20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, misfit losers! Happy Friday!

    My, you guys have been busy!
    I'm kinda rushing this morning and wish I could stay longer but will return.

    Have a good Friday morning!

  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    good morning ladies!!

    I think I feel better today both mentally and physically. I am still holding steady with no weigh loss but maybe because of TOM. I get so bloated now and I never know when it is coming.

    hope all of you are well and have good weekend plans. I have not a lot. my daughter has final and my son has a very busy weekend.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am so happy I broke into the 180 this morning been a long time a coming in fact well over 7 years. This vegan diet is for me.I weigh in at 188.6 this morning Happy Happy

  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Marie-That is wonderful that this is working for you and you have lost weight and in the 180's, I know you have changed things up and diet plans, to find this result. Way to gomm so happy for you. Janice
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Wow!!!! Marie has some great results from her vegan eating plan. I am so happy for you and you deserve something to be happy about.

    Steph, Glad you are feeling better.

    Not sure what I will be doing today. Will just play it by ear????

    Have a great day.

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    :):):) So happy for you, Maire! You have found what works for your body. Hallelujah! :)
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    We went to see another Financial Advisor this morning on my husband's pensions. One more apt. and we can make a

    I have to report I had two great days with my grandson, but on the down side I gained 1.6 lbs from the foods
    we had at my daughter's. My grandson is 9 weeks old now and weighs 14lb 13 oz. A big boy but we love him.
    Here is ther latest picture. I did get a walk in with the buggy and Isaac yesterday. Now for my bike ride.


  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Shirley, A very handsome grandson. He is big boy!!! I know you are so happy to be in driving distance so you can go spoil him.
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Shirley, a small gain for a great weekend is something you shouldn't regret. :) Just enjoy your family time.

    Marie, I'm so super excited for you!!! You are rockin' this vegan thing, I'm so happy and proud for you!!

    Stephanie, I'm glad you're feeling better today! I'm feeling better today too! Our cloud must have floated on. :) TOM is definitely a downer, for spirit and weight. I'd give it a few days after it's over and then weigh again, it'll take your body a little time to adjust accordingly.

    Connie, have a good Friday!

    Esther, I wish I struggled to eat all of my 1,400 calories. If I'm not busy, I'm a boredom snacker, so calories don't go too far with me. On busy days though, I can go forever without eating something, so work and school combo should be good for me in that respect. Those brownies sound good, btw.

    So far today I've gone with my normal calorie intake, I've had a bowl of cereal with cashew milk, coffee with soy creamer, and am well under 300 calories for breakfast. I'm going to head to the gym and get a good workout in, and then there's pizza, cookies, donuts, popcorn, and chips on the menu for the rest of the day. Oh wow, typing that makes me feel uncomfortably full and kind of sick, haha. I'm going to be mindful of only eating what I feel like eating, and not just eating because it's a "splurge day".
    We have an appointment to see a house tomorrow morning, and our appointment overlaps with someone else seeing the same house. That makes me uncomfortable, but if it's meant to be ours we will get it, right? :) I'm hopeful for it, it looks nice in the photos atleast. We'll see!

    I had my weigh in this morning and I am down another 1.6 lbs. That puts me at a total loss of 42.4 lbs. so far, with 7.6 lbs. left to go! I'm hoping that despite my upcoming food activities, I'll shed that .6 by next Friday so that I can be at an even 7 lbs. to go. Fun Fact: My original goal was to be 140 lbs. which would put me only 1. 6 lbs. away from my goal right now. But of course I cannot settle for good enough, so I'm striving for 134. Gotta get all the flubber to smooth out. ;) I'm feeling better about things today, and I love being less than 8 lbs. from goal, compared to 50 lbs. to goal. That's something to be happy about. :)

    Have a great Friday everyone!!!

  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Stephanie-glad your feeling better, enjoy your weekend, sounds like your going to have some free time to do whatever, have fun.

    Ray-glad your feeling better too, we all have them days, I know I do. Its great your so close to goal, I wish I was closer to mine. I hope you and your sister enjoy the movie and your treats tonight. Good luck on the house tommorrow.

    Shirley-Isaac is a cutie, he is big boy, its nice they live close enough for you to go visit often. I am sure you lose what your up, dont worry. Remember theres always Monday, have fun boating this weekend, stay safe.

    Nancy-I hope you found something fun to do today, or at least not work. I am doing bedding today, done with laundry for a few days. Its never ending here, even with 2 people. I am going for a work free weekend, hopefully.

    Connie-I know you have been switching things up like Marie, I hope you soon find what your body needs to lose more weight, I hate plateaus. This year my weight loss has really slow down, after losing on average a pound a week, this year I have only lost 10 lbs. Happy to say I am back in the 170's today. I was there about 10 days ago once and I hadnt seen it seen, the 180's have been hell. I guess with all thats went on the past month, I am lucky I didnt gain a bunch and let my emotions take over.

    Thanks again for all your support, I know sometimes we need more than others. Sorry if I missed anyone, everyone have a great weekend. Janice
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Janice, you seems to be a good cook of vegetables I would like to make pickle carrots out of canned slice carrots like I do slice beets.what would be a good spice to used? I guess pickling spice might work.
  • Sunnyfarm
    Sunnyfarm Posts: 111 Member
    Hi. I'm still here just got a lot going on. You all are a hoot. Love reading your posts. Have a great rest of your day.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited June 2015
    I'm in, too! I get weighed-in every other Tuesdays; so I don't know if I have lost any more (other than I can now button my size 14 slacks).
    SW: 199lbs (beginning of life-style change)
    2W: 192lbs (first two weeks)
    Lost 7 lbs in two weeks
    GW: 145lbs (and then I will try to 'maintain')
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Sunnyfarm wrote: »
    Hi. I'm still here just got a lot going on. You all are a hoot. Love reading your posts. Have a great rest of your day.

    Hi Sunny! Good to see you're back!! :)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    than you all for your great support . at times I felt I did not belong here for no matter what diet I tried I co weight would cone off. an no diet would satisfy the hunger within me. This vegan diet does that and having such great friends here.

    Come on Janice I am ready to tackle the 170's with you. You too. Shirley and anyone else whoe want to gone us.

    Let's never give up believe me I have been close to.it.

    <3 Marie

    I am anxiously in reading more on the fourth o July group as soon as I get me a computer I will . It seems to be rolling around pretty good.y. still lots of people. I am not up to reading all the small print on this IPad.

    I have lost a total of 14 pounds since this Easter thread was form I have had some gain since then. Hope from now on it will be all downgrade
    Hill now.
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Marie-I dont know alot about pickling but I stick my onions to pickle in pickle juice or banana pepper juice when my jar is empty, I put the onions right in the jar to pickle. I am sure pickling spice would work too just dont know a recipe. I know on the Chew Michael always make a quick pickle recipe. Later I will look it up , for you, my husband is needing me right now. Janice
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Marie, I am so happy for your loss and that this new way of eating is working for weight loss and keeping your CHF symptoms at bay!

    Connie, Glad to hear you are having more energy and no gain! A loss will certainly be in your near future.

    Ray, another great loss for you. You are so close and you and Esther are losing warriors!

    Glad to hear the injured and ill family members are on the mend. My son ended up keeping his ring finger after the terrible crushing injury he had. It's much more narrow and curved more downward than the one on his left hand, but it's there!

    I had to go to work today for a conference after my two exhausting clinical days. UGH I usually take off Fridays to help me recover, but had to take Tues instead this week. I'm so glad it's Friday. :-)

    We'll go to bed VERY early tonight in order to get up early tomorrow to get back to working on the pond. We are getting close, but still need to haul and place a few more ton of stone. Yikes. I just want this project finished so we can get back to the garage renovation and get that done, too, before the fall.

    There are days that condo life sounds really good! Lol

    With all the stress of the past few weeks at work and no real downtime at home, I know my cortisol levels are up. That leads to weight gain, so I'm very afraid of what the evil scale will tell me tomorrow... Sigh

    Have a wonderful weekend, everyone <3

  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Shirley61 wrote: »

    My grandson is 9 weeks old now and weighs 14lb 13 oz. A big boy but we love him.
    Here is ther latest picture. I did get a walk in with the buggy and Isaac yesterday. Now for my bike ride.


    Shirley, Isaac is getting big so fast! Seems like he was just born. He is beautiful.


  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Marie-That is so good, you have lost 14lbs, since the start of Easter Challenge, I am ready to tackle the 170's, its about time. I looked up pickling recipe and here is one that seems easy, make a brine of vinegar, water, salt,sugar,toasted mustard seed and peppercorns pour over vegetable in a day it will be good, you can also add coriander, dill seeds, or chili flakes, it will last up to 1 month refrigerate. There is several other quick pickle recipes on line, I like just using my leftover pickle juice. But you can only do that once,I would say Good luck Janice.
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Feeling discouraged...
    SW Jan: 186
    CW: 181.6