Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Say Something Nice Day!
    Say Something Nice Day began in Charleston, South Carolina, when the Mayors of North Charleston and Charleston came together with members of the Charleston-Atlantic Presbytery and the South Carolina Baptist Convention to create a day to be kind to the special people in our lives, like our children. It’s also a day to remember and celebrate people, who provide us with a variety of services, such as bus drivers, healthcare workers and teachers. And, it’s a great opportunity to apologize to people that we might have wronged or hurt through our behaviour. The aim of this special day is to fight against unkindness, bullying and the lack of politeness that dominates society today. The creators hope that this one day of pleasantness will grow, until people are nice to each other everyday.
    Set an example and encourage your children to be nice to each other on this day.

    "Well," said Pooh, "what I like best," and then he had to stop and think. Because although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn’t know what it was called. ~A.A. Milne


  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Morning folks ... Monday check in for me ...
    Follow-through --- Niki do it now!

    Welcome new posters ... I can hear the desperation, destitution, fearful hopefulness, resolution, determination and fear of failure in your posts. Believe me ... we on the thread, and all weight-loss goalies have felt what you feel right now.

    Lori - congratulations on your Triathlon .. you and Skinny, Laurie and Kaye, Tom and a few others have been my inspirations to keep going on this challenging road.
  • jorinya
    jorinya Posts: 933 Member
    @cblue315, Amazing job. Congrats on your big achievement. Maybe one day I will join you in claiming that title but not here in Nigeria. I'd be too hot!
    @tlh0407, thanks very much. Congrats on your loss. You are doing an amazing job, well done!

    Still feel like crap, antibiotic seems to be working but still not clear what is up. Have to wait until Wednesday before I have a scan to see what is really going on. Little scary but will be glad its over soon. I know I'm not supposed to workout but I really really want to workout. Might try tomorrow. Still in pain but its not as much as before. I actually slept last night. My target for last month wasn't met, my target for this month hasn't been set. Good news in all of this........ The doctors and nurses who haven't seen me since January were amazed at my weight loss and asked me how I managed it. I told them Cambridge Weight Plan (UK) and MFP!
  • misscrys00
    misscrys00 Posts: 2 Member
    Lost 6 lbs last week! I'm eating what I want in moderation but I really think the exercising and increased water is the biggest boost. And I can tell I'm losing inches, too...that's even better in my book.

    Your stories and posts encourage me to keep moving. Have a great week,everyone!

  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    ushkii wrote: »
    I've been up north having a great time swimming everyday In an outdoor heated pool last night something exciting happened while we were all sitting around the fire outside and a moose walked past us usually they don't come out of the woods into the open like that so it was quite exciting to see one

    Was there a squire with an aviator cap following him Or maybe a short Russian man darkly dress accompanied by a tall female accomplices?

    Yes in fact we did chase it back into the woods
  • claywalton
    claywalton Posts: 13 Member
    Hello everyone,
    I'm glad I found this thread, I read a few and y'all seem like really nice people. Well, I have 100 lbs to lose, I started MFP in late February or early March, can't quite remember, but I've list right around 30 lbs but feels like more inches. I travel a lot and I found I was able to go to the gym EVERY single day AND eat a lot healthier. Now I'm back home and my wife is a great cook, so I don't feel I'm eating as healthy as I was and I'm not going to the gym every day like I was, I guess life gets in the way. Funny thing is, I'm still losing weight, maybe my metabolism has increased. If it wasn't for MFP, I don't think I'd be anywhere near where I am today weight wise, it really helps me kero track of my calories. Talk to you guys soon!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm officially back from my weekend getaway. I physically returned last night, but mentally I was still on vacation until tonight. Didn't log today and food wasn't stellar, but after work I took gunner for a long walk and then made some tilapia to take for lunch tomorrow.

    @clay-- welcome and congrats on being 30 lbs down! Yes, life can get in the way sometimes, but I bet you're right about your metabolism being better than it was before you started working out. Any muscle you built up from that daily exercise will help your body burn calories even when you're at rest. My husband is the cook and was always all about the comfort foods. When I had to take tiny portions of his meals to make them fit my calorie allowance, he started making some healthy substitutions (like ground turkey for beef) in some of the recipes. He loves to cook and is really good at it, so he learned to enjoy the challenge of making his great tasting meals healthier. If your wife is a great cook, I'm sure she could do the same.

    @ushkii -- loved the Bullwinkle reference, though I fear I'm showing my age by admitting it.

    @missy-- I agree that losing inches is better than pounds; I mean no one is going to pick me up to see if I feel lighter, but people can see if I've lost inches. :wink: Congrats on your progress!

    @jorinya-- hope the scan reveals what's wrong.

    @tracy (tlh)-- ugh, I hate migraines! I used to get them regularly in my mid-30s, but they are few and far between lately. <knocks on wood>

    @lori-- Oh, I am so, so proud of you!! Great job completing your goal!!

    @kelley (kah)-- sorry about the boot and the disappointing raise. :( Glad to hear that at least the weather is starting to settle down. My DH said he heard that if TX were completely flat it would be submerged under 8 inches of water--yikes!

    I know I missed some of you, so a big hello to everyone else!! :)

    Monday Check-in:
    Made it through Nashville trip with no damage weight-wise. I ate and drank more calories than usual, but we did a lot of walking and I even went to the gym and ran 3 miles on Saturday.

    Can't believe it's June-only 10 days until summer break for me!!

    June Challenge:
    Nutrition = At or over 90 grams of protein 25/30 days -- x/25

    Exercise = run 10 x minimum this month including at least one 8k.
    Week 1: x/2 runs
    Week 2: x/2 runs
    Week 3: x/3 runs
    Week 4: x/3 runs

    Run another 8k (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47, 1/25 = 55:41; 2/28=55:15, 3/29 = 59:15; 5/9 = 59:16)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 1/30 Senior finals
    2. 20/60 Poem journals

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--rest day
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner + gym or run outside
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--rest day (retirement party for a colleague)
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym or run outside

    2015 Mantra = Just 15 minutes

  • 196449ab
    196449ab Posts: 8 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    @karenleona I have inspirational quotes for you... :-)
    Put these on your frig, in your bathroom, and say them aloud, or in your brain...whatever works for you.
    finally one by where you cook:
    I think of this journey I am on as a reboot, a reprograming of my mind in how I relate to food and my body. So, do your homework, make your kitchen a place where great decisions are made and cooked.
    -watch the movie, "Eat, Pray, Love". :-)
    LisaC1202 wrote: »
    196449ab wrote: »
    Hi I'm new. I've always been skinny until my 30s hit and my mom suddenly died. Then i became depressed and an emotional eater. I would binge eat at night after my fiance went to bed. I have been in total denial of my weight gain, until my dr told me i am obese. I need to lose 100 lbs, so i joined a bootcamp, got on a lean body meal plan, but i need help and support. Thanks!

    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    @jorinya - how did I miss that you're in Nigeria?!! I hope you get to feeling much better soon. I bet Nigeria's heat isn't much better or worse than Texas in the depths of summer - it can get pretty sweltering here when it's 105 degrees and 60% humidity with no breeze for weeks on end! Of course the forcast for TX for this year is for much cooler and wetter weather because of El Nino, and so far it's been VERY wet, and much cooler than usual, so maybe the forecast is right.
    @misscrys00 - congrats on the 6# loss, I've gone 2 weeks with no loss/gain, first plateau I've hit and frustrated, but everyone says they can see the difference in my face and body so it's all good!
    @claywalton - welcome to the thread, you'll find lots of support here. Congrats on the 30 lb loss so far.
    @skinnyjeanzbound - welcome back from your mini=vacation, and congrats on managing to work in exercise along with the fun.

    AFM - I'm afraid that my DH is back in the hospital, his COPD has gotten worse since he had the pneumonia in March, and it's been really bad the last week. This morning he couldn't take it anymore and we had to call the ambulance. Funny story, I thought our gate was fixed yesterday but I couldn't get the electric opener to work this morning, and I coldn't figure out how to open it without it. So I directed the ambulance to come in our other gate. Problem was I forgot about the bog created by the recent rains, and the ambulance got stuck in the middle of the gate! They had to call a second ambulance AND a tow truck! Man, I felt bad, especially since right after it happened I figured out all I had to do was pull out one pin and the gate opened in two shakes! AArgh! But they were really nice about it. Anyway, Ron's back in the same hospital but there's no sign of pneumonia this time, so hopefully he won't be there for so long this time.

    Gotta go, hope everyone has a great day tomorrow.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited June 2015
    @Karen~Welcome back from your mini-vacay, sounds like you had a great time and hooray for getting to the gym one day. I think all of the walking I do on my cruises, keeps me from gaining weight. Wow, I hadn’t heard that about our rain! :astonished: We have been rain-free for 3 days now, but some roadways are still flooded—nowhere for the water to go, they were pumping it into one of the rivers but its above flood stage so they had to stop. Never have I looked so forward to our dry, hot summers. :wink: Is this the last week of school?

    @Clay~Welcome and congrats on losing 30# so far, outstanding! :star:

    @misscrys000~I agree that extra water helps a lot with weight loss, honestly my loss becomes stagnant, if I don’t exercise enough.

    @Jorinya~I’m sorry for your illness and continued pain, I hope you have answers soon so you can begin to heal. Try not to overdo if you are under a doctor’s orders to rest.

    @GOINSTD12 (Tracy)~I’m so sorry to hear about DHs hospitalization, glad he doesn’t have pneumonia—hope he is home soon. Oy, the trouble all of this rain has caused—I’m glad the ambulance drivers were easy going about it.

    Tuesday Goals are to actually stick with my plan this week, so far so good. I really want to lose 10# before traveling to my sisters over July 4th weekend. I discovered yesterday there is a water aerobics (AquaFit) class on Tuesday evenings at my gym, so trying it for the first time tonight—it will be good for taking the pressure of my Achilles, so giving it a go.

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Bike DONE!
    Monday~Gym, cardio DONE!
    Thursday~Gym, weights
    Friday~Gym or bike
    Saturday~Rest Day

    Have a great day!
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    @kah68 - you're going to love the aquasize class, I sure did while I still had my 24Hr Fitness membership! It really burns the calories without killing your joints and it's so fun!
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    edited June 2015
    Happy Day to all!
    @GOINSTD12 - So sorry to hear about DH in the hosptial, I will pray all goes well.
    @kah68 - Hope the weather stays clear for you. Too bad about the disappointing raise. The aqua class should be good on your achilles.
    @skinnyjeanzbound - I am so very envious about your Nashville trip. I would so love to spend some time there.
    @Lauriek70 - Kayaking sounds like great fun for your birthday.
    @jorinya - Please take it easy while you are healing. You may have a setback if you push yourself.
    @tlh0407 - I used to get migraines often before my hysterectomy. Since then only occasionally. I can usually track it down to either not enough sleep, not enough water, too much caffiene or too many bananas. Strange triggers I know but there you are.
    @Annr - Love your idea about the hidden $10.00. I may incorporate that into my food plan
    @NK1112 - Love your words of welcome in your last post. I remember those feelings all too well, I've had some success so I forget now.
    @claywalton - welcome and congratulations on your 30# loss. Maybe you can try your hand a doing some of the cooking so you can eat a little healthier at home.
    @snbrown1214 @misscrys00 - Welcome to both of you. This is a great place to find friendship and support on your weightloss journey.

    AFM: Still feeling the fatigue from the race. Weigh in today was not so good, I am 4# above my ticker. So I am back on plan. My goal is to be down to 175 by the end of June. Once I get below 180 I will no longer be on the obese BMI.
    Work is still very busy. I just don't get why. Typically this is a slow time of year for us but not this year. One or two new customers almost every day.
    I am working out some emotional stuff this week. Trying to remain calm no matter what life is throwing at me. It is a good practice for life in general.

    Love to all,
    Lori <3

    "Act the way you want to become until you become the way you act."
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    edited June 2015
    Good morning everyone.
    @cblue congrats on the Tri. You should be super proud of yourself.
    @goinstd12 I hope your hubby starts to feel better soon. Happy to hear he doesn't have pneumonia agin at least.
    @Karen I am super jealous of your Nashville trip. There are so many places I would like to go and see but hubby and I are very focused on getting a house in the next year or so.
    @Laurie kayaking sounds like fun. Not sure I am up to that yet but if I can get sown to 250 before the season is over my reward for that is going to be white water rafting on the Columbia river. I am very excited about that :)
    @Kah that sucks about the raise and the boot but hopefully things will start to look up in other areas. At least the sky zipped up for awhile. Oh and yes the bacon cream cheese was really good :)

    Welcome to all the new faces I have seen lately. I hope you continue to check in since everyone on here is really friendly and have lots of great advice.

    So we are getting ready to swap out people in the house. My son heads back to work on Sunday and his dad comes home Monday morning. For the newbies they both work on the bearing sea so are gone for long stretches at a time. It hit me the other day that if everything goes according to plan my son and hubby wont ever be living in the same house again. When son gets home he should have enough money to pay off some debt and get his own place. Kind of a bittersweet moment but he wont be going far so it shouldn't be to bad. Overall I have been doing okay with the activity but the food has been hit or miss since the camping trip. I haven't gone back over three though so I am not to stressed about it. I seem to be mostly back on track this week. I am not sure I am tracking my activity quite right but it is working right now so I am not to worried. All I am tracking is my steps with the fitbit and not anything else I might occasionally do as I am not sure where or how I would do that to not be like doubling up with the steps. Not sure if that made sense outside my head lol. Well I am supposed to be cleaning out and organizing freezers so I guess I better get to it. Have a great day everyone. :):):)
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Well it is true if you knew I was referring to Rocky and Bullwinkle you are not as young as you wish.
    ushkii wrote: »
    I've been up north having a great time swimming everyday In an outdoor heated pool last night something exciting happened while we were all sitting around the fire outside and a moose walked past us usually they don't come out of the woods into the open like that so it was quite exciting to see one

    Was there a squire with an aviator cap following him Or maybe a short Russian man darkly dress accompanied by a tall female accomplices?

    Yes in fact we did chase it back into the woods

    Glad to see another Y chromosome joined, Hello @claywalton ! Settling in to a new eating routine is tough. Portion control is critical. Measure and weigh stuff before it goes on your plate. (You are down 30 lbs. so you know this or have found somewhat to make it work.) I have found that if I keep up with my water intake it is not so bad to just have the measly serving the DW allows me. Really it is a change, just last night she said we are doing good, remember when we would be watching TV and mindlessly nibbling on chips or cookies. When I say nibbling I really mean something more like inhaling. You know it is like what the heck! Why do they make these cookie package so small or is that all the chips they put in this family size bag?

    @GOINSTD12 Sorry to hear of you husbands problems I hope he gets well and feeling better.
    @cblue315 Congrats on your accomplishment! That is great news.

    I am so glad you all can find this message board and share your stories and life with me. Not sure how each of you do that but I found in the upper left there is a star that will bookmark the message board and then later when you go to the COMMUNITY tab that star is there again and it list the message board you marked. Is there a better way to do this?

    I am still having problems with my calf, it seems to be pulling or straining the muscle every few days. Almost 2x/week. It gets better and I almost walk normally and then it snaps and I am back to limping and it is painful. This has been going on for over a month and does not seem to be getting better. I have tried to heat it and elevate but again it gets better but in a couple days it get tight and snaps. I guess I am going to have to go to a doctor and have them tell me to rest and wait.
  • jorinya
    jorinya Posts: 933 Member
    @misscrys00, congrats on your outstanding loss this week. Amazing job.
    @claywalton, welcome. Great job losing 30lbs. Add me if you like. I leave little messages every day.
    @skinnyjeanzbound, glad you enjoyed your weekend away. Hope youre well rested.
    @GOINSTD12, sorry to hear your DH is back in hospital. Hope he gets better soon. The weather here is hot normally but now its rainy season so its nice and cool. I'm feeling like I'm at home but then I go to the window and realise I'm not in Coosan anymore. (Coosan is my little village).
    @cblue315, you will be sore for a while, try radox muscle soak in the bath tub and a pinch of salt ( granny would do that when we sore from doing the turf).
    @jtconst, I know how you feel. My husband used to work in the north sea and I was scared until he would come home. Now he works on shore? I think he lost his sea legs, lol.
    @ushkii, hope you feel better soon. Do what the doctors tell you and rest. Says the girl that bored not working out and did a chair workout today.

    Going for the scan tomorrow. A little nervous as I don't know what they will find. I hope they can sort it out because I'm getting really bored and I worked out a bit today. Chair exercises so didn't over do it. Funny it actually stopped the pain for an hour. Last day of antibiotics tomorrow so hopefully will lose all the water weight they have left behind.
    Thank you all for your kind words. If you haven't added me yet, please feel free to do so and add a little message to catch my eye because I have declined a few because I haven't a clue where they saw my posts or if they just want to up their friends list. Would love all of you here as friends. You ladies and gents are amazing.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Well folks last night I was up ALL night with issues with myself.... Lets just say I was abit blocked up. I swear I was lamaze breathing, pacing the house, getting sick, and generally just miserable all night long. Finally "things started to happen" and by 3am I took a warm bath, (falling asleep in the tub no less...yes my face was above and today I am just plain sore. I feel like I did situps all night long.. That has never happened before. I have been eating well, but lunches have been wild rice and veggies, and I did make that homemade granola. So too much oats....Im gonna die like that Grape Nuts dude Euell Gibbons choking on a pine cone...... So any hints...I know NO granola late at night..... I was feeling really great up until yesterday afternoon. So I am thinking it was things just not processing well for awhile now... ok enough of that talk....sighes..
    Today husband and I sat and watched the Navy ships come down the Columbia River to the Rose Festival events this weekend. We saw the Lady H. Washington, a sailing ship that is going to be pierside by the Maritime Museum in Astoria. There is going to be a "Goonies Festival" and with it being kind of a pirate ship it made its way here. The movie "The Goonies" was filmed in Astoria, and I swear there is a cult following here. We only say a Navy Mine Sweeper sail by, but no cruisers like we had hoped. We are thinking the water is too low in Portland to accomidate them, but we are just guessing.
    It has been raining terriblly here, and I know all my veggies are just drowning in the garden.... Ack!
    Well tomorrow is weighing in day at my TOPS meeting (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) and I am certain I did lose some weight... (after last nights trama-filled I would hope so)...
    Health and Happiness to you all..
    (your Becca by the beach)
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    Well ladies and gents I went to the pulmonology doctor today. She tells me that I have severe COPD and my lung capacity is only 44% but I don't feel like I have severe COPD.
    On the other hand my husband has end stage COPD and his lung capacity is only 16%. He and I share the same pulmonologist. I spoke to her about my husband's future and she tells me that he has six months to two years to live if he takes care of himself. I asked her to come to the hospital and talk to us and help him to understand his situation so that we can start to talk about what we need to do for the future.
    His health is so much more fragile than mine because he is so underweight that he has no reserves to strengthen him. She didn't come right out and say so but I suspect that she's leaning more to the six months then the two years. She warned us that he would likely be hospitalized more frequently in the future because of his breathing problems.
    I hope that now that we both have a more accurate picture of what the future holds that we will be able to sit down and talk about what we need to do to prepare and make the most of the time we have left together.
    I wish that I could take time off from work so that I could spend more time with him, but we pretty much live paycheck to paycheck and I can't afford to take leave without pay. I'm so sad right now and angry. We should be able to celebrate our 50th anniversary but now we probably won't even make it to 40.
  • lbpena119
    lbpena119 Posts: 6 Member
    edited June 2015
    GOINSTD12 wrote: »
    Well ladies and gents I went to the pulmonology doctor today. She tells me that I have severe COPD and my lung capacity is only 44% but I don't feel like I have severe COPD.
    On the other hand my husband has end stage COPD and his lung capacity is only 16%. He and I share the same pulmonologist. I spoke to her about my husband's future and she tells me that he has six months to two years to live if he takes care of himself. I asked her to come to the hospital and talk to us and help him to understand his situation so that we can start to talk about what we need to do for the future.
    His health is so much more fragile than mine because he is so underweight that he has no reserves to strengthen him. She didn't come right out and say so but I suspect that she's leaning more to the six months then the two years. She warned us that he would likely be hospitalized more frequently in the future because of his breathing problems.
    I hope that now that we both have a more accurate picture of what the future holds that we will be able to sit down and talk about what we need to do to prepare and make the most of the time we have left together.
    I wish that I could take time off from work so that I could spend more time with him, but we pretty much live paycheck to paycheck and I can't afford to take leave without pay. I'm so sad right now and angry. We should be able to celebrate our 50th anniversary but now we probably won't even make it to 40.

    Truly sorry to hear that @GOINSTD12. I know there is probably nothing I could say to you at this point that would make such news any easier to hear. Under the circumstance, I pray whatever does happen, whether 6 mos, 2 years, or 10; may you both find love and support through this; be granted the opportunity to make more great lasting memories with your loved ones; and the strength to face whatever may come.
  • lbpena119
    lbpena119 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey all sonja here I need to loose 140 total and I have jus about 99 to go I have 100 when I joined the group I went from 311 to 269 and I want to be 170

    Amazing stuff @snbrown1214 . I'm both impressed and proud just hearing it. Congrats to you
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    edited June 2015
    Wednesday Wish: That at night, I start remembering that I should go to bed instead of start projects!! Only 4.5 hours of sleep last night.

    @jorinya…please don’t push yourself too hard. Your body sounds like its screaming for a slowdown and maybe try to just keep walking and not take it too hard.
    @misscrys…congrats – that is a great loss!
    @clay…congratulations on your losses so far. Hopefully your wife will try some more nutricious meals for you. My big problem with the good stuff is portion control. You can eat everything you want, just weigh it out and ask her for the recipes. MFP has a great recipe calorie calculator.
    @Karen…no damage on a vacation is a victory in my books!
    @Tracy…well at least out of the whole thing you learned how to open the gate. HA! Hope your husband responds well to his treatment and can come home soon. Sorry to hear about your diagnosis.
    @Kelley…sticking to a plan is what we need to do???really??!!!  Looking good for the week. I love AquaFit class and check to see if they have an AquaPower – that’s my favorite.
    @Tammy…leaving the nest. I have an almost 14 year old and some days it seems like it can’t come soon enough. HA. No, I know it’s just a phase and he’ll get better – he’s moody like his mother (dang it!). As far as the Fitbit goes, they say you should register any non-step activities – swimming, elliptical, stair stepper etc. And if you log it based on the timeframe it will override your step calories with your activity calories.
    @ushkii…we’re not that old. Loved Rocky and Bullwinkle from my childhood. I wish I could find them on some cartoon channel now – my kids would love it too.
    @Annr…yuck! I have no hints for you but I hope you can find a solution.

    AFM…so far not meeting my exercise goals because of different things (forgot that I had promised to babysit my nephews while my BIL is out of town and my sister had to work). But last night I bought a new vacuum and carpet cleaner and got my one room done – my Fitbit counted it as active minutes even – I worked up a sweat.

    However, I have been meeting my water and calorie goals, which is the biggest part of the battle. Now I need to focus a bit more on the macros. Yesterday was BAD!!