

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Today I will be thankful for the BEAUTIFUL day we are having. Granddaughter(s) spent the weekend with us. Yesterday got in the pool . . . it was fabulous and planning on doing it again this afternoon. Great exercise, too! Have a wonderful SUNDAY! B)
  • jazzsunday2000
    jazzsunday2000 Posts: 6 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »

    Welcome to a friendly community of women who support and encourage each other in this journey to fitness, health, and weight loss. smiley-happy110.gif

    If you set some goals and resolutions for May, how did you do?

    What goals or resolutions have you set for June?

    If you are new, we welcome you, if you have been with us for awhile, we're glad you decided to continue in June.

    Please sign your post with your name (or an alias) and your location, so we can get to know each other better.
    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    Resolutions for May (with end of the month comments)
    *walk at least 15,000 steps a day (every day but two, but kept the average higher)
    *strength training twice a week (still floundering on this one but at least once a week)
    *act the way I want to feel (this is what made my trip go so well)
    *work in the yard 30 minutes three times a week (several days a week but not always 30 minutes)
    *write the two letters I've been putting off for too long (finished and sent both of them and got replies)

    June Resolutions
    *walk at least 15,000 steps a day
    *strength training twice a week
    *don't take things personally
    * figure out a good meatless low sodium stew recipe

  • jazzsunday2000
    jazzsunday2000 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in...as if today.
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Hello ladies,

    Just posting a quick note to get back into posting. I've been reading almost daily just to keep up. :smile:
    I retired on June 3rd and May was so busy at work trying to finish things up and transferring work and knowledge to others. So far, I've lost almost 4 pounds since then. I'm contributing it to less stress, more sleep and more exercise as I'm not stuck at a desk behind a computer each day. One problem is I tried to start exercising and hurt my lower back again. I tried starting with the plank and did it ok the first and second days, about 1 minute without struggling. I could feel it in my lower abdomen so figured it was ok. However, on day 3, I didn't have as much strength and could only do it for about 20 seconds. I think that was when I hurt my back. It is still very sore and I when I first start walking after sitting, I have a hard time straightening up. After walking a little, it is better but can't bend over from the waist. Been icing and taking Advil and hope it's better soon. :disappointed: Hoping it is better soon as we have vacation planned for June 20 which will involve hiking as well as having to carry/lift suitcases.

    Ok, that's it for now. I will start responding to others after this post. I knew if I tried to do that now I never would get anything posted.

    Enjoy your day,
    Tina in MD

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    Our traditional pic of the kids before we head for home. Yogurt is a young man now, one in the middle. Pretty soon he'll be graduating from high school and asking for the keys to the car
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    I 'thought' I had this page (thread) 'bookmarked' so that I would not have to scroll through 18 pages to get to it. What have I done wrong? I highlighted the 'star'; but, it doesn't seem to make it any easier to find. If I highlighted it why isn't it showing up in the "My Discussions" (or is that just for the ones I started myself)? I'd like to delete some of them - not really going anywhere. Please, . . . instructions or suggestions. I really 'love' this thread; it fits my needs much better than most that are created by younger people. Some of those have actually turned too 'raunchy' for my liking. Thanks! :'(
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Our traditional pic of the kids before we head for home. Yogurt is a young man now, one in the middle. Pretty soon he'll be graduating from high school and asking for the keys to the car

    We lost our 'little old lady' JRT back in the Spring; she was 16 years old back last November. We still have our "Tuxedo" cat who is a late 'teen' or 'early' 20's cat. Mr. "Charming" Himself. If I had known that the name of his category of cats was actually a "Tuxedo" cat, I probably would have come up with another name. It suits him well, however, as he really does look like he is wearing a tuxedo with tails. When he was neutered ... it was obvious what color they had been - would have looked rather *^%()*&; if they had not done so - his tail is black and he holds it up straight all the time "|" (fingers pointed or not); suggestive of a not so good sign that a lot of people use when they are mad at someone (behind their back). LOL! When he turns his back to us, I can imagine that is what he is 'doing' to us. We 'might' get another puppy when we get back from summer vacation. I'd like to have a "Mountain Feist" sometimes referred to as a "Mountain Cur" . . . or another JRT (although they are pretty hyper, especially as a puppy). "Shorty" had a short tail; and she had apparently knew what her name was going to be. She did not come to us until we called her 'Shorty'. When we would clip her in the summer months, she had a tail that was at least an inch long; but, her hair was so wavy that you couldn't see it; and she also looked overweight because of all the hair. She easily was toting around an extra 5lbs with her hair grown out.
  • KMHilinski
    KMHilinski Posts: 14 Member
    Good morning ladies! Thanks for the warm welcome! Today we are starting off the day with some breakfast, then a nice long 6 mile walk before the rain hits again! I will check back later to see how everyone's Sunday went! Let's make it great!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning ladies! We are now going to pack with a purpose. Now that we know where we are going and what we will be able to bring it should be much easier.

    The first picture is of the house we bought in Walker MN on the Heartland Bike Trail. The second one is the guest cabin. The last picture shows the tree line in front of the trail.

    Have a great day everyone.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    Sluts- when I am on the phone, like now, I click on the "...." Which gives me a listing of more features, one of them is community. On the top u should see a bell that has a number by it in red (how many new postings there are). Click on that then it will show u the last 5 postings. Click on the oldest one posted (click on title of group name) and go back from there
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Good morning ladies! We are now going to pack with a purpose. Now that we know where we are going and what we will be able to bring it should be much easier.

    The first picture is of the house we bought in Walker MN on the Heartland Bike Trail. The second one is the guest cabin. The last picture shows the tree line in front of the trail.

    Have a great day everyone.

    Mary from Minnesota

    Woah, puuuurrrddddyyyyyyyy
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Good afternoon ladies~
    Mary from Minn. now are you moving from the first house to the guest cabin? If you are I think I would be living on the roof... dont think I could handle such close quarters with DH.
    Well we are running around running errands today.
    I tried talking to DH about my feelings, and I dont think he understands.. I am telling him how (I) feel and he takes it defensively, He says I have feeling to but I dont talk about them, well I said I am here and will listen always, but he walked out the door to go back to Lowes to buy a new back door.. they are 30.00 off and we actually need a new one.
    I have laundry in the dryer, and have a steak out for him for dinner..
    It is a stunning day outside, and I am sitting out on the deck, which is usually what I love to do with a cup of tea, and watch the birds..
    but my heart is just heavy.. im not enjoying like I should..
    we went to Sams Club and picked up a few things.. they have the ipad mini 3 that I want but for wayyyyy to much money, 400.00 I found a refurbished one on the walmart website for 289.00 I even told him I would chip in 125.00 towards it,
    He said why do you want that? I said because 1- I can use it a camera and 2- instead of lugging my laptop on trips and stuff I can just take that.. dont think he bought that, but I dont ask for much,
    Of course he thinks that ... I dont buy much for myself, unless it is a neccesity, I have always gotten for other people, he has made out like a bandit with me.. but still that doesn't make him happy..
    He has no trouble when it comes to spending money on the dogs, say for vets and groomers, but I get my butt chewed out because I get blood work drawn twice a year because of my Poly-Cystic Kidney Disease.
    we have a 650.00 deductable that we have to meet before insurance picks up, and lucky we are both in pretty good health so the blood work is not covered..
    Ok enough whining and complaining..
    Will sit out here with my puppies, enjoy a tall glass of ice water and the nice breeze...
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Hello ladies!

    Janet myrtle beach- have a fun day at the beach! That is a great NSV being able to walk the beach! Way to go!

    Lisa - congratulations on your press release!

    Heather- here's hoping that you get the apartment in France!

    Carey - thanks for the happy dancing smiley! Great job on 4 hours of Tai Chi. Why such a long session? Your meal sounded good to me!

    Poop - it sounds like you are in heaven!

    Lenora - I would have a hard time sticking to your calorie count. You are wise to meal plan. 2 hours in the pool sounds like a good time!

    Tina - welcome! Great loss! Those planks hurt at first but they really worked to strengthen my back.

    Pip- what A greeting committee!

    Allison - no! That would be way to close of quarters for me too! The house with the guest cabin is our new property. Now Pip and her DH can come and bike ride here!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Good Morning ladies:
    Allison - Sending you lots of hugs, hope and laughter your way. My dh is also a nitpicking complainer (about everything) but I try to look at it as his bile venting, not personal to me. Some people are just that way. So doing my best to wear a deflector and IGNORE IT ALL, & do what I think best. The chicks I bought yesterday - boy, did he get pissed! (Because he's afraid will be work for him. haha) oca8712pyk2e.jpg
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Mary it's called a quick start. Two days on the weekend to learn the first 2 months of the Tai Chi set. There are 108 moves in total and it takes a long time to learn them. These intensive sessions are really helping me to remember them since you practice the same moves many times. I eventually want to be able to do a set by myself at home when I'm stressed since I find it so calming. So the sooner I can learn the set the better to meet that goal. Plus this way I get to meet a lot of new people. The pictures of your new home are gorgeous, no wonder you're so happy to actually get it.

    Have a wonderful day,
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Mary in Minnesota
    Your upcoming home looks wonderful! Trying to look at other states as want to leave Calif when retirement finally arrives. Now going to think about MN. Looks beautiful countryside.

    Okay, weight up 4 lbs since thursday. Must get back on track today. Going to pass on the snacks to dSS when he comes by tonight so I stop eating those granola bars and anything else w/sodium. Haven't been on the bike or jogging due to knee - will up the swimming in am.

    Life is to short, LIVE NOW
    linda in calif
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: Your back garden is lovely. I love your pastoral setting. :heart:

    Kat & other newbies: Welcome to a great group. :flowerforyou:

    Kim: I know we’re on opposite seasons from Leslie, but have no idea about time of day. According to the world clock, it is 1:24 am Monday in Launceston Tasmania, and 2:24 am on Macquarie Island. At this moment it is 8:26 PDT on Sunday, June 7 in western Oregon. All of which is a sharp reminder that time of day and dates are manmade constructions and how wondrous our ability to communicate across the globe has become. :bigsmile:

    Sharon: Auto correct can be very frustrating. It annoys me, too.:grumble:

    Cynthia: Congratulations on your new dress. I hope you feel pretty wearing it. As to exercise, if you can’t walk due to health issues, can you ride a bike or swim? I hear you on the work exhaustion issue and didn’t ever solve the problem until I retired and the problem went away on its own. I can tell you’re smarter and more determined than I was, because you’re already working on things and I waited until retirement. :wink:

    Margaret: Have a safe trip.:flowerforyou"

    Janet: DH has been cooking our corn in the microwave just as you described. I doubt we’ll go back to the old way. How did you create the smiley newbies? I love it! :heart:

    Lisa: Nothing is quite as relaxing as homegrown cooties. :wink: Congratulations on keeping the calories under control while travelling. It is a marvelous NSV and proves you are in charge and succeeding. :happy:

    Jazzsunday: Welcome to a wonderful group of women. Click the star at the top of the thread and it will turn yellow. Then you can easily find us again by clicking in the gray star at the MFP Community page. :huh: :smile:

    Grits: Have you been clicking on the gray star on the community page? That is how you get here once the thread star has turned yellow. It is necessary to repeat the process of clicking on the star so it turns yellow again each month. :smiley:

    Mary: You have a wonderful new home in your near future. Yay! :flowerforyou:

    Alison: You are allowed to feel what you feel. “Should” is an area that can derail a person. Sending good thoughts your way.:heart:

    It is a gorgeous day here with an upriver wind. The dog ate something too rich for him, and we’ve banished him to the deck due to his frequent stinky farts. Yuck! Unfortunately, the poor guy doesn’t understand why he’s outside. We had a lovely chat on the phone with DSIL regarding an upcoming visit to her place and have no other plans for the day as yet.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    June Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Love the little chicks. My dad bought some chickens one time and it was my job to feed them. They scared me when I entered their house and all started running toward me. I would just take the bowl of feed and throw it in. He also bought ducks one time. White feathers all over the yard. Neither the chickens nor the ducks were around for long.

    For some reason I am depressed today and just feel like I need a good cry. I think we need to get away for a few days but it is always difficult with my husband's business; he does Scott's Antique Show once a month for 4 days but spends the rest of the month searching for merchandise. Then there are the son's family who constantly have something going on. And, finally the little Pom....we refuse to board him so it is difficult to find a oceanfront hotel that takes pets. This too will pass.

    Mary: Your house is so cute. I know you will enjoy fixing it up.

    Poopy Pip: Q about bike riders. Yesterday we were driving home and there were 6 or 7 bike riders in front of us. They did not move over to the side and kept riding in groups of two and three in the right hand lane. Is this usual biking etiquette. My husband was furious because this was a curvy downhill road and there was no way to easily pass them.

  • elsabe3
    elsabe3 Posts: 21 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hi, I am 52 and would like to join this group. My goal is to work out for 35 minutes or more every day. I just did a 3 mile walk to a Leslie Samsone dvd and alternate with Tae Bo. Who says ladies over 50 can't rock?! I am also looking for new friends.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member

    Poopy Pip: Q about bike riders. Yesterday we were driving home and there were 6 or 7 bike riders in front of us. They did not move over to the side and kept riding in groups of two and three in the right hand lane. Is this usual biking etiquette. My husband was furious because this was a curvy downhill road and there was no way to easily pass them.


    No, that is NOT bike etiquette! Your husband had every right to be pissed. U should b riding single file when u are on the road. When u ride, u can hear a car coming up behind you when u ride side by. side when we do in the morning sometimes, when we hear a car coming up, one teals out "car back" so u get single file and more safely to the side. Those riders give us a bade name