treadmill at lunch so at least I can get some kind of physical movement today.

    side note, does anyone have any experience with Anthropologie? I found the CUTEST swimsuit on there yesterday but I didn't want to fork over the money if it's not good quality or has a crap return policy, etc.


    What do you think? Now, I won't look anywhere close to what she looks like, but I think it's sexy pinuppy but still super modest and conservative.

    I don't have an experience with Anthropologie, but that swimsuit is very nice!

    Love the suit! Worth a try!

    That's what I was thinking too. I better hurry and get something because I have to leave for my trip in less than a month. And a month from tomorrow is my 15 year anniversary!!! I'm so excited. I should probably start thinking about what I'm going to get my husband. You know, other than me. :wink: >:)

  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    I just walked by the local high school on my lunch break. Confession: so glad I'm years beyond high school. Question: did high school aged girls always look like hookers? The amazingly short shorts with crop tops/sport bras! Holy *kitten*, Batman!

    I am over at the neighborhood high school several times a week because of activities and I can confirm that my parents would have never let me out of the house in the things some girls are wearing. Now, they look great and I'm glad that they are confident, but holy crap - not in my house.
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I just now finished my protein shake. It was warm and gross and tasted nothing like chocolate cake @quiksylver296

    Unless I have a huge dinner, I'm going to have a hard time hitting my calorie goal today. I'm just not feeling like eating. I just want to lie down under a blanket and not be working. I will force myself to walk the treadmill at lunch so at least I can get some kind of physical movement today.

    side note, does anyone have any experience with Anthropologie? I found the CUTEST swimsuit on there yesterday but I didn't want to fork over the money if it's not good quality or has a crap return policy, etc.


    What do you think? Now, I won't look anywhere close to what she looks like, but I think it's sexy pinuppy but still super modest and conservative.

    I confess, that's a hot picture. I may have to save it to my hard drive so I can double click my mouse later, if you know what I mean. Or would I be clearing out my cookies?

    Well I get what you mean but since you're a dude ( I think) you would not be doing this.

    LOL American Pie reference.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Yes, I agree with @kellienw335. It is really cute, but you generally don't want the bottoms to fall at the largest part of the thigh. Of course, that may not be true in your case. How do you think it will fit?

    Sorry, but I have no knowledge of their quality or durability, though.

    I tried on a pair of swim shorts that hit in about the same place and they were super flattering and they made my butt look incredible. I should have bought them. I'm not sure how it will fit and I'm nervous about spending $148 on something I can't try on first. But I'm 100% in love with this swimsuit and it got all 5 star reviews on the site.

    Well, then, as long as you can return it for a full refund if it doesn't fit for some reason, I'd go for it!

    Thanks, I think I will. I will check out their return policy this weekend and if I don't find anything else I love just as much, I'm going for it!

  • kingskid207
    kingskid207 Posts: 19 Member
    22me wrote: »
    I've lied in bed researching diet plans and exercise routines umpteen times but have never worked out for more than three days when I eventually start.
    The next time you start, aim for 4 days and build on that. Never give up! Remember the story of the tortoise & the hare! Don't give up!

  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I just now finished my protein shake. It was warm and gross and tasted nothing like chocolate cake @quiksylver296

    Unless I have a huge dinner, I'm going to have a hard time hitting my calorie goal today. I'm just not feeling like eating. I just want to lie down under a blanket and not be working. I will force myself to walk the treadmill at lunch so at least I can get some kind of physical movement today.

    side note, does anyone have any experience with Anthropologie? I found the CUTEST swimsuit on there yesterday but I didn't want to fork over the money if it's not good quality or has a crap return policy, etc.


    What do you think? Now, I won't look anywhere close to what she looks like, but I think it's sexy pinuppy but still super modest and conservative.

    I confess, that's a hot picture. I may have to save it to my hard drive so I can double click my mouse later, if you know what I mean. Or would I be clearing out my cookies?

    Well I get what you mean but since you're a dude ( I think) you would not be doing this.

    I confess, I haven't found a good sexual innuendo revolving around computers for dudes. Partitioning my hard drive? Continuously pressing the 'Page Up' and 'Page Down' keys on my keyboard? Pushing an Image out? Converting my .pdf to a .doc file?

    I think I've heard one saying something about jerking the joy stick? Haha apologies if this is too explicit for anyone
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    salembambi wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    salembambi wrote: »
    I just walked by the local high school on my lunch break. Confession: so glad I'm years beyond high school. Question: did high school aged girls always look like hookers? The amazingly short shorts with crop tops/sport bras! Holy *kitten*-child, Batman!

    are you serious ? calling young girls *kitten* and hookers?sexualizing them nice

    they can wear whatever they want just like any other girl or women


    Was it the "absolutely" the "no" or the "judgment" that tripped you up?

    i automatically call out gross *kitten* it cannot be helped

    Me, too. Hence the comment.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    salembambi wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    salembambi wrote: »
    I just walked by the local high school on my lunch break. Confession: so glad I'm years beyond high school. Question: did high school aged girls always look like hookers? The amazingly short shorts with crop tops/sport bras! Holy *kitten*-child, Batman!

    are you serious ? calling young girls *kitten* and hookers?sexualizing them nice

    they can wear whatever they want just like any other girl or women


    Was it the "absolutely" the "no" or the "judgment" that tripped you up?

    i automatically call out gross *kitten* it cannot be helped

    so all 3 then, got it
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I am officially at my goal weight as of today. I think that I would like to try putting on muscle and getting back up about 5-8 lbs.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I just now finished my protein shake. It was warm and gross and tasted nothing like chocolate cake @quiksylver296

    Unless I have a huge dinner, I'm going to have a hard time hitting my calorie goal today. I'm just not feeling like eating. I just want to lie down under a blanket and not be working. I will force myself to walk the treadmill at lunch so at least I can get some kind of physical movement today.

    side note, does anyone have any experience with Anthropologie? I found the CUTEST swimsuit on there yesterday but I didn't want to fork over the money if it's not good quality or has a crap return policy, etc.


    What do you think? Now, I won't look anywhere close to what she looks like, but I think it's sexy pinuppy but still super modest and conservative.

    ModCloth has ones like that, I think, and they're far less expensive, I think! I can't check right now, but I strongly believe they have ones that are very similar! (I only state this because I've had very, very good experiences with ModCloth and their shipping/quality/return policy!)

    I checked. Because I'm running on about 5 hours sleep right now and I'm too braindead to do my job competently.

    They had lots with similar top but a regular leg cut... as far as I can tell on my crap monitor, which distorts images horizontally. Not many with the longer boy-short style leg though."

    edit: attempted to fix 1st link, unsuccessfully

    those are both really cute and unfortunately sold out. :( I really liked the pink one.