

  • kingskid207
    kingskid207 Posts: 19 Member
    jpenn2011 wrote: »
    whenever I have sex I get upset that mfp wont track that burn so I eat a cookie and damn the cals :P

    I swear they should have that option. A two hour sweat session between the sheets should definitely count.

    OMG so agree!!!!!!!!

    Me too!! Show some love, MFP!
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I have a confession. I bought a bag of Chips Ahoy chocolate chip cookies last week because they were on sale and I wanted to buy some freaking cookies. I selfishly told my daughter "THEY ARE MINE!" when she noticed them.

    The confession part...I haven't yet opened the bag because I don't want anyone else eating them and as long as they stay closed, I know no one else is. If I open the bag, I don't want to have to keep track of how many cookies I've eaten vs. how many are left in the bag.

    I'm very stingy with my food sometimes.

    This reminds me - When my kids were little, I had certain things that were MY snacks. When the kids asked about them, I would always say it was Nunya (as in, nunya business). LOL
    Cracked me up when the boy would say, Mommy, what are those cookies you're eating? Are they nunya?
  • LH85DC
    LH85DC Posts: 231 Member
    LH85DC wrote: »
    My poor pup has been so sick for a week now, just kinda tired and lethargic, plus a little sick to his stomach. Still eating (for the most part), but nothing seems to agree with him. Trying to get him in to see the vet in the next day or two - hopefully it's nothing serious and he just ate something bad! He might be almost seven years old, but he's still my baby


    Edited to add that my cats (Tadpole is the big brown and white guy, Purranha the little grey one) are totally taking advantage of him being sick... stealing food out of his bowl, swatting at him even though he isn't doing anything. They better watch out when he starts feeling better!
    Gorgeous dog! I hope he feels better soon.

    Cool cat tower too.

    I have the exact same cat tower. LOL I'll have to find the pic I have of all 4 kitties on the tower. Of course, I can't post photos from work, so it'll have to wait. :/

    Do your cats like it as much as ours do? They love it... although the chubby one appears to be afraid to climb it all the way to the top. The top level is reserved for Purranha. One of the best Amazon purchases ever
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I have a confession. I bought a bag of Chips Ahoy chocolate chip cookies last week because they were on sale and I wanted to buy some freaking cookies. I selfishly told my daughter "THEY ARE MINE!" when she noticed them.

    The confession part...I haven't yet opened the bag because I don't want anyone else eating them and as long as they stay closed, I know no one else is. If I open the bag, I don't want to have to keep track of how many cookies I've eaten vs. how many are left in the bag.

    I'm very stingy with my food sometimes.

    Fold the bag over and staple it each time you use it.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    salembambi wrote: »
    I just walked by the local high school on my lunch break. Confession: so glad I'm years beyond high school. Question: did high school aged girls always look like hookers? The amazingly short shorts with crop tops/sport bras! Holy *kitten*-child, Batman!

    are you serious ? calling young girls *kitten* and hookers?sexualizing them nice

    they can wear whatever they want just like any other girl or women

    geezus g

    She did not call them hookers, she said they dressed like hookers dress.....
    *kitten*-child, I think that sums it up well if that is what they are wearing to school.

    She did not sexualize them, I believe they are doing that themselves!

    Thinking about this last night, it occurred to me that I have NO idea how hookers dress these days as I haven't laid eyes on a real life one in years. And this is probably a good thing, lol.


    Watch any current music video and you will see what a hooker looks like

    Ooooh SNAP! I did go there.

    I avoid music videos after seeing one (rap maybe?) where a scantily-clad young woman was kneeling before the lead singer, apparently simulating an oral sex act on his outstretched handgun.

    I was horrified and appalled on so many levels... and my latent feminist side came rearing up, screaming, "THIS behaviour is what is being modeled for young women these days?"

    Yea... I rest my case. That's disgusting.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    I have never read Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

    You can fix this, you know. It's never too late. Don't be deceived by the craptastic movie adaptations out there.

  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I have a confession. I bought a bag of Chips Ahoy chocolate chip cookies last week because they were on sale and I wanted to buy some freaking cookies. I selfishly told my daughter "THEY ARE MINE!" when she noticed them.

    The confession part...I haven't yet opened the bag because I don't want anyone else eating them and as long as they stay closed, I know no one else is. If I open the bag, I don't want to have to keep track of how many cookies I've eaten vs. how many are left in the bag.

    I'm very stingy with my food sometimes.

    There is always dark chocolate of some variety in our cabinet. The boy tried it a long time ago and didn't like it, so every time he asks for some I remind him that he doesn't like that kind. Wondering when that will end, and hoping never!

    Also, the husband said to me "you like old lady chocolate", so I told him if his taste buds were not refined enough to appreciate my quality chocolate then he should keep it out of his mouth. (To clarify, this conversation was playful not mean.)
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I have a confession. I bought a bag of Chips Ahoy chocolate chip cookies last week because they were on sale and I wanted to buy some freaking cookies. I selfishly told my daughter "THEY ARE MINE!" when she noticed them.

    The confession part...I haven't yet opened the bag because I don't want anyone else eating them and as long as they stay closed, I know no one else is. If I open the bag, I don't want to have to keep track of how many cookies I've eaten vs. how many are left in the bag.

    I'm very stingy with my food sometimes.

    Fold the bag over and staple it each time you use it.

    Not a bad idea. I just get irritated that I very rarely buy stuff that's just mine because I'm not a huge snack person, so when I do, I want it to be all mine. Buy your own stuff!

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I have a confession. I bought a bag of Chips Ahoy chocolate chip cookies last week because they were on sale and I wanted to buy some freaking cookies. I selfishly told my daughter "THEY ARE MINE!" when she noticed them.

    The confession part...I haven't yet opened the bag because I don't want anyone else eating them and as long as they stay closed, I know no one else is. If I open the bag, I don't want to have to keep track of how many cookies I've eaten vs. how many are left in the bag.

    I'm very stingy with my food sometimes.

    There is always dark chocolate of some variety in our cabinet. The boy tried it a long time ago and didn't like it, so every time he asks for some I remind him that he doesn't like that kind. Wondering when that will end, and hoping never!

    Also, the husband said to me "you like old lady chocolate", so I told him if his taste buds were not refined enough to appreciate my quality chocolate then he should keep it out of his mouth. (To clarify, this conversation was playful not mean.)

    That made me smile. Dove dark chocolate promises are some of my absolute favorite. My husband bought 3 bags for me for Christmas.

  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I have a confession. I bought a bag of Chips Ahoy chocolate chip cookies last week because they were on sale and I wanted to buy some freaking cookies. I selfishly told my daughter "THEY ARE MINE!" when she noticed them.

    The confession part...I haven't yet opened the bag because I don't want anyone else eating them and as long as they stay closed, I know no one else is. If I open the bag, I don't want to have to keep track of how many cookies I've eaten vs. how many are left in the bag.

    I'm very stingy with my food sometimes.

    There is always dark chocolate of some variety in our cabinet. The boy tried it a long time ago and didn't like it, so every time he asks for some I remind him that he doesn't like that kind. Wondering when that will end, and hoping never!

    Also, the husband said to me "you like old lady chocolate", so I told him if his taste buds were not refined enough to appreciate my quality chocolate then he should keep it out of his mouth. (To clarify, this conversation was playful not mean.)

    I stick to 87% usually. Once in a while something closer to 75% with chili or mint in it. I'll admit I was very happy the day the guys announced that they didn't want any because it was too bitter (my son will still eat the chili one, but none of the others).
  • kingskid207
    kingskid207 Posts: 19 Member
    I just walked by the local high school on my lunch break. Confession: so glad I'm years beyond high school. Question: did high school aged girls always look like hookers? The amazingly short shorts with crop tops/sport bras! Holy *kitten*, Batman!

    High school was about 25ish years ago for me and no, the girls did NOT dress like that! I'm glad you mentioned it cuz I was starting to think I was an old biddy. Don't know how those young boys can concentrate when they've got all their faces all day long. When will those young ladies learn that covered is way more attractive? (not saying they have to wear a tent or anything)
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    IAmTheGlue wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    IAmTheGlue wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    AlciaMode wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    So I mentioned earlier that the swimsuit I wanted was sold out. My husband felt bad so he went on Amazon and picked out 4 similar suits and ordered them for me. My confession, I don't deserve such a fantastic man, I'm just glad he doesn't know that. ;)

    What a guy!!!

    I second that statement. Can we clone him?

    Knock yourself out. Let me know how that works out for you. :smile: He's not without flaws though. His flatulence can clear full rooms and he tends to be a workaholic. He is a perfectionist so when he sets a goal, he'll do whatever it takes to reach it. That's both a gift and curse.

    God definitely knew what He was doing when He molded that guy. I'm just incredibly humbled He chose me for him. *I'm not crying.

    To all you singles out there, DO NOT SETTLE! You deserve someone that thinks the world of you and will do whatever it takes to make you feel like the most important person in their life. If they don't, move on. Luckily, God practically dropped my honey in lap. He knew I was lazy. :smiley:

    ^ This! I have the same kind of husband. He's my second husband and if I knew what marriage or a relationship *could* feel like, I wouldn't have spent so long with the abusive a$$hat I married first.

    I am grateful everyday for my husband. That would be my 2nd best relationship advice: Don't settle. Don't settle. Don't settle.

    I was beyond fortunate to meet my husband when I was 18. We've definitely had our moments during our almost 17 years of being together, but we've also definitely had more good than bad. He is truly my best friend.

    My mom has been married 3 times and I didn't want to be like that (not judging, I just don't think I could do it more than once) when I got married. God made sure I found my other half the first time around and I'm thankful every day for him. I hope he feels the same.

    I wonder what he'd think if he knew how much I brag on him in here?! Hopefully he'd be flattered and not embarrassed.

    I get what you are saying. I wish I would have found my husband 10 years prior to meeting him. :)

    Maybe if you had met him earlier, you wouldn't appreciate him as much. I know I surely take my husband for granted even though I know how incredibly lucky (I don't like that word) I am to have found him as early as I did. I'm working on appreciating him more. Part of that is bragging him about him on here. :smiley:

    This! I met my husband (ooh, that still feels weird!) when we were eighteen but I was dating someone else at the time and we didn't get together until about 7 years later, and I am SO THANKFUL. I think that if we'd gotten together at that age, we would not be together now, as we needed to grow up a bit, I needed to learn from experience what I didn't want in a partner, and neither of us would have been right for each other at that age (he was still awkward with women, I was still a bit superficial and liked to party too much, and neither of us knew what we were doing with our lives.) But after several years and many horrible boyfriends, I finally was able to see how great he was and how great he is for me. I wouldn't have appreciated a lot of the things I love most about him now if I'd been given them at 18, or 21, or whatever.

    Nice to hear he was worth the wait! Btw, your wedding pictures are awesome and you two look like you're a lot of fun to hang out with. Congrats again on joining the married club and here's to many, many years of happiness!

  • dcbscott
    dcbscott Posts: 6 Member
    3Alice3 wrote: »
    I have done the hot chocolate powder thing. Just kept dipping the spoon in water and back in the powder, rinse and repeat. Was actually amazing so now I have to have the sachets instead of the big pot so I don't do it again haha.

    Humm a confession. My daughter doesn't like crusts on her sandwiches so some days when I am prepping it I eat her crusts. There. I said it.

    Lol! I do this. But with my client's cake tops. If I bake a cake that comes out uneven, I cut the top off to level it. When I'm good, I trash them immediately. But when I'm bad, oh boy I can scarf an entire cake top in minutes! I feel so guilty afterwards. #nevergethighonyouronsupply
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    IAmTheGlue wrote: »
    IAmTheGlue wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    AlciaMode wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    So I mentioned earlier that the swimsuit I wanted was sold out. My husband felt bad so he went on Amazon and picked out 4 similar suits and ordered them for me. My confession, I don't deserve such a fantastic man, I'm just glad he doesn't know that. ;)

    What a guy!!!

    I second that statement. Can we clone him?

    Knock yourself out. Let me know how that works out for you. :smile: He's not without flaws though. His flatulence can clear full rooms and he tends to be a workaholic. He is a perfectionist so when he sets a goal, he'll do whatever it takes to reach it. That's both a gift and curse.

    God definitely knew what He was doing when He molded that guy. I'm just incredibly humbled He chose me for him. *I'm not crying.

    To all you singles out there, DO NOT SETTLE! You deserve someone that thinks the world of you and will do whatever it takes to make you feel like the most important person in their life. If they don't, move on. Luckily, God practically dropped my honey in lap. He knew I was lazy. :smiley:

    ^ This! I have the same kind of husband. He's my second husband and if I knew what marriage or a relationship *could* feel like, I wouldn't have spent so long with the abusive a$$hat I married first.

    I am grateful everyday for my husband. That would be my 2nd best relationship advice: Don't settle. Don't settle. Don't settle.

    Working on it. I am a happily divorced 26 year old.

    May I ask what the 1st best relationship advice you have is?

    My very best relationship advice is: be yourself. 100% exactly who you are from the get go. No best manners. No holding back. Just be 100% the real you, flaws and all. If you leave your cups on the coffee table all week and carry 7 coffee cups to the dishwasher on Saturday , do it from the very beginning. Whatever your worst is... they deserve to know the truth.

    I was divorced and happily single for well over a year before I met my husband. I was a single mom of 3 little kids (6, 4 & 2 years old). I wasn't dating anyone and definitely wasn't looking. My washer and fridge died in under a week. We had a new maintenance man at work. I asked him to come look at them and he did. I literally needed those things fixed. I wasn't just trying to pick him up

    Anyway, he asked if he could take me to eat after he looked at them and I was all "I don't need a man. I'm not looking for a relationship. But, I will tell you what... you be you...exactly who you are. I'll be me. Exactly who I am. No best behavior or pretending to be someone your aren't. If we click, great. If not, we are no worse off than we are right now. No pretending."

    He agreed. I have been exactly me ever since. I was just trying to avoid heartache later when we realized that it actually wouldnt work but had put all this time in getting to know each other. We are very good together and I chalk it up to blatant honesty in who we are.

    So, that is my best advice... be yourself. Don't settle. :)

    This is good advice! Within weeks of meeting my SO we were lying on the sofa and as I got up I accidentally farted in his face. That has been his get out clause for all the disgusting smells he has produced in the last 7 years. We still love each other though. Farts and all.
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I have to confess I don't own a single thong/g-string. I don't find them comfortable at all. To be fair I think I need to go shopping for some sexier underwear. Mine are all polka dots and boy shorts :|

    I just went from granny panties to bikinis, lol. Forget thongs for me!

    Once I made the switch to things I never went back. I have a round butt and everything ends up there anyway. I only wear thongs now. Much more comfortable.

    I also only wear thongs. My favorite brand is Hanky Panky. They are seriously the most comfortable underwear ever made! No lines and they stay put!

    I can't wear them anymore. I feel like I'm wearing cheese wire.

    THIS!!^ Very funny image though.
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I have a confession. I bought a bag of Chips Ahoy chocolate chip cookies last week because they were on sale and I wanted to buy some freaking cookies. I selfishly told my daughter "THEY ARE MINE!" when she noticed them.

    The confession part...I haven't yet opened the bag because I don't want anyone else eating them and as long as they stay closed, I know no one else is. If I open the bag, I don't want to have to keep track of how many cookies I've eaten vs. how many are left in the bag.

    I'm very stingy with my food sometimes.

    I can't believe you haven't opened them yet! I bought S'more oreos when I went grocery shopping Saturday and it took everything not to open them on the way home.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    I have never read Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

    You can fix this, you know. It's never too late. Don't be deceived by the craptastic movie adaptations out there.

    One of the best books ever.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    This is important.


    As is this.


    He passed both tests! :smiley:

  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    IAmTheGlue wrote: »
    IAmTheGlue wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    AlciaMode wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    So I mentioned earlier that the swimsuit I wanted was sold out. My husband felt bad so he went on Amazon and picked out 4 similar suits and ordered them for me. My confession, I don't deserve such a fantastic man, I'm just glad he doesn't know that. ;)

    What a guy!!!

    I second that statement. Can we clone him?

    Knock yourself out. Let me know how that works out for you. :smile: He's not without flaws though. His flatulence can clear full rooms and he tends to be a workaholic. He is a perfectionist so when he sets a goal, he'll do whatever it takes to reach it. That's both a gift and curse.

    God definitely knew what He was doing when He molded that guy. I'm just incredibly humbled He chose me for him. *I'm not crying.

    To all you singles out there, DO NOT SETTLE! You deserve someone that thinks the world of you and will do whatever it takes to make you feel like the most important person in their life. If they don't, move on. Luckily, God practically dropped my honey in lap. He knew I was lazy. :smiley:

    ^ This! I have the same kind of husband. He's my second husband and if I knew what marriage or a relationship *could* feel like, I wouldn't have spent so long with the abusive a$$hat I married first.

    I am grateful everyday for my husband. That would be my 2nd best relationship advice: Don't settle. Don't settle. Don't settle.

    Working on it. I am a happily divorced 26 year old.

    May I ask what the 1st best relationship advice you have is?

    My very best relationship advice is: be yourself. 100% exactly who you are from the get go. No best manners. No holding back. Just be 100% the real you, flaws and all. If you leave your cups on the coffee table all week and carry 7 coffee cups to the dishwasher on Saturday , do it from the very beginning. Whatever your worst is... they deserve to know the truth.

    I was divorced and happily single for well over a year before I met my husband. I was a single mom of 3 little kids (6, 4 & 2 years old). I wasn't dating anyone and definitely wasn't looking. My washer and fridge died in under a week. We had a new maintenance man at work. I asked him to come look at them and he did. I literally needed those things fixed. I wasn't just trying to pick him up

    Anyway, he asked if he could take me to eat after he looked at them and I was all "I don't need a man. I'm not looking for a relationship. But, I will tell you what... you be you...exactly who you are. I'll be me. Exactly who I am. No best behavior or pretending to be someone your aren't. If we click, great. If not, we are no worse off than we are right now. No pretending."

    He agreed. I have been exactly me ever since. I was just trying to avoid heartache later when we realized that it actually wouldnt work but had put all this time in getting to know each other. We are very good together and I chalk it up to blatant honesty in who we are.

    So, that is my best advice... be yourself. Don't settle. :)

    This is good advice! Within weeks of meeting my SO we were lying on the sofa and as I got up I accidentally farted in his face. That has been his get out clause for all the disgusting smells he has produced in the last 7 years. We still love each other though. Farts and all.

    I find that awesome!!! My husband farted on our 2nd date. He said excuse me so that makes it okay, right?
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    This is important.


    As is this.


    He passed both tests! :smiley:

    There is also
