40+ Club: Summer Slimmers



  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday Dear Stiring Wendel, Happy Birhday to You!
  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    Zebras two minutes is awesome! I had started doing the C25k program and had reached the point where I was able to do 90 second jogging intervals, and that was tough! Then my knees hurt a lot and the doctor told me to avoid running and other high impact activities due to arthritis. So enjoy your run intervals, and know you can get through them.

    Crewella, it sounds like things are going great for you. Happy birthday to your mom.

    Stiringwendel I know what you are going through with your arm. I did something to mine a couple years ago, and it wouldn't move much at all. I couldn't raise it above my mid-chest. So frustrating, but thankfully it was temporary and got better after a couple weeks. Your birthay celebration of movement sounds like a fantastic tradition!

    I saw my first actual loss in over two weeks today! My weight has been going up and down that whole time, and while I know that isn't long as plateaus go, it still can sap my motivation when the scale doesn't give me positive feedback for my hard work. It's not like I have the ToM excuse anymore! Hopefully the weight doesn't go right back up again tomorrow. :tongue:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I am ashamed to admit this but I didn't log my meals over the weekend because I did so bad. :sad: Back on track today but don't want to go near the scales.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY STIRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WISHING YOU A GREAT DAY AND A FABULOUS YEAR AHEAD.

    Crewell, congrats on the weightloss. Dont get to hung up on the scale, it could be evil.

    Swiss, dont sweat the past, focus on the present and future...

    So far it's been a great eating day for me. I cant wait to teach Zumba tonight I am featuring new songs and I am particularly excited about a new bellydance song I am introducing. :):flowerforyou:
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Happy Birthday Stiring!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: stiring...you will have to let us know how you celebrated.

    I did so much better today. Feeling great.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning!!!! Another day...had a great Zumba class last night with a full house, 46 people!!! Amazing energy!!!! This morning, a great legs and abs workout done!!! Eating my yummy breakfast. Ready to tackle the day.

    HAVE AN AMAZING DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,796 Member
    Thank you all so much for your birthday wishes. Swissmiss, my husband offered to take me out to dinner, but I don't actually like eating out much. I wanted to do something a little healthier. So my husband came home from work a bit early, and we hit the golf course! It was a really nice evening, and we got our game finished just before the sun went down (about 8:00 last night). Came home to a healthy spinach/turkey/mango salad I made with some homemade whole wheat apple bread. And, then, there was that piece of red velvet cake. :ohwell: All in all, a very nice birthday.

    Already did my Insanity workout this morning. Only three more to do! It's warm and humid here this week, so I'm trying to get my workouts in early in the day. We do have AC, but it isn't very effective :grumble: so the house is still better in the morning than later in the day.

    alf, I love your energy this time of the day!!! Your Zumba class sounds so fun!

    Hope you all have a wonderful day.
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    oh! we have had company here for the last week and I'm so behind....just read that I missed something and needed to pop in quickly....

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY STIRING!!!! Sorry it's belated!!! You are such and awesome long distance friend and advisor---wish you all the best in your 46th year!!!

    Will check in more with everyone else's news very soon! Have a great day!!!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Stiring: Wii Golf is all I can pull off!

    I managed 95 minutes on the treadmill last night. And managed a pretty good eating day yesterday. I definitely feel changes in my body, but like all of us girls, I want to see it reflect in the scale on Friday! And, yes, Sing, I hear you in the back of my mind saying ignore the scale! LOL
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Stiring, happy belated birthday!

    Zebra, I'm going for 90 seconds today on my Couch to 5K program. So, be proud of your 2 minutes!

    It's cloudy, but it looks like the rain will hold off a bit. I'm hoping to get out for a walk/jog today. The scale is up and I don't like it! I know weight fluctuates based on everything, but still. I was 2 lbs away from goal, now I'm 5 lbs away. I gotta get moving.

    Any ideas on what I can do with my hubby for his b-day? My daughter will be away with a friend all weekend. I wanted to stay at a nice hotel in a nearby city, but he's not feeling it. He doesn't want to spend a lot of money. I'm thinking of getting us both bikes (that's a LOT of money!) so we can ride as a family. Golfing is a good idea from Stiring--he and I have never done a round together except for putt-putt--except he totally hates walking. Eating is a given. It's his 45th so I want to make it a little special.

    Have a great Tuesday, all!
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Hi all! Back from an amazing weekend in Austin at my daughter's graduation from UT. The campus-wide graduation ceremony on Saturday night was awesome. Check out the fireworks over the tower on YouTube.

    FINALLY got my 80 year old mom home last night. She was supposed to fly out of DFW yesterday morning at 10:15. After storms, flight cancelations, and delays, she finally got back to Jackson MS at 9:30 last night. I ended up sitting at DFW outside her terminal to take her back to my house if her 7:00 pm flight did not go (It left at 7:35). With all the flight worries, we had to cancel out workout with our personal trainer last night but will reschedule for tomorrow.

    Stiring: Happy belated birthday!!! You are such an inspiration for everyone.

    Our son is home for a couple of weeks from grad school in San Francisco. He wants to eat healthy so hopefully that will motivate us to eat better. Take care all! TxMs
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Does anyone know, or have done themselves, the Zumba DCDs they sell on TV?
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi All,

    I still feel a littel hesitant to jump in and chat with everyone. I do so enjoy all your posts.

    Victorious - hope you had fun clothes shopping, It's one of my favourite things when i lose weight, but dislike it immensley when I'm up. Haven't shopped in almost a year....what does that tell you? :tongue:

    ColoradoRobin - Pikes Peak? Do you live close by? I want to do the Pikes Peak Marathon one day - that is on my list of marathons to do. I hear it's a tough one, but a challenge I would like to tackle one day.

    crewell-congrats on the 1/2m run! Also, do the tri if you get a chance. They are so fun, and a real sense of accomplishment when you've completed it.

    Alf -love your posts! Theya re so full of energy and so positive. You teach Zumba?! I would love to try that, but there is no one here that teaches it. It sounds like such fun -my kinda exercise. :happy:

    Stiring - Belated Birthday wishes to you. Sounds like you had a lovely birthday. Also, congrats on rockin' the Insanity and the P90X!!!!! Wow girl. Impressive. :drinker:

    Swismiss - I so hear you about shying away from logging when you've been "bad". :laugh: I tend to do the same, as I don't like seeing the "you will weigh....if you continue to eat like this...etc." :sad: :sad: I hate seeing those numbers!

    I had a pretty good weekend. Worked out every day, however, I am still not able to run. I have Achilles tendonitis, and it has sidelined me for a few weeks now. Thought I was good to go, but my little run on Sunday proved me wrong, :sad: so back to the waiting game. I have been enjoying my bike though. I love riding my bike and have been putting on a fair bit of miles. My husband and I did 32miles on the Saturday. I wanted to go for 40, but he wasn't up to it. Hasn't been riding as much as I have, so he was a tad sore by the time we were done.

    I have company staying with me, but I am trying so hard to be good. "Gotta keep my focus, gotta keep my focus, gotta keep my focus..." I have to keep telling myself that! :laugh:

    Have a great day all. :flowerforyou:
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Yeah, we got a lunchtime walk in today! Its been like 10 days since the weather cooperated on a weekday. My treadmill work paid off, the one incline I was always getting really out of breath on, I barely breathed heavy! And we definitely did it faster. I have to give props to this girl I walk with, she keeps up. She doesn't work out besides these lunchtime walks we do and as short as I am she is shorter, but no matter who she is walking with, she manages to keep up with them.
  • scmcgee
    scmcgee Posts: 165
    BUMP - Birthday coming up in June! 43 and ageing beautifully - So I have been told...You know 40 is the new 30.
  • pepper06
    pepper06 Posts: 89
    howdy everyone-nice to see you post Swiss. This weather is a BIG downer and lets not even discuss the yard/garden situation-not pretty. Well, my Mother is with use and she has improved! Except she likes her oreo cookies-these are so good since I have nt had them in ages, but also not good to have around-I try to kp them out of my site, but I did dip into a few today, but now I don't want anymore. My dau graduated as well, so eating has been off with the cake. I worked out core and alittle cardio yesterday. Tomorrow will be with the trainer. I am pretty well staying even-think my body has said "IAM NOT LOOSING ANYMORE WEIGHT-I AM STAYING WHERE I AM".

    I am thinking of changing my picture, but the snow pic may kp our thoughts cool if we everrrrrr get hot sunny days.
    When we headed south-the tornado areas were amazing, such devastation-I had no loss of family! they were making progressl with clean up-staying right on top of it. I am glad we don't have those tornadoes coming to New England.
    We stopped in the amish country in PA on our way back so I was able to stock up on supplies :)
    They had watermelons and cantalopes that were sweet as sugar from FL.:flowerforyou:

    what are the memorial plans?
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good evening!

    Sorry I was not able to post for a few days, but I was very busy with family & work.

    Stiring, dear sister, HAPPY BIRTHDAY (39 again, huh?)!!!! :flowerforyou:

    When I arrived at work last night I knew a storm had blown through...little did I know that one of the tornados actually touched down briefly on our plant property. We had a roof of a small building fly off and land 150 ft away on a railroad track!! We rarely get this type of weather around here, so it is a shock when something like this happens. Thankfully the damage was minor and nobody was hurt. We did have a lot of cleanup to do last night, though.

    I'm really glad that so many people are posting here. Please stay with us and post often.

    Any fun plans for the Memorial Day weekend? It will be quiet for us...probably some fun stuff and some not-so-fun stuff (cleaning the house & staining cabinets).

    Even with the lousy weather I am still able to get out for some hikes up the mountain. It's so nice when I don't had to work out on the eliptical. I still do my strength training at the gym almost daily, but it's rough getting motivated when I am on night shift.

    Have a great day!
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Hello all. 47 here. Bad knees, vegetarian and clean eater. I don't eat low fat or no fat and I don't do "cheat days". I weigh in once a month at my doctors. I'm focused on eating well and getting in my exercise. My primary exercise is water aerobics and walking. I'm starting to add in some light weights and hula hooping.

    :happy: *waves*
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    BUENOS DIAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Upper body trng done, PT exercises done, eating my yummy breakfast done!!!! Another day another dollar. :laugh: I am debating whether or not to stop at the farmer's market on my way to work. I need some veggies and last time I bought them at the market they were sooooo fresh and tasty compared to the ones at the grocery store. Much more expensive though...:grumble: I had another awesome Zumba class last night at the AFB gym where I teach on Tue/Thu, 34 students.

    Swiss, I have heard great things about the DVD's and there is a new set that has come out that looks even better than the original one. Go to zumba.com to check it out. ZUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

    Sdereski, yes, I am a Zumba Instructor, got licensed in Oct 09. I am having a blast teaching it. Are you the one that will be a grandma soon? My granddaughter will be 3 yrs old on July 16. She is a handful but I love her sooooo much.

    milaxx, welcome, I am 47 myself and a clean eater at least 90% of the time so that is pretty high. :laugh: How much protein do you eat being a vegetarian? I also weigh in once a month but at home. I am pretty much trying to maintain my weight now, I fluctuate about 5 lbs around my goal, 125lbs.

    scmgee, welcome, yes, 40's and 50's are the new 30's :laugh: Tell us more about yourself.

    Sing, glad you are doing well. Scary!!! :noway:

    Pepper good to hear from you. All this talk about rain and even snow and not a drop of water here in San Antonio!!! :grumble: Of course we want rain and we need it but please no storms!!!!!

    Stiring, your birthday sounds sooooo great to me. A very healthy birthday celebration, you are the perfect person to pull it off. :drinker:

    Well, gotta go!!!!! :flowerforyou: