

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    grandmalle - yup, that's kirby's wooden bike, over 5k worth. and yup that is for the kids to play in. i'll tell you honestly. i was crying as i read your earlier post about you and your issues with your what you want to call husband. i am sorry and don't mean any disrespect but i would LOVE to talk to him, the conversation wouldn't be civil that's for sure. i look at my life with this man and reading about your issues reminds me of my first and second marriages. you feel so all alone and so down that doing something like writing on this is one of the only outlets you have. i wish you were closer so i could take you and bring you to my place. you only have one life and this is no dress rehearsal, this is it and it's a shame that you are living like this. i left my first husband and lost my family because of it. my mother disowned me for 12 years because of him. when i left him (was beating me up, could only take it for 3 yrs) i left with nothing. i stayed on a friends couch and i worked at a car wash and my boss gave me an advance so i could get a roof over my head. found stuff by the dumpsters to use as furniture until i slowly collected stuff.

    you can make it, you will be ok, you have got to believe it. i am going to talk to my husband about giving you the measly 200 for your iPad and please don't think of it as charity. if i am able to, i WANT to. i will let you know
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Not a very good sun.went to the er,with this pain,good news no fractures.have scaiatica .On muscle relaxers and pain meds.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Hope everyone had a nice weekend.

    Here in Northeast Ohio the weather cooperated and we were able to be outside most of the weekend. Got in some nice trail walks with my husband who is being ever so supportive of my efforts as best he knows how.

    Welcome to all the new posters. I am relatively new to this forum also and it the nicest and most supportive group of women! You've landed in a good place here!

    Some of you are going through tough times (physically and emotionally) so I am sending best wishes and prayers your way for a better week ahead! smiley-love018.gif smiley-love022.gif

    I so enjoy coming here and reading up on what everyone is doing! smiley-love013.gif

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Pip... your heart is as big as Texas
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    smiley-happy026.gifI am home again. The line dance workshop was great fun....good time with my friends, a chance to stretch myself as a learner, an opportunity to learn from good dance instructors, and many chances to dance familiar dances with others. I stayed up later than usual (we danced until after 9PM) but still got up early enough this morning to walk over 10,000 steps before meeting my friends for breakfast and the drive home.

    smiley-happy026.gifSondre, you asked about my exercise. I walk a lot---in the last five years I've gradually increased the length of time I walk my dogs each day. I attend three line dance classes a week and teach one of them. I read a great book, "Strong Women Stay Young" that gave me the necessary information to begin an at-home weight training program. We have an exercise bike in the living room and I ride it while watching TV...it's a recumbent bike, so I can knit and ride at the same time. I meet my friends for a walk rather than a meal. I seek every opportunity to be active.

    smiley-happy026.gifMary from MN....congrats on your new house and trail nearby...you are truly blessed to have found it.

    smiley-happy026.gifCarey, I've never tried tai chi, but it has interested me....your weekend "jump start" program sounds like the perfect way to make it part of your life.

    smiley-love025.gifWhen I was at the dance workshop I opened my snack bag and found a sweet love note from my darling husband. When I got to the hotel and unpacked my suitcase, I found another sweet note. This morning he put the phone on "speaker" so I could talk to the dogs. Like many of you, I had to be married for awhile to a &%$#&$# before I met the wonderful man I'm married to now.

    <3 Barbie from warm and beautiful NW Washington
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    Made it to St. Louis. I am eating at the original Panera. It was orginally called the St. Louis Bread Company and still is in Missouri. I did opt for an apple over bread. NSV and no 99 cent treat either.

    It was more adventuresome than I would have liked. I saw at least four dead deer along the road. Fortunately I did not drive when they are more of a problem. I also saw a bad accident between a pick up truck and RV. The pick up lost and the RV was on its side. I said a prayer as I past it.

    I had a near miss with a pick up crossing in front of me on a limited access highway. If I had not swerved I would have hit his back end at 55 MPH. I did not break hard which I think helped me keep control. I just couldn't believe the pick up pulled out like that. It did get a resounding honk from me. Yes I am kissing the ground here. No I did stop to see the cannonball in the house either.

    :heart: MNMargaret

  • adcrag1
    adcrag1 Posts: 10 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »

    Welcome to a friendly community of women who support and encourage each other in this journey to fitness, health, and weight loss. smiley-happy110.gif

    If you set some goals and resolutions for May, how did you do?

    What goals or resolutions have you set for June?

    If you are new, we welcome you, if you have been with us for awhile, we're glad you decided to continue in June.

    Please sign your post with your name (or an alias) and your location, so we can get to know each other better.
    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    Resolutions for May (with end of the month comments)
    *walk at least 15,000 steps a day (every day but two, but kept the average higher)
    *strength training twice a week (still floundering on this one but at least once a week)
    *act the way I want to feel (this is what made my trip go so well)
    *work in the yard 30 minutes three times a week (several days a week but not always 30 minutes)
    *write the two letters I've been putting off for too long (finished and sent both of them and got replies)

    June Resolutions
    *walk at least 15,000 steps a day
    *strength training twice a week
    *don't take things personally
    * figure out a good meatless low sodium stew recipe

    Hi I'm new to the community. June Resolutions
    strength training twice a week. This is so hard for me!

    Get one hour of cardio five days a week

    Record my food every day

    Good luck to everyone on this forum
    Angie in Cleveland Ohio
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    Lesley – I knew even as a tired person that you were in Tasmania, what I did not know was the time difference! :)

    Lisa – great job on holding the weight while traveling, it will be interesting to see why the sudden reconnection… I always find those things interesting…

    Carey – 4 hours of TaiChi, any breaks? Do you do Tai Chi regularly, that sounds very hard to do for 4 hours straight!
    The thought for the day is amazing!

    Jazzsunday, elsabe3, Jantr, Deb – welcome

    Alison – (((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))

    Mary – great new house, and a MFP guest house too!!!

    Becca – you have a great hubby, maybe he could go give Alison’s DH a few lessons.

    Renny – welcome back…. Sounds like your time away as been good.

    Jane – take care!

    Pip – Your heart is awesome.

    Well, I was “all caught up” and suddenly a bunch of work showed up! The phone rang, drop-ins appeared (I am appointment only) and now there is a ton to get done this week. But I was so focused on the break – I did the bare minimum today – answered phones and the door and was nice, that’s that. I have enjoyed just puttering around… got my hair cut, the style I wear is a bob with bangs, but it had grown to below my shoulders… so got it a ton shorter – figure there will be some pictures at graduation. Maybe some good enough to post.

    I am so impressed with the AirBnb I am going to stay at she emailed me menu choices for breakfast…. Yum!

    One of the kids cooking camps I am doing this summer is candy – 4 half days of making candy with young teens. So I have been trying some new recipes as I really did not have enough tried and true. So found a recipe for peanut butter fudge.. sounded good, different from my chocolate fudge – so I gave it a try and instead of fudge I got peanut brittle! But the problem was I had put it in a 9x9 pan, ended up heating the pan in the microwave and digging out hunks of candy dumped the hunks on parchment to cool and am giving it away – the hair dresser, 2 neighbors, and tomorrow a friend will get the balance. I have found another one to try – but does anyone have a peanut butter fudge recipe they love? I will have 3 groups of kids, and it is fun to have them each make the same thing but different variations, we taste discuss and share.. So I have chocolate, looking for peanut butter, and need a 3rd kind… maybe maple? Or…. Who is our chocolate dipper? Sondre? A suggestion?

    June goals:
    Walk every day 180 miles for the month (in May I did 175… thought maybe a higher goal would be good)
    NEW – 1 plank every day – and log them here - 6
    Log everyday
    Eat slower
    do 2 fun things every week - week 1 – no traditional fun – but working hard to get all embroidery jobs done, clean up clutter inside and out, so that my doggy sitter will not have that to deal with, and the house will look nice when I get home.

    Kim from N. California
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's joke:


    During a bank heist the Chief told the Sgt. to cover all exits so the robbers could not get away.

    Later the Sgt. reports to the chief.

    "Sorry sir but they got away."

    The chief very disappointed says, "I told you to cover all Exits!"

    "I did" replied the Sgt. "but they got away through the Entrance."

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    no workout at the gym today:
    kinda did a workout. with doing laundry, going up/down the stairs, changing the sheets to the bed, throwing the ball with yogi outside, putting stuff away and pulling out some weeds in back, that could be considered a workout but i didn't put on my hrm so it didn't count.

    the weather is supposed to be awesome all next week so i will probably end up riding to work and home unless kirby needs me home quicker to let the kids out, then next weekend, the 5k run to see if i can defend my 1st place finish of last year :0)
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did 1 hr Peak 10 Cardio Interval Remix DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do some of the Tummy Toner DVD, hold my plank, and then take the extremepump class.

    Where is my post from yesterday? I know that I posted, and I've already deleted it from my notepad. Oh well...... There's no way I can remember what I had so guess I'll just go forward

    Linda in Calif
    - there's a lady who we used to bowl with that has chicks. I always save my egg cartons and give them to her to use.

    - thanks so much for telling me about that. Fantastic

    - many times I put bags of frozen veges and have them. Then when the fresh veges are in, I finish them but always have the frozen ones to fall back on. What a good writer you are. One thing that bothers me about the paper here is that for one thing the letters to the editor, I don't know who makes up the titles for them but that person sure doesn't read the letter. My husband sent in one letter that was scarcastic, and they couldn't see the sarcasm. Then the next day there was a very sarcastic letter, he said something like "xxx is really helping" and they used that as the headline! The point was that xxx isn't helping. It also bothers me when they use incorrect grammar.

    Mary in MN - I remember commenting about your new home. Congrats!

    - I love the golden beets that I get at the farmers market and the Silver Queen corn. Last time they had the Silver Queen corn I only bought 3 dozen, I should have gotten 4 dozen. When he had lots of golden beets, I figured he'd have them the next week. No way. Oh, well, now I know for this year.

    I remember mentioning in my other post about how in all the years we've been in NC, I've never been to a Bojangles or a Sonic. I just don't have any desire. And it's been years and years since I've been to a Hardees.

    Joyce - I know Vince won't be happy that I'm sharing this, but here goes. When the kids were little I taught them the correct words for the body parts. Well, one time we were in FL at KayBee and Jessica wanted to see something up high, so Vince picked her up. She said very loudly "daddy, you're hurting my vagina". He got out of there so fast you could have seen the smoke behind him! Today he'd be arrested.

    Heather - what a lovely back yard you have. Thanks for sharing

    Kat - we'd love to have ya. Stop in often for motivation

    Lisa - big congrats on not gaining weight during your trip! You are a wonderful writer. We have so many talented people in here. What a nice pic of you. Wish I was more photogenic.

    Have a question - I'm starting on the turtle. I've decided that definitely the toenails are going to be bright red. The body will be green, as for the shell, there are 10 "scales" (for lack of a better word) so I'm going to do one orange, one purple and alternate them. On the sides there are three "scales" so on one side I'll do 2 in orange in 1 in purple, on the other side 1 in purple, 2 in orange. Now on top of the shell there are three "scales". My original thought was to do one red, one white and one blue. Around the bottom of the shell there are about 17 "scales", so I have about 5 different colors picked out, orange, purple, brown, yellow, blue, and peach. My question is: do you think the red, white and blue are out of place? What colors do you think it should be if not the red, white and blue?

    - loved your thought of the day

    - I think I must keep Coppertone in business. You won't believe how many tubes of their sunsreen I have! That's the only way I can tan. Otherwise, I'd be red as a lobster

    jazzsunday - glad to have ya!

    Tina in MD - welcome to the world of retirement! Congrats on the weight loss. I bet you hit the nail on the head with the reason for the loss.

    Mary - lovely home, so glad you got it. I can understand why you wanted it so badly

    Carol/peach - (((HUGS))))

    elsabe - welcome! You bet we can rock, sometimes even more than younger kids

    Sarah - welcome. Fantastic goals, very very doable

    lagopus - congrats, bet that trophy looks just great. I think in a sense that I'm addicted to exercise. When things change, my first thought is "how can I get my exercise in?"

    Went in the pool, but it got breezy and cool that I didn't even do my exercises (boo)

    Becca - I'm sure your husband realizes how very lucky he is

    - where HAVE you been? Glad to see ya

    poop - are those old bike tires as a decoration in the background? Love your pool! You have one of the biggest hearts that I know of.

    janetr - welcome! I love doing exercises in the water. Do you do them in the shallow or the deep end?

    - welcome! and welcome to the group of slow losers. But the good thing is that if you lose slowly, it has a greater chance of staying off. And you will be making lifechanges in the meantime. So there are definite positives

    Alison - It never even crossed my mind that the pool in Poop's pic was for her furbabies....lol So sorry about your earring. I know how that feels. My father gave me this ring a long time ago. It wasn't anything much, but it was something from him. I lost it at the Y and I know that this one girl picked it up. She didn't turn it in so I'm just thinking that she needed it more than I did. But it still hurts. Wish I could find one like it.

    Jane - sorry for your pain, but glad you went to the ER and found that it's sciatica That can really hurt.

    MNMargaret - so glad you are safe

    Angie - welcome. You CAN do this

    Kim - that's great that you give away all the things you experiment on. That's what I would do. And I'm sure the recepients really appreciate it. Can you donate to a local soup kitchen? Some don't want homemade things, others don't mind.

    Michele in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    edited June 2015

    Exermom- that's kirby's old bike that's now garden art. He has had that bike longer than he has known me. One day we were on a ride and he hit a pole and snapped the frame. Thank god he is okay. That pic of him is later that day, we had to go get him another bike to ride the next day
  • JanetMMcC
    JanetMMcC Posts: 410 Member
    Joyce - great story about the personals dramatic reading. :)
    I hope Charlie's cortisone experiment goes well.
    My kid brother's wife, whom I love dearly, is utterly anti-computer. Won't go online. But she loves her Nook. :)

    Kat - Welcome! They let me in; they'll let anyone in. ;-D (I'm another newcomer.)

    NCal Kim - Yay!!!! on being caught up ahead of time.

    Lesley - good on you for the 10K. Tell me a bit about Jeanette's site, please.

    Sharon - yeah, I was surprised, too. ;0D Today I had to be done in time to get to work by 10am, but still managed more than 2 miles before my shower. If I'm gonna walk in the morning (when it's not yet oppressively hot), I'll have to get up earlier tomorrow, when work starts at 9a.

    Cynthia - this slugabed is actually getting up early to exercise. I'm hoping I can keep it up, though I'm less than confident. I mean, I know what I've done before.

    Carol/GA - Thanks! Yeah, the food's good here. But I can only give that so much of the blame for my fat. <wry smyle>
    My attempts at gumbo have been uniformly unsuccessful, but I make a mean jambalaya.
    <<hugs>> <<uploading big bandanna rather than a little hankie>>

    Lisa - bunches of wonderful stuff! Congrats on the front page, the safe driving, and maintaining weight while traveling. <<applause>>
    Sounds cool about the couple friends loving your book.

    Heather - all those travel plans sound lovely.
    and Yay! about the personal record (took me a few seconds to figure that out - "I broke my public relations on the elliptical"??). And Yay! for the happiness & fulfillment.

    Carey - yeah, crockpots steam. I've read they started as bean pots. I like "baked" spuds done in the 'wave. What's a FlavorWave air oven?
    WOW! on all the Tai Chi.

    Lenora - Way to go on the art show reception restraint! <<cheers>>
    I just discovered that if you hit the little bell icon, scroll to the bottom of the list and choose that, the page you get includes Replies -- a list of all your own replies. I found my most recent reply, right-clicked on it and chose "open in new tab", and voila! -- I was right where I wanted to be. I have the bell-page bookmarked at home, but tonight I'm logging in after work, from the office.
    Your Tuxedo's upright tail is cat-speak for "I'm a happy and confident kitty."

    jazzsunday2000 - welcome!

    Tina in MD - Congrats on the retirement, 4 lbs, less stress, more sleep and exercise. Sorry about the back. Hard to apply the elevation part of RICE to the back.
    Where in Md? I grew up in Fairfax County, Va.; The Man In My Life is from Rockville.

    MN Mary - aw, shucks. I can't see your pix, just the filenames.

    poopppp - cute dawgs.
    VERY cool bike. Kirby's invisible? ;-D

    Grandmallie - !!!!!He gets upset about bloodwork for your kidney disease??????? Holy cow. I'm sorry, but the more I hear about your husband, the less I think of him.
    Would any of these match your earring?
    These aren't flying, but some are right pretty
    lots of images here: http://bit.ly/1dpugPD
    Right-click on an image, choose "open in new tab" and you'll get to a page from which you can visit the page in question. I like to do that so I still have the whole set of choices easily available.

    CA Linda - awwww. Cute chicks.
    Good planl about the snax.

    Katla - at least the dog's stinky farts are temporary. Some breeds are prone to them on a permanent basis. I've heard that about both schnauzers and cocker spaniels.

    Elsa - welcome!

    London Sarah - welcome! Very cool on the swimming and tai chi. I'm trying to drag The Man In My Life out for morning walks. Haven't had much success.

    Lagopus - Way to go about the half-marathon -- and especially your happy muscles.

    mimarg - thanks for the info about Ms. Demetre.

    Becca - awwww, such sweetness. And congrats on making it through those difficult days.
    Could a water resistant exercise tracker keep tabs on those laps for you? (I have this vision of it on an ankle: kickkickkickkickFLIPTURN!kickkickkick... )

    Renny - very cool about the 10Ks. What's mindfulness meditation about?

    Hey, JanetR! Three Janets here now! That's not quite a record for me, though -- some years back, in chorus, there were four of us in the alto section. I suggested that we form a close-harmony quartet called Janet, but nobody bit. :)

    Heya, DebTay. My weight loss is going slowly, too, and, like you, I'm also hoping this group will help me keep myself accountable.

    Jane Martin - the good thing about sciatica is that it also responds very well to physical therapy - mostly stretching exercises. Do you have insurance that would cover that?

    Barbie - what fun, at the dance workshop. I bet you got 10k steps that day without anything extra. :)
    <<melting at the thought of your sweetie's sweetness>>

    MNMargaret - Wow. Well done on avoiding the wreck.

    Angie - welcome!

    Kim - I made some chocolate fudge w/ a bit of chipotle in it a few Christmases ago, and it was right popular. Unfortunately, I don't remember how much ground chipotle I used.
    For peanut butter fudge, try this "entertaining mess":
    You don't have to be a member to read the message, but membership is free. :)
    The /Sysop by my name there a number of messages down from the recipe is because I posted the "I tried it" message back when I helped run the place. (I gave it up in '11 so's to have more time for other enjoyments, but I still hang out there.)


  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Weigh in day today. Down 3.2 lb!! This after a 3 week plateau so I am very happy. I think logging my food every day this week has been a big help and I have you wonderful ladies to thank for my motivation.

    Not a good day in the studio today. I usually spend 6 hours in the glass studio on Sundays. I was in the studio but I have nothing to show or it today. Everything broke. Grrrrrr. Well, some days are like that. I'm a bit sad about it because I will not be there for 4 weeks now. I'm heading out of town next week, then my studio partner is off for a 2 week cruise, and then we are taking the 4th of July weekend off as well. I'm going to be rusty when I finally get back to it.

    I'm off to spend a little time with DH before it's time to turn in. Next week is busy, but short. Gotta get my rest.

    Mia in MI
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    Janet M - this recipe will be a challenge for 8 year olds… but I might be able to work it out… thanks!

    Mia – A glass studio --- stain glass or blown glass or ????

    I had fennel in the fridge, I grew some many many years ago, and I made something with it and hated it..so have avoided fennel but a week or so ago I had a fennel spread on a cracker. It was amazing so I bought fennel and asked the gal who made it for the recipe – she’s in England for 3 weeks, recipe is at home… grrr so I sliced it super thin carmelized it and with shrimp made tacos… yummy!

    June goals:
    Walk every day 180 miles for the month (in May I did 175… thought maybe a higher goal would be good)
    NEW – 1 plank every day – and log them here - 6
    Log everyday
    Eat slower
    do 2 fun things every week - week 1 – no traditional fun – but working hard to get all embroidery jobs done, clean up clutter inside and out, so that my doggy sitter will not have that to deal with, and the house will look nice when I get home.

    Kim from N. California
  • KMHilinski
    KMHilinski Posts: 14 Member
    Well, our 6 mile walk turned into 5! Got home just before the rain! My legs are sore but it feels good to accomplish something I would not have even tried months ago! Goodnight all, have a great week!
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Lisa, great job on not gaining while out of town. Kudos on making the front page of the paper. That’s cool.

    Heather, will keep my fingers crossed for you on the apartment. On your language, don’t forget the other important phrase after you learn how to order beer; “where’s the bathroom?”.

    Jazzsunday, welcome. Please tell us a bit about yourself to help us get to know you. Also, please sign each post with a name you’d like to be called. You will find this a very supportive group of ladies.

    Tina, I hope your back heals quickly. We want you to be able to enjoy that vacation.

    Poop, if you loan Yogurt the car, have him come visit me. I love that dog! <3

    , great house!!! I know you must be getting excited now!

    Linda, cute chicks. Do you have a house for them when they get bigger?

    Katla, I got the Newbie smileys from the site Barbie gave us. Don’t ask me where.

    Carol/GA, I hope the blues pass quickly. I understand trying to travel with dogs. It does slow things down.

    Sarah, welcome to this group of wonderful ladies. You will find lots of support here and I do feel like most of this group are my best friends. Come often and chat when you want. Best of luck on your journey.

    Lagopus, congrats on your run and on the trophy. You don’t have to mention the part about being last in your class. Keep that glass half full. LOL

    Renny, good to see you. Way to go on the 10Ks and the biking. Don’t be such a stranger.

    Pip, cool bike. How old is it?

    Janetr, welcome. This is a great group of ladies for support. We have another somewhat new member that had gastric bypass. I certainly wish you both the best of luck in keeping the weight off. I was shocked when I heard the huge percentage of surgery patients that were not successful in keeping the weight off. You are taking a step in the right direction with MFP and this group.

    Deb, welcome to you as well. Any exercise that you enjoy is a good one for you. Please tell us a bit more about yourself to help us get to know you. Come often and chat whenever you feel like it.

    Allison, so glad you are feeling a tad bit better. My heart just goes out to you and that DH of yours makes me so mad I want to scream. You definitely deserve better.

    Jane, sorry to hear about your problem. At least it wasn’t something worse. Ice is good too if you can put it on the muscle spasm. Feel better soon.

    Barbie, glad you are home safely and had a grand time. You are lucky to be married to that sweetie.

    NMMargaret, it sounds like way more adventure than you wanted. Glad you are safe and I hope the rest of the trip is more uneventful.

    Angie, welcome. It sounds like you have great goals. Best of luck in this journey. Tell us a bit about yourself so we can get to know you. Come often.

    Pip, it sounds like you stayed busy enough to burn a few calories. I know you said it didn’t count, but did you tell your body that?

    Mia, a BIG Congrats on being a loser! 3 ½ pounds is great, plateau or no plateau. Keep it up.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    It was an absolutely beautiful day at the beach. The sky was Carolina Blue, the temperature was around 80 and there was a sea breeze. I can’t remember a more gorgeous day at the beach in all the years I’ve been coming here. Had a turkey burger for dinner, which was actually pretty good. I don’t normally care for them too much.

    I hope each of you have a healthy and happy day. smiley-love066.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • JanetMMcC
    JanetMMcC Posts: 410 Member
    Kim -
    This looks easier for 8-year-olds. :) Much easier than fudge.
  • johinz57
    johinz57 Posts: 5 Member
    lonemaple wrote: »
    :) [month and "stephanierouse58;32717357"]Good afternoon, Steph from Greece here. Newcomer to this site but eligible as 50+ and looking to tone up and shed some unwanted pounds. Because of where we live we have an almost constant stream of visitors. They inevitably want to eat out, drink alcohol and generally party (all of which I love to do with them!) so it can be challenging to stay on track with the diet. I thought perhaps by upping my exercise levels I could lose weight more easily so I started a "Couch to 5k" running programme a month or so ago but ran into trouble with knee injuries and had to stop. The physiotherapist has suggested cycling as a low impact workout so I have borrowed a bike and started a four week training programme on Saturday designed to build one's stamina to 90 minutes continuous cycling over 4 weeks.

    So, simply, my goal for June is

    1. Complete my Cycling Training Plan
    2. Lay off wine, juice and soft drinks at least 15 of the 30 days in the month
    3. Stick to my calories on MFP


    Hello Steph. I'm Janet I'am new to this too. I live in A small town in Texas I have one of my four daughters down to visit for the summer and our goal is to lose 30 lbs she's been here a week now and already lost 5lbs and we are stepping it up walk /jogging 8 miles a day in morn and evening and so strengthening exercise also. I like having her here doing it with me it more encouraging and fun :) oh aI am going on 53 this month. I have always wanted to go visit Greece. <3
  • johinz57
    johinz57 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello Steph. I'm Janet I'am new to this too. I live in A small town in Texas I have one of my four daughters down to visit for the summer and our goal is to lose 30 lbs she's been here a week now and already lost 5lbs and we are stepping it up walk /jogging 8 miles a day in morn and evening and so strengthening exercise also. I like having her here doing it with me it more encouraging and fun :) oh aI am going on 53 this month. I have always wanted to go visit Greece. <3